Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 39

As I’m entering the dungeon, my body on the gate hears a yell from behind “Hey Mom!”

I turn around and see Ruby there and my chest feels worse. “Have you seen Tasha around, she left bed earlier and didn’t come back.” She asks. So I tell her “Come on up sweetie and sit by mom.” she gives me a confused look, but then comes up and we both sit down. My dungeon body has just finished smashing the orcs in the first room, but it didn’t help any so I have to get this weird feeling out of my chest. With my legs hanging over the side of the gate I start by telling her “Tasha came to me as I was getting out of the dungeon…” then I go on to tell her everything that happened how I remember it, trying not to leave anything out.

When I’m done talking, my head is hanging low and I’m looking down at the ground, the weirdness in my chest only stronger. I don’t want to look at Ruby, but I don’t know why. I hear her let out a long sigh and then I feel her arm wrap around me. “What a bitch.” I hear her say, and my head sinks lower. She pulls me tighter against her and quickly adds “Not you Mom, Tasha.” I look up at her and she looks angry, but I don’t think it’s at me so I ask “Why not me? I forgot about it too, and I let her touch me and stick her tongue in me, I even felt good.” she kisses me on the cheek and explains “Because you are dumb Mom, but you aren’t stupid. You don’t understand that she went to you for the purpose of having sex with you.” I really don’t understand, she just wanted a hug but it escalated right? “I’m sorry sweetie, my chest feels weird, and I didn’t want to hide it from you. I hope I didn’t make you sad.” I tell her, my thoughts still swirling around in a mess. “Am I a bad Mom now?” I ask her but I feel her hit me hard on the head, it doesn’t hurt since she’s so weak, but I wish it did. “Stop that Mom, you are still the best and I love you.” she tells me and my eyes start to water, the Mimic probably thinks I’m being weird, but I smash it anyways.

I hug Ruby and apologize again, but she tells me “How about this Mom, I’m not going to be able to sleep, and I don’t want to see Tasha right now. So how about we get you new cloths, you said you’re in the dungeon now without a shirt right? How about you pay me back for letting Tasha touch you by taking me through the dungeon? Then we’ll be even.” she gives me a strong squeeze and then finishes by saying “Besides, I feel like killing some stuff too right now.”

I send her the Credits for a new guard uniform and have my other body meet up with her outside of the Dungeon. I quickly get changed and then add Ruby to my party, I haven’t been in the dungeon with her yet, so I hope doing this will help her feel better. I understand now that she doesn’t blame me, but I can tell that she’s sad and it makes me feel bad.

As we get in the dungeon, I say that she can touch me too if it will make her feel better, but she hits me in the head again. She then sighs and says “Mom, remind me to get Sapphire and Amber together so we can explain relationships to you. I really don’t understand how you can be so… you sometimes. I can at least tell you this Mom, I don’t like you in the way that Tasha likes you, so touching you wouldn’t make me feel better. Besides, Amber would kill me.” I think I understand, maybe… maybe not. Why would Amber kill her though? That confuses me a bit, but I don’t want to seem even dumber by asking so I’ll think about it later. “Oh and don’t tell Amber what happened yet, I’ll tell her later, but I don’t actually want Tasha to die.” I nod to her, still confused, but not telling Amber doesn’t put the same weird feeling in my chest as not telling Ruby did. So I’ll let Ruby tell her later.

I see Tasha with my other body, she walks around the camp a bit before going back to the sleeping room. She doesn’t come to the gate to talk to me, but I assume she was looking for Ruby. So I tell Ruby who just finished stabbing the Mimic to death. She just shrugs and we continue to the next floor. After a couple more floors we start loosening up and the feeling in my chest has disappeared. Ruby now has a smile on her face as she chops off one of the orcs heads, it rolls into the puddle of the one I smashed just before. She speaks up “This is fun Mom, you should do this with Amber, I’m sure she’d really enjoy it with you.” I probably have a smile on my face too and tell her “Of course, I’ll just have to tell her to come alone, thinking about her smelly pig in these small rooms doesn’t make me very eager.” Ruby laughs and then says “Oh I think she’d be very eager to do this alone with you.” she then wiggles her eyebrows at me, but I just stare at her and she laughs again. “I see Amber has her work cut out for her, I wish her luck.”

We slaughter our way through the floors, her having Firm making it so I don’t have to look after her, it really is a lot of fun. I feel like I’m growing closer to her the more orcs we kill, it’s very refreshing. We make it to the chest on the 7th floor, the one that isn’t a Mimic and I let her open it. She pulls out the same (Health Potion) that I got before, so I tell her what it is. Neither of us is hurt so she says “Can you carry it in this chest then Mom, don’t worry, I’ll take care of the other monsters till we get to the boss at the end you told me about. I agree with her, I feel like if we both fought, the potion would break for sure. Probably.

