Finding a Yandere in Reverse World

Chapter 54: Burger Quean

[Riley’s POV]

The neon Burger Queen sign flickers weakly in the fading daylight, casting an eerie glow across the nearly empty parking lot. I’m perched on the hood of Louis’s car, the metal still warm from the engine. The scent of grease and burnt coffee wafts from the nearby dumpster, making my stomach churn.

Louis leans against the car next to me, his blonde hair ruffled by the cool evening breeze. He looks at me with his eyes wife with concern. “Riley, I know it’s a lot to take in. Hell, I’m barely used to it myself.”

I can’t stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks. My whole world, literally, has just been turned upside down. “So you’re telling me that I’ve somehow... shifted between dimensions? That this isn’t my original world? Jason really wasn’t lying to me?”

Louis nods, his usual carefree demeanor replaced by uncharacteristic seriousness. “Yeah, that’s the gist of it. You’re from the same world where Jason and I are from.”

“But... Jason. My Jason. He’s not here?” My reality crashes in on itself.

“Apparently not the Jason you knew,” Louis says softly. “Ironically, it sounds like you dated Jason, who originated from this world.”

My mind reels, trying to process this information. How can this be real? How can I be in a world where women are in charge, where men can’t even own guns? It’s like some bizarre fever dream.

‘Why did he keep harping on the gun thing?’

“I don’t understand,” I choke out, wrapping my arms around myself. “How did this happen? Why me?”

Louis shrugs, his lean frame shifting against the car. “I wish I knew. Maybe it’s some cosmic joke, or maybe you’re special. Either way, you’re here now.”

I look up at the darkening sky, half-expecting to see some interdimensional portal. But it’s just the same old Salem sky, indifferent to my existential crisis.

My mind whirls with possibilities, each more outlandish than the last. But one thought keeps pushing its way to the forefront, demanding attention. I turn to Louis.

“Do you think this Jason would be willing to dump Erica for me?”

Louis’s eyes go wider, his eyebrows shooting up so fast I’m surprised they don’t fly off his forehead. He pushes off the car, spinning to face me fully, his expression a mix of shock and fear?

“Riley, no,” he says, his voice low and urgent. “You need to not even consider that thought. Like, erase it from your mind right now.”

I blink, taken aback by the intensity of his reaction. “But-”

Louis cuts me off, running a hand through his tousled blonde hair. “Look, I’m on again, off again with Erica’s friend Tara, right? And Tara... she keeps me up to date on Jason’s comings and goings. I really like Jason, and I get nervous about his well being.”

He pauses, glancing around as if afraid someone might overhear despite the empty parking lot.

“Jason has not only gone through a lot. And I mean like a lot a lot.” Louis continues, his voice dropping even lower, “but Erica and Jason are psychotic for each other. Like, completely toxic for each other.”

I lean in, intrigued despite myself. “What do you mean?”

Louis sighs, his breath visible in the cooling air. “I mean, they’re obsessed. It’s like they’re two halves of some deranged whole. Tara says she heard the other day Erica practically killed a girl that grabbed Jason’s ass. And Jason? He worships the ground Erica walks on.”

My stomach churns, and not just from the lingering smell of burnt grease. “That sounds... intense.”

“Intense doesn’t even begin to cover it. That’s only the stuff Tara was willing to talk about, God only knows what she doesn’t even know about, you know?” Louis says, shaking his head. “The last time I talked to Jason, he told me this was exactly the kind of relationship he wanted when he got here. That’s why I decided to just sit around and let it run it’s course.”

I sigh, dejected, my shoulders slumping as I gaze out at the darkening sky. The first stars are starting to twinkle, reminding me of the nights Jason and I spent stargazing on his roof, sharing crazy theories about the universe.

“God, I miss my Jason so much,” I say, my voice thick with emotion. “He was... he was everything to me, you know? This shy, awkward guy in public, but when we were alone...” I trail off, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks as I remember our private moments.

“He always took charge when it was just the two of us,” I continue, lost in memories. “It was like he became a different person. So confident, so... dominant.” I shake my head, smiling softly. “But he was also this total weirdo, you know? He’d spend hours theorizing about 9/11 being an inside job or how Carbonara wasn’t real. Actually he got really making it after I explained that it was very much real.”

I chuckle, remembering one particular night. “Once, he stayed up for 36 hours straight, helping Justin with his Star Wars fanfiction. They wrote about someone named Darth Antique or Darth Artifact? It was something stupid like that. And the character was obsessed with clown girls.”

I laugh, thinking about how weird he was with Justin. “He kept calling one of the characters a dirty whip neck. I don’t know what it meant but it felt so racist.”

Louis listens, a bemused expression on his face. As I finish, he lets out a laugh that echoes across the empty parking lot. “Oh man, that’s wild,” he says, shaking his head. “Because let me tell you, this Jason? He’s about as subby as they come. Tara says he practically melts whenever Erica so much as looks at him.”

I feel my heart sink a little at his words, but Louis continues, “Though I gotta admit, the weird humor thing checks out. This Jason’s got the same offbeat sense of humor. Always saying the weirdest shit or enabling really, really weird theories around him. Like, inappropriately funny. It’s part of why Erica’s so into him. I assume I mean, in hindsight, I actually don’t know, though.”

