Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 45

Amber manages to push past her smelly boar and walks up to us. “Welcome back Ruby and it’s nice to meet you Chair. How much weight can you take by the way?” she greets them and then asks. I then translate his frog noises for her and say “He says he has trained well in his duties and can maintain a little more burden.” she nods to him and then sits on my lap, I decide it’s okay since the pig didn’t rub off on her too much. Amber then wiggles her butt in my lap, smiling as she tells Ruby “Guess what?” wiggling her fingers, one of which has a ring on it. Ruby looks confused at first, but it quickly turns into surprise and she yells “Really!? I missed it? You told us you’d let us watch.” Amber looks a bit bashful and answers “It kind of just happened.”

Ruby sighs and then says “I demand a redo, I had Sara get the other dress for you and everything.” she starts. That’s cheating isn’t it, using my weakness as a grandma to get my dress from me? Then she continues “The other sisters will agree with me, we are going to have a ceremony and you two will do it again where we can watch.” It seems silly to me, I don’t think we can get double married. Ruby finishes by saying “Congratulations to both of you though, I’m happy you got through Mom’s thick skull.” I take it as the compliment it is. Probably.

“Today is a joyous occasion then!” Chair says beneath us. “Mother, purger of the unworthy, is now bonded to a beautiful sister. I must tell my siblings of this celebration... I must ask for you to dismount me for now Mother.” he asks, so we get off of him. Ruby is looking at his back as he stands up, probably missing it’s comfortable embrace on her butt like I am. He then says “I will be back with anyone who wishes to join in the festivities. Goodbye Mother.” and then runs off with frightening speed into the forest. I hope he can find his way back alright, it will be nice to see some of my frogmen babies again.

“He’s such a good boy.” I tell them as we watch him disappear between the trees. “He seems nice, probably. I can’t understand anything he’s saying.” Amber confesses, but that’s normal. They don’t have (Monster Mom) since they may have had orc babies, but they were never able to take care of them. They’d have to have frogmen babies for the title to work with them anyways. Maybe some of them can get it if they take Chair up on his offer later. Maybe.

We get back into the camp to wait for the people helping the rescued, and Amber kisses me saying “I want to check something I’ll be right back.” She then takes off, leaving me with Ruby who gives me a big hug. “You look happy today Mom. If you ever need someone to ask questions, I’ll be here for it. You two better treat each other right or I’ll beat both of you up.” She offers and then ends with a threat. “Don’t worry, I know you’d have trouble beating me up so I’d help out.” I tell her, knowing I don’t want to treat Amber poorly. She laughs and then admits “That’s true, Mom is the toughest after all.” Which makes me happy. I like when my children praise me.

Amber is already coming back in our direction and when she gets to us she says “I can still use the (Armory) even though I’m listed as a Landowner now. I think I might be able to get you the Guard title finally.” I take a minute to understand what she means, but then I get it. If she’s the landowner too, maybe she can use it to make me a (Guard) since it wouldn’t let me make myself one. I did think it was pretty rude not letting me get cloths even though I made it. She then says “Also, I noticed something new, it says it can be upgraded. Did you know that already?” I do kind of remember it saying that, the Dungeon mentioned it too. I don’t think the other structures mentioned it, so I probably should have paid more attention to it.

“I kind of remember it saying that, did you check to see what it did?” I ask her to which she nods answering “It says we need to use 50 Monster Orbs (Tiny) and 1 (Small). I wonder if it will give us better uniforms and weapons, or maybe just more options.” Ruby then says, “It’s kind of unfair I don’t get to build stuff like that too.” Amber just pats her back and says “Well sister, I think Mom would be fine with letting you give us Credits to build it for you.” but Ruby just shakes her head “It’s not the same.” I then join in consoling her by patting her head. “Hey Amber, can you ask me to be a guard now?” I ask, not wanting to miss out on a free title and my very own cloths from the Armory. She gets a serious face and asks me “Opal, do you want to be a guard and protect Liberation?” I nod and say “Yes”


Title earned

I do a wiggle dance as soon as I see it and say “It worked!”to my daughters, finally the juicy treat kept from me is within my grasp, so I check my new titles.




