Final Fantasy: What is Hypnosis?

Is this my Gold Finger?

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     Cough "What is Hypnosis App?"

     Wait! I am not dead? Shit, I am outside and it's just turned dark? Kent killed me right? Wait, I am not in Kansas anymore? Wait, where is Kansas?

     I look at my hand and outfit, then the dark-woods around me. Oh fuck me, I am both Kris and Chris?! Even worse we were both killed by a fucker named Kent? With a knife in the gut, and wait, I know two Sally's and two Alice's?!

     Chatter chatter!

     While holding my bloody knife in one hand and my Magic Slab in my left, I spin around to see a one foot tall red imp like from hell pouncing towards me! I extend my knife, point and utter a word instinctively.

     [Bolt 1!]

     ZAP!!! Sizzle! ARGHHH!

     A golden bolt of electricity erupted from my pointed weapon and instantly killed the little evil imp before it could attack me. My mind is blown by this development! I just cast my first lightning spell! Wait, shit I just cast magic?!

     "Oh boy, I just cast one of two spells for the day?! Alright I only have one left so I need to be careful. Shit I missed curfew and won't be let in the Sword and Spell Academy till sunrise tomorrow."

     With both life survival skills kicking in I immediately climb a tree for some cover while I figure out what the hell is going on here?

     Alright, climbing the tree was actually a little too easy? In both lives I never had that kind of strength. What is going on with me?

     Alright let's see what the Magic Slab can tell me? While I am at it I pull out some jerky and water before anything. My appetite is insane right now.

     Ten minutes later I pulled up my statistics. And what I am seeing floors me of this world.......

Name Kris Tempest Age 18 Black Wizard level 1

Attribute Start Growth
HP 31 C
Strength 10 C
Agility 10 C
Intelligence 20 A
Endurance 10 C
Luck 15 B
Hit Rate 10 +1/level
Magic Defense 20 +2/level

     "Holy Crap Balls! I became an advanced class?! I am now a Black Wizard and not a Black Mage. And look at those starting statistics?! I have to be the most overpowered Black Wizard in like forever? Wait, this is all familiar to me, I have seen this before in my Earth life?!"

     I think hard and remember a game I played on Earth, and I finally remembered!!!!

     My world of Gaia is just like one of those Final Fantasy games I played when I was a teen back in the day?! I only played the games 1 threw 12 but my world does not seem to be any of them? But the Job system seems to be closest to the first version of the game.

     "Why is my world of Gaia like a game on Earth? Well I guess it does not matter now. I am Kris Tempest with a bit of Chris Taylor now. Lets see what is up with that cursed Hypnosis App, that killed me in my other life..."

     I click on the Magic Slab and realize it is like a Smartphone in my old world but is like a sheet of glass crystal. Actually it makes me feel more like its advanced technology more than its magic. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     I  just realized the human language is like English on Earth, well it's probably auto-translating it for me I think. What this means for the new me is I am no longer illiterate and can read with the greatest Mages now! Hey, I can do advanced math now too. Sorry you died on Earth, other me, but now I am not a total idiot!

     Pressing the App icon, it then opens with instructions on its use. it seems to tell me the following information....

     [Welcome new user of the  [Hypnosis App!] This application is installed on your device to help grant all of your wishes in this life. The way you use this App is very simple with a few restrictions. First you just open this App and point-it at the desired target or targets, then press the button!

     The duration of the Hypnosis will depend on the number of targets you have under hypnosis. You can only have one use of hypnosis active at one time. The moment you select a new target the previous active commands stop and the target resumes its normal activity.

     While a target is under the effects of active hypnosis, they will have no memory of the encounter when they resume their normal activity. You will know if a target is successfully hypnotized when the App is functioning.

     If the Host, you are asleep or unconscious the effects of active hypnotism will halt and reactivate when you are awake once again.

     WARNING, the longer a target remains in a hypnotic active state, the less effective it will become in the future, so keep in mind some commands may be rejected if the target has been under the effect for an extreme period of time.

     Please regularly inspect the Hypnosis App for any future updates, and User, have a nice day!]

     I take a deep breath and realize what kind of power that guy Kent had been using to control me last life. Perhaps when I died I stole his hypnosis App and he is in jail now?! I think the App brought my soul from Earth to this version of me in another world?

     Gaia and Earth are so different and yet so alike. For example the Commanding Officer's wife is an almost spitting image of my Black Magic teacher! And that high-school crush of mine that was used by Kent, is just like the 4th Princes. Both of them have the same first name but different last names. Not to mention me!

     My name is Kris and the past me was Chris We both died to a knife in the gut from a man named Kent. My life on Earth was destroyed by a madman using this App, and yet now this App belongs to me in this world?!

     I am just glad both my ages in both lives are close to each other so I wont have any breakdowns like a little bitch! I am glad to not be a 80 year old man in a 7 year olds body, I just shudder at that thought.

     Oh look, there is another imp coming to see his dead buddies corps, hmm lets try this App out shall we?

     With my Magic Slab in my left hand and my knife ready to use I drop to the ground thanks to my super human body and point my Slab to the imp!

     The startled imp seeing an ambush then charges ferociously at me. I point the Slab at him to see him in the image screen and then press the little red button that says Hypnotize! Then the button turns green to show it worked and the imp freezes in place with a vacant look in its eyes.

     "Loot the gil from the dead imp and give me all of your gil!"

     The imp then rummaged through the dead imp's small sack on its waist and retrieved its gill looted from the humans it had killed and then gave it and his money pouch to me. I see the power-bar on my Slab and notice that keeping one target under control is not too draining on the magic reservoir.

     "Pluck your eyes out!"

     I would not give this command to a humanoid, but this vicious monster is alright. I am doing this to see how powerful the Hypnosis App truly is...

     And to my horror, the imp with only some muffled sounds of pain, he indeed pulled his eyes out and is standing waiting for further instructions! Alright, that was actually more terrifying than I imagined. So I leaned on a tree and hurled up the food I just ate.

     After my uncoolness, I decided to put this imp out of its misery and drove my knife in its neck killing it. Then the green button on the App went red showing it was canceled due to its death.

     Not forgetting my homework I removed the imps nose. Thankfully I can store it in the independent space in my Slab. I am happy, because I now have 92 gil. But then I am sad thinking how expensive everything in the game was. I realized how poor I am now that I look back on it, sigh.


     I turn to see a grey wolf with golden eyes approaching me for a hunt. And I decided to try the App on it too! So I just point and click. Seeing the button turn green, I smile at my unfair gold finger.

     "Sit! Good boy, [Bolt 1!]"

     ZAP!!! Sizzle!

     "Hot Damn! I just felt my body level up! I am now a level 2 Black Wizard!"

     With a shit eating grin I with my new Pal, am going to be the first soloing Black Wizard in this forest tonight! Lets see if I can hit level 3 or 4 by morning?!



Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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