Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 214: The Tale of Past

[Indra's Tritya Panth] was neither chakra intensive nor that hard to draw with his experience. That's the beauty of seals. Of course, years of training and preparation of various items during the training period cannot be ignored, but that's almost universal.

Kai achieved substantial results with all seven clones working together, from 3000 runes to 33000 and more—he leveled his new skill twice. Kai would have gotten an even better result had he used shadow clones instead of wood clones. But nothing beats the passive training of his [Mental] and [Perception] stats.

Even if he only leveled up twice, he could start to unravel the Stone Tablet an hour before the break of dawn. The other wood clones continued to grind the new skill as one of them sat in front of the stone tablet with a flicker of understanding.

Only this one remained in his Sage Transformation to look out for any cum-man that might drop by. His draconic nail scrapes the surface of the stone tablet, but it fails to leave a mark.

'If this was some kind of a game world, this stone tablet would have been an enchanted item of the highest order. So many protective seals… damn! And a similar seal resonating with the kekkei genkai of the Uchiha act as a key to unlock what this stone tablet has to offer.'

'Three stages of regular sharingan and mangekyo sharingan—make four keys. But there is another seal. A total of five barriers. The most fascinating thing is that these layers do not seal words.'

Kai begins to infuse his chakra into the stone tablet. He was not an Uchiha, but that didn't stop him from pursuing Mikoto or having a sharingan, and it won't stop him now.

Seals react to his presence. And they begin to reveal their nature as he decodes it, to put it bluntly.

Words fluctuate and ripple on the stone tablet. The first few words of caution re-emerge.

'This is… Genjutsu.'

Kai takes a deep breath.

A Genjutsu that has survived till now. This genjutsu on the stone tablet is not anchored on any seal. It exists in reality. If Nono found out about this, she'd cream her panties and milk a lot more stuff by creating the wildest Genjutsu illusions known to humanity!

'Seals protect the stone tablet and divide this strange Genjutsu. It's almost like Izanagi. Did some old Uchiha write this genjutsu? But this Genjutsu is still better than Izanagi. It persists to this day and is powerful enough to be sealed in multiple layers.'

That's what Kai discovered.

The stone tablet is not carved. A Genjutsu is cast on the tablet instead.

A Genjutsu that reacts wonderfully with seals and divides a tale based on the Uchiha's sharingan.

Kai silently works his way to unlock the second layer of the seal. It takes time and patience, but not more than 17 minutes. Even if he completed the grind, he would only be quicker by a few minutes since all the seal matrices are intertwined like a neat web. Impatience in untying the metaphorical knots may ruin everything he worked for tonight.

—Let not emotions ruin you; pain is the beloved offspring of love.

Strength is meant to be used for good; forge your path in this world of conflicts.

Fret not pain; Fear not loss.

Fear not the blessing of Six Paths reflected in the eye of magatama.

It is strength's nature to bring peace.—


Kai frowns.

The fuck?

'This Genjutsu is fucking tampered? Understanding the flow of the target's chakra and lacing your chakra alongside the Genjutsu is how we reverse a Genjutsu. But I would not have noticed this on the stone tablet if not for the seals acting a little restrained around the genjutsu. This did not occur in the first part of the tablet. Before that, I wouldn't have sensed the seals acting strange without being in my Sage Transformation either.'

Getting more engaged by the mystery of the stone tablet, Kai starts unsealing the third grid. This level is for the Uchiha members with sharingan developed to three tomoes.

It doesn't take Kai more time than before. The matrices are the same, after all. It's only the content reflected on the stone tablet that differs.

—Limits are imposed by the mind; It is broken by pain.

Three is not the end, but it should be.

A broken heart must not encounter pain, for it shall rot.

A shattered soul must not consume strength; He who shall suffer.

Beyond three is a world of corruption.

Only those with a heart of love can accept the pain and suffering.

Only the self-sufficient are the ones able to rise.

Mangekyo sacrifices heart; One must never lose their love.

For those uncorrupted, gifts of Six Paths awaits.

Dream of the blessings.

The Eyes are the gateway to the truth.—

'This is tampered with, too. But in what areas?' Kai frowns and starts working on the next seal.

By the break of dawn, he is done with the portion available to the owners of Mangekyo Sharingan.

