FOG [e-sports]

Chapter 114

Chapter 114:

However, by the time the plane took off, Shi Luo still hadn’t called out to him.

Out in the open, in absolutely bright and broad daylight, Shi Luo really couldn’t open his mouth.

Yu Sui was a lot more at ease than Shi Luo. As the fans around him thinned out, Slag man Yu tended more and more to follow his inclinations. Past the security check, he already dared to take liberties with Shi Luo right in front of the security inspector. After leaving customs, he oh-so-casually took Shi Luo peripherals bag and carried it. When they arrived at the VIP lounge, Yu Sui ignored all the others and he and Shi Luo sat alone to one side. For him, it was like all their other companions did not exist.

Shi Luo took Old Qiao’s notebook and was looking through it. Yu Sui sat beside Shi Luo with his eyes closed, taking a cat nap, one arm was placed along the back of the sofa where Shi Luo was sitting. Their peripherals bags were stacked together and placed to the side... ...Anyone can see that the relationship between the two wasn’t normal. There were still a few outsiders in the VIP lounge. One of them would cast frequently looks at the two of them. Yu Sui knew that others were watching but he made no attempt to hide, expression completely at ease.

Now that the entire club knew about the two of them, the accompanying staff were embarrassed to stare at them and they pretended not to notice anything. Chen Huo couldn’t bear to just stand by and watch. “No! I just want to ask. Just what level player do you have to be to have your own bag carrier?”

“I’m scared sh*tless of anything happening so I even brought two keyboards! And they’re both ones with metal backplates! They weigh a ton!” Chen Huo was filled with anger. “I was afraid they’d break it if I checked it in, so I have to carry it by myself. Shi Luo, he-he-he...”

“He’s making full use of having a Slag man boyfriend. What’s the matter?” Zhou Huo raised his phone to take pictures of Yu Sui and Shi Luo. “What are you jealous about?”

Chen Huo said sourly, “Jealous, my ass. Just now, he was pretending to be a good teammate and as soon as the fans leave, he shows his true colors.”

“With the fans gone, Yu Sui has officially started, right?” Puppy was similarly aggrieved. “Why do I feel like... Chen Huo and I are going to play in the World Championships and those two are going to spend their honeymoon? Where’s the tense atmosphere?”

“Isn’t Shi Luo nervous enough? Even now, he’s still reading the review notes. What about you guys? And... they usually have so many eyes watching. Now, there isn’t anyone taking pictures, can’t you let them relax a bit?” Zhou Huo looked at the photos he had just taken and was quite satisfied, “Once we leave the country, no one’s going to recognize us. Let them relax...”

After resting for less than an hour, they could begin boarding the plane. Yu Sui picked up both their bags. Shi Luo wanted to take his own but Yu Sui dodged Shi Luo’s hand. “You can just take Old Qiao’s notebook. Let’s go.”

What came next was a full 12 hour flight. In order to survive the long journey of more than ten hours, almost everyone hadn’t slept much the night before. Shi Luo was the most ruthless. He decided to just stay up the whole night and trained for almost twenty hours. After getting on the plane, they chatted for a while and then one by one, they began to put on earphones and eye masks and went to sleep. In between, people would wake up one after another. Zombie-like, they would eat or drink and then go right back to sleep.

Despite this, after landing, except for these players who were young and sturdy, everyone else was tired, their bones were achy.

They passed through customs, took their luggage and headed to the hotel. It was eight in the evening and there was a bit of a traffic congestion on the road.

Yu Sui was seated with Shi Luo at the last row of the car. Yu Sui was teaching Shi Luo a few common words in German. Shi Luo’s gift for language was amazing. Yu Sui basically just had to say it a couple of time and he could already remember all of them. Shi Luo familiarized himself with daily German. He nodded his head. “Okay. Now, I won’t get lost.”

Yu Sui said, “You’ll be fine even if you do get lost. I sent you the hotel address yesterday. If you get lost, just show it to the driver and...”

Yu Sui said slowly, “The hotel phone number, the police phone number, contact number for the league personnel &#k2026;I sent you all the contact numbers I could think off. If anything happens, there’s always someone you can contact. No need to panic.”

Zhou Huo in the front row, slapped his forehead when he heard this. “That’s right. Shi Luo, could you copy the address and those contact numbers and send those to the group? Everyone, take a screenshot of it or something. This is quite useful.”

Shi Luo took out his mobile phone, copy and pasted, and then @-ed everyone. Zhou Huo nodded, “Thanks. have a slag man in the team is such a treasure. Thanks to Shi Shen, we also get to enjoy the feeling of being shown consideration by a slag man. ”

Yu Sui smiled and ignored Zhou Huo.

Shi Luo sent the address and phone numbers. While doing so, he saw several notification of mentions of Whisper’s ID from official e-sports pages. One of them was even from a league official. Shi Luo clicked and took a look. It was highlights from when Yu Sui rushed to the top of the server that night. They had even edited the highlights video using Shi Luo’s live broadcast.

Re-watching Yu Sui’s brilliant moves, Shi Luo still found it hard to look away.

“Shi Shen.” Yu Sui looked at Shi Luo, his voice was very soft, “There’s almost half an hour left before we get to the hotel. Just another half an hour...”

Shi Luo was taken aback and then he remembered.

Slag man Yu’s room card...

Shi Luo opened his mouth, his face a little red.

Shi Luo regretted it. There had been so much time before when they were alone. He should have called out to him then... Now that there were other people present, he was even more reluctant to say it.

