Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 178: The New Initiative (2)

"You were a total ass," Mikoto scoffs while nuzzling against the said ass. How their spar transitioned to a rather comfortable and impromptu date is a question for the writers of history as Kai pouts, "Hey, I was not a total ass. I was half an ass. If I was a complete ass, I would have smacked her or something for trying to question her superior so rudely."

"Oh, what a hero," Mikoto scoffs with sarcasm dripping into her words but she, too, reveals a more troubled expression, unlike the calm look she revealed when Yahiko delivered the news. Sensing all that for the chakra empath he is, Kai hugs her tighter as he presses his back deeper into the trunk of the tree, "You're worried, too, huh?"

"And you're not?" Mikoto frowns.

"Tsunade did get Yahiko a deal as great as it can get before leaving."

"That does not change the reality. Yahiko is entering Anbu Initiative at the time of war... his missions would be more ruthless than usual," Mikoto mutters, "And all he wants to do is save Amegakure from war... what I'm truly worried about is his nature. He is... kind. Very kind. He can barely kill bandits and other shinobi due to his mind but the war missions are..."

"They are cruel. Even Jiraiya-san did not handle it for long," Kai agrees as he wonders what got into Yahiko. But the boy seems to be too determined for this voluntary initiative. It almost made Kai and others recall how he volunteered for war.

The truth of the matter is while Kai did 'save' the three Ame orphans to a certain extent and not out of the pure virtue of saving others but to keep the recent possessor of Rinnegan around him, he has grown fond of the trio— wait, nay, the truth of the matter is that three Ame orphans are now technically... Konoha orphans.

Not the same status, mind you. In Ame, orphans are most likely to eventually encounter a violent death while in Konoha, it used to be encountering a violently paranoid and bandaged man.

Humor aside, now that they have received Konoha's nurturing, Yahiko cannot just 'protect' Land of Rain. It doesn't work like that or else he will be considered a rogue nin in a matter of minutes. This did not hinder Yahiko's desire. He desires to protect Ame and hopefully, end all wars so that there are no other war orphans. It doesn't matter to him if he achieves this goal as a shinobi from Ame or Konoha.

And while this ambition is admirable, even in Kai's eyes, Yahiko needs to achieve this goal through realistic means, and in that competition when he saw Kinju and others calling names and just 'playing' around, Yahiko realized that stakes were different for everyone.

Kai is strong at such a young age because he started young be it in training or conflict. Yahiko just realized that his goals are... too big and he needs to plan every step accordingly. Konan and Nagato are already living up to their dreams and expectations while Yahiko felt stranded.

Be it the delay in the Chunin promotion for almost all other shinobi including Yahiko or the fact that his training is tied to less desperate means helped him realize he isn't reaching the full extent of his abilities he could reach otherwise.

Understanding all this and not being quick to dismiss such passion like when she used to do it for Kai, Tsunade helped steer the youth to a decision.

Not a right or wrong decision. That is yet to be concluded.

But a decision toward achieving the situation Yahiko wished for.

The 'deal' is simple. While Yahiko may join the Anbu corps, she requested training through the means of missions and the rewards for the mission should be specific training. That is dependent on what Yahiko think is the best.

However, the recent disappearance of Sakumo has indeed ruffled many feathers.

Initially, Hiruzen wanted to 'stock' as many genins as possible before the first Chunin Exam held in collaboration with Sunagkaure to not only inflict lasting damage on Suna's genins but make way for peaceful terms despite the irony of their actions.

Yet, at this point, a good portion of the current Anbu members cannot be trusted for they once belonged to the establishment of Root led by Danzo and if Danzo is behind Sakumo's disappearance using the two Aburame Clansmen then the rest must be given a small vacation.

This has left a good portion of the gap in the current number of Anbu members. Truthfully, the current number of Anbu is the same as it once was before merging with Root but now they have a larger area of responsibility.

And in light of this, Hiruzen reviewed and contacted not only Yahiko but many other older Genins that already have a Chunin's capability to employ them in an Anbu initiative. If they manage to pass this short-term initiative then they will be welcomed into Anbu and trained accordingly.