—Strength is blinding; the world fades.

Beyond three is pain; It is felt.

Heartless and without vision.

The eyes reflect on the tailed names.

Heaven leaves a path; Six Paths awaits.

The flesh is weak for Indra; Find the Asura's flesh.

The vessel and the eye unite; Six Paths is overjoyed.

Samsara is held.

Pain vanishes; Heart returns.

Eyes open to Six Paths.

Mother blesses her sons; Kaguya welcomes her son.

Samsara is achieved.—

Kai, all of him, adopts a dazed look.


The word passes through the eight halves of his consciousness before recollecting to form a pair of purple eyes with a rippling pattern.


"Sharingan, Mangekyo, and Rinnegan. Of the three great dojutsus, two falls under the same evolutionary chain. So this tablet cautions against power and then leaves a way to let other Uchihas gain said power? Seems counterproductive. Or it could be the contents that tamper the Genjutsu in the first place… wait."

"Fuck that."

His eyes glint.

Things just became a lot more complicated.

Rinnegan did not belong to Nagato. So, the original owner of these eyes is either the actual sage of six paths or an Uchiha.

'An Uchiha…'

Names of many revolutionary Uchiha talents appear in his mind, but they all are dead.

'Let's see what the last seal has to say.'

Kai begins working quietly. Yet, he thinks about the issue of dojutsus.

Is there a way to upgrade the sharingan marked on his right eye? Should he just pop Rinnegan in his left eye and give it a shot? The burden may be heavier than he expected, but then again, he wouldn't pop the eye in his socket itself. He would convert the eye into chakra and implant it in his left eye.

This also makes him wonder about another thing.

Does Yata have a mangekyo? Or Fugaku? If the condition to achieve Mangekyo is 'losing heart,' then the previous wars should have sufficed. The thought rouses his interest.

He wants to know what a Mangekyo sharingan can do. The tablet and the collective records of Uchiha and Lord Second suggest that these more developed Dojutsu have exceptional gifts. The stone tablet proposes the same thing.

Not to mention their ability to 'reflect' on Tailed Beasts. That's a powerful boost to Genjutsu right there.

Kai works on the stone tablet with renewed vigor to unseal the last bit of this tale.

The sun has started to rise but what of it?

Six wood clones stay here to decipher the seal and grind their skill. The seventh one flickers away to eventually teach Team Kai. And the real body sleeps with his beloved beside him.


Nawaki chews his lips in nervousness. The past week hasn't been easy on his mind. The toll from the paperwork was more ruthless than he anticipated. No wonder Tsunade took to gambling and drinking even before she rose to the position… she must be preparing for the toll from a young age.

His pressure would have been a lot less if not for Nono and Kai seated on the couch not far away as they enjoyed a cup of soothing tea.

His trusted advisor, Hiroshi Senju, is outside the office.

Tsunade, on her desk, continues to review Nawaki's progress over the week. Every decision he made regarding finances or management was jotted down by Nono or her clone to ease the process for Tsunade.

The Matriarch only took a few minutes before looking up with a smile.

"This is good work. Could be better, but I wouldn't have gotten such a record when I was your age."

"But with Hiroshi here, I suppose my worry was unrequired. Oh, and how is your team?"

This question surprises Nawaki as he replies quickly, "My shadow clones kept up the team's and my training past week. Kai made me remember I could use the Shadow Clones that way. Everything else is fine."

"And did any Anbu try to sneak in?"

Nawaki glances at the duo on the couch. "If it's about Mikoto, then no. But do you really think Lord Third would try it?"

"I wouldn't put it beyond him? He's only kind on the surface. And as long as he isn't caught, he remains kind. That's just how we live. Still, I want you to focus on yourself more in the coming month. Don't focus on anything new and polish everything you have practiced till now with your shadow clones."

Nawaki frowns and nods. He has many questions but experience suggests that Tsunade will clear his immediate doubts without any prompt.

"I'll spar against you after a month, so surprise me," Tsunade smirks and dismisses him with a wave.

"And you?" She turns to Kai finally and narrows her eyes, "Aren't you busy with Kushina? What do you want?"

"I'm hurt," Kai sips on his cup. "I wanted to see you. Last I checked, you were gone for a week."

