Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 201: The Cutest Liar

Kushina has a wide smirk. Too wide, in fact. She can barely stop herself from grinning.

Sitting on the bed with her knees folded behind over which she rests her plush, smackable butt, Kushina snickers, "So, you want MY help?" She emphasizes 'my' and narrows her mischievous violet orbs while gazing at Kai.

'Well... saying that I want Kyubi's help would only aggravate her,' Kai muses and smiles. Then again, he has always been bold and honest, "No, I want to take you out. As for help, it's studying Kyubi that will help me."

"Huh?" Kushina blinks before bouncing off her knees and tacking Kai down on the bed before straddling his waist, "Really? Really, dattebane?! A proper date? The kind we see in plays!"

Grinning and stroking her cheek, Kai hums, "I consider our training and spars date, too, you know. I don't know why you don't consider that."

"Because it's training," Kushina huffs and inflates her cheeks, "And you always beat me! It would be a date if I ever won!"

"You do realize that I do the same things you want on actual dates while we train, right? You get kisses, spanks, top-notch food, and hours of fun."

"A date!" Kushina cuts him off with an excited expression, shouting again as her voice spreads across the entire pad, "A DATE!"

'Overexcited much?' Kai blinks, 'Maybe... I should act a little more thoughtful toward her. Mikoto and Nono don't mind it but Kushina... only has me... until she thought Mito is dead. Nice. I'll just train Kushina to the point she beats Mito for both of us!'

After all, Kai is confident in his chances against the enigmatic Mito but it won't do his heart any good to raise his hand to attack his mistress... raising his hand to massage her new, younger self... now that sounds rather enticing!

With almost all his stored chakra being at the expense of his wooden clones, Kai did feel the need to find sources of chakra and focus on them, like Tailed Beasts.

"Wait..." Kushina frowns, her hands groping him all over as she questions, "How do I know it's the real you?"

"Well, all wooden clones are technically 'real' me with shared experience and all. But I do empathize with the sentiment and why you might not like a wooden clone... but the clone is teaching the team," Kai assures her. He hasn't been explicit with them about his newfound vigor in training Mokuton until now. As expected, Kushina's eyebrows perk up in surprise but he suddenly turns around and has her back touching the bed.

Now lording over Kushina, Kai leans down. His lips close in with the intention to meet hers but stop a centimeter apart, "But I'm the real deal. If I am spanking your ass, you can rest assured, it's always me."

"O-oh..." The redhead's cheeks collect a dusting of red and she averts her gaze, "Kai... will you promise me one thing?"

"Anything except refraining from being inappropriate during our date!" Kai grins, his smile filled with illicit intentions.

Huffing against his lips, Kushina looks at him seriously. For once, her violet eyes reveal a hint of determination and... abject protectiveness, "I don't want you to hurt Kyubi in any way! If you do... I'll fight you seriously."

Kai gazes back gently, "Man, you're a hypocrite, you know? I think Kyubi would rather enjoy a fight to the death... than get her butt spanked red just like yours. You've already wounded her... pride."

"I'll kill him," A deep growl rumbles within Kushina as Kai lowers and pecks her lips, "And... I don't intend to hurt you. If I did, I would have 'punished' you for peeking at me and Mikoto..."

Blushing bright red like a ripe tomato, Kushina stutters, "It was Cinnamon's— ah, no, I was Nono's idea!"

Grinning, Kai leans down and holds his kiss this time. Her body flinches for a moment. Her fingers dig into bedsheets and her heart almost leaps out of her chest. But eventually, she closes her watery eyes and wraps her hands around his neck.

She does want a date... but that's just her greed.

She can live without it. After all, Kai showers her with everything!

As he pulls back, he whispers with a snicker, "God, I love your reactions when you lie."

Kushina looks away while pressing her lips thinly.

"I just thought... it'll be good training, dattebane!"


"Am not!"

"You are," The honest beast within supplants in a low rumble of her deep voice.


While Kushina wanted to prep for the date by herself with the intention of surprising Kai, he, too, made his way into Tsunade's mansion.

"Ughhhh... I feel sick..." Nawaki plants his head on the table that Tsunade usually presides on as the thump of his head causes the few documents in the corner to fall down.

Not far from him, on the sofa, Nono calmly sips on sake while reading Make-out Tactics— an act that would earn her a proper beating from Tsunade. Not because of Make-out Tactics but because Nono is drinking sake from Tsunade's most private and expensive stash.

The Slug Princess may have a taste for Somarasa now but she still doesn't share the good stuff with others.

