Finding a Yandere in Reverse World

Chapter 51: Kicking Bad Habits!

The final bell rings its shrill cry, a breath of fresh air. I crack my knuckles, and the satisfying pops a small consolation for enduring this mind-numbing first day back at school.

‘I wonder if Super Woman uses her X-ray vision to look at dicks in the comics in this world?’

“Jason.” A beautiful voice jolts me out of my ADHD fueld thought before it becomes a full on rant. Erica materializes behind me like some blonde ninja. Her fingers wrap around my wrist, gentle yet firm. “Let’s bounce.”

Before I can protest, she’s dragging me through the hallway. We reach my locker, and I fumble with the combination, hyper-aware of Erica’s blue eyes on me.

“So,” she says, leaning against the adjacent locker with a casual grace that makes my heart do a little flip. “How you holdin’ up after... you know, the whole baby thing?”

“I’m as good as I was when you asked me this morning,” I admit while shoving books into my bag. “A lot less anxious. Thanks to you.”

Erica’s face softens, a glimpse of the gentleness she reserves just for me. It’s like watching a tiger turn into a kitten if that kitten could still kick your ass.

“Good.” she nods, a hint of a smile playing at her lips. “Can’t have my boy freakin’ out in public now, can I?” As she says this, a button on her shirt pops open, and my eyes sprint there as quick as the flash.

As I stare at Erica’s cleavage, my eyes tracing the gentle curves barely contained by her tight top, I feel a familiar warmth spreading through my body. The soft swell of her breasts is mesmerizing, like two perfect moons peeking out from behind wispy clouds. I’m so entranced I barely notice Erica’s confused expression at first.

Her brow furrows for a moment before the realization dawns. “Oh right, I forgot about your weird boob thing,” she says with a chuckle. A mischievous grin spreads across her face, her blue eyes twinkling with amusement and something darker, more primal. “Tell you what. If you want, we can go for a proper romp in the hay the second we get home. What do you say?”

I nod eagerly, not even trying to hide my enthusiasm. “Let’s go. Fast.”

Without thinking, I grab Erica’s hand, intertwining our fingers. The sudden boldness of the gesture surprises her, but she clearly wants me just as bad.

As we hurry through the crowded hallway, Erica mutters under her breath, “It’s so weird that you’re this into my tits. I mean, they’re just lumps of fat, for crying out loud.” She shakes her head, but I can hear the affection in her voice. “But hey, whatever floats your boat, I guess.”

I grimace at Erica’s words as we start walking outside, the January air finally biting with a proper chill. My breath puffs out in little clouds, and I huddle closer to Erica, seeking her warmth like a moth to a flame. The sky above is a dull gray, threatening to finally snow, and the bare trees lining the parking lot look like skeletal hands reaching for the heavens.

As we pass the basketball court, its chain-link fence rattling in the wind, a voice cuts through the cold air like a knife. “Hey, Knight!”

Erica sighs, her whole body seeming to deflate for a moment. It’s the kind of sigh you’d give if you realized you left your phone at home after already getting to school. Pure, unadulterated annoyance.

“Hello, Brianna,” Erica grits out, her teeth clenched so tight I swear I can hear them grinding.

The source of Erica’s irritation saunters over, all confidence and swagger. She’s got hair like a poodle having a bad hair day, brown curls exploding in every direction as if they’re trying to escape her head. She’s taller than Erica, which is saying something, and built like she bench presses refrigerators for fun.

But Erica? She doesn’t even flinch. If anything, she looks bored, like she’s waiting in line at the DMV instead of facing down this human brick wall.

Brianna smiles arrogantly at Erica, her teeth gleaming like a shark’s in the pale winter light. “Been working out, Knight. Bet I could bench press you now.”

Erica’s eyes flick over Brianna’s muscular frame with all the interest of someone examining a piece of lint. “Cool,” she drawls, her voice dripping with sarcasm like melting icicles.

Brianna’s gaze slides over to me, her eyes suddenly sultry, like a cartoon wolf spotting a juicy steak. “And who do we have here?” she purrs, her voice as smooth as oil on water.

Before I can even process what’s happening, Brianna’s hand darts out, quick as a striking snake, and gropes my ass. It’s like being fondled by a sentient tree trunk, all rough bark, and unwanted pressure. My stomach churns, disgust rising like bile in my throat.

For a split second, the world seems to freeze. Erica’s eyes widen, her pupils dilating until they’re black holes threatening to swallow the universe. Then, faster than I can blink, her hand shoots out, fingers wrapping around Brianna’s wrist like a steel trap.


