Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 36

To War and Conquest, good luck Player

My first thought is, that means lots of fighting right? Then I remember that I have family here who probably aren’t ready for lots of fighting. I sigh and stand up, brushing the dirt off of my cloths. I wouldn’t have dirt on my butt if the stupid chair I brought out wasn’t so weak. Maybe I can stack a few of those stones and sit on them, but that will have to wait, I go down the stairs and wait for the parties to come out.

The first party to appear is Tina’s, her and her daughters are each holding a stone. I tell them “Don’t go back inside, I have to tell everyone something.” She gives me her stone and says “If it’s about the War announcement I think we all got it, so everyone else should be coming out soon, lets just get these stones up the stairs.” I follow her up the stairs, her daughters still having trouble with their own stones, but I only have two arms.

Sure enough, it only takes a few more minutes for everyone to get up the stairs and gather around. We go over what the screen said, and everyone got the same one. That makes it easier, I don’t have enough Credits left for the Quest Board though, so I think we still need to discuss some stuff. “I’m going to be getting enough Credits for the Board, I won’t ask anyone to give me their Credits since you earned them, and some of you don’t even have weapons yet. I don’t think most of you are strong enough yet, so most of you should continue going in the Dungeon for experience and the orbs you can use for Credits.”

I look around and spot Tina raising her hand for some reason, but then she lowers it and says “Oh sorry, habit. I would like to get a basic place for us to sleep comfortably up by tonight, I think proper rest is going to be important for us and no one wants to sleep in the old breeding or birthing rooms. For obvious reasons of course.” There are a lot of nods to that and Sue speaks up “I can help by grabbing stones from the dungeon, I don’t need to level as much as the kids and I can carry a couple of them each trip.” I think that’s a good idea so I add “The entrance with the stones is safe, all the time I spent there collecting materials, the orcs never left the first room until I opened the door. So you should just be able to go in and out.”

Tasha then says “I think anyone without a tier 2 and a second class should be leveling until they have them. I’m pretty sure the teams just need one of the kids with Opal’s skill for the Mimic. So when myself and the others leave the groups to get things done in the camp, have one of them in each team.” she then turns to Ruby “Sorry sexy, I’m going to leave the party and help collect the stones for now, try not to miss me too much.” she says, but Ruby answers by leaning down a bit and kissing Tasha on the lips. As she pulls back she says “Try not to pull a muscle.” which gets giggles from the women around them.

“I’ll be at the gate like usual and over at the (Pig Pen) making pigs if anyone needs me.” I tell everyone, which Amber asks “Why making pigs?” so I tell them about the taxes stuff when using stamina to create pigs and water. Some of them look a little jealous, but I can’t even make my own cloths so I say it’s fair. I noticed earlier that my breasts are a little cramped since I’m using Ruby’s outfit, and it’s kind of annoying. Amber gives me a hug and I wish her luck in the Dungeon, sometimes my kids are just too cute.

Sapphire asks if she could get my body on the gates help with knocking down trees for some bows and arrows. She points out that if we end up defending from an attack, we can use them to shoot enemies without leaving the camp. I of course agree, but I’ll have to close us out of the gate again, so nothing gets in while we’re busy.

A few hours later

It’s starting to get dark outside and I am in front of a pen absolutely packed with huge pigs. Since I have double max stamina from the skill that gave me two bodies, I’m able to create 6 or 7 400 cost pigs every hour. I wonder what we can do with the pigs once we run out of room for them… I have enough stamina again, so I use 400 stamina again and a pig appears. Wait, that’s not a pig, I see a huge boar with tusks and a thick mane on its back. Above it’s head it says -Battle Boar- Lvl 1.

It pushes past the other pigs and walks over to me, it then hops over the low wall and rubs up against me. Is it trying to be cute, if so it’s failing, but it seems friendly and has a name above it’s head and a level. So maybe it’s like my Opal Fish from before, but the fish didn’t have a level. Strange. I pet the ugly pigs head and it squeals happily, not cute at all. I wonder if it can level in the dungeon too. That would be silly right? Maybe. Lets find out.

I walk towards the dungeon with the pig following me and when I get there Sue screams, but then notices me standing next to it. “Don’t give me a heart attack Opal, whats with the boar?” so I tell her about how it’s probably a rare pet or something from the (Pig Pen) and she gets excited. “I want one, how much stamina did you have to put in before getting it?” she asks, so I tell her “Probably 10 thousand or so?” I’m just guessing since I didn’t keep track. About that time Amber comes up to me with a hug, apparently she just finished a run of the dungeon. She looks at the big pig next to me and gives me a questioning look. Elves are much easier to read the expressions of than frogmen.

