For a Change(A Naruto Fanfic)

Sasuke Vs Yuroi

"For the first Match, its gonna be Sasuke Uchiha Vs. Yuroi Akado."

The first match of the plememinary exams Sasuke sneers as he was happy he gets to fight. There's also the mark on his shoulder that was spreading towards his body but it only amplifies the rage and excitment for a fight.

Yuroi was silently staring down upon his opponent but hidden in his mask was an eager smile to beat down and toy with his opponent.

As both of them walk down to the arena as the rest stayed on the upper floor, Sakura and Naruto was just cheering for him but Kizuna felt like there was a hidden dark emotion Sasuke was feeling right now.

"Ho... So i guess my opponent is gonna be the famous Uchiha child. I guess this will be a fun fight and i'll get to toy with a child. Hahaha..."

"Hmph. Maybe you'll be the one who gets to be toyed around instead. Rubbing off that ego of yours, how fun it'll be."

Both of them stood at the arena as Hayate just expressionlessly couldn't care about their words as he raises his hand.

"First Round of the fight..... Begin!"

Yuroi was the first one to attack as he rush through Sasuke head-on in a clash. Sasuke could only feel angry since Kakashi forbid him to use chakra due to the curse mark activating on him, and would cause him to be disqualified from the exam. He had to rely on his taijutsu which would proved to be difficult since he didn't know how his opponent would attack.

Yuroi blitzes towards Sasuke as Sasuke just steadied himself to fight him in a taijutsu battle. 

What he doesn't realizes is that Yuroi was smirking since he would win if he gets closer to his opponent.

Sasuke manages to parry the punch as he delivers a kick through Yuroi's stomach. Yuroi decides to dodge the kick by trying to grab Sasuke's leg.


Sasuke realizes his mistake as Yuroi began to drain his chakra. He quickly counters with another kick as Yuroi decides to let it go and retreats. 

"Damn! Ugh...."

"Com'on Uchiha brat. Whats the matter? Losing your touch?" 

Sasuke's curse mark began to act up as Kakashi senses that the Curse Mark slowly began to spread further through his body. Kizuna was more shocked from Yuroi absorbing Sasuke's chakra. While she worries for him, she knew that the Jounin here wouldn't let a person die on this place as she began writing down what Yuroi did. 

Sasuke was currently aching from the pain on the curse mark as Naruto and Sakura wanted to stop the match.

Kizuna also wants to stop this because that curse mark is doing something to him but.

"Naruto, Sakura. Believe in Sasuke. He can win this. Especially you Naruto, you know him better than i do."

"Kizuna! Sasuke's in danger! We need to stop th-" 

"Sakura. Kizuna is right. Lets believe in that guy. As a bastard that he is, Sasuke can win."

He decided to trust in Kizuna as he knew Sasuke wouldn't quit due to some mark on him. For the sake of killing his brother, Sasuke wouldn't lose to this guy.

The match continues on as both of them exchanges punches as Yuroi was currently toying with Sasuke. 

He was currently cock with his attitude as he beats down and absorbs the chakra on Sasuke, causing the curse mark to burn on him.

Sasuke was currently injured by not only the curse mark hurting him, his body was now begining to give out on him. Also, one of his arm was currently broken due to Yuroi pressing him on the ground and breaking his hand. 

Sakura was just praying to keep her beloved Sasuke safe while Naruto was gritting his teeth, seeing how Yuroi was toying with Sasuke like that.


"What's the matter kid? Where did all that spunk go?" 

"Shut up...." 

Sasuke was currently tired from having to endure the curse mark and his body giving out and wanted to stop but his rage to kill his brother still grows as he wants to beat his opponent.

He felt like his vengence on his brother was weakening due to the interactions with Naruto and Kizuna as he wants to give up right now. 


'I'm not gonna give up here... Itachi...'

He control his rage inside him as he knew he can't defeat Yuroi with his current state as he decided to use a technique he learned from Lee during their match.

Yuroi who had fun toying with his opponent, decides to end this match as he quickly rush in to completely absorb Sasuke's chakra and knocking him out. Yet... 


He didn't expect Sasuke to counter by delivering a kick through his chin, sending him in the air as Sasuke didn't relent and giving combos in the air while beating the living sh*t out of Yoroi. 

"Lions Barrage!"

Muliple kicks and punches kept sending Yuroi in the air as he couldn't believe himself losing to a kid but it was too late.

Sasuke kept lifting Yuroi up in the air as he knew that this was the only way of beating him and after delivering his final kick, he lands Yuroi down on thr ground and delivers a strong elbow on him. Which Yuroi couldn't take the impact and knock out from the match.

"For the first match's Victor, Sasuke Uchiha from the Hidden Leaf."

As Sasuke was wobbling down and barely losing his conscious, he was about to fall down but was catch by Kizuna who was smiling at him.

"I knew you wouldn't lose."

"Tch. I was just going easy on him."


She just smirks at him as she hands him to his teammates as Sakura glared hardly at Kizuna. 

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