Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 32

I look out at the forest in front of me, sun coming over a mountain in the distance and stretch. It’s good to be able to move after so long, and my other body is currently stuck in the cuddle pile we all laid in last night, so it can’t fulfill my desire for wiggles.

I look down at myself and I’m filthy, well this body of mine is anyways since I’ve been up here on the gate all night keeping an eye out and renewing my lights when they went out. I look back at the camp and the piles of naked women, most of which have started to wake up, even if they haven’t untangled themselves from their neighbors yet. Everyone else is pretty filthy too, only myself, Ruby and Tasha managed to wash in the stream. So I should see who wants to go with me once everyone is up. With the gates closed, I haven’t had to kill anything trying to get in, although I did see a few goblins and get a quest to clear out a den. I’ll take some of my daughters there for experience after I wash up.

It only takes a little while longer before Amber is the last one to get up, seeming to struggle with moving her arm off of me. She’s such a cute kid, so I pat her head and say “It’s time to get up sweetie.” She groans and starts sitting up so I stand and brush myself off declaring to the rest of the camp that’s milling about and chatting. “Me on the gate is going to the stream to wash up, if anyone wants to join me it should be safer if we go as a group.” To which everyone looks down at themselves, and then to the gross blood and dirt on everyone else. It doesn’t take long for me to hear calls of “I’m disgusting”, “Why didn’t you say anything?” “We need to go” and from Amber “I’ll go with you Mom.” Unsurprisingly Sapphire is already clean from her own spell. She must have forgotten that everyone else was gross too because I see her suddenly back away from everyone and start casting her cleaning spell.

Amber gets hit with the spell, gives her a glare and says “I’m still going to the stream with Mom.. since there’s safety in numbers.” I have my body down in the camp walk up to Sapphire and tell her “This body will be staying in camp to make sure no monsters get in, so you can use your spell on me.” Sapphire then gives me a smile and cleans me too saying “I’ll stay here with you then, is there anyone else staying behind?” No one else takes her up on the offer, the lure of washing in a stream too great apparently.

As everyone else starts marching towards the stream, Sapphire and I replace my other body on top of the gate. She looks out over the forest, seemingly fine with the silence, maybe she’s not a morning person. I do remember that it would usually take the second splash before she woke up when we were still locked up. So I take this opportunity to check on the land rights the quest told me I got. I assumed it was for the camp, like when I got the lake, I just haven’t seen a reason to check before this. I didn’t forget about it. Probably.

Owned Land Status



It looks like the camp is still level 1, I wonder if all Land I get will start out like that, or if the monsters just don’t know how to use the Land Menus. I shouldn’t name the camp without asking everyone else first this time. The frogmen didn’t seem to care about names, but since all of my daughters asked me to name them, and everyone else has a name too, it’s probably different for players. I’ll check and see what I can build here. I focus and think Development.




So I get different development options for different types of land. The only similar options are the Dungeon and Quest Board. Oh wow, I have a lot more credits than I expected, the frogmen must be using my stamina hole a lot now. I can’t see their numbers right now but I bet quite a few have decided to stay at the lake. It has been a few months though, so I could be wrong.

I decide to ask Sapphire what she thinks I should build, although I’ll wait for everyone to get back anyways. My other body is asking them the same thing anyways. “Hey sweetie.” I poke her cheek and she turns her head smiling at me. “Yeah Mom?”she asks. So I tell her the different options on the development menu and she places a finger on her lips, thinking.

“Well I think the Pig Pen will be important for food, and the Well for water, but you seem to have enough credits to get most of the options. Why Don’t you get everything you can now and then save up more Credits for the other stuff later?” I then explain to her that once the Land levels up I might get more options like with the lake. She asks “What lake?” of course I tell her “Lake Opal, it’s where all my frogmen babies live, I have a stamina hole there that makes fish, which is where I got all my Credits from.”

She sighs and rubs her temples “So you’re telling me you own other land and I have Frogmen brothers and sisters?” she asks, so I tell her “Yeah, that’s pretty much right. I guess I haven’t told you all about it since I was worried about the orcs finding out and going to kill my weak little frogmen babies.” she shakes her head and sighs even more deeply. “You know Mom, Frogmen are monsters, like the orcs?” she says, but I deny her “They aren’t like the orcs at all, they are nice monsters, you can make friends with them unlike the stupid orc babies.” I see her think about it before saying “Okay Mom, but you shouldn’t send anyone there without you just in case alright?” to which I answer “Of course silly, they wouldn’t know someone I sent was with me and they’ve had very hard lives.”

