Flip The Script

Book 1 – Ch 18 – Hate The Game

Toshi and Ruri walked into their classroom.





The class was going to be starting in a few minutes. What stood out was the small group of students around Ruri's desk. When she and Toshi walked in, the boys flocked around Toshi and yanked him away to interrogate him as to what happened. Ruri, now alone, walked over to her desk to see what the fuss was about. One of the girls looked up as Ruri approached, "Seriously?"

Ruri looked puzzled, "What?"

The girl known as Koizumi Uno was pointing at Ruri's Desk, "You have a limited edition Hologram Honey Whitefox Bento Box."

One of the other girls lifted it to point at the underside, "Number Eight!"

Ruri snatched it away, "Careful! It's got food in it!" She carefully put it down on her desk.

Uno looked shocked, "You... actually use it to eat out of?"

Another girl leaned in close to Ruri, "Okay. Spit it out. Who's clit do I have to suck to get one of those?"

Ruri blinked then looked a little embarrassed, "Uh... well... it... was a gift."

Uno looked a little disappointed, "Oh. From your parents, huh?"


About this time Toshi had managed to disengage himself and had come up behind Ruri. Catching the tail end of the conversation, he interjected, "I thought you said you got it from Honey Whitefox?" He spoke to Ruri's back, making her jump at his voice.

Ruri spun around to make dinner plate-sized eyes at Toshi, "What???"

All the girls looked at Toshi and echoed Ruri, "WHAT?"

Toshi scratched his chin, "Yeah. Don't you remember talking to me the other day about it? You said you helped out Whitefox and he sent you that as a thank you." Toshi reached down to grab the certificate of authenticity off the desk and unfolded it. He then put it next to the autograph on the top of the bento box so they could compare the handwriting with the 'THANKS' written on the certificate, "Those match, right?"

The other girls looked at the certificate, and the autograph on the bento box, then looked at Ruri, "You Know WHITEFOX?"

Toshi handed the certificate back to Ruri with a smirk, "What was it... He got lost? Needed Directions? Something like that, right?"

Uno grabbed Ruri by the shoulders, "Tell. Me. EVERYTHING."

Toshi started to slip away when Ruri held up a finger to Uno, "One second." She looked over her shoulder, "Uh... Toshi-San?" Toshi stopped and looked back. Ruri reached down and searched through her bag to pull out a much smaller and shabbier bento box. She looked at Toshi, "You..." She paused as if trying to gather her courage, "I packed two lunches by accident. You gave up lunch to help me." She held it out to Toshi and bowed forward, "It would honor me greatly if you accepted this with my thanks."

The room stopped as they all saw Ruri offering Toshi, the hottest guy in class, a bento box. The girls were thinking, ~Only guys give bento boxes~ and the guys were thinking, ~Oh my god, what are you thinking girl? No guy would accept a bento box from YOU!~

Toshi then took the box, popped it open, and looked inside, "Ooo! Chicken!" Toshi smiled at Ruri, "Thanks! I'm starved!" Then walked back to his desk.


The sound of so many jaws hitting the floor at once was deafening.


Uno grabbed Ruri and yanked her deeper into the gathered crowd of girls, "Spill it."

Ruri blinked, "Spill what?"

Uno hooked a thumb at Toshi, "Toshi-kun, The brother of Hina-Ban, the toughest girl in school who said she would straight-up MURDER any girl who so much as dared to look at him..." She stabbed a finger at Ruri, "You just gave him a Bento Box! Do you want to die?" She then paused and narrowed her eyes at Ruri, "Wait a minute... You know Whitefox AND you are dating Toshi? What are you, a Pochi-kun magnet?"

Ruri shook her head, "No! We're-" She paused before concluding, "He's a boy. He's a friend. That's it."

Uno was about to ask something else when the teacher walked in, "Everyone. To your seats."

Uno leaned in to whisper to Ruri, "I need the details later." She paused then added.






"Before his sister kills you."

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