Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 26

The bucket orcs have stopped splashing everyone in the morning, since Sapphire just cleans us all with her best skill. This caused a lot of us to be woken up by being assaulted since we were so used to having cold water thrown on us to wake up. After the first day we decided that the first one of us up would try and wake the others and we’d all help out. Getting woken up by an orc penis is not something I’d like to do again. They do still come to check us and take the ones who will be giving birth soon to the other structure.

This time I’m not going alone, one of the original human women, 2 elves, and even Ruby are all coming along today. They only take us one at a time, probably to discourage any escape attempts we might try if more of us are taken at the same time. When it’s my turn they have all 4 orcs with a hand on the pillory wood as they lead me through the camp. I’ve slipped a few times while walking there now, and they did not like having to help me up with just two of them. I did notice that even though some of my daughters have inherited Firm, that didn’t make them heavy like me. Odd.

I say my goodbyes to all my cute daughters, they told me I can’t call them little since they are taller than me now. Rude, but I’ll allow them to be proud of their height, the other elves are shorter than me though. Well not as short as the dirt, which is mud today since it rained last night. As I walk to the birthing structure I’m extra careful of my footing and manage to not slip once. I have a smug smile on my face as I come into the room. There, once my eyes adjust again, are the other women already locked to their chains and poles. Ruby gives me a little wave, and I of course return it with my best smile. The 4 orcs finish locking my restraints to the chain and then leave, probably to go get the shaman.

While we are alone we start talking about how many elves we think will come out of today’s births. We have no way of telling since they are so rare, but it gives us something to distract ourselves with. I boast that I think I can do 3 elves all by myself today, of course the others scoff and kick dirt at me. I giggle at their silly reactions and Ruby says she’ll finally have a daughter this time for sure. Ruby has been pretty unlucky, and hasn’t managed to have a single elf yet, so she’s been a little down since last time. I hope she has a daughter this time, daughters are the best.

We chat about it till Ruby starts huffing and sweating, she’ll be the first today it seems. The other women and I all give her reassurances and wish her luck with elf babies, we stop talking though when we see the shaman come in.

He notices Ruby’s condition and moves to her quickly, making sure she’s in the proper position and doing his normal checks. “Five of them today, stupid sows can’t even give me a day off anymore.” He grumbles, placing his ear to Ruby’s big belly. He pulls his head away, talking more to himself than Ruby since she probably can’t understand him anyways being a Player. “This is one of the white sows offspring going by her stupidly white skin.” He shakes his head continuing “I don’t know how they can fuck that… thing, it doesn’t even have a heartbeat. If it didn’t give us such strong orcs I would have had it killed months ago.” Ruby starts gritting her teeth and grunting, soon after her first baby of this birthing comes out and it’s an elf. I celebrate internally for her. “Another sow to make my job harder.” the shaman complains.

It turned out, out of 6 total children, 3 of them are elves. It’s pretty strange, we are all surprised, including the shaman who throws his hands in the air after the last one “Fucking dumb sow, how are half of them female?!” He stomps around the room, only bringing the babies to suck on her breasts after the human woman starts showing signs, so he has to hurry. She calls her babies to her and like usual, only the elves come to her, she seems extremely happy as they crawl onto her lap. I think she’s winning the competition today, I joked about having 3 since I have more babies than them each time, but even I don’t expect to get 3 with my 13 total today.

The human woman has 4 babies total, but none of them are elves, which the shaman is happy about but I can tell she’s sad to not be cuddled by tiny elves afterwards. She already has a few elf daughters though, so she’ll be fine once they console her back in the breeding structure. That’s usually how it goes. The rest of us women aren’t showing signs yet once she’s finished though so the shaman leaves, probably to go get a lot of bread and water. When he’s gone we all congratulate Ruby on being the new record holder for elves per birth, beating out my 2 at once. She takes it all well, giggling as she can’t see her elf babies hugging and wiggling around her. It’s such a cute scene that even the human woman is cheered up, deciding to give her orc babies a glare.

As usual when there are more women giving birth on the same day, the orc babies have gathered together in the center of the room, play fighting each other. I really tried to like my orc babies, but they kept making it harder and harder, they don’t know I can understand what they’re saying when they assault us, but at this point I really don’t think they’d change their harsh words or actions. I don’t know how the frogmen can be so nice while the orcs are so horrible, aren’t they both monsters. Unfortunate.

I realized weeks ago that if I ever managed to get out of my restraints I’d probably have to kill some of my orc children to save my daughters from them. I cried that day a lot, my daughters tried to cheer me up and asked what’s wrong, but I couldn’t tell them. I’m sure they realized before I did though that their brothers were irredeemable. I remember Sapphire telling me the first time I talked to her that I shouldn’t ask about her brothers. The life Flatbox welcomed me to can be hard sometimes.

