Flip The Script

Book 1 – Ch 09 – He’s Rolling

"Hello. I am Kimoto Toshi. I have recently moved here with my family. My sister also attends this school and is two grades above me. My hobbies include swimming and RTS."




His father helped him get dressed that morning. When Toshi first came out of his room, his father took one look at him before dragging him right back inside his room. A few tense minutes passed as they argued about whether getting changed in front of your father was weird. Eventually, Hirofumi left, but not before laying out proper clothing and fixing Toshi's hair.

The Toshi who stood before the classroom was tall for a teenager going on sixteen. His hair was perfectly disheveled, as was the current style. However, he refused to use any make-up, which oddly enough made him stand out more. He had that natural sort of beauty that didn't require it. Otherwise, he wore a navy blue gakuran uniform that was the standard uniform for the school. As far as the audience's assessment of him went, the verdict was universal.


He was drop-dead gorgeous.


With a soft chin, straight nose, high cheekbones, and full lips, Toshi was by this world's standards (but not his own), super hot. He had that look that made women want to protect him or make him submit to their darkest desires. By his own standards, he looked kinda weak. He thought he might have problems appealing to women, considering how he was on the softer side of masculinity. However, in the world he found himself in, men liked aggressive women, so the reverse was true as well. His 'soft' masculinity was exactly what got a girl's engine going in this society.

Needless to say, there were more than a few girls in the room putting a mental image of his ass in their 'spank bank'.

Meanwhile, the guys were alternately wondering if he'd fit into their clique, or if they needed to figure out a way to neutralize him. Guys as good-looking as him tended to rile up the girls into doing stupid things. The classroom leaders were already trying to figure out how to put him in his place. Nothing worse than an attention-seeking narcissist who loves getting all the girls to fight over him. Toshi, on the other hand, only knew about school in his old world and that meant he had no idea how things worked. For that reason, he had developed a simple plan:


If you keep your head down, you might get left alone.


"Please be kind to me." Toshi gave a short bow to the room and then strolled over to the seat the teacher indicated was assigned to him. He wound up sitting in the general center of the room. He hung his bag over the back of his chair, fished out some paper and pens, and got ready to look like he was busy.

As he sat there, occasionally looking up at the teacher, Toshi took the time to glance around the classroom. On the surface, it looked like a classroom back when he was a kid. Jocks hung out with jocks. Nerds hung out with nerds. He could mostly make out which group was which. However, something started to nag at him. The classroom had girls in it. Young girls who, judging by how they occasionally glanced at him, were quite thirsty.


The key word here being, 'girl'.


He had gone through so much to finally get here. To have that chance to finally re-do his years in school. Yes, in another universe, but a universe not that much unlike his own. In fact, a world where he should have no problem getting laid if it were not for the fact that he was twice the age of everyone here.

~Holy crap.~ He chewed on a thumbnail as he tried to work through this in his head, ~I'm almost 16. I'm in a room full of girls who are the same age as me. Nobody is going to know that I was thirty-two in a previous life.~ He tried to stop there, but could not help but add,~...and that I am a massive pervert for sleeping with children half my age!~ He started to feel sick to his stomach.


Toshi glanced sideways at the girl next to him who gave him a quick wink.


He slammed his gaze forward to look at the front of the room and broke out into a cold sweat, ~I'm a goddamn child molester!~

He let his head fall forward as he cradled his forehead in his hands, ~What was I thinking???~ He sighed, ~I was thinking this would be like some sexy manga comic where I get to use my superior experience to find a proper girlfriend in school and not graduate a loser!~ He pressed his palms against his eyeballs, ~Instead I am in a room full of real girls who don't deserve to be preyed upon by some body-swapping perv!~ He glanced to the left and right. ~This is NOT some eroge manga, Toshi! These are real children and I am fucked in the head for even thinking about having sex with them!~ Yet, in the back of his mind, where he couldn't admit things, there was a part of him thinking about the age of consent for girls being thirteen.


He hated himself for it.


Toshi tilted his head back to look at the ceiling, ~You knew this, didn't you? You knew as soon as I got to this point I'd choke at the finish line. God? Why didn't you warn me? How about a, 'Maybe you want to be eighteen?' or just a, 'You sure you want that?' instead of just dropping me in a world where I feel like a predator wearing a child suit?~

"Are you feeling alright?" The teacher had switched out while Toshi was having his panic attack. The new teacher was a bouncy brunette with twin pigtails teaching biology.

Toshi kept staring at the ceiling and just clicked his tongue, "Nope."

The teacher walked over, "You are new to this school, yes? Anything I can do to help?"


Toshi shook his head, "I'm realizing god is punishing me and I totally deserve it." He closed his eyes and dropped his head forward, "Just having an existential crisis. It'll pass." He finally looked up at his instructor.

She couldn't have been more than twenty-five and TOTALLY in Toshi's strike range. Well... OLD Toshi's strike range. Just the right mix of beautiful and mature. An unbuttoned white lab coat on her shoulders combined with the glasses she wore to tick all of his boxes, ~Oh My God.~ He realized he had found his preferred fetish, ~Sexy nerdy girl~ His jaw dropped open.

The teacher smiled at him, "Existential crisis?" She laughed in a melodic voice, "I think you might be a bit young to be having one of those." She shook her head slightly with closed eyes, "Also, I THINK you are unlikely to have done anything requiring divine punishment." She took a deep breath and looked at him, "Toshi, right?"


Toshi's eyes were drawn to her chest as she took that deep breath. He nodded and composed himself as he forced himself to tear his eyes away and look her in the eye., "Indeed." A word he spoke with a tone that he hoped to come across as more mature than he appeared. It wasn't something he did on purpose, but something he did reflexively because it was hard not to flirt with his former ideal.

The teacher pointed at her chest as she introduced herself, "Juba Okuda." she said with a bit of bounce to her introduction.

Toshi nodded again as he tried and failed to keep staring her in the eye.


She kept smiling, but developed a twinge of worry, "I was there at the meeting with your parents on Friday." She tilted her head to leave an implication hanging in the air: I know about your medical condition.

Toshi adjusted himself in his seat as her words sunk in, "Ah. Well. Just... doing fine. I'm fine."

She nodded, "Well, let me know if you need to talk. I am the biology teacher after all." She half turned away but turned back to whisper in his ear, "It is okay to look me in the eye. You don't have to keep lowering your gaze."


As she turned and walked back up to the front of the room, Toshi blushed furiously as he called out what he had been doing, yet it was all the more embarrassing because it seemed that she didn't care., ~Let me guess... you think I'd be a wonderful case study?~ The teacher's gait caught his attention and Toshi couldn't help but let his head slowly list to the side as leaned out into the aisle to check out her behind, ~Fuck my life, I am a decade too soon for that one.~

The guy sitting behind him tapped him on the back. Toshi leaned back as the student leaned forward, "Hey." the student whispered, "Are you checking out the teacher?"

Toshi, never taking his eyes off her, and not thinking about it how it would sound, replied honestly, "I like nerdy." He took a deep breath and let it out as he went back to taking notes.







The student behind him stared at the back of Toshi's head, pondering this reply for quite a while.

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