Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 204: A Date Cut Short

Kushina is just as much of a well-known hungry beast for blood as she is known for her lack of interest in dressing up. But right now, almost every passing shinobi with the slightest bit of knowledge and envy toward Kai and his cultured goals cannot help but glance at the couple strolling hand-in-hand under broad daylight!

How fucking sinful!

Many shinobi don't dream of much. The ability to survive is just as fortunate to them as a bed to return to but seeing someone winning THIS much in the profession of death, many fans of make-out tactics felt a shuriken rend their hearts into shreds.

Some of these shinobi included genins who used to bully Kushina... well, they tried to bully Kushina while feeling oddly interested in her. That's just how they could show their interest. Alas, that child-like interest then was reciprocated with a beatdown so bloody that the marks of trauma are still fresh in their minds.

And now, that very Red Hot-Bloodied Habanero is holding Kai's hand, wearing her hair in a sickeningly sweet and cute side ponytail and all dressed up compared to usual.

Meanwhile, Kai... despite his efforts of dressing up, came across the entire male populace as an ass. Except for a few, of course.

"Hey, Kai-san!" Minato catches sight of the couple and smiles widely, "I was thinking about the stuff you theorized for Taiyogan and Hiraishin—"

A shiver runs down his spine while Kai looks away guiltily. Why Guilty? Because he couldn't hold back his smirk.

Her red hair ponytail begins to divide into tresses that flow midair with her violet eyes now brimming in lust for brutality. Her teeth are pressed together as they create a grating sound. She has already been feeling uncomfortable with all the stares, she shall not have her date branch further into Kai's and Minato's bond over jutsu and whores!

"Get," she punctuates her words with a remarkable sear of rage in her voice, "Going."

Minato never knew Hiraishin could be THIS useful in times like these. He disappeared out of existence through his own efforts before Kushina could lend a 'helping' hand.

"You have no problem—" She snaps her head in his direction with an equally wrathful scowl but she is pulled close while his arms link more intimately with her, causing her reflexively coil both her arms around his. Her anger fizzles in a moment as smiles hugely, "Why would I have any problem? You obviously are more important to me than talks of jutsu."

Well... they are equally important but Jutsus aren't sentient to get mad at him. Kushina is.

She quietens down and simply buries her blushing face into his shoulders as they start strolling toward a familiar storefront again. This time, feeling her breasts press into his arms, Kushina feels even more conscious of her surroundings but that simply doesn't matter to her. She hugs his arm tighter and walks in the comfort of their silence.

Ichiraku Ramen.

"Welcome," Ichuraku looks up before his smile widens, "Hah! I'm glad you chose us for your date. That's loyalty right there!"

Asame smiles quietly beside her lover as Kushina squirms, "It's not like—"

"It's exactly like that," Kai tears off the mask of pretenses Kushina is building over her after actually getting what she wanted, something that Kai could not let her do to discount their day, "We're gonna fill up on ramen first, walk around, lay in the park, then some fruits in the afternoon before I pick her up and take her to my room!"

His proud declaration makes Kushina choke on her saliva while the two odd customers, shinobi that Kai is aware of— Kinju Uchiha and Asuma Sarutobi— almost suffocate on the ramen stuck in their throats.

"Hoh, I remember being this forward," Ichiraku chuckles and looks at Asame fondly before nodding heartily, "Fill up all you want. I'll have Kushina's special—"

"Nothing spicy!" Kushina snaps with a furious blush and glares at the gawking genins, "What?" Her temper flares again, "Don't want your eyes anymore?!"


The duo gulp whatever is stuck in their throats, toss the money on the counter and skedaddle instantly.

"You gotta check your bloodlust with kids," Kai flicks her forehead and looks at the couple in the front, "Sorry about that."

"No worries, the next round for them will be on me," Ichiraku chuckles while Asame gestures to the duo to sit before starting to set some spices to add as she hums mischievously, "Nothing too spicy, huh... what an odd request~!"

Kushina vibrates in her seat while looking down as Kai nudges her shoulder, "Relax a little. I brought you here because I want you to enjoy the day."

"You speak too much..." Kushina mutters as Kai snickers, "Well, I have to make things clear, right? It's not like Ichiraku and Asame-san don't know what I'm up to."

She pouts and knocks his shoulder slightly, "I also don't like how others are looking at me weirdly..."