We make it to the 10th floor just fine, so I put the chest down outside of the door to the boss room. “You weren’t kidding when you said it had fancy doors Mom, I agree, we should see if we can get these set up instead of the gate of the camp.” Ruby tells me while feeling the metal edges of the doors. Her dagger has a blood blade extending out of it a few feet, making it more like a sword than a dagger. It’s not as big as it got in the fight where we took the camp, but there are a lot less orcs in the dungeon floors. I go to push open the door, but she stops me. “Do you mind if I try to take him alone, I think I can do it, and if I end up needing help you can just step in.” she asks me and I say “I think you can do it sweetie I’ll be cheering for you.” she gives me a hug, which I return. I bring the potion in with me just in case though.

As she opens the doors I see the same orc again, with the same spear. It notices us right away and starts charging, so I step to the side and say “Good luck sweetie!”

It shouldn’t even be considered a fight, Ruby dismembered the orc with her blood blade, it didn’t even manage to touch her. I saw her dance around its lumbering form, taking slices out of it until it stopped squealing and fell down. Then she stabbed it’s head and walked over to me. “Good job, I knew you could do it.” I tell her showing her the potion “You didn’t even need this, when I fought him the stupid orc rammed me.” she laughs and says “Yeah, he was too slow to land any hits on me, but I agree with you that most of my sisters shouldn’t fight him yet.” I point behind her and say “Why don’t you open the chest since you killed him? I got this ring from it last time.” and then I show her my hand wiggling my fingers. “What ring Mom?” she asks, so I look down and my finger is empty… I was just punching a lot of stuff while wearing it wasn’t I… she then points to my other hand and says “That ring?” so I look at my other hand and sigh in relief, I had just misremembered which hand I had it on. She laughs at me and then gives me a hug. “You’re so funny sometimes Mom.”

She turns around and heads towards the red chest sitting where the orc died, I tell her to use the orb since it gives 100 Credits, which she does. Then she opens the chest and actually pulls out a dagger, it looks much better than the one she took from the dead shaman, and even cooler than the one I saw another daughter get from the armory. She says “Oh it says it’s a magic item. The dagger apparently increases Health regeneration.” So its like the ring, but does health instead “You should keep it then sweetie.” I tell her, to which she says “Of course I’m keeping it, what would you even do with it, punch someone, or maybe regenerate the health you never lose?” with a serious face, but then smiles and giggles. I start giggling too and she asks me “Hey Mom, is it still dark outside?” I look around the forest with my body on the gate, it’s only been a couple hours since we entered so I don’t see how it would be light out already. But then I remember that she doesn’t have another body to keep track of time while she’s having fun killing stuff. So I tell her “We still have plenty of time before everyone else wakes up, did my baby maybe want to do the dungeon again?” she sticks her cute tongue out at me and then hugs me “Yup, of course!”

So we exit the dungeon, drop off the two new chests by the entrance, and then go back in.

As we are in the dungeon killing more orcs and Mimics I notice Tasha leaving the sleeping room again, but this time she’s not alone. She’s with one of Ruby’s daughters, and I hear the daughter say “Find Mom” but the rest is jumbled since she starts speaking in a whisper since Tasha shushes her. Then they head off around the breeding structure so I can’t see them anymore. I guess she got help to look for Ruby, but I remember Ruby said she didn’t want to see her right now, so I won’t tell them where she is.

As Ruby is chopping up the orc boss again some time later I hear stomping coming from behind me at the gate, so I turn around and see Ruby’s daughter with an angry face coming my way. She climbs up the gate and then asks me in a quiet voice “Grandma Opal, have you seen Mama?” I tell her that I’m in the dungeon with her now, but not to tell Tasha since she doesn’t want to see her. She growls and says “Tell Mama that Tasha asked me to help her find Mama, but then took me behind the old breeding room and tried to have sex with me.” I stand up and get angry myself, ready to go knock Tasha out but she continues “I used a spell on her that makes her fall asleep, I got it from my tier 2 class. Get Mama here so she can go beat Tasha up.”

Of course I tell all of this to Ruby “Hey Ruby, Sara just came to me and said Tasha lured her out to look for you, and then tried to have sex with her. She want’s you to come beat up Tasha.” Ruby drops the bracer she just pulled from the red chest and trips a little. “She did WHAT!” she yells, storming to the exit door, I know I’ll get pulled out too once she touches the doors so I quickly toss the bracer in the chest and grab it, reaching for the spear. I didn’t grab the spear in time, I sigh, but then put the chest down while Ruby runs off to the gate to meet Sara.

If Ruby kills Tasha, does that mean I can tell Amber what happened later?

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