Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 176: Team 10

Almost half a year is about to pass since Team Kai formed and their training continues with full force without Kai letting up even once. Today, again, Team 6 and Team 9 went ahead to train with Might Duy as their Senseis trained together in their absence, and once again, Kai chose to fully exhaust Tsume and Kuromaru to the end of their wits.

But as explained by Kai before, Team 6 has other priorities after training till the afternoon. Once Tsume brings away Guy, Obito, and Rin, Team 6 rests in the same training ground for a while and after an hour, Team 10 led by Nawaki arrives on the training ground.

"Yo," Nawaki greets the group waiting with a smile, and walks over to Kai as their teams have a standoff of their own.

Kurenai stares hard at Hikari Aburame, wondering how the Aburame girl put her in Genjutsu.

Kinju Uchiha crosses his arms and stares down at the slightly shorter Shizune who did lack a bit of confidence after her previous defeat.

Meanwhile, Asuma stares fiercely at Konan without even greeting Kurenai as he recalls the defeat he faced at the Bluenette's strange paper-based attacks.

"They look ready to go," Kai smirks and Nawaki shrugs, "I'm trying to teach Asuma and Kinju to give it a rest with the name-calling but they just won't listen."

"It's fine," Kai snickers, "We aren't their parents, after all. And Asuma growing up to calling Old Third some strange name would be an impressive turn of events and Uchiha kids have always been prideful shmucks."

"Then why did you engage with the young Uchiha during our batch?" Nawaki hints regarding Mikoto as Kai shrugs this time, "She just hid it well and thought I'm a harmless boy back then. Little did she know."

Nawaki purses his lips and shakes his head, "How do you want to proceed?"

"Let's start with the previous match-up and then we will keep on shifting between them," Kai sets a course of action, "And meanwhile, we can spar a bit. We haven't done it in forever... I kind of faded away after our own competition, remember?"

"I do," Nawaki scoffs sourly and nods, "Yeah, let's train. You're usually busy with... what is it that you're busy with nowadays?"

"Your sister," Kai grins.

Nawaki looks at Kai for a full minute before groaning, "Fell right into that one."

"Well, duh," Kai chuckles, "But on a more serious note, we should have some serious training if you intend to succeed Tsunade, no?"

Clapping his hand, Kai attracts the attention of the two teams, "I and Nawaki will be sparring not far from here and Nawaki will leave a Shadow Clone to look after your matches. The six of you will start with the same match-up as before and then Nawaki's clone will shift the match-ups. Now, remember... this is not a competition in good faith. You're genins. Shinobi. Act like one."

While it's pretty clear that Kai doesn't have any spare reserve for a single shadow clone as it may adversely affect the grind going on in Shikkotsu Forest, he also wonders if promoting cold shinobi tactics would bode well for the children...

But then again, Mikoto, Kushina, and others turned out relatively fine and they might, too. This isn't the usual world from where Kai originates, after all.

Not really questioning the act of creating Shadow Clone as Nawaki's chakra reserve most assuredly surpassed an average Jonin even though his other parameters are still building up, the two Senseis break away and find themselves standing on branches opposite to each other further into the foilage of the Training Ground.

"So, do we follow the same direction as our teams? Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, and then Taijutsu?" Nawaki questions calmly but only finds Kai smiling the entire time and rolls his eyes.

At times, Kai resembles the Senju's Jonin Sensei instead, and knowing this full well, Nawaki forms a seal, promptly breaking out of the Genjutsu illusion while finding Kai on a different branch as the latter finally replies, "Or unlike those kids, we can spar seriously. Even Orochimaru-san would relish the chance of having me serious, you know."

Smiling, Nawaki unsheathes his chokuto and replies, "For once, I don't really care. Believe me, I used to. But I guess I grew up."

"It would be sad if you didn't," Kai appraises the older youth as he senses chakra beings layered on the edge of the blade. Taking this spar as a way to analyze the youth since... technically, Nawaki would be his new landlord after Tsunade, Kai slips out one metal senbon from his sleeve and gets ready to push another Senju beyond their limits. Platonically, of course.


The initial bout between Team 6 and 10 ended the same way as before and coupled with already being pushed to a certain extent by Duy during their training in the first half of the day and still equipped with heavy ankle weights. But the latter is an excuse they are overcoming at a breakneck pace through snacking constantly and resting whenever possible. This is the world that gives the phrase— where there is a will, there is a way.

Especially in weight training.

But the trio are only recently brought to the world of grind of weights and after the initial match and expenditure of chakra, they cannot help but take a short break.

"Damn it!" Eyeing Konan fiercely in the distance as he is the only one who faced defeat once more in his team, Asuma grumbles, "How the hell is she so freakishly dangerous with her origami?"

Not interrupting his team, Nawaki's clone quietly observes everything.

Adjusting her pitch-black shades, Hikari quietly informs, "Chakra enhancement. It's a moderately advanced technique to flow chakra into the item but Konan's constant use of paper in various means seem to have developed her in this way."

