Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 204: Write Off

Xiang Ning slung the metal tube on his back, which stuck out half a foot from his head, and exited the facility. He was wearing a soldier’s combat attire with protective eyewear and a helmet, so his face was covered. Perhaps due to Li Kaihao’s instructions, the soldiers who encountered him didn’t even glance at him, so he had a smooth journey out.

He didn’t immediately leave Fortress Three, though, but instead returned to his room first. He did nothing except collapse into his bed and sleep. He had just regained consciousness that morning, then overexerted himself suppressing the beast core. He was utterly worn out and didn’t want to go out searching for Fang Rou in such a terrible state, especially as he wasn’t able to guarantee a safe journey through the night in the wilderness. Even right now, he couldn’t guarantee he could wake at peak condition and quickly escape a beast if need be. Better safe than sorry. Although he was anxious, he had to rest in order to make the future journey faster!

He fell into a deep sleep. Within the laboratory, Li Kaihao pursed his lips when he saw in the security footage that Xiang Ning entered his room and never left. “He listens to you.”

“No, he’s actually a reasonable person. He understands how to prioritize things. But you... he probably has a grudge against you.” Although Alia didn’t want to talk to Li Kaihao, he was still the commander and also in charge of taking care of Xiang Ning. If that weren’t the case, she wouldn’t have cared to talk to him.

Li Kaihao smiled bitterly, recalling the way that Xiang Ning had looked so calm and nonchalant. There was still a terrifying ruthlessness in his eyes that revealed his true thoughts, the kind that was fiercer than a beast. Li Kaihao was a tier five master himself, but even his chest tightened when they locked eyes. It was no longer a matter of capability, but a direct hit to his soul!

“You’re the commander, it’s impossible that the name list for the rescue team would have slipped past you. That means you saw Fang Rou’s name, yet you still let her participate.” Alia narrowed her eyes, glaring at Li Kaihao.


“There’s no need to explain. I don’t care who she is, she’s still a student. You shouldn’t have let her go on an assignment like this.”

“You don’t understand.” Li Kaihao no longer looked awkward, his eyes saying You don’t know, and I don’t blame you.

“Hehe, I don’t? Have you forgotten the way Xiang Ning looked at you? Do you really think he’s a green teenager who doesn’t know the horrors of this world? What he’s gone through is probably not far from what you've lived through!”

Li Kaihao’s pupils were constricted.

“Nothing to say? Are you regretting it? You know a tier seven master would never write off a matter like this. If something really happened to both of his children, I’ll wait to see how he flays you.”

“I don’t care, I just want the invasions to end,” Li Kaiho said with a bitter smile, then turned and left.

Alia gazed deeply at his silhouette, slightly smirking in deep thought.


On the other side, Xiang Ning’s eyes sprang open after about five hours of sleep. The sun had just risen. He spent some time preparing, then decided to leave, but was stopped just as he was about to leave the room.

“Xiang Ning, we’d like to go too.”

Looking at the three people before him, Xiang Ning shook his head. “No. It’s too dangerous, and you don’t have a mode of transport. My Windbreaker is full, I can’t even take another passenger.”

“But it’s very dangerous.”

“Don’t worry, with my current cultivation, I can run even if I encounter a tier five beast. You forgot that we trained in the wilderness. There’s very few Beast Generals in one area, so as long as I avoid them, I should be fine.”

The others looked at each other.

“Don’t worry, I’ll catch up to them very soon. They’re traveling in a truck. If all goes well, I’ll find them before sunset. This isn’t too far a journey, and there should only be low-tier beasts along the way.”

“Fine, you’ve got to be careful then!” Li Zimo worriedly patted his shoulder.

Xiang Ning didn’t waste any time. He carried the metal tube out of the barracks, got on his Windbreaker, then sped away from the fortress.


At an outpost two hundred kilometers away from the fortress, Fang Rou and the team had finally stopped. They hadn’t been able to find a suitable resting spot before this one, and traveled through the night to arrive at this refueling point. They left the truck but their expressions darkened the moment they saw the state it was in. Blood was spattered on the outer walls surrounding it, and beast carcasses and soldier bodies alike littered the grounds.

“Team Leader, based on the color of the blood, I’m afraid it’s been two days.”

“Mm, it should be related to the stampede.” The man speaking was the team leader of the squad back at the fortress, Li Yunfei. He was assigned to lead this rescue team.

“Team Leader Li, I think we should scout the area. There might be survivors.” The person speaking wasn’t loud, but her voice attracted attention. She was Fang Rou, clad in Crescent Armor that was set to battle mode.

“Yes, that’s true. Six, bring a team in to check the area. Everyone else keep a lookout outside. We’ll form a defensive line. Immediately report if you see a beast, and kill on sight!” Li Yunfei quickly commanded.

“Yes, sir!”

Once Li Yunfei finished issuing instructions, they got to work.

“Aren’t you afraid your little boyfriend is going to come looking if you run out like this?” Li Yunfei had traveled in the same truck as Fang Rou on the way here. Due to her identity, she required extra protection. Both of them had also gotten to know each other at the hospital and had an amicable relationship.

“He’s... he’s not... and I don’t... I don’t think he’ll come. He’s recovering at the hospital,” stuttered Fang Rou, blushing.

When he saw Fang Rou’s reaction, Li Yunfei missed being young himself. He relaxed his shoulders and said, “This is a dangerous mission, so let me tell you again: if we encounter danger, you must listen to me.”

“I understand.” Fang Rou nodded, and didn’t say anything else.

Li Yunfei sighed. “Fang Hao will be fine. He has Mr. Zhou with him. I’m sure they escaped the beasts somehow. As long as we follow their signal, we’ll definitely find them.” He tapped on his combat watch twice. “Since yesterday, his signal has been coming from this area. We need to travel three hundred more kilometers to reach him, and the journey will be a dangerous one. I hope you can keep your head in this.”

“I understand.” The light in her eyes dimmed.

Six, who had gone in to scout the area, finally emerged with his team with an extra person. He was covered in wounds, blood, and dirt, and in an extremely disheveled state. He was the soldier guarding this refueling station.

“Quick, clean him up and treat him!”

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

'your little boyfriend' HAHA --doge

'your little boyfriend' LMAO --ChaCha

Also I think the commander was trying to bait the tier seven master to come and kill the Octoviolet Silversnake by sending out both of his children into its nest. Probably.

How dare he does that to Fang Rou?! Unforgivable!!

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