Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 226: Darkest Night Hidden in The Leaf (11)

Even in the world of Shinobi, there is the light side known to others and a dark, hidden side known to a rare few.

For instance, the invasion into Konoha will be known to other villages and the Country's leader within a day! The motives behind this invasion are plain as day—Kumogakure and Iwagakure want to weaken Konohagakure as much as the two Shinobi villages can. The raid will not only trigger the next war, but Konoha's weakness will likely make Sunagakure hesitate to continue its budding alliance with Konoha, easing Iwa's tension around the borders they share with Suna. Not only that, but the current invasion will also deter other civilian countries and establishments from posting missions with Konoha for a little while.

But there are also motives hidden far too deep to be known to anyone but a scant few. These motives aim to affect the world as a whole, but they weave through small actions—persisting, waiting.

In Konoha, two men possess such motives.

It is right to say these men possess the power and resourcefulness to have such motives for their selfish reasons.

And at this moment, these men are unimaginably close to one another.


"Ah, you're such a sweet boy," One of the retired Senju Jonins moves his right arm as his left hand claps his shoulder, "My old joints made winters a nightmare for me. Not anymore. How come other Iryo-Nins didn't get this?"

Nagato blushes a little under such praises and answers while rubbing the back of his head, "I'm trying to mix Fuinjutsu with Iryo-Nin. Tsunade-san's medical jutsu cannot rejuvenate bones and joints. Or rather, they cannot return your body to its prime. But I have a reason to believe that chakra can accomplish a lot more." Whenever Nagato speaks about his area of expertise, he lights up like a bijudama. His excited gush makes the Senju Jonin smile fondly, who pats the redhead on his head while chuckling, "Hey, don't you bore me with the details. I swear, you young ones need better guidance. I remember being this excited when talking about Biwako with my pals. Tch, but that Hiruzen beat us all to it."

Nagato shrugs before nodding, "I will see if others need my help."

The Jonin nods and lets Nagato go.

The redhead starts making short conversations with others as he walks by them within the bunkers. While Nagato has trained under his Jonin instructor during his time in the academy, he simply became a professional medic. So, despite his impeccable Chakra Control, his other skills lag behind his Iryo and Fuin skills—one of the many reasons he is in the bunker instead of the Hospital, taking care of other injured Shinobi like many combat Iryo-Nins.

He soon passes a lewdly smirking Nono, around whom sits Team Kai with thick books in their hands as they bury their noses in the Iryo syllabus.

"Would you like some help?" He avoids looking at Nono while sitting beside Konan.

"Well," Kurenai begins.

"He asked me," Konan cut her mortal-teammate mid-speech before looking at Nagato with a mischievous smirk. "We don't want to hold back the poster boy of Iryo-Nin, now do we?"

Nagato huffs and crosses his arms, "You sound more like Boss with every passing day."

"But it's the truth, right?" Konan grins shortly before questioning, "And instead of us, shouldn't you be tutoring your student?"

Nagato thinks of Rin before humming, "I should look at what she's doing. Well, good luck."

As Nagato leaves, Kurenai cannot help but pout, "I really had a question."

"Yeah, sucks to be you." Konan returns her attention to her book while Shizune watches them wryly. The three of them fail to notice the subtle shift in Nono's body as her expression becomes slightly calmer.

Meanwhile, before Nagato can take the stairs to meet with Rin and her teammates, possibly, he finds Biwako making her way to their level of the bunker.

"There you are," Biwako smiles cordially after replying to a few greetings.

"Biwako-san?" Nagato questions in surprise, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, Asuma is reckless as ever and injured himself in the knee."

Biwako gently sighs before gesturing to Nagato to follow her, "Could you look at him? Seeing someone from his batch being more reasonable and obedient may just be the wake-up call he needs to not act like a monkey just because his father can summon one."

Nagato nods without issues and follows after Biwako as someone tiny slips into his neck-long red hair.

