Flashy Adventurer System : Show Off to Get Stronger!

Chapter 57: Applying for an Intermediate Adventurer Badge

Chapter 57: Applying for an Intermediate Adventurer Badge

Although buying a weapon took a bit of time, they were dismissed early by Instructor Per so it was currently only noon time.

After realizing that the Permissions Pavilion might be on break, Shye decided to eat first. He only had a hundred coins left so he chose to save money and dine inside the academy canteen.

He wanted to use his money to take his little sister out to eat inside a fancy restaurant and that's why he chose to not have a fancy meal today.

Shye ordered a simple meal and ate slowly to pass the time. After an hour, he finally finished eating and headed towards the Permissions Pavilion.

As expected, the staff members of the Permissions Pavilion were already done with their lunch break so Shye walked towards the desk to apply for an intermediate adventurer badge.

"Hello, I would like to apply for an intermediate adventurer badge" Shye said to the staff member who was in charge of the desk.

"Sure, may I see your Identification card?" the staff member replied

Shye gave his identification card to the staff member and after a few minutes of verification, the staff member frowned.

"Shye Crowley, freshman student of the warrior course, correct? Pardon me for being rude but don't you think that it is a bit too early for you to go into the intermediate adventurer zone?"

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Shye didn't get angry after hearing what the staff member said.

Although it was indeed a bit rude to judge his skills simply because he was a freshman student, he also understood that the staff member was only worried that he might lose his life.

In response, Shye merely smiled and patiently explained that the beginner adventurer zone was already too easy for him so he wanted to hone his skills inside the intermediate adventurer zone.

He even brought out an ember tiger's claw and showed it to the staff member as proof that he could handle the dangers inside the intermediate adventurer zone.

After seeing the ember tiger's claw, the staff member was stupefied. He then remembered that the instructors were talking about a freshman student who was rewarded by the city lord for killing an ember tiger inside the beginner adventurer zone.

"W-Wait...S-So you're the one rewarded by the city lord for defeating an ember tiger?!" The staff member asked while stuttering.

"Yes, that's me. I had to protect the lives of my classmates and after a hard-fought battle, I managed to luckily win."

Shye humbly replied

"I see...W-Well, since you have the capability to take down an ember tiger, I shall give you a quest. If you complete this quest then I shall give you an intermediate adventurer badge."

Shye's eyes lit up after hearing that the staff member would give him a chance to prove that he was worthy.

Applying for an intermediate adventurer badge as a freshman has never happened in the entire history of the Colzen Adventurer Academy so the staff member was confused about what he should do to handle the situation properly.

Fortunately, he was quick-witted and thought of a good solution on the fly.

"Alright then, listen carefully, I need you to hunt three armored hyenas, one blackwood boar, and one ember tiger inside the intermediate adventurer zone. If you can bring the sellable parts of those creatures back to me as proof, then I shall grant you an intermediate adventurer badge."

"Please take this temporary pass and show it to the guards stationed at the entrance of the intermediate adventurer zone, this pass should be enough for them to let you pass."

"However, this is a one-time use pass so if you cannot complete the quest in one try, then it means you failed the quest."

After hearing the details of the quest, Shye frowned.

The quest was a bit hard for him to accomplish in a single go and he might need to stay for a night or two inside the intermediate adventurer zone before he could complete it.

However, Shye believed in his strength. Although it was hard, he knew that he could complete the quest. freёwebnovel.com

"I see, is there a time limit?" Shye looked at the staff member and asked.

"No, however, should you fail this quest, you will have to wait until you are a second-year student before applying for an intermediate adventurer badge again."

Shye nodded to the staff member and left the Permissions Pavilion with a serious look on his face.

As for the staff member, he breathed a sigh of relief after Shye accepted the difficult quest. He believed that there was no way that Shye could accomplish the quest in a single go and so, he thought that he handled the situation perfectly.

He wanted to let Shye experience a dangerous situation inside the intermediate adventurer zone so that he would obediently wait until he became a second-year student before applying for an intermediate adventurer badge again.

The staff member was confident that Shye could escape from the creatures listed on the quest so he wasn't too worried that Shye would lose his life.

However, he was also sure that Shye would fail and this quest would serve as a lesson for him not to underestimate the dangers inside the intermediate adventurer zone.

Little did he know that Shye was actually strong enough to defeat the creatures that he mentioned and that he was already formulating a plan inside his head on how to efficiently complete the quest without putting his own life in danger.

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