Brianna’s face is a mess of blood and tears, her nose clearly broken. She tries to curl into a ball, arms raised in a pitiful attempt at self-defense. “Please,” she sobs, “I’m sorry! I didn’t know!”

“You. Dare. Touch. What’s. MINE?!” Each word is punctuated by a vicious kick to Brianna’s ribs. The sound of boots meeting flesh echoes across the empty parking lot like thunderclaps.

People have been walking by but no one says anything. I’ve just been awkwardly waiving and shrugging at people but Erica’s reputation is so bad that this feels normal for them.

Erica’s eyes are wild, filled with a primal fury I’ve never seen before. She grabs a fistful of Brianna’s poodle hair, yanking her head back. “You think you can just put your hands on him? HE’S MINE!”

‘I don’t think she’s even said my name to this Brianna character yet.’

Another punch lands, splitting Brianna’s lip. Blood sprays across the asphalt like abstract art. Erica’s knuckles are raw and bleeding, but she doesn’t seem to notice or care.

I watch, transfixed. I unsurprisingly feel turned on watching Erica kick the shit out of someone a full head taller than her. With so much ease, too.

‘Truly an impressive specimen. I really got lucky with finding my Yandere on my first try.’

Brianna’s pleas have devolved into incoherent whimpers. Erica stands over her, chest heaving, looking like some avenging angel. She raises her foot again, aiming for Brianna’s stomach.

As Erica’s foot hovers menacingly over Brianna’s quivering form, a figure emerges from the hazy winter mist like some gothic apparition. My breath catches in my throat as I recognize her instantly, Tessa Carpenter, my first high school crush and the stuff of many a hormone-fueled daydream.

She glides across the parking lot, her long black coat billowing behind her like dark wings. The hood of her jacket casts dramatic shadows over her grey eyes, giving her an otherworldly aura. As she approaches, my gaze is magnetically drawn to the swell of her chest, barely contained by a tight black top. Her cleavage is like the Bermuda Triangle of boobs. Once you look, you’re lost forever.

‘This is nostalgic, The same boobs I stared at all the time freshmen and sophomore year.’ I pause and suddenly feel full of guilt.

As I feel a pang of sin surge through me, my eyes dart down to where Erica is still wailing on Brianna. The wet smack of her fist meeting flesh makes me wince.

‘I shouldn’t be ogling other girls while my girlfriend is busy defending my honor through gratuitous violence. What kind of boyfriend am I?’

Tessa’s voice cuts through the air like a velvet knife. “Yo.” The word rolls off her tongue in such a cool way. “Erica, stop hitting my lackey.”

Erica freezes mid punch, her eyes widening in recognition. “Tessa?” she breathes, her voice a mix of awe and excitement.

A smile spreads across Erica’s face, transforming her from avenging knight to friend in the blink of an eye. It’s a jarring transition.

“Holy shit, it’s really you!” Erica exclaims, completely forgetting about the battered Brianna at her feet.

Tessa strides forward, her long coat billowing like some kind of majestic shadow. She extends a hand towards Erica, who daps her up with enthusiasm. The loud clap of their hands echoes in the air.

‘I wish Erica would dap me up. Louis was willing.’ I sigh.

“Damn, Tessa! It’s been forever!” Erica grins.

Tessa chuckles softly, her grey eyes flickering over to Brianna, who is groaning on the ground. With an almost imperceptible nod, she acknowledges the sorry state of her underling. “What happened here?”

Erica’s grin twists into something between triumph and mild irritation as she points an accusatory finger at Brianna. “She groped my boyfriend’s ass.”

Tessa turns her attention to me, and there’s a moment where I can practically hear my heartbeat echoing against my ribcage. Her gaze is intense, assessing. Then she extends a hand toward me with a knowing smile.

“Nice to meet you,” she says smoothly.

“Likewise,” I manage to reply as I shakily shake her hand. It feels surreal to meet the girl I used to have a massive crush on. Her touch is firm but not overpowering, and for a moment, I’m thrown back into those awkward teenage years when Tessa was the embodiment of sex appeal in my eyes.

Erica watches us with narrowed eyes, though her smile doesn’t falter. It’s almost as if she can read me like an open book. She slips an arm possessively around my waist as she introduces me properly. “This is Jason.” she says, her voice edged with pride and just a hint of warning.

“Tessa.” She introduces herself. I can feel Tessa’s gaze linger on me a bit longer than it should before she pulls away, smirking ever so slightly. “Well, Jason.” she drawls, “You’ve certainly got yourself a fierce protector.”