"Heh, loser," Kinju snickers with a grin as he has his arms behind his head carefreely, "I won both times! But then again, that traitor was no challenge. You hear that, Traitor! The entire Kato family should be punished for what your Uncle tried to do against the Senju Clan!"

His shout earns him Kurenai's and Konan's glare as Shizune lowers her head.

"And you should have an explosive diarrehea for a week!" Kurenai hisses, emphasizing the word 'explosive' as Asuma chuckles, "Right, how about we just—"

"Oh, look, the loser has a mouth," Konan smirks while Kurenai doubles down, "The moment I take off my ankle weights, I will beat you all individually!"

"Can you?" Hikari questions calmly which gets to Kurenai.

While all three are gifted in Chakra Control department and bukijutsu, they simply lack too much.

"Alright, next turn. Who wants to participate in Genjutsu this time?"

"I— I will do it..." Shizune raises her hand.

"Heh, then I'll be your opponent," Kinju smirks only for Nawaki to shake his head, "Asuma, you have to train a bit in Genjutsu, too. Go up."

Beyond their petty rivalries, Nawaki wants the best for his team and that means to push his team to develop skills in other areas just enough to be able to defend against the enemy.

"I wish to partake in Taijutsu battle," Hikari voices her needs since she easily saw through this training event and wants to work on her weak points.

"That's my spot," Konan steps out.

"You do know you won't stand a chance against me in Ninjutsu, right?" Kinju looks at Kurenai who shakes her head, "I don't even know any Ninjutsu. So sucks to be you."

"Kai hasn't taught you guys any Ninjutsu whatsoever?" Nawaki frowns and questions as the trio shake their heads together.

"Only some Genjutsu, Bukijutsu, Taijutsu, and medical theory," Konan explains and Nawaki's clone raises an eyebrow.

It's a pretty solid regime, to be fair, but again, not only Uchiha but the other two in Nawaki's team has a natural advantage over Team 6. The only one that should be fairly equal to Team 6 at the moment is Team 7 led by Minato with three civilian genins.

The clone stops asking questions and points out, "Then you two, Kurenai and Kinju, run laps around the training ground."

The two takes the order with quite a grave look of distress. Kinju is like that because he would rather beat up his opponents and Kurenai, well, she really did work her tiny frame quite a bit during the first half of the day.

Not taking any excuses, Nawaki have the duo run laps while the other two pairs compete with one another.

While Shizune is not only quick to place Asuma into genjutsu and have a marginally greater superiority on the youth, Hikari and Konan seem to be equally well-versed with Taijutsu but the use of ankle weights eventually places Konan in a state of disadvantage.

However, Hikari seems to have more than enough understanding. Instead of pursuing to beat Konan, she takes her time to let Konan recover and then learn from the latter as it becomes apparent that the bluenette is obviously more skilled to be able to handle Hikari despite ankle weights.

Meanwhile, even Asuma loses his previous steam and is forced to come in terms that he lacks in two areas of expertise despite the opponent being already more tired.


"I swear! When you think you are safe and are about to enter your clan compound, I WILL ambush you and beat you till you whimper!" Kurenai's curses even make Asuma turn his head away while Kinju scoffs, "No skilled shinobi announces their ambush!"

"I won't hunt you like a Shinobi, you dumb Uchiha! Call Shizune traitor again, I dare you!"

"She IS a traitor!"

"You're lucky 40 kilos of ankle weight is stopping me from reaching you!"

"And you're lucky that you didn't know any Ninjutsu. My fireball would have smoked you!" Kinju snaps back in return.

'Sigh... Sensei would have thrown me in a pit of snakes if I acted like this... maybe I should throw them in a pit of snakes...' Nawaki muses internally while he calls back the duo after a while a reshuffle them once more to keep the training going.

'At least, they're lucky to be young enough to not go to the war. The stories of the war are way too raw...' He then looks at his group, 'While they seem to be better... my team is behind. In a real battle, weapons are used. And Kai made sure to train his team in bukijutsu. One good hit and it's done meanwhile, Ninjutsu and Genjutsu needs conditions and proper timing to be useful at their levels. Not only that... all three of them are learning Medical theories while only Hikari from my team has been allowed by her clan to pursue this shows that in the same period of time, Kai's team has had a more fruitful growth.'

This knowledge does not ruffle any feathers. In fact, it only allows Nawaki to understand the things he is lacking as a teacher and made him realize that he needs to prioritize his team's Bukijutsu training.

They are Shinobi. They must act and train like one.


Alternate Title: Kurenai Shall Have Vengeance!; Limited By Weights; Hikari Understood the Assignment; The Fear of War


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Shoutout to Jimina Sehnen, IMakeEOD, Angel Vazquez, paulo Felipe, StriderAnarchy99, RedEve, and AllyouKnow!!

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