On the other hand, on the seat usually belonging to Nono sits a calm middle-aged man with a stern expression as he calls out, "Nawaki-sama, you must learn to discipline yourself in the face of unsurmountable paperwork! Remember, enemies and shinobi are temporary... but the paperwork is eternal!"

"Hiroshi-san," Nono speaks without looking up and 'advises' Nawaki's advisor. After all, that's why she is here. "Saying Paperwork is eternal will make Nawaki-san more stressed. You should dangle false hope in front of him. Saying things like— Just another hour. Or, Just another sign... and then lead him on."

Hiroshi touches his jaw with a ponderous look and smiles cheerily, "Nawaki-sama, don't give up! Just another hour—"

"Are you for real?!" Nawaki snaps and then leans back while massaging his head, "From the meetings with other clan heads and proxies to all this paperwork, I can't believe Onee-chan does all this without a break! I know I'm just supposed to fill in until she returns from her mission but... she really acts like she doesn't care about all this work."

Setting her cup down, Nono hums, "Well, you already have chakra reserves for shadow clones but Tsunade-sama forbade to use Shadow Clones for all the administrative work until you take over the position from her."

"Yeah..." Nawaki groans, "That would have been easy..."

"On the contrary," Hiroshi Senju sighs, "If you are undisciplined, your shadow clones will be undisciplined, too. They might undo themselves just because they don't want to work. That's a waste of chakra and time and because we Senju have good chakra reserves, we tend to fall back on Shadow Clones more often than others.

So, once our own undisciplined selves act like this, we aren't confident in the jutsu itself and it may lead to a fatal weakness during a mission."

Nawaki frowns and mulls over the matter before nodding.

"I'm coming in!" A dark-haired olive-skinned youth barges in with a wide grin, "What's up?"

"Kai..." Nawaki huffs, "Ever heard of knocking?"

"Ever heard of me giving a fuck?" Kai grins and nods at Hiroshi as the man nods back, too. Rolling his eyes, Nawaki questions, "What do you want?"

"Well, I want Nono. I want to discuss something with her and tickle that sadistic mind of hers with something. Are you free?"

Nono looks at the book and then the cup of sake before bobbing her head somewhat reluctantly, "Yeah... but I was getting to the good part again..."

Kai shrugs and then looks at Nawaki, "By the way... why are you wasting your time?"

"What do you mean?" Nawaki frowns.

"Why aren't you using shadow clones? I saw your team just training with themselves in the training ground behind."

Groaning, Nawaki looks at the paperwork, "I can't use shadow clones to skip paperwork..."

Kai blinks and then looks at Nono and Hiroshi, "You guys manipulated him into thinking that? Or did Tsunade say something?"

Nono smirks while Hiroshi good-naturedly dodges Nawaki's inquisitive gaze.

"Oh, whatever. I'm the kind of Sensei that would rather let you find the answer after giving hints but this works in the time of peace, not impending war, dear brother-in-law!"

Nawaki clicks his tongue at the title but having enough respect for Kai's skills despite his age, Nawaki stays silent.

"You can use Shadow Clones to train your team and yourself, remember? You're the one doing the paperwork. Your clones are out there, busting their asses."

Nawaki blanks out as Kai adds, "Orochimaru-san used to train you and your teammates using his clones, too. Be a little more like your Sensei. Don't be afraid of breaking some rules or working a way around them."

Nawaki nods slowly and sighs, "Thanks."

"Come on, don't be like that," Kai snickers and shrugs, "Paperwork is the common enemy against which we all stand united. And I won't take much of Nono's time or you can just leave a clone here."

Nono nods, "Someone should finish this sake."

She forms a seal and creates a clone and then downs the cup of alcohol in a single gulp.

The clone glares at the original with a deadpan while Nono smirks with a heated blush on her cheeks, "And that someone will be me~! And don't you put Nawaki and Hiroshi-san into some weird Genjutsu!"

"Hmm, I'll try," the clone adjusts her glasses and sits down on the sofa while the original leaves with Kai.

Meanwhile, Hiroshi questions, "What kind of illusions?"

"You don't want to know..." Nawaki blushes and lowers his head before creating two shadow clones. One to train his team and the other to train himself. After all, his 'problem' is not his raw qualities but his lack of finesse as he realized while sparring against Kai. He needs to work more on everything!


Alternative Title: Nawaki Getting Ahead in the World... *Original Nawaki* Gets Rekt; The Brother-In-Law; Kai: Knocking? What's that?; Kyubi is Wounded... Her Pride is Shattered, and so are her Buttcheeks


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Shoutout to CiekawyNick, Yusuf and Ramon diaz!!

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