Focused Fire (ATLA)

Chapter 59

“We come in peace, please.” It was Kai’s turn to join Ping in escorting their lieutenant colonel, and as the small group of soldiers walked into the village with forced casualness, the captain noted immediately the effects of their arrival.

After dozens of such greetings, Xing and the captains had refined their lieutenant colonel’s first impression into a science. As the script dictated, Mozi was without a helmet and attired only in light robes that gave hints of his bare chest and legs underneath. Kai and the rest caught the glancing blows from the intense stares of piqued peasant and refugee women. It utterly drowned out the fear and apprehension of the men and younger ladies.

As Mozi came to a stop, the older womenfolk of this backwater village fearlessly walked out from the safety of their homes to gather before him. Kai couldn’t help curling his lips in disgust and envy at the wide-eyed, hopeful looks they directed at Mozi. 

Ping was tense as usual, ready to lash out in case the ladies tried to mob him. She represented Li Ming’s interest to make sure that the lieutenant colonel remained literally unmolested.

A man better dressed than the others, probably the chieftain or someone similar, was struggling to squeeze his way through the muttering and appraising horde, but before he could speak up on behalf of his people, the woman who had ran from his side beat him to it.

“Oh my, what can I- we do for you?” Once more, Kai found himself almost scowling at the treatment Mozi was getting, but Ping and the other female soldiers were almost bristling with disdain.

As per doctrine, stoic and clueless Mozi used a mish mash of older dialogues to avoid overusing any particular opening. “Forgive me of my intrusion, dear villagers…” 

Good, he didn’t just address the women. The last time he did that, they escalated the situation far more quickly than the soldiers had anticipated, and Mozi had to be taken to the healers for the sheer amount of possessive scratch marks on him.

“...but me and my soldiers have been tasked with keeping the peace in this region.” That got the women to quietly ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’. “And recently, we’ve come into a spot of trouble.”

The womenfolk leaned in, their attention fully devoted to Mozi. The men though were wary, some tugging at their wives or sisters to no avail. Kai noted the group of youths who were looking at each other skittishly.

“You see, we’ve come across reports that there are…groups around here who are actively resisting the Fire Nation’s administration. And unfortunately, some trails of these malcontents led to your village here.”

Hands went to cover mouths in faint shock, while murmurs rose from the village as a whole. Mozi kept his unwavering mask on as he swept his gaze across the women in front of him. Kai saw a few of them actually tremble from the very, very brief eye contact, and many faces darkened with heavy blushes. 

“Now, I know you’re all here honest folk, but my superiors are not too happy with me, and if I fail to find the troublemakers, I’d be sent back home without a pension or a wife.”

As expected, that last part caught the women’s interest, and they shed their shy embarrassment to fix interested, hungry looks on Mozi. Kai and the others slowly moved forwards, ready to lower their spears if things broke down into another baying mob.

“So, I was hoping, rather than disgracing your village with a crass house-to-house search, if you fine people might have heard of any news of such troublemakers? I’d be more than happy to personally lend an ear.”

Ping, who could read the mob far better than anyone thanks to her constant attendance to such meetings, brought her spear down between Mozi and the women right as they were all about to launch themselves at him. “One at a time please, ladies,” she snarled. “Don’t worry, we’ve got all day.”

The chieftain’s wife bullied her way to the front of the forming line and quickly pointed to the group of youths who were doing a bad job of sneaking away. “Oh, you want to talk to the bunch of brats there, good sir,” she said smugly as she side-eyed some women in particular with all the venom of an athlete sabotaging the competition. “They’re Sufei’s and Fong-Fong’s spoiled and useless sons, as well as Lui’s brother.”

No surprise that the kids fled the moment her finger was pointed in their direction. Kai smirked beneath his mailed veil as he watched them leave. Sungho and his scouts would be shadowing them, hopefully all the way back to their hidden base.

Before the named women could denounce the chieftain’s wife, Mozi smoothly stepped in with a slow nod. “Thank you, madam. I’ll have my men and women look into it.” He then looked at the others and threw them a polite smile. “Now, who’s next in line?”

That rekindled their hope, and the rest of the soldiers had to step in to organize the queue before they surged in like a violent tide to grab Mozi. In the end, there wasn’t much useful information to be gleaned, and the little detachment returned to camp exhausted and tainted in the mind. Kai didn’t know how Ping kept at it every time, but maybe she’d gotten inured to a mob of ladies tearing open their robes to reveal themselves to Mozi, or bombard him with far too much private information about their competitors.

Whether genital warts and deformations and pimply breasts were actually a common thing in the Earth Kingdom was something the captain of the 1st Battalion was happy to not find out. He’ll probably need a few days to scour that sort of imagery from his mind. Maybe just to be sure, on his next leave he’ll get some ointments for Ren.

As for what Mozi thought of it all, he was resigned to his fate in civilian meet-and-greets. The guy’s cursed gift was useful in times like this, but seeing women practically abandon their spouses to throw themselves at him irritated both sexes witnessing it in equal measure.

