Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 181: 13 Butts Why

Unlike Nawaki and others, Minato is very skilled in the areas he is passionate about. More so than Mikoto, too. Minato, too, has developed his Hiraishin to a great degree, and instead of sparring instantly, Minato tosses out a few marked custom-made kunais that look like miniature tridents.

"What did you use to form your unique Hiraishin seal?" Kai questions and picks up the kunai whose handle is marked by an inked scribble.

"That's the coded language I developed a few months ago when I had lost a bit of motivation to perfect Taiyogan," Minato smiles and answers without feeling awkward. The duo has been sharing information and practices of Jutsu for a long time now.

And it isn't a big deal to lose motivation every once in a while. Initially, Kai's desire for the grind stemmed from the rising levels of his skills. The update in his levels was his dopamine. But now it's something else. It's a more universal desire to experience the limits of chakra.

But Minato does not have his trait and no Shinobi known to the history ever accomplished linear growth.

"And what's with the custom Kunai?" Kai inquires curiously.

"Oh, I commissioned two batches of these kunai. One, a smaller batch, is made out of chakra metal to easily transfer chakra and the other one is used to spread out in various terrains to teleport over and escape fatal threats."

Kai nods. It's a good tactic, too, which he can mimic through his Senbon so Kai chooses to remember this one. But instead of fighting one bit, Kai uses Minato for a slab of geeky meat he is, and he questions, "Say, I've been thinking about this for some time but what was stopping the Second from achieving the opposite of Hiraishin?"

Minato blinks in surprise, "What do you mean?"

Finding a comfortable branch to perch on, Kai touches his chin, "Something happened yesterday... don't tell the girls I told you this but I have marked a few butts. Out of all the butts, I'd say Tsunade's butt is the perkiest. But she is out of the village for a mission."

"Please, I hope you're going somewhere with this," Minato closes his eyes for a moment. Similar to his mentor, usually, what Kai says can be either groundbreaking or just plain perverted.

"Hear me out now, I do have an interesting proposition," Kai smiles, "So, where was I? Ah, yes, butts. Anyway, yesterday, I wanted to meet Tsunade but I cannot just teleport over to her because she was on a mission. But I also wanted a squeeze. This got me thinking if Hiraishin is inspired by Summoning Jutsu, why did Lord Second never create a Hiraishin variant that can be used to teleport marked opponents to you?"

Minato quietly listens as Kai continues, "Unlike Summoning Jutsu which is temporary and can be canceled by any of the two parties, Hiraishin is permanent like a cursed seal. Not only that, but I also got to thinking about who created Summoning Jutsu since it apparently exists but has no record of it but that's for another day. The point I am trying to make is, after this thought, I tried to reverse the use of Hiraishin but I failed."

"Why?" Minato questions eagerly. The reasons for failure are most often unknown during the first time but he believes Kai wouldn't let it rest after the first time.

"I think one of the many problems is the lack of chakra," Kai frowns, "When we use Hiraishin, we are the source of chakra. We are the ones traveling and the cost of chakra increases if we're moving with someone else. In essence, anything affected by our thoughts and chakra can be used with Hiraishin. That's why when we teleport, we don't get naked."

Minato's eyes brighten and he instantly understands what Kai is trying to say, "But the opposite is not true. The person or item marked with Hiraishin cannot use these seals unless they understand the formula and the seals themselves are beacons for us to teleport and do not possess enough chakra to achieve Hiraishin."

"That's what I think, too," Kai grins, "The reason the summons can refuse the call at times is that they possess chakra, too. That is why Shinobi either beat them to submission or cultivate a great bond to rely on the summons in their time of need."

"You said that it's only the part of the problem... what other factors are limiting this use of Hiraishin?" Minato questions and quickly pulls out an empty scroll from his pocket to take notes. Kai's gaze brightens, too. That's the Minato he is looking for.

Fuck spar.

Geeking out grind with a fellow cultured Shinobi is way better!


The training montage has come to an end but it's like Kai is facing his nightmare.

Hiruzen cautioned him to be a professional sensei and he has been nothing but caring and professional without an ounce of ill-intent in 'that' manner for his team. Of course, it's only because they're kids. If they were grown-ups, professional ethics be damned. He's a Shinobi who aspires to build a harem of Kunoichi and being professional would be his worst mistake... however... he has vastly underestimated Kurenai.

'So... that was her master plan?' Konan and Shizune share the same, flabbergasted sentiment as they arrive at another barbeque restaurant for their dinner. It's Kai's treat, after all. However, Kurenai had requested to leave early and now they know why.

There are divided compartments in the restaurant for others to have privacy and a few people can be seen waiting for their family or friends.

"If it isn't Kai-Sensei," A well-endowed curly-haired brunette stretches her full red lips and narrowed her crimson gaze while striking a pose with her hands crossed under her voluminous breasts. A graze of light blue eye shadow accentuated her eyes further as she invites, "I have been waiting for you, Sensei."

Kai looks at Shizune and Konan who look equally weirded out.

And then Kai looks at the underaged Bimbo.

Wearing a dress that accentuates her figure without the necessary mental maturity of knowing that Kai wouldn't get a boner for a day or so after seeing this, Kurenai— transformed into what she considers her probable future self— continues her negative game, "I didn't wear my ankle weights at all."