"We can always slip into an alley," Kai shrugs, making Kushina scowl. As if she has made dark alleys of Konoha her enemy, she speaks in a low snarl, "No alleys!"

"Yes, yes~ See? You're way more relaxed now. Just like that," Kai leans across the counter table with an elbow as he rests his cheek on his fist while looking at her alone, "Heh, and I loved it when you sent those two running with fear of god. Try it on orphans next!"

The other three almost fell face-first as they are reminded again how much of a bully the fourth existence is to children.

But clearly... the other kind likes him instead. That's why they always bother him. Or maybe, just maybe, Kai grazes [Mystical Sage Palms] on to the orphans who need every bit of nourishment to survive.


"How odd? With you and Kai more than just alike, I thought Sarachi won't act out with you, too... he adores Kai, you know?" Mikoto hums as she babysits her half-brother with Nono while her father is enjoying the day with Kyo.

"What? Impossible," Nono adjusts her glasses, "This bundle of poo likes Kai?"

"Hey!" More than just an infant, a young boy with dark hair like every other Uchiha and obsidian eyes pout while throwing a plastic, blunt shuriken at Nono which she catches easily.

"Kai-Ni-san is cool! Cooler than you two combined you two poo-heads!" The boy scampers off on his tiny legs as Mikoto continues to smile fondly while folding the laundry.

"He needs more vocabulary in his collection of insults but he has the spirit," Nono smiles and sits beside them and helps her with the chores.

"Should you not reprimand him for not running in the house?" Nono questions.

"Oh, let it be. He has too much energy to spare. Besides, children learn from their mistakes far more easily than adults ever do," Mikoto chuckles and tosses one slice of orange into her mouth.

Nono hums audibly, enjoying the peace and the quiet. Unlike their pad which felt homely and cozy due to their personalized touch, Yata's manor is distinctly traditional. But the sound of rustling trees from the garden, the chimes of the bell set on the entrance to the backyard, and the subtle scent of the tea she chose to drink instead of settling for an orange... all of it made Nono feel peaceful. Even Mikoto is the same.





"See?" Mikoto smiles and squints her eyes as she eats another slice of orange, "Now Sarachi will remember not to run."

"Mikoto-Onee! Help me!" His loud whine echoes but Mikoto hums a soft tune and continues to fold the laundry.


"Yes, Nono?"

"Your brother is crying..."

"Let him. He'll come here on his own. Life is not done teaching him a lesson yet," Mikoto smiles peacefully.

Nono glances at Mikoto with a positive look of worry.

Breaking rules set by Uchiha Police, breezing through Anbu interrogation, that slutty outfit, and now this...

'Mikoto... hid too deeply!' Nono breaks out in a moment of cold sweat. 'How the hell does Kai ever manage to deal with all of us? Had I been I guy, I'd be dry after Mikoto is done with me...'



A sobbing Sarachi soon stumbles into the room sporting skinned elbows and a shallow cut on his head, "Mikoto-Onee... heal me," he sobs and looks at his elder sister with wide, watery eyes but Mikoto remains complacent.

"What did we talk about insulting your elders?" She questions while offering Nono, "Orange?"

"No... I'm perfectly fine with the tea you brewed," Nono smiles, 'Which, I hope, isn't laced you scary bitch!'

If this is Mikoto's way to assert dominance then Nono has to admit, it is working.

"I'm sowwy!" Sarachi breaks out into a loud bawl as he rubs his eyes, "I won't call you two poo heads again!"

Mikoto nods with a pleasant, encouraging smile, "And?"

"I *hic* won't run in the halls!"

"Good," Mikoto sighs with a smile as her hand layers in the green current of chakra which she presses against Sarachi's head. As she heals him, the boy bolts away after wiping off his crocodile tears, making Mikoto sigh and shake her head with an amused chuckle.

They are almost done with the laundry so Mikoto simply planned to nap after tucking Sarachi into his bed for the nap, too.

'But this is truly peaceful...' Nono feels like a slob, 'I can get used to it...'

Alcohol and porn may only alleviate so much of her stress from working under Tsunade. Now matched with such a sensation, Nono cannot help but feel her tensions slip and her shoulders ease.

"Take rest after this," Mikoto smiles at Nono, "You would have wasted your time doing nothing back at our home but your mind needs rest, not supplements."

Nono realizes Mikoto's true intention only now.