As usual, the returning group found a waiting Li Ming by the camp entrance, and Kai and Ping led the deep, formal bows at the meek, polite young woman. “Thank you, for loaning us the use of your man,” Ping said. “The 11th is grateful for your sacrifice, as always, Li Ming.” They then saluted her with all the formality of thanking an honored guest.

Mozi had gotten used to the whole ritual by now to stay silent, especially at the fact of everyone ignoring him. Kai and the others left the lieutenant colonel with the one woman whom he actually belonged to, and then headed for the mess camp. Hopefully it isn’t going to be stew today; The captain had had enough of looking at mushy meat.

For better or for worse, one of the troopers came up to stop them. “Sorry sir, but we’ve got guests.”

It was for the worst, Kai decided as he, Mozi and Ping were brought to the command tent where a woman in ostentatious red and black dress greeted them, with Toshi, Weikong and Rufen standing uncomfortably by the sides. The officers knew the look of a high-ranking official, so they bowed as one.

The official was a sharp-eyed creature, reaching the later stages of her prime. Her attire was styled in traditional high court, yet enough cleavage peeked out to suggest that she wore far less underneath. Though judging by her face, it was less skin she was showing and more layers of powder. Kai almost scowled at her naked attempt (pun intended) to impress or distract. 

Her eyes sparkled with calculative cunning as she swished her sleeves theatrically and stood with all the arrogance of an ignorant noble. “Ah, you’ve returned. Good. I am Administrator Shu Ling, of the War Ministry.”

Fuck, politics.

“We are honored by your presence,” Mozi droned out as courtesy required. “What does the War Ministry wish of the 11th?”

The administrator’s voice thickened and Kai felt her gaze brushing against him and Mozi. “Nothing much. Only that the 11th Royal Regiment maintains its exemplary performance. However...” 

Kai’s spine shivered faintly at the tone she took. Stupid bint thinks she’s being sultry and alluring. Fucking bad politics then. That, or really stupid orders were incoming.

“...if I may have a moment of your time, Lieutenant Colonel Mozi?”


Mozi watched as amusement flickered across Administrator Shu Ling’s features, but she otherwise remained silent as looks were exchanged with the other captains, and then they filed out to leave him alone with the viper.

He kept his neutral, stoicness on with ease as he saluted the woman again. “Administrator, what can we do for you, considering the discreet nature that you’ve requested?”

Credit to her, Shu Ling dropped most of her act and adopted a more businesslike posture and voice. “Well, my dear officer, I’m glad that your colonel has gone off to take care of private matters. You see, it pleases me to inform you that the War Ministry under War Minister Tsu has undergone an…audit of long overlooked commendations.”

“I thought the title was still under consideration?”

The administrator smiled lazily. “Only a formality at this point, I assure you. It’d be in bad taste for Minister Tsu to take the title when news is still spreading across the Fire Nation and its colonies. After all, the ministry requires a competent head to keep the war effort running smoothly.”

Mozi kept politely silent, signaling for Shu Ling to continue. “Now, it’s come to our attention that, as far as service goes, you have accrued significant merits even before Colonel Xing’s promotion. “And with your current performance, the War Ministry has found it fitting to offer you a long overdue promotion.” 

The lieutenant colonel marked out the word ‘offer’ in particular. “What’s this offer entail…if I might ask?”

“Nothing too hard,” she drawled and then began pacing the tent. “You see, it’s come to Minister Tsu’s attention that an experienced, hardened veteran like yourselves might find it…restricting to work under your colonel.”

Mozi was surprised he could keep his mask on instead of lunging at the snake. He did have to consciously keep his hands from clenching up though.

Shu Ling kept talking, oblivious to his reaction. “We can arrange for you to command a regiment...infantry, cavalry, whatever you like.”

“And what do I need to do to earn these promotions?” Mozi inquired neutrally, injecting what should be the right pinch of eagerness into his voice. “I assume it revolves around Colonel Xing?”

The woman’s smile grew wider. “Very astute of you, lieutenant colonel. You see, it is decided that the young colonel’s talents are…better placed elsewhere.” She walked over to Mozi, and brazenly trailed a finger down his chests as she looked him in the eyes. “I’d like you, my dear, outstanding lieutenant colonel, to convince your young colonel to accept a coming transfer to train up new divisions that’s due for the southern lines.”

That’s technically a promotion, but… “I thought no further operations are scheduled in the south, other than maintaining the hold on Omashu?”

“I knew you were a smart man,” Shu Ling said with a slow lick of her lips as her gaze bore into his. “The divisions, as you’ve so rightly noticed, will be a garrison force for the southern states.”

Even as he processed the information, Mozi faced the administrator and spoke in a cold whisper. “That’s not all, is there?”

“It’s all that you need to worry about,” she replied in a singsong tone. 

“Until some hidden plan you have fails and bites us in the ass,” he returned with the right amount of harshness. “I’m a field officer, not an idiot. You want Xing gone, don’t you?”

