Football’s First Defender

Chapter 18 Talking

Coach? Are you saying I'm called up to the first team?

Yevgeny's phone call reached Yang Feng's rented apartment, and successfully rescued Yang Feng from the sea of ​​economic problems. Yang Feng didn't expect that the coach called to tell him such explosive news!

Haha, boy, you must be very happy now! But you must work hard after passing the first team. You are the one I recommend to the head coach. Don't ruin my reputation! Also, don't forget to return to the youth team when you are famous. Look at the team! Now if you have time, go to the team office building as soon as possible. The head coach's office is on the 4th floor. Now you can go to see the head coach of the first team! He has something to talk to you!

Okay! Thank you for the coach's notice! I'm going to the base now! Treat you and vodka to a proper Chinese meal another day!

After Yang Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone, cleaned up immediately, and hurried out to drive to the base office building!

The first team! The first team! The first team! Yang Feng was so happy all the way!


But when he was really standing in front of the head coach's office, Yang Feng still tried his best to keep himself calm, and even straightened his clothes to make sure that his appearance was normal, before politely knocking on the door!

Dang Dang Dang!

Come in!

Advocaat was pacing back and forth in the office at this time, thinking about the lineup and tactics of the Russian Cup in a few days, whether the overall score is behind or going to the away game, it is a difficult problem no matter how you think about it!

Hello, Mr. Advocaat, I'm Yang Feng, our head coach, Mr. Yevgeny, called and said you are looking for me!

As a young player, Yang Feng didn't intend to be too mature, just do what a 19-year-old should do honestly. Yang Feng is now standing straight at the door after entering the door, like a primary school student who is ready to be criticized by the teacher at any time, and even unconsciously sticks his hands to the seam of his trousers.

Hello, Yang, Yevgeny said that you are a top student at St. Petersburg State University, and you can speak English freely, so you see, I didn't even find my Russian translation!

Advocaat walked towards Yang Feng while speaking English, and extended his hand to Yang Feng very friendly.

Yang Feng grasped the hand of the man who will control his life and death in the future, and shook it vigorously to express his excitement to see the head coach! no pretense...

Mr. Yevgeny is awesome, my English is just enough for daily communication!

Haha, I have coached in South Korea before, and I know you Orientals love to be humble!

Sit in that seat first, kid! I want to talk to you about your personal plans for the future!

Yang Feng sat on a sofa in the direction that Advocaat pointed! Advocaat then sat in the opposite seat, and the two began to communicate face to face.

Yang! I believe you have already heard from the coach of the youth team that I plan to start tomorrow and let you train with the first team!

That's right! Sir! Mr. Yevgeny has already told me to report directly to the first team tomorrow!

How are you nervous? That's the first team!

Advocaat is like an old man next door, making Yang Feng feel very amiable.

It would be a lie to say that I am not nervous, but I will try my best to give full play to my strength so that I can gain a foothold in the first team!

Yang! I have seen your performance in the youth team, and I also know that you scored 7 goals in 5 Russian Youth League games, and 6 of them were headers in set-piece tactics. How do you think you are? Can you continue your good performance in the first team?

I want to see if I have a clear understanding of myself at this stage, and whether I am drifting? Then let's just say it, with such a big detour, am I the kind of person who can drift? (When I am Li Dan?) Sure enough, they are all old foxes, and all amiability is just a superficial appearance. Are the youth team and the first team at the same level? There is a reserve team level buffer in the middle!

Of course, Yang Feng just complained in his heart, it must not be said in reality ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Mr. Advocaat, I think I am fully qualified for the position of the first team. There are still many shortcomings, and there are many areas that need to be improved! Especially the first team, the real professional league level confrontation, this is something I have never experienced before. , It will take time for me to adapt! As for the performance of the youth team, that is already in the past. My physical fitness has an advantage in the youth team, but I am probably the weakest in the first team!

Talk about your weaknesses first, don't talk too much, leave yourself enough room for rapid improvement, and then talk about your strengths!

However, if it is purely about the ability to judge the placement of high balls, I can guarantee that most of the placements of the ball will be judged quickly and accurately! Faster and more accurate than anyone else!

Haha! Talking so full, it's not in line with your oriental speaking habits!