As they walk, Biwako nods in a few directions with a smile, greeting the hidden Anbu members on the level before taking to one of the four flights of stairs connecting the bunker's stories from four directions.

The slightly gloomy atmosphere of the barely-lit stairs fails to faze Nagato in any manner as he follows Biwako calmly.

"Nagato-kun, how is everyone? I hope the sudden evacuation hasn't made the Senju Clan even more annoyed at my husband."

"Nothing like that, Biwako-san," Nagato smiles, "Everyone is okay. The shockwaves rattled some children, but the rest is well."

Biwako half-turns with a smile, "That is great news."

She pats Nagato's head gently as his expression turns sluggish before he falls asleep. Biwako moves quickly to embrace the youth before gently setting him on one of the stairs and walking away calmly.

"Let's see," a deep voice vibrates in the empty stairway. "We have a minute until the shift changes."

A white-humanoid figure shifts out of the wall. Unlike the other cum-men Kai has seen, this one is more human-like than the rest; no odd spikes in his body or impossibly wiry frame that can blow away with one's breath. Shaggy green hair, jagged teeth, and pupilless yellow eyes stare at Nagato quietly.

The figure silently crouches beside Nagato and jabs his slick white finger into his chest after tugging his tunic down.

The situation lasts 15 seconds as veins wriggle around the cum-man's hand as if injecting something into Nagato.

"Hmm, the cursed seal should take place about now."

He snaps his fingers as Nagato's eyes snap open.

"Your eyes, where are they?" The impressive specimen of the dickless species questions.

"In my sockets," Nagato replies dully.

The corner of his lips twitch as he continues, "The Senju Clan took you in during the war. Do you remember anything odd before you arrived in Konoha?"

'Rinnegan cannot be deactivated once it's activated. Madara made sure to trigger it in Nagato's eyes before receding into shadows, so someone must have taken it before the war. The only incentive that can make the Senju Matriarch break their code of war and bring possible Ame spies acting as Orphans can be—'

"I don't remember."

He frowns while looking at Nagato.

Tsunade and Kai took quite a few measures to make Nagato forget about Rinnegan over the years.

The figure with impressive chakra reserves frowns before sighing softly, "Very well. You will report to Biwako from now on."

Nagato nods his head dazedly as the white figure melts into the floor and shifts away.

As Nagato returns, Kai, still on Nawaki's scalp, holds an extremely tiny fragment of the cum-man's green hair. His right eye becomes normal again as he deactivates his Sharingan.

"Hmm, never knew I would gain so much at once!" He scowls as he looks at his status.

[Forbidden Individual Curse Tag (1/100): A cursed seal placed on the target's heart that restricts the use of their bodies based on the user's will, including thinking of specific thoughts or acting in particular manners. Decreases time to form the seal by 0.5% at every level. Decreases chakra consumption to form the seal by 0.5 at every level. Current chakra consumption: 14000/seal.

Next Level: Construct 0/20 Seals or 60 SP.]

Kai wanted the excuse for his inability to deal with this seal to take Mukai's Byakugan once he betrays the village. But this plan is not feasible—

'Wait a minute,' His eyes brighten as he thinks of something even more devious. He can always steal a Byakugan from the other traitors the Hyuga Elders plan to become soon enough. But this seal can help him turn the tables at the organization of the dickless cum-men, who are most definitely after the Rinnegan!

That's what all of this is about, Kai realizes.

These individuals must know the capabilities of Rinnegan, so these men chose to destroy Konoha while keeping it ignorant to steal the eyes eventually.

Why not now?

Because Kai doesn't believe this specimen of wood release chakra has what it takes to deal with the current bulldozer, Tsunade has become.

'But, if I can take control of Biwako, Mukai, and Nagato, I can turn the tables by controlling what they share.'