He pauses, his expression softening. “Look, Riley, I know this is tough. But you gotta understand, this isn’t your Jason. He might look the same and sound the same, but he’s a different person. And he’s with Erica now. Trust me when I say that’s not a situation you want to get in the middle of.”

“Louis, how do I get back to my world?” I ask with a slight panic.

Louis’s eyes meet mine, and I see a flicker of something in their depths, pity, maybe, or regret. He shifts his weight, the car creaking slightly beneath him. For a long moment, the only sound is the distant hum of traffic and the faint buzz of the Burger Queen sign.

“I don’t know, Riley,” he finally says, his words hanging heavy in the air between us. “Jason and I... we never even considered looking into it. We love it here.”

The words hit me like a physical blow. My eyes fill with tears, blurring the world around me into a kaleidoscope of muted colors. “This sucks,” I choke out, wrapping my arms tighter around myself. “It really fucking sucks.”

Louis reaches out, his hand hovering uncertainly near my shoulder before dropping back to his side. “I’m sorry,” he says softly. “I wish I had better answers for you.”

A sudden thought strikes me, sending a jolt of panic through my body. “Oh god,” I gasp, my eyes widening. “What about the other Riley? The one from this world?”

Louis furrows his brow, confusion evident on his face. “What do you mean?”

“She’s in my world now, right?” The words tumble out of me in a rush. “What if she’s breaking Jason’s heart? What if she’s ruining everything I built with him?”

The thought of another version of me with my Jason sends a wave of nausea through me. I imagine her in our favorite spots, sharing our inside jokes, sleeping in our bed. It’s too much to bear.

Louis looks decidedly awkward now, shifting his weight from foot to foot. He runs a hand through his hair, messing it up even further. “I... I don’t know, Riley,” he admits. “This whole situation is pretty fucked up.”

Louis shifts uncomfortably, his eyes darting around as if looking for an escape. The flickering sign casts strange shadows across his face, making him look almost alien for a moment. He clears his throat, the sound unnaturally loud in the quiet parking lot.

“Look, Riley,” he begins, his voice strained, “there’s something you should know about this world. It’s, uh... well, it’s different in more ways than just the power dynamics.”

I lean in, curiosity momentarily overriding my panic. “What do you mean?”

Louis’s cheeks flush, visible even in the dim light. He runs a hand through his hair again, a nervous tic I’m starting to recognize. “Well, you see... in this world, women are, um... they’re kind of...” He trails off, clearly struggling to find the right words.

“They’re what?” I press, my heart pounding.

He takes a deep breath, then blurts out, “They’re horny as hell, okay? Way more than the guys from our world. It’s like they’re all on Viagra or something.”

My jaw drops. “What?”

Louis nods vigorously, words spilling out of him now. “Yeah, it’s crazy. The women here, they’re always ready to go. And they’re not shy about it, either. They’ll straight up proposition you in the middle of the street. It’s wild.”

As the implications of this sink in, a new wave of horror washes over me. My eyes widen, and I can feel the blood draining from my face. “Oh god,” I whisper, my voice barely audible. “She’s gonna make Jason think I cheated on him.”

Louis winces, confirming my worst fears. I jump to my feet, pacing back and forth in front of the car, my sneakers scuffing against the asphalt.

“Alternate Riley is going to become an absolute slut and ruin my fucking life!” I cry out, my voice echoing across the empty parking lot. “She’s probably already slept with half the guys in Salem by now!”

My breath comes in short gasps as panic sets in. The world spins around me, the garish Burger Queen sign blurring into a smear of neon. My heart pounds so hard I can feel it in my throat.

“I can’t... I can’t breathe,” I gasp, clutching at my chest. “This can’t be happening. This can’t be real.”

Louis reaches out, grabbing my shoulders to steady me. “Riley, calm down,” he says urgently. “You’re having an anxiety attack. Just breathe, okay? Deep breaths.”

But his words sound far away, drowned out by the roaring in my ears. The parking lot tilts and sways like I’m on a ship in a storm. Dark spots dance at the edges of my vision.


[Jason’s POV]

I watch as Erica emerges from the bathroom, wrapped in a fluffy white towel, tendrils of steam curling around her like ethereal fingers. Droplets of water cling to her skin, catching the soft light of the bedroom and making her shimmer like some mythical water nymph. Her damp blonde hair hangs in loose waves, framing her face in a way that makes my breath catch in my throat.

“Feel better?” I ask, trying to keep my voice casual even as my heart races.

Erica laughs, the sound light and musical. “I just feel cleaner,” she says with a wink. “Though I think I might have traumatized that poor toilet at school for life.”

I force out a chuckle, but it sounds hollow even to my own ears. My stomach churns, a roiling mass of anxiety and guilt that threatens to overwhelm me. I can feel the weight of the secret I’m carrying pressing down on me, making it hard to breathe.

“Hey, Can you sit down for a second? We need to talk about something important.” I bellow out with my anxiety on display.