Yu Sui looked at Shi Luo’s entangled expression. He smiled and wrote on Shi Luo’s palm: [What’s the matter? You’ve called me something more excessive before. ]

Shi Luo’s ears turned red. He grabbed Yu Sui’s hand to prevent Yu Sui from actually writing something.

During their small vacation for two people in the base, Shi Luo had indeed...all those things he could say and those the couldn’t say, he had said them all.

Back then, there hadn’t been any outsiders and it had been that kind of scene. Although it seemed a bit excessive thinking back on it after the matter, he hadn’t at all been reluctant at the time.

Yu Sui let Shi Luo hold onto his hand. Shi Luo took a deep breath and wrote on Yu Sui’s arm. [We’ll be in the middle of a competition. We wouldn’t even be able to do anything. What good is there to going to your room? ]

Yu Sui had on a calm expression and wrote slowly: [Apart from really doing it, everything else is fine. ]

[Shi Shen, others might not know but you know just how good my service is, don’t you? ]

In Shi Luo’s other hand, a push notification made it’s timely appearance. “The strongest in the world. Three minute experience tour of Whisper’s pro top-level medic play.”

Shi Luo knew that Yu Sui had seen it. He instantly locked his screen. Yu Sui smiled and did nothing more to urge him.

Half an hour passed by in a flash. The car was full of people. When they got off the car, the official staff of the league was waiting. Now, there were even more people and they were filming too. Shi Luo grit his teeth... There were too many people and he couldn’t shout it out here. Now, he’ll never get it.

The official league staff brought interviewers and cameras to take pictures and videos of everyone checking into the hotel. Shi Luo, as the 19-year-old rookie who entered the World Championship for the first time this year, was also a hot figure in this World Championship. The official staff took a lot of video of Shi Luo. He even got his own interview. Shi Luo looked and saw that Zhou Huo and his teammates had gone to check in. He hesitated but in the end, he stood there and accepted the interview.

The official translator looked at Shi Luo with a smile. “Evil, you are the first player we interviewed. Are you happy?”

Shi Luo looked at the translator blankly. Inwardly, he said, ‘No, I’m not. I’ve lost my key card.’

Shi Luo had no problem communicating in English and his spoken English was quite smooth. The official translator smiled, caught off guard. “Alright. Looks like I don’t have work today.”

Given that they had just landed, their welcome party also knew that the players weren’t in overly high spirits and didn’t dare to ask any sharp questions. Their question were easy one like like how does it feel to enter the World Championship for the first time? What are your expectations? and other questions like that. Shi Luo answered them one by one. The interviewer was very talkative and when he saw Shi Luo frequently looking towards the front desk of the hotel, he looked over there and saw that Yu Sui was over there. He then quick asked Shi Luo whether Yu Sui was doing good this year and if he was in good condition and things like that.

Shi Luo was very guarded and vigilant. He felt that these devils might be trying to catch him off guard, trick him with their words and so he simply shook his head and didn’t respond much.

The official smiled regretfully and asked Shi Luo if he could take a few more photos. Shi Luo didn’t care and let them take as much as they wanted.

Puppy had finished checking in and came over. He had served in the European Division for two years and the official personnel were more familiar with him. They quickly surrounded him and Shi Luo pulled away.

There were a lot of people at the front desk and Shi Luo didn’t feel like going over there. He sat on a sofa to the side, expression as usual.

Not long afterwards, the check-in of all Free personnel was completed. Yu Sui returned Shi Luo’s passport and gave him a room card. “1118. This is yours.”

Shi Luo nodded and took it. Yu Sui handed him another one, “1120, this is the key to mine.”

Shi Luo raised his eyes, startled, “I didn’t...”

I haven’t called you ‘gege’ yet.

Yu Sui smiled helplessly, “I teased you but I still didn’t get to hear it. Isn’t it stupid?”

Seeing that Yu Sui was here, the official game personnel hurriedly dumped Puppy and surrounded Yu Sui, chattering away, asking him questions one after the other.

“Yu Sui gave you a key to his room?” Zhou Huo had taken care of the details and walked to Shi Luo, eyes squinting as he smiled. “Don’t pretend, he and I were the ones who handled the check-in.”

Shi Luo cleared his throat and silently acquiesced.

“Do you know what Slag man Yu said just now?” Zhou Huo smiled and lowered his voice. “When he asked the front desk for an extra room card, I knew it was for you. I said he was spending company money on his honeymoon. Yu Sui said......”

“He said he was afraid you’d be nervous about the World Championships.”

“He said that you’ve been sleeping a little uneasily since a few days ago. He knew you were still a little nervous, afraid that you’d drop the ball in your first World Championships, afraid that you would make some slip-up.”

“He said that he has never given psychological counseling to anyone and he didn’t know what else he could do but to tease you to comfort you.”

“He just wanted to give you some fun so that he could distract you.”

Shi Luo’s eyes trembled and he looked at Yu Sui, still being interviewed, from out the corner of his eye.

“My heart is that of an ordinary man’s. In order to compensate him, I said, since Shi Luo got one of his key cards, then he should get one of yours and Yu Sui said there was no need.”

Zhou Huo let out an exhale. He looked at Shi Luo,” Yu Sui said that sometimes that there are times when a player might not feel particularly good after a game or training. They may want to be alone for a while. He wants to give you a separate space. He thought that him being able to enter your room at any time might not necessarily be a good thing for you.”

“I asked him, don’t you need to be alone too? Aren’t you afraid of being troubled?”

Zhou Huo raised his eyebrows. “Yu Sui said... He isn’t your average player.”

“He didn’t need it.”

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