I don’t really need a big pig following me around everywhere and I did want to see if it could level in the (Dungeon) so I tell Amber “This pig is for you, see if it can level in the dungeon if you put it in your party.” she gets a huge grin on her face and then turns to the pig… she says “It won’t join my party Mom.” I glare at it and say “Leave me alone, Amber is in charge of you now, listen to her.” It huffs at me and then starts nuzzling against Amber. “It works now, thanks Mom!” she says, hugging me tight, not like I have to worry about her squishing me. It feels nice.

I see her run down the stairs, and then the pig and her other party members disappear.

Sue give me a betrayed look and says “I just told you I wanted one.” I forgot, but I instead tell her “We needed to see if it could level in the dungeon, since you aren’t going to be leveling in the dungeon today, it makes more sense to give it to her.” I’m so smart… she glares at me…. So I give in “Fine, you can have the next one, actually lets switch, I’ll grab stones since I’m low on stamina right now, and you can go make pigs.” she happily agrees and runs off in the direction of the (Pig Pen). I turn to the dungeon and head down the stairs, ready to start getting bricks.

Meanwhile, my other body is done knocking down trees for Sapphire, we have about 30 bows and a ton of arrows. She asks me to toss her over the gate again so she can open it for me, so I do. I hear her laughing with glee as she flies through the air. It doesn’t take us too long to get everything inside the gate, and we decide to close and lock it again once we have the last of it. It’s good to be cautious. Probably.

I tell her about the Battle Boar, she agrees with me that it sounds uncute. She doesn’t seem to want one. I ask her what we should do with the pigs if the Pen gets full and she suggests “Can’t we just burn them like the orcs?” Huh, I guess we could. I pat her head and say “You’re so smart sweetie, what’s your Intelligence at now?” she grins but then tells me “Intelligence doesn’t make you smarter Mom, it just makes your spells better.” I nod since that makes sense, I’m smart but Intelligence is my lowest stat by far.

“So you think we should give anyone who wants to use a bow one, before they get the option for second class, and that will probably give them the Archer option?” I ask her, just to make sure I got what she said earlier right. “Yes Mom, I’ll go see if anyone wants one as they leave to reset the Dungeon before going back in.” she gives me a hug and finishes by saying “Thanks for helping me again, love you Mom.” “Love you too sweetie, after you give out the bows and arrows, try to get a few levels yourself in the dungeon before dinner time.” I tell her, happy to have such cute kids. As she walks off I climb back onto the gate to keep an eye out again.

It’s dark now so I put the last stone in the spot designated by Tina, and then go to where Steph has made the fire pits again. I see Sue riding around on a Battle Boar of her own, I guess she was able to get one, good for her, she looks happy. Her kids are watching her from the side, looking a bit worried for their mother’s safety on such a large creature. I cast a few of my light skills around the place so it doesn’t break something in the dark. “Mooommmm!” I hear from behind me and I see Amber and the other kids in her party riding over on the Battle Boar, and I can see they have all leveled, well, they are lower level, but I assume that means they tiered up and maybe even got their second classes. The Boar is now level 13, so I guess it can level in the dungeon.

I wave at Amber since she called me and I see her turn the pig my way.

“Hi kids, how did today go for you all?” Amber’s daughter is the first to answer and she says “We all got tiered up and our second classes Grandma, I took mage for my second class!” I think for a second… and then ask her “Wasn’t mage your first class?” she puffs out her chest and says “Yup! I’m gonna be the best mage.” I think about it again, and it did give me the option to take fighter again as my second class, so I guess it’s possible, it just seems weird. She hops off the pig and hugs me, I pat her head and say “Good job, you’ll be a great mage I’m sure of it.” even if I think she’s weird she still called me Grandma.

Amber then hops off the pig with the others and tells me “I got Tamer as my second class, so thanks again for Piggy here.” It snorts happily when she says it’s name, I hope it doesn’t follow her everywhere now, she’s fun to be around. As if sensing my distaste she pets the pigs head and tells it “Go back and hang out with the other pigs Piggy, you don’t want to see us eating tonight.” It then trots off in the direction of the pen.

We all then move over to the pits where Ruby already has a couple pigs waiting by the fire. I tell her “Get the chains and poles the others use, I’m not going to hold two cooking pigs.” She looks a bit sad about that, but gets the chains anyways. I give her a hug and ask how her day was. “It was great Mom, I tiered up and got my second class, I chose Thief since Tasha told me it should go well with the Bloody Cuts skill I got from you.” she tells me a little more cheerfully. The rest of the kids around our fire each tell me what they got for their second class, since everyone managed to push themselves today and get it. Half of them chose Archer, saying that it called to them.

Weird, maybe it’s an elf thing.

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