But this also meant becoming something Yahiko did not think he is still capable of— a weapon.

It's a simple case of compromise. You win something and you lose something.

And even if Mikoto took Yahiko's training seriously, what truly frustrated the youth, again, is the time he has to wait otherwise.

Should he wait for two more years, possibly, to enter into some competition again or should he take steps to raise his rank the hard way?

And Yahiko chose the latter.

Mikoto closes her eyes and mumbles, "How did you handle war?"

His experience in war is only recounted briefly to others and even Tsunade never exposed much about it to the girls much less her father.

"I don't know what to tell you," pursing his lips, Kai looks to be in a daze.

"Tell me Yahiko will be alright."

"He will, of course," Kai blinks and smiles.

"Liar... say, how high are my chances of surviving this war?" She tilts her head sideways to look at him as he shrugs, "How would I know that? After the last time, the Uchihas will be targeted surely. Your clan led a massive loss to Kumo on the war front on the Land of Hot Water."

"Should we return? It's getting late," Mikoto questions but like Kai, she has no intention of leaving for now.

But more than happy to give her an actual reason, Kai kisses the nape of her neck, "Why don't we stay here for a few more minutes? For me."

"Fine... if you say so. But this is highly unprofessional."

"I know," Kai grins and hugs the 'poor' Uchiha tighter as she smiles in contentment for a bit.

"You know," she suddenly opens up, "I think my team will be dissolved soon. Anya is showing signs of lethargy. Her mind isn't in the game and she's raised the topic of becoming a full-time medic in the hospital with her head examiner there. That would leave me and Kakashi."

"Doesn't matter," Kai sighs, "When the war strikes, the village would first send platoons of shinobi and not three-man cells. Most reserve Jonins are employed then."

Mikoto agrees with a hum and closes her eyes, "I can't wait for the war to be over."

"Right?" Mikoto prompts as Kai hums, "Well..."

Sitting up with a bland expression, Mikoto deadpans at him, "Are you serious?"

Rolling his eyes, Kai replies, "Come on, Shinobi wars are just a lot of missions going on at once instead of a mission happening once a day. Aside from more casualties due to the large number involved nothing else is different."

Mikoto's shoulders slump and she heaves a deep sigh, "I guess, you're right..."

Pulling Mikoto back into his embrace, Kai soon has his hands coated with chakra while the Uchiha instantly feels jolts of pleasure shooting up her spine.

Pouting, she berates her betrothed, "Now you're a complete ass."

"Exactly," Kai grins while feeling an urgent need to master all the current Jutsu so that he can develop sexual jutsus for the fun of it. And maybe their Sage Variants, too.

'The five-skill limit is a drag now that I can practice a lot more... but back in my previous world, we all watched the announcement of a trait evolving to the Divine Trait... is there a way to evolve my own trait? And if yes, would it improve the skill limit?'


Their training, for the most part, came to a rather dull end. Kakashi, like usual, ended up being on the receiving end of challenges from Guy and Obito while Yahiko tried to practice with Konan who refused the gesture without a thought. Instead, it's Shizune who spars with Konan out of her own volition because Kai forbade Konan to approach others.

Meanwhile, Rin sparred with Anya. Knowing each other from sharing classes in Hospital, the two did not feel too awkward around each other but Rin held a distinct feeling that Anya wasn't giving her all, and finally, Kurenai ended up sparring with Yahiko.

And bored, Tsume left her team in the clone's responsible hand before jumping on Kuromaru and riding away.

But Yahiko's day is far from ending.

The moment he returned to his home he found Nagato and Konan waiting. Although... Konan certainly looked like she had exerted quite a bit to arrive before Yahiko while equipped with her ankle weights.

Smiling wryly, Yahiko chose not to waste the time of his family and got down to explaining things. Once done, Konan clenches her tiny fist, "But... you said you did not like killing one bit! In Anbu, you won't have a choice!"