With that settled I tell her that the group who went to the stream just killed a bunch of goblins that were collecting water there. She tells me about the quest to kill a nearby goblin den she got this morning, which is the same one I have, only pointing in a different direction. Weird. So I tell her about it and we decide to make groups when the bathers get back based on where people have goblin quests, there must be more than one den nearby. Probably.

-POV Stream Opal-

We finish tossing the goblins into the woods, Sue says that wolves and other predators will probably clean them up for us once they smell the blood. I then jump into the stream, splashing all the women around where I land.

I hear shrieks of surprise at the sudden splash of water, but then they retaliate by hitting water back at me while laughing. Suddenly everyone is splashing and exaggerated screams litter the surroundings with joyous laughter. I grab and toss Amber in my excitement, her form flying briefly before splashing into the water next to Ruby, who promptly surrenders when I offer to toss her too.

Opal 1 / Kids 0

Once everyone has calmed down, most people are now laying on the shore of the stream, sunbathing I’m told it’s called. Ruby tells me she doubts I could get a tan after my display of standing in the fire pit last night. Then she reminds me that now might be a good time to go over titles, and she’s probably right. So I get everyone’s attention, then proceed to explain “Hi everyone, it’s me Opal, I realized I have a few titles that should be easy for everyone to get. So I figured everyone might have some, and if we share how to get them then we can all be stronger. If everyone agrees I can go first, what does everyone think?”

Everyone seems to like the idea, Tasha is the first to speak up. “We did the same thing at the camp I was a guard for, but people usually kept the harder to get ones secret, so I think it’s up to each individual what they choose to share.” she says, followed by Tina “I have a few that other people might be able to get, but I agree that there’s no pressure if you don’t want to share one.”

Everyone seems to agree at this point so I start by telling people my easier to get titles (Rope Bunny), (Sexual Actress), (Voyeur), and (Exhibitionist). I leave out ones that everyone has just from our shared experiences namely (Breeding Slave) and (Kin Slayer). It turns out that quiet a few of them already have at least one of my easy to get title, well they were easy to get. Some of the women who don’t have specific ones decide that tonight they’ll group up to get the other ones. Amber asks if I could help her get a couple of them so I agree, she’s so cute when she asks me like that, how could I say no.

I then start listing off the ones that will be harder to get like (Giant Slayer), (Landowner), (Guardian), and (Witch). Only a few women want to try to get Witch, but we figure it should be doable for anyone with a higher level since the fire doesn’t have to be magical or anything. A boost of 10 wisdom is a lot of mana after all. Nobody likes the idea of kidnapping children though, so that’s good. Landowner is difficult since I needed to do a Conquest type quest to get it in the first place. Guardian has the same problem.

After my turn sharing anyone who had something not already mentioned before took a turn, but there weren’t a whole lot. Not surprising since only me and the human women have had a chance to get titles outside of the camp. Steph shared one with us that everyone is going to try and get later called (Pyromaniac). Apparently you only have to receive sexual pleasure while purposefully setting something on fire. I feel like I almost got that one myself last night, but I didn’t catch the bushes on fire on purpose. Tina has a title she shares called (Mud Monster), where you have to spend a day caked in mud. Not everyone seems excited for this one, but we all agree it should be pretty easy to get. Sue shares and equip-able one called (Farmer), where you have to work a farm for 5 days. She said she got it for feeding chickens, so I wonder if we could all get this one with the Pig Pen. Lastly Tasha tells us how she got guard just by being assigned as a guard by the camp’s landowner. Wait… can’t I just make everyone here a (Guard) then. I ask Tasha and she’s surprised at first that I got land rights to the orc camp, but then confirms it should be that easy.

We decide to make a ceremony out of it once we all get back to camp. I turn my other body and tell Sapphire, who’s still up on the gate about it and she seems excited, but still gives me a glare since I’m covered in the guts of the monster bear I squashed by jumping down onto it from the gate. She finishes glaring at me and casts her cleaning spell which makes me feel all fresh again as I climb back up and onto the gate.

I decide to check my Status, Titles, and Skills while we wait for them to return.








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