Flip The Script

Ch 032

Toshi had forgotten how stressful school was.


He figured having already gone through it and having graduated from college, it would be whole lot easier, but the truth was it only really helped in the sciences. When it came to the social studies, writing essays and that sort of thing, he wasn't doing that well. On top of all that, he was hoping to actually ENJOY being a student, but his sister has changed the whole attitude of the school. He had the nasty feeling he was living in a world covered in bubble wrap. Conversations shut down as he showed up. People were friendly enough, but he was definitely being kept out of the loop. He was quickly learning he had a reputation for being mentally retarded.


It didn't help that he kept accidentally letting slip his perception of relationships was backwards. When it got to be too much, he'd do what he did before in school. He found a way to get away from everyone else. This was accomplished by finding his way to the roof. Normally the roof would be closed off, but it was locked off with a combination lock that was the same number as the school's address, ~Is this world like a decade behind mine, or do they just not consider password security a thing?~ He contemplated this along with so many other issues as he climbed up the stairs to the roof, only to find the combination lock was missing.


He pushed open the door and found the lock on the ground on the other side. This indicated that someone else was already up here. He thought about turning around and leaving when he heard someone mildly cursing. Toshi stepped out quietly and started to walk along. The voice sounded female and upset. The tone of her voice was a combination of sadness and rage. He knew it well, because more than once he'd found himself in the same place emotionally, angry at how unfair the world was. The sound came from behind an air conditioning unit. He peered around a corner to see who it was.


It was Naora.


She was sitting on the ground, back to the short wall that went around the roof's edge. She was muttering and trying hard not to cry, while occasionally spitting out insults at someone or something that existed only to her. Clearly half the conversation was going on in her head and was a private affair. Toshi watched for a few moments, then determined that maybe it was best not to interrupt. Lord knows he'd be embarrassed if he was found having a freakout like this.


As he turned to leave, he backed up three steps, turned around, and ran face first into an antenna.


The resulting BOING got Naora's attention. She jumped to her feet and came running around the massive venting system, hellbent on catching anyone who dared to spy on her. Toshi just stood still, as running seemed to only make this sort of thing worse. She came up behind Toshi and grabbed him by the shoulder, spinning him around, "Who The-" She stopped dead when she saw who it was. Toshi looked annoyed for half a second, but then got a close look at her red eyes and tear stained face. Decades of upbringing kicked in and his anger was replaced by concern, "You okay?"


Naora backed up a step, "What?" She scowled, "What are you doing up here?" She tried to go back on the offensive and act intimidating, but Toshi just couldn't take her seriously. He reached out to wipe at a tear on her cheek, "It'll be okay." Naora was stunned into inaction as she felt him gently cup the side of her jaw and smooth saline away with his thumb. She backhanded it away. Grabbing him by the collar, she swung him around and slammed him up against the air conditioner, "You spying on me?" She pulled back a fist to threaten to punch him in the face, "I don't care if you are brain damaged and who you know! You breathe a word of this to anyone-"


Toshi didn't resist, just letting her swing him around. He interrupted her by holding up a hand, "I'd never kick someone while they were down." She swallowed nervously and stood there, not quite sure what to do next. Toshi shrugged a little and tilted his head forward and off to the side so he could look up at her while giving her big, puppy dog eyes, "Wanna talk about it?" Naora was far from immune from the effects of cuteness. She relaxed her grasp and stepped back, "I'm fine!" She insisted as she felt her control of the situation slipping away. Toshi shook his head, "Going off alone and crying while you curse the world isn't fine." He reached out for her, but stopped short, pulling his hand back a bit, "Life can get heavy at times. It helps to share the load." This resulted in Naora laughing bitterly in his face.


"You? Oh my god, you are so simple. That coma did more than just screw with your memory!" Naora leaned into his face, "Nobody cares." He got right back in her face, "I care." She poked him in the chest, "Then you're a sucker who'll get used by everyone else." He spread his arms wide, "So use me! I'm right here!" She blinked and stepped back looking shocked. He continued as he pointed at himself, "Two shoulders, no waiting." She let out a short laugh when she figured out what Toshi really meant and covered her face with a hand, "Cry on your shoulder, eh?" Toshi shrugged, "There are worse things."


She shook her head, "No." Toshi dropped his arms, "Why?" She let her hand drop, "Because as much as men 'claim' they want a sensitive woman who is open and honest about her feelings, you don't." She poked him again, "You guys find nothing more ugly than a crying woman. It disgusts men." She shook her head "Besides. I'm not falling for it." Toshi narrowed his eyes, "Falling for what?" She shook her head, "Did your sister send you? Or your mother?" Toshi looked puzzled, "Wait. Why would my mother send me?" Naora peered at Toshi, "For you to flash those big eyes of yours, bat your eyelashes, and hope to get me to confess. Maybe make some sort of mistake, or reveal a clue." She turned and started walking away, "Ain't going to fool me."


Toshi's eyes darted back and forth for a few moments as he tried to process this, then he ran to catch up and grabbed her by the shoulder. She spun around, fist raised. Toshi ignored it, "Whoa. There's been some sort of confusion here. My mom works in IT." Naora slowly lowered her fist, "Wow. I should start calling you Shiitake." Toshi blinked. Naora rolled her eyes, "Like the mushroom?" Tosh squinted with one eye and curled a lip, "Huh?"


"They keep you in the dark and feed you bullshit."


Toshi slowly held up a hand in a 'come here' motion, "Try filling me in." Naora looked at the sky and laughed, then back at Toshi, "Your family is a family of cops." Toshi blinked, "What?" Naora nodded, "Yeah. Your mom is the head of the forensics department. Your sister is going off to join the academy right after graduation." There was a long pause, "Your oldest sister died a decorated hero about three years ago." She snorted and spoke with some derision, "Died in the line of duty."


Toshi stared at Naora.


She stared back, being the one who finally broke the silence, "Seriously? You didn't know any of this?" Toshi snapped, "How do YOU know all this?" She gave Toshi an evil grin, "Know thy enemy, of course." She leaned in close to whisper into his ear.


"Let's just say our families haven't seen eye to eye in a LONG time."

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