Nagato supplants, "Not to mention... Anbu will surely be used quite a bit in the coming years. There is a chance that you won't like what is asked of you. We three understand fully what it takes to survive in a war and how cruel the world can get. Once that time comes... you may be responsible for someone else becoming an orphan."

In this rare moment, Nagato chooses to keep things real instead of looking away and hoping for the best. This is Yahiko, after all. Even Nagato is selfish enough to discourage him from stepping into this decision.

As expected, once Nagato finishes speaking, a somber and deafening silence fills the living room while Yahiko's face turns a bit pale.

Yet, taking an audible and deep breath, Yahiko responds, "I have made up my mind."

"No, you don't get it," Nagato frowns, "When we were in the Land of Rain, you promised you will bring peace! Do you remember? Peace! How can you ever achieve that if you fall into the same cycle of bloodshed?!"

Yahiko frowns while Nagato continues, "I've healed many and all of them say the same thing— Next time will be different. I survived so I will be better.— but have you considered that you can become a reason for someone else's war?"

While Yahiko is supposed to be the leader, Nagato is the older one. And his experience in the hospital has benefited the youth greatly.

"I'm telling you, being impatient and bloodying your hand with the blood of the innocent will ruin you."

"You don't get it," Yahiko looks at the surface of the table with untold frustration, "You two are doing things already! I'm the one who promised to help others. I'm the only one. But... I can't. It's not that simple. If I feel afraid now then what next? We already know that sometimes killing is not a choice but a necessity! It's necessary for me to get better quickly because even if I wait, people, both innocent and guilty will continue to die!"

Looking at Yahiko with an entirely angry gaze, Konan hisses, "I would rather remain a war orphan than be saved by someone who thinks like you!"

Standing up, the girl scolds loudly, "Do you think only you feel the burden of killing? Or is it that you feel that now you have committed this crime, you must continue?"

With tears glistening in her eyes and turning them watery, Konan slams her hand on the table, "Should everyone think like you? Killing in the name of peace? Is that true peace?!"

Yahiko sighs and whispers, "I don't expect you to be understanding, honestly. And I don't expect the two of you to support my decision. I simply cannot ask that. Nagato, you want to save lives. Konan, you want to be safe, have a roof over your head, be warm, and never get hungry. I want the wars to end."

Looking at the duo, Yahiko bites his lips for a moment and falters. But eventually, he firms his gaze and decision, "For me, peace is not saving lives or domestic bliss. It's the absence of war. Nagato... thank you. I did not think of things the way you said. And Konan... sorry, but I would save you even if you never ask for it. I want to be stronger. I want to be better. I want to be able to have control over some aspects of our world to stop wars for good!"

As Konan and Nagato's lips quiver with both of them unable to hold back their tears after seeing Yahiko's tears flowing on their own, they hear the youth sob, "I... I just wished to spend tonight with the two of you because I don't know if I will even survive this initiation. Until I am part of the Anbu, I will be relocated elsewhere and won't be able to meet with the two of you."

"You're so selfish..." Konan wipes her tears but they continue to flow and Nagato nods, "Too selfish..."

It's as if they have inhaled a buttload of tear gas.

Grinning through his sobs, Yahiko grins, "I have to be selfish, you know. I learned it from the two of you!"

'Yeah... I cannot eat dinner today, can I?'

Nawaki wonders while leaning against the wall outside the door. With the living room occupied by the trio sharing a moment and the living room connected to the kitchen, it's just not possible for him to enter and act as if nothing happened.

'Good for them to make up with each other,' Nawaki smiles and walks up the stairs. A genuine feeling of relief and hunger washes over him. After all, he considers the trio his siblings of sorts.

'But damnit... I'm hungry. Senjus can eat a whole cow you know...'


Alternate Title: Second Coming of Pain?; What is Peace?; Selfish Orphans Stop Actual Scion From Eating Dinner; Tear Jerker; Touching Departure; Firm Resolution; The Will of Iron to Stop War!


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Shoutout to Ash, Elie Doan, Kirov Briggs, Asariel, Necorsis, Alec W, Mistogun2, Ethan Farias, and Phong Truong!!

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