For a Change(A Naruto Fanfic)

Chuunin Exams[1]

"Good Luck Kizuna!"

"You too Naruto!"

On the way towards the place where the Exams would be held, Kizuna and her team had reunited with Naruto as she could feel that both Naruto and Sasuke's temperent had change and they got stronger.

She couldn't tell how much but she knew that she'll probably have a harder time fighting them than before.

But she still optimistic as ever due to her team having grown stronger as well and she develop many techniques, some of which she didn't plan on using until she was in danger.

She also began to notice many familiar faces and some she didn't recognize as Naruto head first before she began to talk to her team.

"Kizuna, Okuto, have you notice that Naruto had gotten stronger after he left the village?"

"Tch. Sasuke's gotten stronger as well. I knew they can get stronger but i don't know why but the girl in their team haven't improve. What the hell is she doing?"

Kido felt like Naruto had a change in him as he could feel that his conviction became stronger. He grips his hand as he and Naruto might become rival someday and win Kizuna's heart. Okuto was staring at Sasuke and felt an unnatural aura in him, like his anger was a bit stronger than before. But they knew that both of them had gotten strong.

Kizuna had pat their shoulders as a smile appears on her face.

"Are you guys feeling down now? About to waste the training we did?"

"N-no way Kizuna!"

"Hmph. If thats gonna shake my conviction, i would rather quit being a ninja then."

"Then, lets go guys."

She decided to push her team inside as they saw how many people were inside. She knew that getting promoted from genin was hard but it didn't stop her conviction to get stronger. She would face many opponents from inside like her friends or people she don't know but it might defeat her or her team.

Determination to win slowly burns through her and her team as they followed the group inside.

She saw how Naruto and his team separated as tilts her head but decided to ignore it and followed the group to the destination.

She already know that two ninjas were using genjutsu as she immediately break the jutsu on her and the team and heads to the real destination.

Once she went inside, she saw Hinata already sitting as she decided to sit next to her.

"Um... Kizuna..."


Both of them interact as Hinata felt glad that there was somone next to her which she was familiar with and began to converse with Kizuna.

Kido and Okuto sat at different places as Kizuna had studied abit on how the First test works. She was already gathering information from her seniors and even if it was random and inaccurate due to their seniors was keeping the exam a secret, she manage to piece out a bit and would use a technique to pass the exam.

'I put mine Kizuna.'

'Ready here.'

She saw both Okuto and Kido nods at Kizuna as she felt a bit scared since it might backfire but she need to do this in order to pass.

Some time passes and she saw Naruto and gang entered inside as he sat next to Hinata. She began to immediately blushing from the shyness but Kizuna manage to calm her down as she greets Naruto.

Both interact a bit before the instructor arrived.

Ibiki Morino stood at the front as multiple ninja stood behind him. Some of Ninjas Naruto recognize as he began to shout.

Hinata was spooked while Kizuna facepalm fron her friend acting like an idiot during the exam.

After he was scolded, Ibiki began to explain how the first exam would work.

As Ninjas, they need to answer 10 questions written on the paper as he spoke that cheating is not allowed. If one is caught cheating, he would be disqualified from the exams.

As they begin to answer the question, they felt like the questions on the paper aren't on the genin level as they notice a pattern on this particular exam.

'He said that cheating isn't allowed but didn't say that being caught was.'

This grabs the attenion to all the ninjas around as some began to cheat by using their skills.

Kizuna didn't have problems on the exams as all of this was regards to the research she's been doing since the begining as she began to answer it all. But reaching the last question confuses her as she didn't know what it was. But she decided to ignore it as she looks at both her teammates and found them to be struggling for the answer.

She knew that Okuto's smart but he could only answer a few questions and Kido was basically an idiot but not as idiotic as Naruto is.

Hinata was shyly trying to giving her answers to Naruto as she decided to help out her team.

She began to wrote two pieces of paper while observing the proctors before she calms down and hid them.

'Hope you don't get caught guys.' 

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