The shaman comes back with a bunch of bread in his hands, followed by an orc carrying a couple water buckets. The other orc leers at us, but then puts down the buckets and leaves. It takes a while of just sitting there, Ruby and the human woman not looking much better yet, till something changes. I start feeling the pressure now, it looks like I’m next, so I move into position by myself and grunt to the shaman looks over and notices. He comes over and starts checking me. “How many strong orcs will you give us this time sow?” he asks probably to himself. “Your fat belly is massive today.” he says placing his ear to my stomach for a while. “That can’t be right… I hear… 12, no 13 heartbeats. You better not shove out 3 more elves sow or I’m ending you myself.” He finishes before spitting on my stomach. Rude.

I start pushing out the babies like normal, it’s pretty painful, but I think my higher level now helps heal the small amounts of damage faster. Having a bigger max health is really useful like that, the women explained it to me a while ago when I was curious about how my skills worked. According to them, base health regeneration heals someone from 1 health to full in 8 hours, mana is full in 4, and stamina only takes an hour. It doesn’t matter how much max health you have, it’s always the same without the help of skills. I don’t think the damage to my insides with each baby takes a lot of health, so with a bigger max health the pain goes away quickly. Probably.

From the orc shaman’s reactions it doesn’t look like I have any elves yet, but when I still have 4 babies to go one of the pregnant elves starts screaming, probably starting without the shaman since he was distracted. “Damn it, the white thing will be fine. Are you both popping them out at the same time!?” he yells loudly after leaving me alone to go help the two elves, unlucky enough to both be giving birth at the same time. Well I guess I am too, but I can take it without the shaman like he said. He’s still rude for calling me thing though. Maybe.

I manage to get my last 4 babies out, breathing heavily and pushing them out. They are so much more difficult, I can really appreciate frogmen spawning after doing this kind so many times. As expected I hear a familiar chime.


Quest Complete!

All Classes (Level up) x2, +300 Credits, Relationship + with all birthed Orcs and Elves

Dark Maiden level 25 skill unlocked

Suddenly I can’t understand any of my senses, I get a strong pulling sensation all over me and my vision goes white.

The first thing I notice is I hear the elf women, but their voices are oddly doubled. Is it because I’m confused and there are two of them, no that’s not it. Suddenly my vision starts to return blurry at first, but then I can see I’m standing, but also still laying down. One of my heads turns and sees the shamans back. I can see Ruby staring at me, I couldn’t see her at all when I was just laying down me. There are two of me now, no that’s not right either, there is one of me. I wiggle the standing part of me’s arms, which I realize don’t have restraints. I don’t have the time to come to terms with whatever just happened, I can’t waste this opportunity. I rush forward with my standing body, activate my Bloody Fists and my Power Attack, I feel the tingle for the first time in a long time and I smash a red fist right into the side of his ugly head. He doesn’t have time to squeal or react, my first hit popping his head clean off his shoulders, it soars and smacks into the room’s wall. All the women stare at standing me, then at the ground me. I shush them with my laying down body, and go over to it with my standing body again. After 2 carefully placed Power Attacks, both of my bodies are free now, even with the fatigue of giving birth I go to the other women and break all of their restraints.

After they are free I tell them “I’m going to get more help from the women in the breeding structure, Ruby may be level 1 still but she’s tough, she’ll stay here with you. You all still need to finish pushing out babies and heal up, so try not to draw attention to this room.” Then I see Ruby stand up from beside the shaman’s headless corpse holding a small dagger and she says “Don’t speak with both at the same time Mom it’s really disconcerting.” I think about it and nod to her. “I’m still weak after having babies too, but I’ll help them here so go get my sisters, we’ll be fine.” Ruby reassures me.

I wave to them and charge out of the structure.

When both of my bodies get outside I see the camp full of orcs like usual, many of them turning to me and pointing or yelling. I remember where the breeding structure is from here so I get into a fighting stance with one of me and have the other run there.

-POV Running Opal-

As I’m just getting started towards the breeding structure I hear a chime.


Ally Ruby wants to form a party with you with experience set to Even Share.

Accept? Y/N

Accept yes. I recall Tasha telling me about parties a while ago, they are used to make sure even Healers in a team can get experience. I guess only Players have them since my frogmen babies never mentioned them. I’m already almost to my destination.


Ruby has given you invite privileges.

I see just as I rush into the darker room, my other body has already started fighting orcs so I need to hurry. My eyes adjust quickly, and only a few orcs have noticed me. That quickly changes when I run to the closest one and shatter its skull with a punch from behind, I didn’t even use Power Attack. I had forgotten while being at their mercy for so long, unable to move my arms, just how low level and… weak, these orcs really are. They are squishy, just like the other monsters, they aren’t special. They just got lucky and I was too prideful, I’ll correct that mistake now.


Title earned

New Quest!


You are free from your restraints and in need of revenge. Free the other captives and take everything from your captors, especially their lives.

Rewards: 3 Levels, 500 Credits, Land Rights, Relationship + with participating captives

Track? Y/N

Track yes. I hear a loud squeal and most of the orcs start heading towards me, only those distracted with mating seem unaffected.

None of them have nets.

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