Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 18

In front of me is a small town, probably.

It has more houses and other buildings than I’ve ever seen, but somehow I know what houses and buildings are without ever seeing any before. So I could be wrong about it being a town and not a city, maybe. At the entrance of the town is a large fancy wooden sign that says “Welcome to Maternus!” with a picture of a deer next to a tree.

I look down at my tattered clothing, my tan shirt and pants from the blue chest now full of holes. Looking to my left I see that most of the sleeve that was there is gone now. Hopefully I can find some new cloths in the town, I remember being properly clothed around Players is important. I’ve gotten used to knowing about things I can’t remember, so I shrug off the thought.

As I walk into the town I get a clearer view of the houses in this area. To my left and right are two story houses with two doors on their front face, the house to my right is tan at the top with a layer of red brick as the bottom. One door has the number 358 while the other has 357, I wonder why they are counting down but I can’t think of anything yet, oh well. Maybe I can just ask the people that live there, so I turn and make my way to the door labeled 357.

I stand outside the door and yell “Can I speak to someone living here?!”… nothing responds. “Hello! I’m Opal and I’m new in town, I had a question about your numbers!” I yell shortly after, but I don’t hear or see anyone. Maybe they aren’t home, I’ll go check some other houses. Some of the houses have heavily damaged or even missing doors, but I don’t go in them without permission, I remember that’s rude. Probably.

Going to every door in this area has gotten me no results, it seems everyone is out working maybe. I saw the Frogmen do the same thing every day. They would all leave their mud huts when the sun came up, and usually didn’t return to them until it turned dark. That’s probably what’s going on here since it’s morning already, I must have just missed them. As I’m about to leave behind the empty houses I hear a guttural squealing sound, it’s a bit disconcerting for some reason, so I turn towards it.

There standing by one of the houses are three people, very ugly people who are naked. I guess I was wrong about cloths being important to Players. All three have the title Orc above their heads, I wonder how they all got it. I must have been right about groups of Players sharing how to get titles. Probably. They are all a tan color, have long ears and pig-like face features, or at least their big nose holes remind me of the boars I killed the other day. I won’t tell them that though, it’s probably rude, so I just start waving to them, flailing my arms excitedly. These are the first Players I’ve met after all, they all do that weird squeal and run towards me.

I notice as they make their way over to say hello, that one has a crude ax, while another is holding a fishing net. They must have been on their way to go catch fish, must not be very good at it since my frogmen babies didn’t need nets. I’m lucky I ran into them, I was afraid it would be hard to find where everyone went off to work. As they get closer I introduce myself “I’m Opal”. Suddenly the one with the net throws it at me, and I get caught in it in my confusion. Struggling seems to tangle me in it more, maybe if I still had my strength stat from having a higher level I could have ripped out of it. Maybe. “Hey! I’m not a fish!” I tell them. At least I don’t think I’m a fish, I do like the water an awful lot, and I don’t have to breathe in it. I’m not a fish though. Probably.

One of them tries pulling the net, but I’m too heavy. They start making strange pig sounds at each other, which I can’t understand. I thought I could understand all Players… did I maybe… make a mistake and assume the humanoids living in the town are Players? All three of them then decide to pull the net and I get yanked off my feet, landing on my back with a thud, still caught in the fish net. They grunt and start dragging me in the net. So I guess Orc is a type of monster and not a title. Probably. I wiggle and thrash around, but it doesn’t help. “Hey ugl-… handsome orcs, let me out of this.” They all do a piggy laugh. “Please?” I add. It doesn’t help and they just continue to drag me. Unfortunate.

I wonder where they are taking me as they continue to drag me, but it’s a little difficult to tell from this angle inside a net. I’m pretty sure we aren’t in the town anymore though since I don’t see any buildings nearby. They are dragging me on a dirt road now, I don’t like being dragged around in a net much, despite what my newest title may say, I don’t like being restrained.

About an hour later

I notice the orcs dragging me are starting to look exhausted, probably since I’m heavy. Maybe I can get out if they take a nap and let the net go. I hear some squeals in the direction they are dragging me, and try to turn and see but I can’t see past them yet. They all seem to look more energetic though, which ruins my escape plan. Rude.

I can now see a large wall made out of logs from large trees, so it looks like I wasn’t the only thing caught by the ugly pigs. Dumb trees got turned into a wall. Typical.

We pass the wall through a large opening with it’s gate doors wide. The orcs dragging me start making pig noises at the other orcs who seem excited around us passed the wall. I roll around trying to get a better view. It’s a large camp with many crude looking tents and a few larger wooden structures, all on dirt covered ground. Even getting dragged in a net I’m still taller than short dirt at least. None of the structures look as fancy as the houses in town, simply being stacked logs, only some of them with the bark removed first. I can also see a bunch of other orcs around us, some of them following as I get dragged. They are leering like the goblins always did, which is rude, I’m even wearing cloths right now.

I can’t understand anything they are squealing, so by now I’m pretty sure they aren’t just Players making funny noises. I’m dragged into one of the largest wooden structures by the three orcs, but it’s darker inside so it takes my eyes a bit to adjust to the fire lit room. They squeal to some other nearby orcs and I’m slowly released from the net. Once I’m mostly free I try to stand up and start fighting, but the extra orcs are holding my arms and legs before I can manage. I struggle, wiggling and flopping around like the fish the stupid ugly orcs may believe me to be, but it’s all futile. I’m definitely not tiering up both of my classes at the same time from now on. Definitely.

Now out of the net I see the room clearly.

I see many wooden stocks set up, many of them with a woman’s head and hands locked inside, their naked bottoms hanging down and resting on bent knees. -Human- is above a couple of the women’s heads, but most of them have -Elf-. The elves have large pointed ears that are kind of similar to the orcs piggy ears. I remember that my skill has my title as -Human- too right now, probably, so are humans Players? Are elves players or monsters? Why are they all locked up in stocks by the orcs, and why are they all naked. I’m seriously doubting my idea before about Players and clothing.

Then I notice a couple of the elves in the back are… mating with the orcs while locked in the stocks. Their naked bottoms held up by the orcs as they thrust their penises into them from behind. The elves don’t seem very happy about it, so I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure it’s mating. I did see my frogmen children doing it a lot before I managed to leave, and I’ve even done it once myself. The orcs holding me are joined by another who helps them move me to one of the empty stocks, and they all hold me while I’m locked into it. I shake around and try to break out of the stocks, but my strength stat is insufficient for such a task. Unfortunate.

The orcs then rip off what remained of my shirt and shorts, so now I’m naked just like the other women. The orc who had the net when I first saw them then moves from in front of me, now out of sight, and I feel two large hands grab my beautiful white butt. I remember seeing those elves mating.

I don’t think I like where this is going.

Sorry for the cliff, I'll have another chapter out later today to mitigate it a bit, but expect it to be very naughty.

Here is what the orcs look like, not very handsome. Probably.

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