Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 43

It’s not even getting dark yet, and my stomach is getting worryingly large. Now that I’ve been out of the Dungeon for a little while, the parties have started going out to deal with the goblin den quests. Sue is the only one who got a quest that said it had 0/204 Goblins, and she’s pretty sure it said 0/145 yesterday. So groups are going to clear out the smaller quests and then send a bunch of people with Sue to her quest afterwards. I would have been joining them on Sue’s quest, but one of me is heavily pregnant and the other me is needed just in case we get attacked by orcs. We do still have that War quest to worry about.

It’s decided that Amber is going to stay back with me for defense and to help me give birth. So I’m sitting with her on the wall of the (Pig Pen) and spending stamina. I can’t go into the Dungeon any more today, even if I wasn’t super fat right now, so I might as well try to get more people some Battle Boars.

Amber is rubbing my belly and humming. I’m also naked, but that’s not really important. I can’t fit into the guard uniform or the dress right now, and trying would probably bring their unfortunate end. The camp feels really empty with everyone out doing quests, so I just lean back further and enjoy my belly rubs. Her humming is pretty calming too. “Oh there’s another boar Mom, good job.” I giggle and say “It’s not that hard to spend stamina silly daughter, you don’t have to tell me I did a good job.” I smile at her and then close my eyes again saying “Can you keep humming though, I really like it?” She continues to rub my enormous belly and starts her tune again. This is really nice.

I think back to seeing the black ring around my two necks when I checked myself. I was hoping everything would have gone away after Arhu died, some of the things he told me about sounded really inconvenient. Do I really not gain free points from leveling anymore? It’s still listed in my Classes menu as +20 Free Points for my tier 3 classes, but I’m still at 0 after getting the levels from killing him. Can I only get Free Points from sex now, and is it only sex with men, or with him? Can I masturbate and get points? I might try that one later, only because it would help me get stronger. Probably.

“Hey Amber?” I say and she stops humming “Yeah Mom?”

“Thanks for staying with me today, you being here for me all the time really makes me feel warm inside. I can just imagine sitting with you here, nothing else to do but talk and listen to your voice for days. Not forever though, your Mom likes fighting too much, so in my imagination we are punching wolves together too. It’s not a very coherent imagination I suppose, but I like that you’re in it. So thank you for being my Amber.” I tell her some of my flowing thoughts, I feel like I don’t thank people for helping me enough. It’s not a competition… anymore, but if it was, I think Amber has been there for me the most.

“Hey Mom?” she says so I answer “Yeah sweetie?”

She then lays her head on my belly and says “I love you too.” So I start brushing her hair with my fingers and let out a happy sigh. She then asks me with her head still on my belly “You’re huge by the way Mom, how many babies does your sex status say you’re going to have?” I forgot I could check that, he did say he had skills that increased how many I would have, and I do too. I better check.

Current Status: Pregnant(24)

That is a lot for orcs, almost double the amount I had last time. Will my belly grow so big that it cracks and the babies just fall out? That sounds really painful, so I hope that’s not what actually happens. I tell Amber how many it’s going to be and she lifts her head off my belly “You aren’t going to explode and have the babies just fall out right?” She asks, not helping my worries in the least. She looks worried too though, so I won’t scold her this time. Plus, I probably won’t burst open and spill out babies. Probably.

She then says “I hope a few of them are more sisters then, they are much better than ugly orcs.” I nod agreeing with her sentiment about orcs, but then tell her “The orc told me that he had a skill that made all of his babies female, so if he wasn’t lying then they should all be sisters for you.” she looks at me with a skeptical eye “Really?” she asks, so I admit that it’s what he told me, but I can’t be certain. She puts her head back on my belly and says “I hope its true, I don’t like having to kill our orc babies.” I stroke her hair some more since I know it’s something all the girls struggled with after freeing ourselves.

She starts humming again, and since her head is on my belly I can feel the vibrations, it’s nice.

I feel happy again sitting here. “Hey Amber, I’m starting to feel that pressure. I think it’s going to happen soon, can you help me onto the ground?” I would just get off the little wall myself, but things are just harder when you’re about to push out babies and my body won’t listen to me. She stands up and then helps to carefully move me onto the ground, see seems strained since I’m so heavy, but I’m at least helping a little. She’s also a lot stronger than she used to be, I’m looking forward to fighting with her later, I bet she looks beautiful swinging around that giant two headed ax of hers. “Mom, you’re leaking milk.” she says, so I look down at my chest, and sure enough some droplets of the stuff is dripping out. Usually the babies have to suck it out when we would give birth, maybe it’s because I’m having so many of them.