Surprisingly, instead of trying to backtrack her words the woman gave a pout that would’ve looked cute if not for all the caked makeup threatening to crack from the movement. “Well, if you put it that way…yes.”

Mozi fought off the urge to choke the bitch with his hands and instead only raised an eyebrow at the administrator as she sat on the table, prompting her to continue.

“Plans have been made for various ‘accidents’ to occur, that’s all I can honestly say.” At his continued silence, Shu Ling sighed, shrugging her shoulders and loosening her dress in the process. “I’m sure that your regiment has enjoyed the crown princess’ attention, but I can assure you that the Minister Tsu is a man who treasures talents like yourself just as much, if not even more so.”

Mozi found it easy to passively watch the administrator spread her legs to reveal her bare, shaven cunt underneath her dress. The lady was trying too hard, he realized, especially compared to Li Ming’s more natural, shy approach. “Minister Tsu is willing to allow you to pick any men and…women you’d wish to bring along from the 11th to your new command. Or if you’d like, you can simply keep this regiment.”

“Won’t the crown princess have something to say about that?”

Shu Ling crossed her legs and pouted again. “Well, with her pet colonel gone, do you honestly think the princess would give a single damn about the 11th? Don’t worry though, Minister Tsu is working on securing the 11th’s royal patronage…a better one, in fact. How does ‘The Fire Lord’s Lancers’ sound?”

Mozi had to bite his inner cheek to keep his composure as the viper leaned back to let her dress fall off her chest, freeing her breasts. They were pale, large mounds, but all it took was the image of Li Ming framed by candlelight to snuff out any sort of interest in them or their owner. 

“I have faith that the new War Minister can persuade the Fire Lord to take over the princess’ patronage once she inevitably drops everything to seek Xing out. If not…”

The whore administrator spread her legs again. “I can promise that you can build a whole regiment of eager, ripe young women. All bright-eyed noble daughters, all ready to serve their colonel. Wouldn’t that be just as nice? You can have me, too. Right now, if you want.”

Mozi almost gagged at the idea even as she slipped a hand down to her nether regions. 

“You can even bring your cute chef along. She can join us, join your new regiment in serving their brilliant, handsome colonel…”

That almost got a proper reaction from the lieutenant colonel, but the administrator was too busy closing her eyes and fingering herself before him to notice his flare of anger. Mozi ruthlessly shackled his anger and forced a bored stare at the vile woman. “I’ll…have to think about it.”

She stopped her little exhibition to give him a sad pout. “Are you sure?”

“There are…accomplices I need to secure before I try anything.”

The pout turned into another dirty smile. “Ah, I see.”

“I hope that’s a good enough commitment on my part?”

“More than good enough,” the administrator drawled. “I can send…helpers over. Pretty ones.” She winked. “Don’t hesitate to seek us out if you need aid in convincing the young colonel.” And then she spread her legs again. “Would you like to seal the deal…?”

Mozi raised a hand and shook his head with forced slowness. “The officers might get suspicious if we take too long.”

“Of course.” The administrator quickly got up and dressed, and then leaned for a soft peck on Mozi’s cheek. “I’ll deliver the good news to Minister Tsu then. You can tell your men and women that we were discussing deployment issues, hm?”

Not trusting himself any further, Mozi nodded, and waited for the woman to leave before he slumped and exhaled all his pent up emotions in a long, fiery breath. Anger and revulsion vented out to illuminate the tent’s interior for good, long seconds, interrupted only when Kai and the other captains came in.

“So, what’s the powdered lady want?” the captain of the 1st Battalion inevitably asked.

Mozi didn’t answer directly, and instead fixed the captains, his friends, with a cold stare. “After the administrator leaves, gather our earthbenders.”

The captains’ teasing and curious looks dropped immediately as they understood the significance of the order.

“We still have some captured uniforms. Have some scouts find a good place for an intercept.”

They nodded as one, even the relatively new Toshi accepting the orders without question. Weikong voiced what they were all thinking as they were about to leave. “What did she threaten? Supplies from the colonies? Petitioning to send us to the east?”


There was a second of silence, before the captains nodded again, angrier this time. “I’ll ask Yama and Kilin if they want to join,” Kai said, and Mozi got annoyed that he forgot about the regiment’s guests. It was rude of him to leave them out.

News came days later that the Earth Kingdom resistance was far more active in the region than initially thought. A group of them had brazenly ambushed the party of a home island official, from the War Ministry no less, and leaving no survivors.

As the sole regiment responsible for the region, the 11th was officially reprimanded for their failure to maintain the supposed compliance that they had reported. The princess, the letter warned, would be notified.

Mozi and the commanders of the 11th easily ignored that letter and focused more on the other scroll that came along with it. 

The invasion of the North Pole was canceled, and with that Xing would meet the regiment back in Zilang.

The 11th Royal Regiment duly waited for Colonel Koda’s 31st Cavalry to take over their post before packing up and heading back to their colonial barracks. On the way, Mozi had them stop by a spot along the road, so that he and the captains could take a piss on the unceremonious grave of Administrator Shu Ling.

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