Kai did not think it was wrong of him to control Nagato. He isn't rationalizing and trying to stand on a moral high ground through mental gymnastics. The reality is Nagato will be targeted for worse if he doesn't maintain the status quo. And the quicker Kai takes control of the situation, the fewer chances the cum-man will have.

And if Kai had any misgivings about his passive role in the situation, all of it changed with the [Forbidden Individual Curse Tag]. This technique is a Genjutsu given tangible form!

No, to be more precise, it is a puppet art of the highest order!

'This is my second 100-Level Skill after [Study of Chakra Weapons]. The third one should be the Puppetry Skill, I held off till now, but again I have no use for puppets for the time being.'

He jumps away from Nagato. He and Biwako can have their seals altered later. Right now, he needs to adjust Mukai's seal.

'This way, Mukai will still do what he is programmed to do, but I will be the one using him instead.'

Kai has no emotional attachment to Mukai, but he admits Mukai is one of the talented elites expected to be as much of a monster as Sakumo once he grows. If possible, the survival of the distant Hyuga will not be a distasteful turn of events.

'I can even program him to take one Byakugan for me,' Kai plans as he skips through the bunker to isolate Mukai. He didn't use Orochimaru for this. If he did, he would have to include the woman in many endeavors of his where Nono is already enough.

Still, his mood takes a pleasant turn as he now has a great skill to grind. He admits he was a little sour when he had to use his SP to complete other skills today, but this makes up for it more than enough!

'And fuck! It's also going to work well for the project, Mr. Worldwide!' He giggles to himself impishly, 'Now, only a few more Jutsus to create and one Succession Quest to complete~!'


"Alright," Kai huffs and looks at the clone who came from the Uchiha Police, "Make sure—"

"Yep," the clone shrugs and leaves as Kai scoffs, "Fuck you, can't I have an inner monologue for once?"

"Externally having an inner monologue will bring shame to all of us," the clone shrugs and snickers, "But we made it big this time, huh?"

"Who's inner monologuing now?" The third one speaks as he questions while standing up.

The three of them look at each other before pointing to the other one at once!

"He is!"

Their voice echoes in the empty lab room as Dodai's corpse lie between them.

One of the clones shrugs and disappears while Kai picks up Dodai's corpse, slightly regretting his bad luck in not getting the cursed seal a few minutes ago.

Dodai would have made an excellent spy!

'Then again, the cum-man must have other spies across the five villages. I just have to turn all of them.'

He nods at the clone stationed in the Senju Compound.

'Let the cum-man sweep through if he arrives,' Kai shrugs, using the shared mind to converse with his… another mind?


'Let's hope Kushina and others are alive and kicking,' he uses Hiraishin, not really fearing for Kushina since he already knows her strength, and Tsume, too, since he is the one who used the Chimera Seal on Kuromaru.

The clone for the Senju Compound, however, cannot help but muse.

'How do we start using the Rinnegan? It's too risky to convert it into chakra to be used with the Chimera Seal until we learn to reverse the process… maybe we can use this Rinnegan to create more? After all, it's another one of Sharingan's forms, right? But holy hell, how the fuck does the Sharingan has so many stages… and still create bitches so impulsive that it's cathartic to smack them around?'

Pondering this question maybe will make Kai an actual sage.

Alternate Title: Schemes That Run Deep; Mr. Worldwide Project; Nagato's As Eager As Any Other Redheaded Cousin; Hiruzen Bagged a Vixen; Prime Biwako Must Be Hotter Than The Will of Fire; Konan Taking After Certified Orphan Beater; Candy-Stealing Konan Coming Soon; The Enemy's Motives; Nagato Escaping DAT Bad End; The New 100% Grind; Inner Monologue is Not External; Three Spiderman, ehm, Kai, Pointing at Each Other; Dodai Becomes a Fatal Meme; The Loss of the Veritable Rubber Shinobi!; Uchiha are Blessed Children?; Turning Mukai; Informant Employment; A Forbidden Jutsu; Genjutsu Given Life; The Peak of Puppetry


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