Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 231

Oops, uploaded the wrong chapter first. Merry Christmas and Happy holidays and such. Expect more chapters between now and New Years while I'm still at the family house.

I turn to Jim and ask “Do I look different to you?” He quickly answers “You look more beautiful every time I see you.” I probably blush. He did get a good look at me and since he didn’t mention anything bad then I’m probably fine. He moves closer to me and asks in a heavy voice “How do you feel about having sex in a dungeon?” I smile at him and start taking off his shirt instead of answering. He’s been pretty sexy this whole dungeon trip, so not having to wait until we get back to his house is good news to me.

About an hour later

“The ground is really rough on my knees, sorry I couldn’t go longer. Do you want to continue back at my place?” Jim says, so I give him a kiss on the cheek and reply “Not yet. You still haven’t hit the cap for your purchased stats right? Let’s get some more seeds for you and my sister before we start that again.” It felt even better than last time. I wonder if it has to do with the racial modifier I just got, or if I just like sex in dungeons more? Well, Jim isn’t as tough as me, so I can understand that he needs something soft to have sex on. We can have plenty of sex later on the bed, but I’m liking the time we’re spending in the dungeon together. There’s something about it that fills me in a different kind of way.

“We’re going to need a lot more chests for Glory and I to max out. You don’t need the potions anymore, so are you sure you’re willing to just tag along to help us?” He asks, but I just grab his hand and nod. Amber says he’s my boyfriend and Glory is my sister, so of course I’m willing to take the time. The fact that he’s really cute when he tries to show off his fighting skills is definitely a bonus. I wonder if this would be considered a date?

Opal’s body at the brothel

“It’s definitely a date wife. Have you decided if you want to have one of your bodies marry him yet?” Amber asks and the girl she’s training stares at me waiting for an answer. I smile and respond “I don’t think I will. Glory and I are having a ton of fun in the Harem right now, and I think asking to replace his dead wife on his status would make him sad. If he ever asks me though I’ll probably say yes… with a different body of course. That one is all yours now.” I decided that I won’t marry anyone else with that body again. I love Amber a lot and she really liked the suggestion when I first made it. She deserves my body that can love her more deeply.

I’m still not used to the huge difference between it and bodies like this one. It’s like the rest of my body’s feelings are only half there. My wife shows me a beautiful smile and the girl she’s training sighs before saying “I need to find a boyfriend.” I nod, agreeing with her. Boyfriends seem to be pretty great. “Oh! I heard they’re having an event tomorrow in Central.” The girl adds, so Amber asks her about it.

Apparently, since there are only two months left until New Years, they’re doing an event to help the people who picked Suppress get points. I thought there was maybe one month left, but I’ve never been great at keeping track of times longer than a week. I do keep forgetting that there are 12 months in a year. Wouldn’t 10 make more sense? She continues “There’s going to be an auction where Players who picked Rise-Up can sell themselves to Players who picked Suppress. That way they’ll be able to do better on the world quest, but it’s all completely consensual. I was planning on going if I didn’t end up liking the brothel tonight.”

Amber ends up asking her a lot of questions about the event, so I think she’s probably interested. The girl didn’t know the answers to every question, but I have a pretty good idea now what it’s going to be like. People selling themselves to someone who bids on them. Most will probably be choosing based on what was offered, but you don’t have to pick someone who offers something more valuable. There are rules for how the bidders can act if they do get picked and the slavery only lasts until new years. It can also be stopped by either party at any time, but it would be considered rude to still take the bid if you leave too early.

After she finishes asking questions about the event, my wife resumes teaching us how to be better whores and make our customers happy.

-POV Garnet-

“You and your father made really adorable babies this time.” I tell my wife Glory. She shows me a gorgeous smile. Her white teeth perfectly matching her flawless scales. “I think our babies would be even cuter husband.” She says, hinting to me again. I chuckle and respond “I told you, I’m not going to have children until I can properly protect them and fight a Rare boss. That’s what my mom did for me, so I can do at least that for my own eggs.” She rolls her eyes at my usual response. We haven’t been married long, but I’m already glad I chose her.

Glory has some sexual urges that I’m still unwilling to help her with, so she’s joined her father’s harem for now. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to hurt her like that, even if it’s just a game. I just don’t think I have that kind of sexual violence in me. I told her I don’t even want to hear about it. It would be fine if she had different interests, but I just can’t stomach the image of my wife being hurt. The way she talks about mom makes me happy. If I just train harder, one day I’ll be enough for both of them. For now I’m content growing stronger and having a beautiful wife who makes me food and shares my worries. “Sis always seems so gentle, are you sure you saw her kill the Rare worm boss?” Glory asks.