"Uh-huh, and you could have visited me. Or did you forget you've branded our asses?"

"I wouldn't call it a brand. Sounds derogatory."

"Really?" Nono smiles. "I find it hot."

Tsunade rolls her eyes and wags her brows inquisitively, "So?"

"I could have visited, but that would have branded me more of a threat to the village who uses jutsu for personal amusement. The administration knows it. But there's no need to hand them proof about it, too, right? Besides, I didn't want the Dragon Sennin to overshadow the Sannin."

Tsunade works her jaws and huffs in annoyance.

"Why are you here, Kai? I genuinely have a lot to catch on to."

"I just said. I came here to see you," He cocks his head sideways and looks at Nono. "Is it really that hard to believe?"

"She did miss out on your development over the past week. My mistake. I should have jotted down your growth, too." Nono shakes her head.

"And I forgive you." Kai turns his nose high and replies in a dignified tone.

More than amused by their antics, Tsunade caves in. "Fine. What's going on?"

"Well, you heard how I rocked Kushina's word for two days straight, right?"

"Better be going somewhere with this," Tsunade warns with a sour tone.

"It made me realize I should actively make time for you all. I sound sappy, but that's what I learned over the week—"


"Fine, if you must know!" Kai huffs, "I'm trying to work on a new jutsu. Multiple new jutsus, to be precise. But Kushina and Kyubi won't stop arguing. And they just keep calling each other bitch or dry cunts. It was fucking annoying, so I thought I'd stop by. And they aren't even dry, so I don't know why they keep repeating the same phrase."

Nono and Tsunade freeze for a moment before they question simultaneously.


Kai stops speaking and glances back and forth between the two.

Smiling gently as if he is about to clear all their doubts, Kai blinks out of existence.

He already completed his objective of meeting with Tsunade… so, no reason to stay any longer.


Mikoto's suspension has ended. The Anbu members investigated the issue and let every party off with a metaphorical slap on the wrist. The conflict was barely noteworthy, and when the insubordination is performed by the stronger jonin in the team, the administration of the village tends to look the other way. It's not like Mikoto's temporary team was without a flaw.

The Uchiha princess sits across Fugaku again. She looks livelier than usual, too. She got plenty of rest and trained quite a bit now that Kushina and Kai are keeping each other busy.

"That was enough show of strength. If possible, I wouldn't want to act with such disrespect against rules and regulations. Kai almost made me the most lawless shinobi in our house."

"Ah, yes, domestic bliss," Fugaku replies without much emotion as Mikoto raises an eyebrow.

"You don't like being married?"

"It's not a matter of like or dislike," Fugaku sighs softly. "I suppose I'm a little on edge. We just found out she is pregnant."

"Already?" Mikoto gasps before clearing her throat and regaining her calm expression.

"Married couples are supposed to have children."

"Congratulations." Mikoto smiles wryly.

Fugaku narrows his eyes quietly.

"Right. Onto more serious business. First, welcome back. Second, the same agenda exists, but this time, you will lead your own team. Needless to say, you will make sure that the members of the police don't let their positions get to their heads."

"And how is this supposed to reform the internal frustrations festering in the organization?"

Mikoto didn't mind helping out Fugaku, but if it only meant grinding daily points to keep a few Uchiha in check, she would rather quit the force and train. After all, she won't be left free for long with the war not too far away.

Fugaku considers his words for a second.

"One of the chunin under your leadership is Yami Uchiha's grandson. While Old Yami is performing the duties of an advisor as any shinobi worth their salt would, his grandson is another story."

Knowing the youth Fugaku is talking about, Mikoto speaks the boy's information aloud.

"Kiri Uchiha. Spoiled rotten by Yami but just strong enough to get a position in the police. 20 years-old. Kai beat him four times."

"Do you remember all of our clansmen by how the number of times your fiance beat them?" Fugaku's brows twitch.

"Hmm? Yeah," Mikoto nods and grins as she stands up and straightens her back.

"I'll take the position for the time being. Kiri should have gathered some following using Yami's name and position, so his views bleed into his group rather easily."

"Physical force won't change his mind." Fugaku sighs.

"There's a reason why I kept tabs on how many times Kai beat the lot of you," Mikoto replies with a hum. "It took Kiri 4 defeats to back off. So there's a number, right? Enough physical trauma should set everything straight."