A nervous laugh escapes me, but Erica’s grip tightens around my waist reassuringly.

“So, Tessa, what’s new with you? Still leading delinquents in college?” Erica asks, her arm still wrapped possessively around my waist. Her fingers trace lazy circles on my hip, sending little shivers up my spine.

Tessa shrugs, her coat rippling like dark water. “No nothing like that. Not much is new. Still just studying at Salem State. You know how it is. All work and no play makes Tessa a dull girl.” She winks, and I swear I can hear Erica’s teeth grinding.

A pitiful moan interrupts their catch-up session. Brianna, still sprawled on the asphalt like a broken ragdoll, is trying to push herself up. Her arms shake with the effort, and a fresh trickle of blood oozes from her swollen lip.

Tessa’s face darkens, her grey eyes stormy as she scowls down at her lackey. “This is what you deserve, Bri, when you grope a boy you just meet,” she says, her voice as cold and sharp as an icicle. “I’ve told you countless times, but this time, you’ve overstepped too far.”

Brianna manages to prop herself up on one elbow, her face a mess of tears, blood, and snot. “I’m... I’m sorry,” she croaks out, her words garbled and wet. As she speaks, something small and white tumbles from her mouth, clattering on the ground. It takes me a moment to realize it’s a tooth.

“Pathetic,” Erica mutters under her breath, but loud enough for everyone to hear. Her grip on my waist tightens as if she’s afraid I might suddenly decide to comfort the battered girl at our feet. ‘As if.’

Erica looks back at Tessa, her blue eyes narrowing slightly as a thought strikes her. “You here to pick up Mindy?” she asks, her tone casual but laced with curiosity.

Tessa nods, a small smile playing on her lips. The motion causes her hood to slip back slightly, revealing more of her striking features. The weak winter sunlight catches on her high cheekbones, casting dramatic shadows across her face. “Yeah, the little nerd’s probably nose-deep in some manga right now, oblivious to the world.”

“Speaking of manga,” Tessa continues, her grey eyes twinkling with amusement, “has my weeb sister been giving you trouble lately? Last I heard, she was trying to rope you into some kind of anime club or something.”

Erica chuckles, shaking her head. Her blonde hair catches the light, shimmering like spun gold. “Nah, not really. To be honest, I don’t have much time for reading manga with Mindy anymore.” She gives me a little squeeze, her fingers digging into my hip possessively. “This one takes up most of my free time now.”

I feel my cheeks heat up at her words, a warmth spreading through my chest despite the chilly air. Erica’s casual declaration of how much time we spend together makes my heart do a little flip.

Tessa’s eyebrows raise slightly, her gaze flicking between Erica and me. “Is that so?” she muses, her voice tinged with something I can’t quite place. Amusement? Skepticism? “Well, that’s too bad, I suppose.” She shrugs, her coat rippling like a shadow given form. “Oh well,” she adds, her tone nonchalant.

Suddenly, Tessa’s attention snaps back to Brianna, who’s still sprawled on the ground like a broken marionette. Her voice turns sharp, cutting through the air like a whip crack. “Bri! Get up!”

Brianna jerks at the command, struggling to push herself upright. Her movements are jerky and pained, reminding me of a malfunctioning robot. Blood and saliva dribble from her swollen lip as she finally manages to stand, swaying slightly.

Tessa turns back to us, her expression softening slightly. “Well, I guess we’ll be seeing you around,” she says, her voice smooth as silk. “Take care, Erica. Jason.” She nods at each of us in turn, her grey eyes lingering on me for a moment longer than necessary.

As Tessa saunters away, Brianna limping behind her like a beaten dog, Erica and I resume our walk to her car. The parking lot is eerily quiet now, the earlier violence leaving a palpable tension in the air.

“So,” Erica says casually, her breath forming little clouds in the cold air. “What was with that look you gave Tessa?”

I blink, caught off guard. “What look?”

Erica clicks her tongue, a sound that sends a shiver down my spine. Her blue eyes narrow, reminding me of a cat eyeing its prey. “It was barely noticeable, but there was a desire in your eyes, babe.”

I sigh, the sound heavy with resignation. At my exhale, Erica’s grip tightens ever so slightly. “No, no, it’s not like that.”

“I’m putting you on a lie detector the second we get home,” she declares, her tone brooking no argument.

I nod, surprisingly unbothered. “Sounds good,” I reply, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on her cheek.

Erica’s eyes widen slightly at my easy acquiescence, but then a slow, predatory grin spreads across her face. “You’re not getting out of this that easily, Jason,” she purrs, her voice a mix of threat and promise that makes my insides squirm.

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