For a Change(A Naruto Fanfic)

Oku-na-do Team Strike

After that day, Kido and Okuto's growth surges forward as their skills rapidly improve for the of their goals.

They saw the interaction between Kizuna and Neji as they want to prove to her that they won't slow her down.

Kizuna was happy that they are willing to prove their worth as all of them train even harder and ask Anko to give harder missions so they can inprove. While they worked hard for to get stronger, Naruto told Kizuna that they were gonna take a C-rank mission in the land of waves as she knew that their growth was slowly growing between them.

She can only smile at Naruto as she looks at the growth they had and they need to work even harder. Yet, Kizuna was hiding her hidden grin as the technique she was working on was slowly becoming a fuition.


"Yes! The technique works."

Later that night, she was currently using the two shadow clones to practice a jutsu to train on a certain technique which was inspired by Guy's rigorous training and the Hyuuga's combat techniques.

She was testing a prototype technique which she would use the Flying Thundergod Jutsu, fused with a summoning seal to create a new technique solely for their team.

Team 11 was a newly formed team which didn't have a team coordinated technique like Team 7's Three-man cell or team 10's Ino-Shika-Cho Trio had.

In their own strengths, they have special attacks or specializations which Kizuna knew that her team lacks this kind of work.

So, she observes Kido and Okuto's movements, strengths and weaknesses as to find a synergy within her team as she finally develops a technique which could be solely works.

But they needed more practice and teamwork to be able to pull this new technique of hers.

It was the start of their own Team 11's new coordinate attack: The Oku-na-do Team Strike.


"W-wow! I never knew this technique would help our team. Kizuna, this could actually work right?"

"Hpmh. You shouldn't underestimate Kizuna's determination Kido. She's been learning this technique for a long time and helped us improve. Just be glad that you don't have to think with an idiot brain like yours."

"H-hey! Just because your smarter than me, doesn't mean you had to belittle my ingenuity. Your just jealous that i'm stronger than you."


Kido and Okuto continue to bicker around as Kizuna was staring at Anko for confirmation. This was a newly formed team that consist of 3 students with no strong backhrounds and prove themselves with their determination and hard work.

Looking at the plan she proposed, Anko stared at Kizuna as she was impressed with her creativity. This wouldn't work without a person having a large chakra and seal training like Kizuna but this was only a prototype technique which could actually be proven to be great when it comes to a team battle.

Kizuna didn't propose this technique until she can fully control this technique and it took quite a lot of effort before showing this to her team.

Anko decided to do a quick test to train and perfect this technique as she told the Hokage that Team 11 won't be doing any missions until they can learn this.

Kizuna also use this opportunity to show her team about the new Taijutsu she invented which consist of the Hyuuga's palm techniques, combined with Guy's fast strikes and medical jutsu. 

An acrobatic taijutsu which dealt quick succession of attacks and hitting the chakra points as the more time to build up speed, the more attacks she can deal. She isn't skilled with the chakra points due to not having the Hyuuga's dojutsu but the technique also has something which could be frightening....

Chakra supression.

Her attacks might not block a chakra point but her palm strikes, combined with medical jutsu had created an attack which causes her opponent to lose control of their chakra.

This might not be effective to people who fully utilizes chakra like Lee, but this is frightening to all the opponents like neji who uses chakra to strike their opponents or people who uses ninjutsu.

This was the technique Kizuna was trying to develop using all the knowledge she has to beat the strong people she knew.

A technique to surpass the strong. A coordination to utilize her team and...

'A chance to beat you guys...'

Naruto, Sasuke and Neji.... My will of fire to burn through the walls you create. The determination to get stronger and beat the titans in her mind. Kizuna bumps her fist with her team as determination burns through their souls.

For the sake of protecting her friends, that is my ninja way! 

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