Flip The Script

Ch 030

"I knew I saw a fuse box on the way over."


Several flipped switches later and the lights came back on. Nobody had come down stairs to check on things, so it was assumed the power failure was limited to the basement. Toshi looked up and around as the lights came back on in sections, then closed the panel, pausing to slap his hands together as if to dust them off, "Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezey" He smiled brightly at the four girls.


The four girls, on the other hand, we're watching Toshi with unbridled suspicion. Kyoko stepped up to Toshi, eyeing him up and down and held out her hand, "Let me see the flier." Toshi held it out, "I filled out everything." Kyoko snatched it out of Toshi's hand and scanned it quickly with her eyes, before peering up over the paper at Toshi, "You want to join the computer club." She didn't ask a question, so much as make an accusation. Toshi just kept smiling. He knew how things were from his days back in high school. The gaming club wasn't where the cool kids hung out until eSports had become a thing, and then everyone wanted to join. Those guys weren't REAL gamers. At least, that was his attitude back then. Nowadays he's grown up and realized how petty it was.




He knew he was the invader here. Back home he'd be a hot girl invading a male space. He'd already thought about this possibility. Now the only thing to do is deal with the inevitable hazing, ~With any luck, I can win them over with a smile.~ Kyoko sneered as she stabbed a finger at a floor cleaner unit that looked like a miniature zamboni, "Have a seat. We'll discuss your application." The four girls all pulled together and retreated into the maze-like structure of the shelving units.


~Or... not.~



It was obvious they were trying to keep their voices down and speak privately, but the fact was this room was nothing but hard surfaces and shelving units. Voices carried, especially if a discussion gots heated, which it did. Toshi was able to listen in to the conversation quite easily.


"What the hell? When did we put out fliers!"

"I had to put out fliers. We only have four members and we need five to stay a club!"

"We have five members!"

"She graduated! She doesn't count anymore!"

"She still visits. Maybe we could pretend?"

"Look. We need a fifth member. I was thinking of bribing someone to join."

"That. Let's do that! We don't need a BOY down here."

"I'm broke. You got any money?"


"Thought so. We need a fifth member."

"But a Guy? Did you get a load of that ditz? He's the very definition of Himbo!"

"Keep your voice down!"

"I think he's cute."

"I want to know if he's into sexting."

"Holy Fuck! Can that shit! You're gonna scare him off!"

"Good! We don't need a clueless moron who just here because he wants to look all brainy or something I bet it has something to do with his girlfriend."


At this point, Toshi stopped listening, because he came up with a bright idea and had wandered off.



It took another twenty minutes before they finished the debate and came back to talk to Toshi. Kyoko stepped around the corner, "So... Toshi, is it? We had a talk and took a vote-"


Toshi was no where to be found.


"God damn it! He left!" said the one with braces. Choko looked sad, "I... suppose it's for the best." The yankie girl snorted, "Well, if he's too much of a coward to hang around in the dark, then I suppose good riddance to bad rubbish." Kyoko smiled and just nodded once, "Good. Problem solved." Braces looked at Kyoko, "But what are we going to do without a fifth member?" She gave braces a pat on the back, "Don't worry, Shiori. We'll find someone else before the end of the month. Promise." They made their way back to where the computers were set up, but as they got closer, something seemed off. Kyoko heard clicking noises and picked up the pace. She came around the corner to see Toshi sitting at a computer.




Toshi reached forward to yank out a flash drive, "Saving your ass." He proceeded to get up and head over to the next computer, "I got one more to do." The girls rushed over to get in his way. Shiori was the first to intercept, "That's was my Computer!" She pointed at the one he just left, "You can't just-just-"


Toshi looked at her and calmly stated, "Admin Admin."


The Yankie girl got right in Toshi's face, "What are you talking about?" Toshi pointed over at the router, "You never changed the password. The super user is still set 'Admin' and the password is also 'admin'." Yankie blinked, "Uh..." Toshi interrupted her, "Is that your station over there?" He pointed at the computer that had the most baseball paraphernalia around it.


The Yankie girl growled, "No." Choko spoke up, "That's mine."


Toshi held up a flash drive, "I have never seen so much rape porn in my life." The whole group froze. Toshi pushed past all of them to the last terminal, "It's called a cache folder, idiots. I don't care how much you scrub the browser history, the pictures themselves wind up in the cache and anyone with two brain cells to rub together can figure it out." He sat down at the final computer and started typing. In seconds he was in.


Choko walked over, "How'd you guess my password?" Toshi shook his head, "I didn't. I simply used the router to get into your computer and made a superuser account that gave me access to your files. The account is called, 'ChangeYerPwordDumbAss'" He fed in two flash drives, "You're all lucky I brought my repair drive."


He took a moment to type out the hidden directory where the cache files were stored. Picture after picture scrolled by. The yankie girl went white as she saw just how many porn pics were on her computer. Toshi looked up, "Your name?" The girl looked at Toshi and spoke with a defeated tone, "Momoko."


Toshi nodded, made a folder on the second flash drive called Momoko, then blocked all the porn and dragged it to said folder. Looking over Toshi's shoulder, the girls saw three other folders with the implication that each had their own condemning contents. Toshi opened up the other flash drive, "I highly recommend you download Scrubby. It's the best free porn remover you can find. The only thing better is Government Wipe, but that borks your entire drive." He waited until the transfer of files was complete, then double clicked Scrubby, while pulling out the flash drive that was full of porn. Toshi leaned back in the chair and swiveled to look at everyone. He held the evidence up for all to see. "Soooooo..."


"What conclusion did you make about my application?"

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