Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 20

I wait a while but don’t see any more orcs come in after the one with the crate leaves.

Remembering there are other women in the room behind me I decide to ask them some things. “Hey humans and elves behind me, my name is Opal. Do they come back, or are they done?” I don’t hear an answer right away, just some quiet shifting sounds in the room behind me.

“You’re human too you know?” I hear in response.

“She could have fooled me human, despite Identify saying such, look at her body.” Another one adds.

“She’s pretty pale but I don’t see what you mean.” the first one speaks again.

“After 80 percent of these damn orcs lined up behind her today, she doesn’t have a single bruise.” A completely new voice chimes in.

“Oh that’s my skill, I don’t take any damage from weaker attacks. What do you mean 80 percent of them lined up behind me?” I tell the other women asking for clarification.

“Well I don’t know if I’m jealous of your skill or not.” The first voice again.

“I’m talking about how most of the orcs targeted you to fuck since you’re new here, I don’t remember any of the others taking so many of them off us. Thanks for that by the way Opal.”

“I wouldn’t be jealous of the lack of bruises new human, they leave us alone more often once we get enough bruises.” The second voice chimes in again.

“Except the big one, he’s a sadistic bastard.” a new voice adds, coughing at the end.

I hear someone say “Poor Jill” followed by a “Poor Susan”, “Poor Marina” and a small string of other names, and some sobbing from different places.

“So do they come back?” I try asking again since no one answered that part.

“Not tonight Opal, now get some sleep if you can, they’ll be back in the morning.” the third voice tells me in resignation.

I don’t tell them I don’t need to sleep, they are probably being nicer to me because of my skill that tells them I’m -Human-. So they do come back, but not until morning, is mating with us their work then? I still have a lot of questions, but if they need to sleep it would be rude to keep waking them up. Looking at the requirements for the (Breeding Slave) title, they probably all have it too. I wonder why most of them said -Elf- and -Human- then. I guess one more question wouldn’t hurt. Probably.

“Why don’t many of you use the Breeding Slave title if it let’s you level?” I ask them and after a short pause I hear…

“The ones who equip the title get targeted much more, something about it makes the more violent orcs want to hurt them more. So I suggest you don’t equip it either.” One of them responds, followed by “Jill had it on.” and “Susan too”.

“Maybe Opal can take it with her skill?”

“You’d put her through that Steph? Will levels even help her get out, I’m tier two in a fighter class and you can see I’m level 23.” I hear a sound like when I first tried getting out of the stocks. “See, nothing. If we are restrained like this then there’s no reason to make the poor girl suffer.” she finishes.

“Let’s all get some sleep. I’m sore.” A completely new voice chimes in.

“Good night” I tell them, closing my eyes and equipping the new title, they couldn’t see my Guardian title was equipped over the Dark Identity -Human- title. That means the orcs won’t be able to tell I have Breeding Slave on anyways, maybe she’s wrong and more levels will help me get out. No reason to waste experience anyways if they are going to be mating with me again tomorrow anyways.

Hours later

I heard some sobbing at different times and from different places behind me throughout the night, I didn’t try to sleep myself. If an orc came in at night, maybe I could have it mate with me instead of them, who need the sleep. None of them came though, which I’m relieved about, but it’s starting to get light outside. I can tell since I’m facing the entrance, and the weak light of the torches on the walls start getting overtaken by the light of the sun. An orc enters the structure with a bucket, followed by 4 more, all also with buckets.

The lead one get to me first, tossing the bucket of water on my backside. It’s cold but I feel a little cleaner, I can’t see behind me though. I hear several more splashes of water behind me, one of the women waking up with a scream. I see the bucket carriers leave, only to return shortly after, followed by more splashing sounds. I get splashed 2 more times before the bucket carriers stop coming, replaced instead by groups of other orcs, their piggy noises making me want to puke. I don’t eat though. Weird.

*Lewd scene start*


*Lewd scene end*


Dark Maiden (Level up)

Dark Maiden level 5 skill unlocked

Just one level up in my lower tier class, so the experience isn’t a lot from the title. It’s going to take forever to get stronger again at this rate, but what choice do I have. I decide to take the bowl of food offered by the orc this time, if they think I’m Human and the other humans eat, it would be weird if I didn’t. Also, I’m happy to find out it leaves a much better taste in my mouth than the semen. Probably not a difficult bar to reach as far as food goes. I should check what that new skill is.


Dark Healing: (100 Mana)

Increase Health and Stamina regeneration of yourself and allies participating in sexual activity for the duration.

Normally I’d call it another useless skill from my Breeder class, but now I can help my new friends. At least I think they would be considered allies, probably not the orcs. Maybe. I wait until the food crate orc leaves to start talking with the other women again. “Hey, it’s Opal again I have another question.”

“How the fuck can she talk after all that?” One voice says.

“Shut up Sue, we know it’s you Opal, your white ass is the only one up there.” One of the voices from yesterday starts. “I wanted to thank you for taking most of them off of us again today, I don’t know how you’re still alive, but we’d be glad to answer any of your questions. Right ladies?” she finishes, and I hear a lot of “Yes” and “Of course”.

So I ask “Are we considered allies in this situation?”

Another of the voices from yesterday, Steph I think, responds first. “Do you mean like with a skill?”

“Yeah” I say.

“With skills, anyone you think of as an ally is counted as such Opal.”

“Okay, thank you!” I can’t think of any other questions right now though hmm. Oh right, I remember one I had from yesterday. “Do they keep mating with us even when we’re pregnant?” I ask.

A voice from yesterday, I don’t know her name, tells me “They keep fucking us until our bellies get too big, then they take us to a different building with the other pregnant women who are about to give birth.”

“You get fed better there and you don’t get raped, but it doesn’t last long.” Someone else adds.

“As soon as you start getting a belly, it’s only a few days till your stomach is huge and they take you there. It’s only a day after that when you give birth, then their shaman heals you up enough to get brought back here.” Another says.

“They don’t even wait for your status to go from Healing to Healthy in the Sex Status menu before raping you again.” Steph adds.

I hear more sobbing from different places behind me, one of them I’m pretty sure from the same spot Steph’s voice came from. I’m going to use my new skill tomorrow, but I won’t tell them about it yet since I don’t want them to be sad if it doesn’t work.

“You shouldn’t scream so much Opal, they really like when we scream and cry. I know it’s hard not to, but they hurt us less too if we’re silent.” One of the voices from yesterday tries to help me.

“I know, that’s why I did it when I could, I can take it see?” I say, standing up awkwardly on shaky legs, but still managing to wiggle my white butt at them, still lacking any signs of my assault other than the sticky semen on it. They should wash us off at night instead of waiting till morning, I don’t think they’ll listen if I ask though. Dumb orcs.

I hear more crying from behind me followed by a sniffley “Thank you Opal.” and even more crying from other places. Poor women.

“Let’s get some sleep okay?” I say, knowing they can’t be up all night like me since they are so weak. I manage to fall asleep myself, hoping things go well with my skill tomorrow.

First spoilered lewd scene, let me know if you think of any improvements and I hope you enjoy it :)

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