The fact that she calls my mom sister still throws me off, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it. At least they have a good relationship. I tell her “She was magnificent. You should have seen her take hits from the thing. All I could do was hope they didn’t get too close.” My wife rubs my chest to calm me down and says “You’ll get there babe. If she’s so strong then my dumb father’s choices just make me more frustrated.” Her face contorts and I pull her fully into a strong hug. Glory continues “You know, I cry sometimes after having intimate moments with him. He’s so stuck in the past that he can’t appreciate the people around him now.”

She told me about his strange way of denying what happened. I think it makes him weak and holds him back from getting stronger. Once I’m ready, my children with Glory and mother will be much more accomplished. I decide to at least try something that wouldn’t hurt, but still might be uncomfortable for her. I say “You know wife, I think I can try anal sex.” She can’t get pregnant from that and has been suggesting it for a couple days. I don’t really care that she saved her butt virginity for me, being first isn’t important. I just hope it doesn’t hurt her, otherwise I might have to stop.

“Really?” She asks looking at me with sparkling eyes. I chuckle and nod. Her normal blowjobs are more than enough for me right now, but I do get other urges sometimes. Maybe this will help with those. She pulls me into our room. It’s the only one we have other than the main living room, but her babies are sleeping there right now. As she slowly undresses in front of me, I’m glad I asked her not to mar her flawless body with her father’s brand. Not only are brands used for slavery, which my mother taught me to stay away from, they would also ruin her already perfect skin and scales.

-POV End-

The next day, Opal’s Stone Queen body

Jim and I are just about to start another round when I hear a knock on his front door. I start to head to the bathroom, but he sighs and holds me in place instead. “It’s okay Opal, you shouldn’t have to hide anymore. Just wait here on the bed and I’ll be right back.” He leaves the room and I’m a little confused, but for some reason what he said makes me happy. I hear him open the door and then the sound of someone running this way. The bedroom door bursts open and Glory tackles me with a hug. I fall backwards so she doesn’t hurt herself against my body. Jim is laughing as he follows her into the room.

“Sis guess what?” She asks and I think about it before answering “Did you tier up and get a really good class? Was it legendary?” Glory giggles before answering “Your guesses are always so funny sis. No, my husband had anal sex with me and it was amazing!” I don’t know why my guess is funny, but I’m glad it could make her laugh. I pat her head and tell her “Congratulations sis.” I’m not sure how she’s so good at acting excited about a fake husband. Maybe I was wrong and she actually just has a husband who’s okay with her pretending to cheat. I wouldn’t mind if Amber did something like that since it is just pretend. I’m pretending with Jim after all.

She gets off of me and asks her father “Can you hurry and knock me up. I want to act like my husband got me pregnant through the butt.” He sighs and wipes his face with his hand before responding “Sure… I guess you’ve asked for worse. Before that, Opal, you told me to remind you about something next time you took a bath.” I guess taking a bath now would be good since he’ll be busy with Glory. I wonder what I needed to be reminded of, but quickly remember and say “Oh! My wife and I are going to do something together until new years. I’ll need to leave the Harem with this body, but would like to be re-added with a different one I’ll be visiting you with.”

He looks confused and asks “Wait, you have more than one body?” His daughter hits his shoulder and rebukes him saying “You’d know that Daddy if you weren’t so stubborn about not letting her talk about skills.” He scratches his head and blushes before replying “Right… Well I don’t mind as long as you’re still you. It will probably reset you though, so Glory will be in the number one spot.” I didn’t think about that part, but it shouldn’t take long to get my spot back. I tell him “Just so you know, my other body will look a little different since it doesn’t have the same race.” He should still be able to recognize me. I just have a smaller chest and turquoise eyes instead of pink. I think I like him enough to get more potions for that body if he ends up liking my larger breasts more.

“When will you be switching then?” He asks after a few other questions, mainly about the event. I answer “Probably in an hour. I forgot until you reminded me and my wife is still sleeping.” Glory tells Jim “Hurry and get me pregnant Daddy, that way you can come get in the bath with sis and me. You never bathe with us.” He clicks his tongue, but finally agrees. I wiggle and say “I’ll get it ready for everyone then.” The bath is when I have the best conversations with Glory, so I hope Jim will be just as much fun in the water.

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