I forgot about all the titles I got while controlled by the ugly orc. Seeing them puts a bad taste in my mouth.

It is a lot of bonus stats for me at least. (Blood Betrayer) is the first title I’ve seen with a stat detriment, but (Kin Slayer) also has a negative effect, so I’m not too surprised seeing it. I do finally have (Guard) and can get my own cloths, so it lessens the bad taste a bit. I hug Amber and tell her about the other titles. Ruby and her both squish me with their hugs since they are good daughters.

Pulling back I tell Amber she smells like Piggy, which gets me a smack in the head by Ruby, and a laugh out of Amber. I guess it probably was a rude thing to bring up, I won’t mention how she smells again unless it’s important. Probably. Amber tells us she’ll rinse off with some well water and join me back on the gate after. So I ask Ruby to watch the gate for me, while I go and get a new uniform that fits me. I get to the Armory and check my Credits.

Credits: 21,389

I realize I have enough for the (Quest Board) now, so I quickly get changed into a better fitting shirt and shorts before heading to see Amber at the well. She’s still wet when I get there, and I can see her bra under the guard shirt. I guess if we want to hide them we can’t get our cloths wet. So I tell her it’s showing through and she puffs out her chest at me. Strange. She seems a little disappointed when I move on and tell her I’m going to build the quest board now. She sighs but follows me back to the Armory. It was decided by everyone that the board should be close to the armory, so people can buy new weapons or cloths before heading out to quests.

Its not very exciting compared to all the other structures I’ve paid for, being a wide, flat stone that rises out of the ground and has ‘Liberation Quests’ in bold letter on the front. It’s about four inches by three feet at the base and comes up to my neck. It seems to just be solid stone. I wonder how far down it goes into the dirt, but don’t want to check and accidentally make it fall over. It was very expensive. Amber touches it before I think to and I see her staring at a screen again, so I join her and touch it too.




It seems to have sub-menus like the Land menu, they must be the different types of quests available, since I see Conquest at the bottom. I Focus on Conquest since I’m pretty sure it’s how we’ll deal with the orc War quest.




Are those all different camps like this one? A fort is probably going to be even bigger though. Probably. That’s a lot more than I expected, how does stupid Flatbox expect us to kill that many orcs. If there are so many camps and forts, and the War quest told us we’ll have to defend too, then this doesn’t look good at all. Everyone is going to have to see this so we can talk about what to do. I don’t think even I’m smart enough to think of something alone. I decide to check the other options.




The materials quest seems pretty easy, except for getting the trees dragged to the camp. Probably. The quest to find a family in a cave should probably be done by a party soon. I don’t think living in a cave would be very comfortable and having more Players to help out with the War quest seems smart.




I guess these just have you killing stuff, I wonder why it says slay goblins and hounds, kill wolves, and exterminate for spiders. It’s probably not important, I’ll try out some of these quests later. I don’t want to pick anything yet since I’m still grounded today and I want to see which quests Amber wants to do.




Hey! That’s my lake. It should be an easy quest then, since I’ll just have to go there myself and accept the trade connection by myself. I can take Amber there and show her our lake, hopefully I can get one of the (Opal Fish) to come out of my stamina hole for her.

“Hey Amber, do you see any quests you want to take? I was thinking we could take the trade quest for the lake so you can see the other Land we own.” I say to her and she turns away from the board responding “I was actually thinking the same thing, I wonder if I can convince Sapphire to let us go early. We still have to have our ceremony tonight though, so maybe we should wait till tomorrow anyways.” I nod, I have to admit, I am looking forward to the ceremony they want us to have. Their excitement could just be rubbing off on me like Piggy’s smell on my wife though. Maybe.

“Lets go take gate duty from Ruby so she can come check out the Quest Board.” Amber suggests, and I agree so we start walking that way. She grabs my hand and I smile, I can definitely see why Ruby was doing this with Tasha earlier. Our arms swing back and forth as I wonder which of those two camps we will be taking Tasha back to. Dragon Roost sounds cool for some reason, so I hope it’s that one.

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