She bends down to let her cleavage hang down accordingly as she attracts many glances while suggestively touching her ankle. But here's the thing...

These transformed breasts are probably worse than implants.

Kurenai suddenly has the top of her head chopped upon by Kai's swift hand of justice and—


A plume of smoke covers Kurenai as her transformation dispels.

Soon revealing to be the same kid that would pass off as a pretty boy if not for her long, curly black hair, Kurenai rubs the top of her head with a pout while her real ankles are still equipped with ankle weights.

"Ow," she groans as Kai looks around and finally ignores the amused glances of a few Kunoichi.

Instead, he sighs deeply, "Just get inside the damn restaurant like a normal person."


"Sensei... I," Kurenai lowers her head. Honestly, she still thinks the plan should be foolproof!

"Your idea to learn what Hikari did to you... was to seduce me?" Kai looks at the girl with a tinge of fear blooming in his heart. This is the kind of shit he used to pull on Tsunade, too. What next? Would Kurenai raid his undergarment drawers?

'It's good I don't have anything crotchless then...' Kai muses internally before shaking his head as Kurenai is rather open about her approach and explains while Shizune's and Konan's shoulders are trembling from trying to hold their laughter in.

"Well... everyone knows you want a harem so we know you're a pervert. And my dad has a book written by Jiraiya. The same one that you read sometimes while sparring with us. But neither you nor dad let me read it so I bought one for myself..."

"You bought make-out tactics?" Kai mutters in shock... again, something he would do, too.

Kurenai nods and chews on the meat with a large pout, "I don't know why that Book is so popular. Half of the tactics won't work on you... I tried chapter 13, the Wanton Student."

"Oh, Rikudo..." Kai groans and has his hands covering his face with cringe flowing through his veins as Konan and Shizune finally burst out laughing. Tears flow from their eyes with ease as they hold their aching stomachs.

Scoffing, Kurenai complains, "I thought it would have worked."

"For that to work, you need to be an adult," Kai sighs deeply.

"I transformed into one," Kurenai retorts.

"Look," Kai speaks seriously, "Books are entertainment. They are true sometimes but not always. And if you wish to seduce someone, not me," he clears that up rather quickly, "Then you need to truly understand their habits. And that, too, is manipulation at best. And Jiraiya-san is the last person you want to learn seduction from."

Kai, of course, wouldn't give the reason why. It's obvious that Jiraiya has a magnificent game but it cannot be understood by simpletons.

"I just cannot understand what Hikari did..." Kurenai sighs deeply.

"The true reason for this meal is to discull all of this," Kai reveals with a smile, "So, next time, you better be older before pulling this stunt and wiser, too. I'd suggest learning from Nono in your free time..."

While he may be creating a monster by entrusting Kurenai to Nono with how her actions tonight resembled his a lot, Kai brushes past this irrational fear and notes these changes before adding, "Let's eat before discussing more serious stuff."

The trio eventually settle down and began to eat heartily.

After a while, Kai starts, "For the next few months, we will return to our previous routine except all the physical exercises you did before will be replaced by the exercises trained by Duy-san. Next, you will focus on your medical theories once more. And while I expect you to complete a D-ranked mission every day, we will complete a C-ranked mission per week, too."

This is the general outline and he soon adds a few more sessions for keeping up with taijutsu conditioning and Genjutsu practice. Even now, he speaks nothing about ninjutsu because Kai is aware they won't get any time for it.

His priority at the moment is for the girls to get their theories down to a solid T. Why?

Their bodies and chakra reserves will grow over time and that will be a more appropriate setting to train Ninjutsu so it's better to master basic medicine to the highest level and make its best use later on.

Finally, Kai gets down to discussing Shizune's confidence whenever she is regarded as a traitor, Konan's rather complacent outlook that she is doing fine when there is a younger chunin by the name of Kakashi, and Kurenai's most puzzling question.

"It's Hikari's bug," Kai laughs, "Genjutsu is to control the chakra flow of the opponent and in turn their senses. Hikari uses her bugs to inject her chakra into the enemy directly and uses that as her medium of Genjutsu."

Kurenai's eyes widen in surprise and she instantly recalls the tiny pinch she felt while facing Hikari.

Finally, Kai presents them with their gifts.

"Sensei?" Shizune looks at the equipment similar to ankle weights as Kai grins, "These are for your wrists. Good work these last few days. Of course, the maximum weight of the wrist weight is ten kilos at the moment but don't worry, I believe you guys can train with it and excel!"

And then came the head pats of comfort.

'Heh... who knew head pats will have this great of a response,' Kai snickers internally as his students are quick to wear wrist weights after the act.

'Maybe I should write a book, too... Grind Tactics...'


Alternate Title: Desire for Butts Promotes Ninjutsu; Ass Delivered on a Platter— The Future of Hiraishin; Kurenai's Got That Dawg in Her; Spitting Image of Kai; Bugs' Them Answer; Minato and Kai— GBL; GBL— Grind Buddies for Life... That Came Out Wrong


A/N: We almost got caught Kai lacking XD


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