'So... amazing. I stand to learn from Mikoto... and ironically, Kushina, a lot,' the bespectacled girl takes on the offer earnestly and spends her afternoon recovering from the stress that is her life.


"Hah... this is life~! Working with my team to paint fences for missions, training, and simultaneously being here," Kai heaves a deep sigh as both he and Kushina lay under the shade of a tree in a park open to civilians.

The afternoon sun does not beat down Konohagakure with brutal heat. It's the time of sweet spring and even sunny afternoons are a welcome sight. The soft gusts of wind shake the canopy of dense leaves in a symphony of pleasant rustle which would part ways for an errant beam of sunlight to flicker around the duo in the shade as if fireflies dancing around them.

"I really liked ramen today," Kushina whispers. She is completely relaxed now. Her head remains on Kai's lap while his hand softly scratches her scalpel with a bit of chakra added to the tips of his fingers.

His massage elicits her to sigh in contentment. Whatever she expected, she got more than her desires. This is simply the best. Thus, she continues her brief assessment of the ramen today.

"Usually, I wouldn't like too weak of a flavor. I like a kick in the soup, after all... but the sweetness of the meat made up for it more than I expected, dattebane~!" She croons and nuzzles her head against his hand with a wide smile, "I liked it even more than usual~!"

"I did, too," Kai leans against the tree with a peaceful smile. His eyes, too, closed as he continues to pamper Kushina with a multitude of scratches that she enjoys quite a bit. At times, ticklish giggles would escape her lips as she continues to hum in a soft tone.

There is no doubt that Kushina has grown and with chakra being the great equalizer it is, she looks like a young lady to the boot. While Kai did have inhibitions before... those are naturally worn down eventually. You don't get to live in a world and participate in wars that get splashes of the blood of children on your hand with the audacity to consider yourself pure in any manner or form.

But Kai is especially reluctant with Kushina now. Heck, he won't mind Tsume or Nono but Kushina... is just too good to him. She always has been. She doesn't need to actively show her care and generosity. She's already shed tears for him. Her existence keeps more of his devilish desires that seem to be stoked by all this power in check. And without a doubt, the energetic jinchuriki is his favorite.

It's not about beauty or being hot or whatever. And he certainly won't discard others for Kushina. Like the redhead, Kai always craves more. More strength, more jutsu, more grind, more girls, more teachings to his student, more excellence...

"But I really did fall for you first," Kai voices his thoughts out loud, causing Kushina to stiffen briefly before she looks up with her violet pupils desiring more details. Her smile shortens and she waits quietly.

"I was hoping to get all things ready before taking the mission pending for Uzu and asking you there... but would you honor my existence by—"

Kushina turns around and bounces on him in a single breath. Her hands wrap him tightly, her legs straddle his waist and her forehead presses into him as she locks her eyes with a wide grin, "You don't get to make it sound so honorable and out of order, dattebane! Plain and simple! Try again!"

"Wanna bang out a proposal?" Kai grins as he holds her close, his hands boldly finding more comfort in the sensation of her ass as his breathing feels heated for a second. Though blushing, Kushina gives a toothy grin, "Sure!" And then she falters, "But... do we actually do it all? I mean... how about we—"

Kai and Time wait for no man. With the impeccable use of Hiraishin, the two find themselves on his bed while Kushina grows silent.


Startled awake, Cinnamon lets out a hiss as Kai looks at her, "Ugh... sorry, but could you sleep in another room?"

Kushina flushes harder. In retrospect, she should have never encouraged Kai to tear off the pretenses.

"I curse you two to die in a fiery inferno of my wrath," a deep grumble resounds within Kushina as she rolls her eyes. She isn't going to not try the things she wanted for a while just because of a furball inside of her.

Cinnamon: "?!"


Alternate Title: Poor Cinnamon; Kai's Date Plan; Mikoto's a Scary Bitch; Nono's Respect Rises; Sarachi's Poo Keepers; The Smutty Geek's Fated Rest; Minato's Impeccable use of Hiraishin; Putting Fear of Rikudo in Sarutobi and Uchiha Alike; Kushina Wants Nothing Spicy... for Reasons; An Honorable Proposal? No, She Wants it True and Rough; The Legends of Red Habanero Continues; Kai— The Enemy of Malekind; Kai's Favorite; His Head is on Her Heels and His Fingers on her Ass!


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Shoutout to Impunity, Alan Adames, and Daniel Thomsen!

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