Advocaat said with a smile

However, this also proves that you have absolute confidence in this area, right? Confidence can defeat everyone, without exception!

Without exception, I believe that I can beat everyone in this respect. Well, if there are other perverts, at least undefeated!

This is a talent given by God, and it is also the biggest capital for me, a yellow race, to reach the highest peak in football!

Can you tell me how you judge? I really can't understand, mainly you know, your success rate is amazing! I noticed your last game, when the opponent passed the ball, you just watched After glancing at it, he turned and ran, and only turned around to confirm when he reached the position!

This, can I call it talent? Coach!

Talent? Can you talk about it in detail?

To put it simply, I only need to be able to see the trajectory of the football for a period of time after passing the ball, which is what you call the time of looking at it, and I can imagine various physical quantities including resistance in my mind, and then it is like solving Like a physics problem, the brain automatically reflects the final result?

Judging the landing point is like doing a physics problem? Haha, other people can't learn your method!

Maybe this is a genius? There are all kinds of different people in the football world. Compared with those orcs who can't run to death, Yang Feng's talent is at least so artistic! Advocaat thought to himself.

Okay, now let's talk about the game. You should have seen Zenit's games this season, right?

Advocaat began to change the subject. This time he talked about the senior team's game, it should be a test of Yang Feng's tactical understanding.

Of course, after all, Zenit is my home team now. I have watched live broadcasts of the 5 league games and 3 Russian Cup games this season!

From your point of view, what do you think of Zenit's performance in these 8 games?


How can I say this, Zenit played like shit in several games? Then the head coach will put me on the blacklist and kick me away! Yang Feng was a little bit dissatisfied with the hole dug by the head coach. Dare to jump off easily.

Perhaps it was because of Yang Feng's concern.

Relax, kid, this is just chatting. You read the newspapers scolding me so much, and I'm not doing anything wrong. Tell the truth, tell me what you know about the game!

Mr. Advocaat, let me tell the truth, as you know, we Chinese are not good at lying!

Advocaat stretched out his hand and made a courteous gesture, signaling Yang Feng to speak freely.

In the 8 games, Zenit's offense has been very impressive. At least no matter whether the game is won or lost, Zenit has scored goals in every game. Especially in most games, Zenit is facing the opponent's iron team. Barrel formation, so such an achievement is even more difficult, proving that Zenit's offensive strength is already the top of the Russian Super League!

However, when the team is attacking, facing the opposite counterattack, it seems a little at a loss. This is not only a problem with the defense line, but also has a lot to do with the midfielders attacking too deeply and cannot effectively provide support to the defense line. relation!

In the 8 games, the midfielder and the defense were obviously out of touch when the opponent counterattacked. This should be due to the tactics. Only with more physical strength and more people can the tactical goals be accomplished, which naturally leads to weak defense and gaps in the rear defense!

Yang Feng said while paying attention to the coach, and found that he didn't show any signs of losing his temper, so let's continue talking!

In fact, the best way at this stage, I believe the coach has already considered it, is to weaken the offensive tactics, or allocate a full-time defender, or focus on defense collectively, so that although the offense will be weakened, it can be defended. In terms of cost performance, this should be a good deal, at least most games will not be lost!

What if I don't intend to weaken the offensive ability? Advocaat interjected at the right time.

Then we can only strengthen the strength of the defense, let the defense solve the problem by itself, or drag the teammates to help solve the problem!

Haha, since you see through it, why don't you just say it? Doesn't the defense need someone like you, who has a big picture and command ability, can judge the opponent's attack direction at the first time, and delay the opponent's first kick? Passing the ball, will only the central defender make the best solution?

Hey, coach, I think I may be competent except for physical confrontation. After all, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, but with my current comprehensive strength, if I go to be a general, I will be directly culled by other soldiers internally. !

Haha, I didn't intend for you to go into battle now, come to the first team tomorrow, train hard, and strive to become a general as soon as possible!

Okay, coach! Yang Feng also gave a military salute jokingly.

Go back, see you in the first team tomorrow!

Watching Yang Feng leave the office.

What a funny and confident kid. He understands football tactics fairly well. Now it depends on whether you can become a 'general'!

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