Fugaku thins his lips as Mikoto leaves the office.

"Maybe she is right," He mutters to himself. "It's not like cordial words and suggestions are working on the current generation's radical approach. It's either the war weeding out the weak and the fools to leave the stronger and more tempered members of the clan, or physical abuse compensating for what love and trust of the older generation could not achieve."

Of course, Mikoto would keep the more intimate reason to herself.

She may have gotten hooked on being the 'bad' police member after shackling Kai to the bed and riding him in his Sage Transformation.


Kai quietly sums everything up.

And it's a lot.

He didn't expect the Uchiha clan to have such origins.

—Seeking stability, one god was divided into yin and yang, these opposing two together obtain all things in creation.

The guidance transcends space and time. A tablet for my beloved descendants.—

—Let not emotions ruin you; pain is the beloved offspring of love.

Strength is meant to be used for good; forge your path in this world of conflicts.

Fret not pain; Fear not loss.

Fear not the blessing of Six Paths reflected in the eye of magatama.

It is strength's nature to bring peace.—

—Limits are imposed by the mind; It is broken by pain.

Three is not the end, but it should be.

A broken heart must not encounter pain, for it shall rot.

A shattered soul must not consume strength; He who shall suffer.

Beyond three is a world of corruption.

Only those with a heart of love can accept the pain and suffering.

Only the self-sufficient are the ones able to rise.

Mangekyo sacrifices heart; One must never lose their love.

For those uncorrupted, gifts of Six Paths awaits.

Dream of the blessings.

The Eyes are the gateway to the truth.—

—Strength is blinding; the world fades.

Beyond three is pain; It is felt.

Heartless and without vision.

The eyes reflect on the tailed names.

Heaven leaves a path; Six Paths awaits.

The flesh is weak for Indra; Find Asura's flesh.

The vessel and the eye unite; Six Paths is overjoyed.

Samsara is held.

Pain vanishes; Heart returns.

Eyes open to Six Paths.

Mother blesses her sons; Kaguya welcomes her son.

Samsara is achieved.—

—The tale of saving the world is the first.

A fruit of the divine, a princess in peril.

Kaguya consumed the fruit of the gods.

Samsara was created.

Then came Six Paths; A dutiful son.

Kaguya earned chakra from the fruit; Six Paths was born with it.

Seeking stability, Six Paths created Yin and Yang—Indra and Asura.

The Mother saw the pain of life; The Princess was no longer innocent.

Samsara is the key to peace.

With the power of Samsara, reflect dream on the moon.

Peace is brought to the world.

All dreams will come true.

There will be no hate or pain.

Collect all tailed names to return them.

Ascend with the strength of ten divines.

Await Kaguya's blessings.

It awaits you in the world of dreams.—

What a load of Bull!

'This might be the first piece of indoctrination recorded in this world,' Kai huffs and stands up.

As interesting as all these sounds, that is without a doubt, bullshit.




Who the fuck cares?

And if you want to write down a path to power, be clear!

His hair would grey out trying to figure out this inconsistent crap.

Half the material is about peace and the other half is about pain and some kind of wish-fulfilling Jutsu that only someone far from reality can think of!


He did think of something amusing.

'Ten divine? By returning all the nine beasts? Return them where? With how all this sounds, it looks like the Uchiha clan gets to know about their special gifts after the usual Sharingan through dreams.'

'I've had the eye for some time, so it doesn't seem it will be true for me. But still… is there a ten tails?'

He returns everything to the way it was before leaving.

'The best way is to ask Kyubi. Hope she's not pissed as usual.'


Alternate Title: Deciphering the Archaic Genjutsu; Evolving Dojutsu; The Convoluted Mess; Tsunade's Review; What did Kai Say?; Character Growth in a Week; Mikoto's the Naughty Cop; Physical Abuse Works Especially on Uchiha; A Whole Lot of Nothing; A Tampered Lore.


A/N: I did not leave a layer of seal for Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan because it wasn't needed by Indra or Hagoromo. The need for Eternal Mangekyo began in the later line and Madara seems to be the first one to ever achieve it. And I did not want to divide all the layers and content on the tablet across multiple chapters, so I did all of it at once~!


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