Amber licks it “This is delicious Mom, can I have some after my sibling have had their feeding?” I’m going to respond that it seems odd, and she’s my daughter so it’s probably fine, but I’m interrupted by having to push out the first baby. I hear a cute little cry and Amber says “It’s a girl.” but I’m busy pushing out the next one. This continues for I’m not really sure how long, but it’s a lot easier than ever before, like suddenly I’m better at having babies. The only thing I can think of is Bountiful, maybe it makes me tough with birth like Firm makes me tough with fighting? Or is that dumb. Maybe.

I’ll have to see if I notice anything else different. Amber is helping me hold the babies to feed them and says “They really did all come out as elves, I have 24 more sisters.” she then grins really big and I ask her in a tired voice. “Could you help me name them, doing so many kids at once is hard.” She laughs really loud, but it sounds sweet. “Sure Mom, I’ll take payment for my services in your milk.” I nod and say “Deal.” to which she gets a big grin again, but it’s cute. It looks like only a third of the babies this time got Firm, but some of them definitely look like they got other skills, but I can’t tell what. I just know how my babies look when they have Firm. Somehow.

All the babies are named now and have eaten, so they are gathered around me and Amber as she starts sucking on my leaking nipple, it feels really good, but it’s embarrassing so I don’t mention it to her. She pulls away and licks the side of her mouth where some had leaked out. “That really does taste much better now Mom.” She then gets a blank look like she’s staring at a screen and then laughs. “What is it sweetie?” I ask her, but she eyes her baby siblings and says “I’ll tell you later in private Mom. It’s a good thing though. Probably”

She really does look beautiful when she smiles, how did I not notice before how much she takes after me. That’s a vain thought again isn’t it? Probably.

We sit there with the babies and talk to them about all the stuff that’s happening in the camp. They may be babies, but Amber assures me that they can already understand what we’re saying, so we might as well inform them when we have nothing else to do. Women soon start coming back from their quests and my body at the gate directs them to where they can see the new babies. Of course they all head there, and no one seems injured. I remember goblins being pretty weak though. I let out a sigh of relief when the last party comes back fine, there was only one injury and it was from a group of boars that they stumbled into on the way back from the goblin den.

I’m probably feeling well enough already to help them out with Sue’s goblin quest, but I decide to stay. It would be rude to leave Amber with all the babies. Probably. The babies cant exactly sit with us up on the gate, so she’d be stuck down here watching them alone. Everyone starts geting ready to go, yes everyone. It was only going to be a few of the strongest parties, but Sue says her quest went up to 0/457 Goblins. So they are taking everyone and the Battle Boars, even Piggy, Amber’s pet. The two Battle Boars I made while waiting get grouped with their new owners and I finally remember to give Sue the sword I got from Arhu. I didn’t even think to look at its description, but Sue says it’s called (Immortal) and gives a bonus to virility and fertility… of course it does. She still seems happy to have it over her guard sword. It does look very pretty.

Once everyone leaves the babies start falling to sleep, so we move them to our grouping of beds in the corner of the sleeping structure. They should be fine sleeping like that, so we leave quietly and sit outside the door. Tina has managed to get one of the doors I brought out from the dungeon to actually work properly on the entrance of the structure. So it will let us go in and out, but block any cold wind from coming in at night. My belly has gone back to normal already, which is nice, since I’m sitting on dirt a lot I decided to wear a guard uniform instead of my dress. No reason to get it dirty if I’m just going to be sitting down with Amber.

Well, I’m sitting down, Amber is laying down with her head in my lap and I’m stroking her hair while she hums. “So sweetie, you told me you had something to tell me in private?” I ask her and she stops humming “Yeah, your breast milk gave me 2 Free points from drinking it.” I stare at her for a second, “That’s good isn’t it? I can just have everyone drink some and get stronger.” she sighs and answers “Yes and no Mom. If someone bad like say, the orcs, found out your milk gave free points, what do you think would happen?” I think about it for a while… I get a feeling that it would be bad, I just can’t tell how much. “It wouldn’t be good, we’d probably get attacked more.” I answer her.

“That’s right, so until we can think of a better way, we should make this another secret between us like your not breathing or eating.” I nod, that makes a lot of sense but I think of a smart plan “What if we don’t let them suck it from me and instead give it to them in jugs or something? Then they wouldn’t know it was me.” she shakes her head and says “They would still know it came from this camp, making it a target still. I’ll think of something Mom.” I stroke her head some more and say, “Lets just give it in bottles to Sapphire and Ruby then, I feel like they are strong enough not to be forced to tell, but I also want them to get stronger.” They’ll know it’s from me, but for some reason I don’t think they’d want to suck it out of me like Amber. She’s quiet for a few seconds but then says “Okay, they can be trusted so you can give them milk in bottles.” I figure we can use the used potion bottles that are left over after using the Health potion inside.

I lean back and close my eyes then say “Hey Amber?”

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