Flip The Script

Ch 023

"C'mon! You can do it! ... YES!"


Toshi was watching his sister play a racing game. Initially, he was playing it alongside her, but he lost in the second race and was now watching her crush the game, "Damn you're good at this! I just can't do these kind of games. If I don't have the feedback of actually feeling the vehicle turn, it messes with my head."


Hinako just hit a turbo boost and flew to first place just as the last lap finished. She looked up as the score totals rolled, "Dad has been letting you drive a car?"


Toshi blinked and once again, inwardly cursed at screwing up. He shook his head, "No no no, I'm just saying I get driven around so much, I can't imagine driving a simulator without feeling the car actually turn."


Hinako nodded, "Ah." She turned back and frowned, "Dammit. I can never get this circuit. The loops always screw me up."


Toshi grabbed her shoulder and squeezed, "Use the force."


Hinako looked up for a second, "What's the force?" The starting lights started beeping so she refocused on the game. Toshi shut up so she could focus on driving and took a step back. While he was watching over her shoulder he heard a rather loud comment from behind him.


"But how was his ass? I bet he was a land whale."


Toshi turned around to look at three girls all playing a game involving shooting aliens in a side scroller on a spaceship, except all three had different screens to look at, so they could go to different rooms on the same level.


"Stop thinking about ass and worry about backing me up, I'm cornered and I got the key to stop the self-destruct!" The shorter of the three commented.


The tallest of the three had her hair cut short and seemed very unfeminine by Toshi's standards, "You ain't hit puberty yet. Trust me, soon you won't stop thinking about ass."


The third one, who seemed the more conventional of the three executed a drop-down into the first player's room and used some sort of bug spray to kill the aliens, "There! Haul ass to the self-destruct."


The tall one smirked, "See? More ass."


The normal one looked annoyed, "He wasn't a land whale. He was hot as hell. You could bounce a coin off those abs."

The tall one let out a low whistle, "He was showing midriff?"

The normal one nodded, "Didn't have his shirt tucked in and every time he reloaded both guns at once, it lifted his shirt. I thought I was gonna die."

She expertly finished off a bunch of face-hugger-type aliens, "I'd lick every drop of sweat off him."


Toshi finally figured out they were talking about him. He looked down at his shirt and looked puzzled, ~Wait. I am not supposed to show off my abs?~

The tall one cursed as she died and had to restart, "Damnit. Was he here with his girlfriend trying to look cool?"

The short one spoke up, "He was here with his sister, I think. And he didn't just look cool, he soloed the game dual-wielding both players' guns at the same time. It was goddamn awesome! I recorded it with my phone and put it up on FaceTube if you want to see it. He was like a machine! No hesitation! He just plowed right through everything! It was like art."


The normal one smirked, "He can plow me anytime."


The tall one grinned, "Well, as long as he isn't fat, he can blast my alien any time!"

The small one giggled as the normal one snorted, "You'd let a fat one blast your alien and you know it."

The tall one stuck out her tongue and made a 'Pffft!' sound, "Hey! I got some standards! I'm just Wig-Tow. Can't trust men. They're all monkey-branching whores looking for that Bee Bee Dee." Toshi blinked and blinked hard. He was used to getting called all sorts of horrible nonsense from girls, but this was the first time he had been called a gold digger... even if it wasn't directed at him specifically.


The normal one rolled her eyes, "My guy isn't like that."

The smaller one piped up, "I dunno. He seems to have awfully expensive tastes. I sometimes worry if he's just using you for free food."

The taller one chimed in as well, "And he never lets you out anymore. This is the first time we've seen you in a month."

The normal one finally lost her final life, resulting in a chain of misfortune where the other two died a few moments later. The normal one cursed, "Damnit!" She let out a long sigh, "Look. Having a boyfriend is expensive and working eats up what little free time I got. I'm still friends with you two, but-"


The normal one finally noticed Toshi standing behind them. She stared. This got the other two staring as well. Toshi smiled, "Well played. I've never seen this one before."

The short one hooked a thumb at the game, "Xenodium is based on the Xeno movies. You a fan of Starhammer Twenty Kay?" The other two seemed rather nervous like they were waiting for the other shoe to drop.


Toshi looked at the short one, "StarHammer? I don't know, to be honest."


The little girl nodded, "Oh. Well, this game is based on when Kerrigan Ripley returned to Pee Three Three Eight. It is unlimited disarm the self-destruct slash kill the boss alien. It's before the third movie where they killed her off."

The normal one rolled her eyes, "Stop watching there. They bring her back in the fourth movie as a Terg Queen."

The tall one shrugged, "I didn't think it was that bad. Stupid, but not bad. Now the fifth movie was meninist trash. When they had to have Bishop Raynor save her."

The normal one rolled her eyes, "It wasn't that bad. I mean, romance has no place in StarHammer, so it wasn't very twenty-kay, but it wasn't horrible."

The short one rolled her eyes, "They did Captain Leia Janeway dirty. She went out like a little bastard. And what the hell was up with Chewspocka showing up in that spin-off Breaking Fett? Why is he cooking METH?"


The tall one let out an 'AUGH!' and clawed at the air, "It was so Woke It was INSANE! There are no sexy TERGS! Why was Rip's costume done correctly in the fourth, but in the fifth, she was practically naked, but Bishop wore that bulky marine armor the whole movie? They are deliberately making men look ugly because of the FEMININE GAZE!" She stabbed a finger at the normal one, "Well that feminine gaze is what pays the bills! Nobody bought tickets for that shlock and look where it got them!"

The small one nodded and looked at the normal one, "They killed the franchise."

The normal one rolled her eyes, "See. This is exactly the reason why my boyfriend doesn't want me to hang out with you. You two really are so sexist."

Toshi smirked, "I thought you said I could plow you any time."

The normal one went pale, "I... uh... That is-"



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