Erica’s eyes narrow, her piercing blue gaze sharpening to icy daggers. The playful smile vanishes from her lips, replaced by a snarl that sends a shiver down my spine. She stalks towards me, each step deliberate and predatory, water droplets cascading down her curves like liquid diamonds.

“What is this, some kind of fucking break up, Jason?” she growls, her voice low and dangerous. “Just out of fucking nowhere?”

I blink in confusion, my mind struggling to catch up. “What? I-”

Before I can finish, Erica pounces. She shoves me back onto the bed, straddling me in one fluid motion. Her wet hair falls around us like a curtain, creating an intimate cocoon that smells of lavender and rain. Droplets fall from the tips onto my face, cool against my flushed skin.

“You’re not allowed to break up with me,” she hisses, her face inches from mine. Her eyes blaze with a mix of fury and desperation that takes my breath away. “Do you understand me?”

“Huh? But-” Im quickly cut off again as she clamps a hand over my mouth, cutting off any response.

The towel has slipped during her movement, revealing a tantalizing expanse of damp skin. I can’t help but stare, mesmerized by the goddess before me, even as confusion and alarm war within me.

‘God, she’s so perfect. I really am the luckiest man in the world..Worlds.’ I corrected my train of thought to reflect my weird situation

Erica’s expression shifts, the anger giving way to a raw vulnerability that makes my heart ache. “Please,” she whispers, her voice cracking. “You can’t leave me, Jason. I won’t let you.”

Her hand trembles against my lips, and I can see the fear in her eyes, a stark contrast to her usual confidence.

At that moment, I feel a surge of tenderness towards her. I want to comfort her, to tell her that I’m not going anywhere. But before I can even process my thoughts, she leans in closer, her breasts pressing against my chest as she desperately rips my clothes off with her free hand. I struggle beneath her fingers, trying to explain that this is a misunderstanding, but it’s no use.

“Shhhh baby stop trying to talk under there. Momma is here. Shhh baby.” She purrs at me.

I’m torn between my desire to soothe her fears and my excitement of what’s happening. It’s as if she’s possessed, consumed by a primal need to claim me as her own. I can see it in her eyes, a wild, feral intensity that’s thrilling.

‘Fuck, I’m so in love with her.’

And then, before I know it, she straddles me, guiding my cock into her pussy with an urgency that leaves me breathless. I can feel the heat of her, the slickness of her arousal as she grinds against me, her movements frantic and erratic. I try to speak, to tell her that I’m not going anywhere, but all that comes out is a series of incoherent grunts and gasps.

“Just one more fuck to prove you need me,” she whispers into my ear, her voice ragged with need. And as she rides me harder and faster, her nails digging into my skin, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by the intensity of her passion.

She’s like a wild animal, devouring me with every thrust, her eyes never leaving mine. I can feel her muscles clench around me, pulling me deeper into her as she moans. It’s as if she’s trying to fuse our bodies together to make me a permanent part of her.

But then something shifts. Her desperation turns to anger, and she screams at me. “How could you possibly leave me!

I try to give her loving eyes to reassure her that I’m not going anywhere, but she’s too far gone.

Finally, she releases my mouth, and I screech out. “I’m not leaving you, Erica!.”

Erica’s eyes widen, confusion replacing the wild desperation. “What?” she gasps, her hips still moving against me in a frantic rhythm.

“You misunderstood me earlier,” I pant, my words punctuated by breathless groans. “I’m not leaving you. I could never leave you.”

Suddenly, a smile breaks across her face like the sun emerging from behind storm clouds. Without warning, she grabs my wrists, pinning them above my head. The new angle changes everything, sending jolts of pleasure through my body.

“Oh,” she breathes, her voice a mix of relief and embarrassment. A blush creeps across her cheeks, visible even in the dim light of the bedroom.

Before I can respond, she leans down, her lips finding my neck. I feel the sharp sting of her teeth as she bites down, marking me as hers. The pain mingles with pleasure, creating a heady cocktail that makes my head spin.

The tension that had been building in my body suddenly reached its peak. With a cry that’s half pleasure, half surprise, I feel myself release deep inside her. Erica gasps, her body shuddering against mine as she follows me over the edge.

For a moment, we lay there, our bodies intertwined, both of us panting heavily. The only sound in the room is our ragged breathing and the distant ticking of a clock.

As our breathing slowly returns to normal, I feel a warm trickle between us. My cum drips out of Erica, pooling on my stomach in a viscous puddle. The sensation is oddly intimate, a physical reminder of our connection.

“So,” Erica murmurs, her voice husky. “What did you want to tell me?”

The question hits me like a bucket of ice water, instantly sobering me up. My stomach clenches as the weight of my secret comes crashing back down. How can I possibly explain what happened with Riley while we are like this? How can I tell Erica about alternate realities and doppelgangers without sounding completely insane?

I open my mouth, but no words come out. My mind races, desperately searching for the right thing to say. The ticking of the clock seems to grow louder, each second stretching into an eternity. Erica props herself up on one elbow, her brow furrowing in concern.

Finally, I manage to force out a single word, “Fuck.”

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