Football Kung Fu Player

【74】Asian Sensation! 【3 More】

For various competitions, at the end of each competition, the main committee of the competition will release some news to the media and the public, including the results of the competition of the day, the information of the next day's competition, and interviews with some athletes, etc.

As for the way of release, it is mainly in the form of the official residence newspaper. Every day there is a thick book with all kinds of information on it, and teams from all countries can get a copy. Journalists from various countries who have registered with the committee can also receive a copy. If ordinary people want to get this newspaper, they can only spend money to buy it.

Early in the morning, Alza, the coach of the Philippines, was having breakfast while routinely flipping through the official daily newspaper of the Yatian Race.

This is brought to him every day.

"Hey, two days have passed... As the host country, we, the Philippines, have not won a single medal..."

Although the champion of this main event has not yet been decided, many gold medals such as triple jump, high jump, etc. have already been decided.

"Japan is estimated to be No. 1 this time, with two gold medals... The Celestial Dynasty and the Han Kingdom are tied for second place, with two silvers and two bronzes... The Japanese's track and field advantage is still quite obvious B3... "

As Alza spoke, he flipped through the newspaper over and over again.

Soon, everything about the game and schedule has been read... What follows is some interview 25 information and heavy news.

"Wang Xing, a player from the Celestial Dynasty, 100m men's track and field, 200m men's track and field rematch, once again both broke the Asian records he created before"!

The first page is yesterday's most important news.

"This kid is amazing. He has set four Asian records in two days. The key is that he is only 17 years old!"

Alza was amazed, but there was a hint of envy in his eyes, when will they have such a talented player in the Philippines?!

"The population base of the Celestial Dynasty is so large, there must be many geniuses!"

He can only comfort himself in this way, but looking at Wang Xing's photo, he still smiled and said: "Of course, this kind of thing is not something I can think about. The first to feel the pressure should be the Japanese. Kong was born, they must be the first to worry!"

To tell the truth, Alza still has a sense of gloating, after all...the relationship between the Philippines and Japan has always been tense, and he can't wait to defeat Japan?!

In 2003, the relationship between the Philippines and China was very harmonious, far from the arrogance after that. After all, Duterte is a fool and has not yet become president.

The current president of the Philippines is the second female president in the history of the Philippines—Arroyo, the strong woman who was a classmate with Clinton, and her father was also the president of the Philippines before.

Arroyo is a very friendly president to China. She has raised Sino-Philippine relations to a new historical height.

"Hehe, the Japanese must be having a headache now!"

Arza smiled, but suddenly saw a piece of news.


"Asia's New No. 1 Flyer Wang Xing: This Asian Field Competition, Possibly Wins Four Gold Medals"!


Alza couldn't care less about breakfast, and stared straight at the news content for an instant, which detailed the exchange records of Annie and Wang Xing. At this moment, Arza was stunned.

"This celestial rookie is so crazy!"

"Four gold medals, there is no record of a single person winning four gold medals in this Yatian competition. The most powerful Suzue Shingo is only 3 yuan!"

Arza shook his head, and then couldn't help but smile: "Hey, this time, the Celestial Dynasty is out of luck... This Wang Xing, I guess it will be famous all over the world in a while..."

Arza was right.

An hour later, media from all over the world received the interview video of Wang Xing.

Europe and the Americas are fine. After all, they don't care about a piece of sports news in Asia...and the entire Asian region is obviously blown up.

First of all, the fastest is of course the local media in the Philippines --- "Manila Times", which is the official newspaper with the most terrifying circulation in the Philippines, almost equal to the domestic "Renmubao" and "Xinhua Daily"!

"Heavy-----Asia's new trapeze threat: Yatian wins 4 gold medals and breaks the Asian record"!

The entire Philippines saw Wang Xing's interview records for the first time.

All were stunned.

Now that the semi-finals of the 100-meter track and field and the 200-meter track and field have not yet started, Wang Xing has already boasted that he will win 4 gold medals. For the Philippines, which has never won a gold medal, this is really heartbreaking!

Anyway, the Philippines is the host.

"This Celestial Man is too arrogant!"

"I simply didn't pay attention to Ya Tian Sai..."

"Return four gold medals, if you can win two gold medals, it's not bad!"


The Filipino people are all scolding, so they don't care about the friendly relationship between the Tian Dynasty and the Philippines, which is something at the national level.

The Manila Times reported that it spread rapidly in the Philippines.

Then approaching are Japan and Han, which have always had tense relations with China.

In 2003, the country of Han was still a little low-key, and did not dare to challenge the Celestial Dynasty publicly, but the mainstream media in China were very unfriendly.

"Tianchao teenager uttered wild words before the game: Four gold medals in this Yatian competition!"

"Four Gold Medals, How Can the Celestial Dynasty Have Such Confidence?"

"Asian Record ≠ Gold Medal!"

Each and every headline strongly denies the Celestial Empire... and in the reports, the four gold medals of Wang Xing are emphasized in large characters. These words and phrases greatly stimulated the people of the Han Kingdom.

This Han country stickman has never seen that the Celestial Dynasty is better than them. Seeing this kind of news, there is no reason not to scold them.

And in the report, there is no shortage of various satires on Wang Xing and even the entire Celestial Dynasty team, and various belittling and smearing language. The final conclusion is nothing more than telling readers that this newly promoted No. 1 flying man in Asia is an arrogant and arrogant But incomparably 250 athletes.

The country of Han has always had no integrity, and the rest of the small Asian countries have a mentality of not taking too much trouble, and all kinds of distortions and smears are all written up.

After all, the Internet is not yet popular these days, and rumors will not face accusations, so the mainstream media in various countries all attract attention.

In the end, it was rumored that things turned out to be "Wang Xing openly challenged Japan, won four gold medals, broke four Asian records in the finals, knocked down the myth of Japan's track and field dominance in Asia!"

This Asian Athletics Championships, to be honest, was originally a bit unremarkable due to the absence of many big names, and the strength of the Philippines is also very bad, so this incident of Wang Xing is simply a blockbuster added to this event .

This is of course what the Asian Athletics Federation hopes to see. After all, the more hyped this matter is, the more publicity it will have for them.

And the media also need a focus to attract readers. Wang Xing's interview was like a thunderbolt on the ground, and it instantly pointed out the direction for these unscrupulous media to spread rumors.

One morning, the name of Wang Xing resounded in every corner of Asia... It was even more sensational than his breaking four Asian records.

Of course, unlike the honor of the Asian record, this time Wang Xing has become the target of negative bombardment!

Everyone except Asia is scolding him.....

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