Forged in the Light of New Stars

Chapter 10: The Gleaming City by the Sea


The light of the myriad moons paled in comparison to the splendor of the city in celebration. My eyes were drawn to the cheering people below as the train traveled further into Valoris. I grew excited and a little nervous when I imagined what the party might be like. Thinking of this reminded me that I had changed into a simpler outfit for the trip and I leaned over to Ellya to whisper. “Any kind of dress code for this party that I should know about?”

She shook her head. “Whatever you would like to wear will be fine, Thalassa is a pretty casual person and ey tends to celebrate Shatternight with a close gathering of friends. That being said; we’ve got enough time if you’d like to change and freshen up a bit.”

“Oh wonderful! It’s been a while since I hung out with anyone presenting like this and I’d like to make a good impression. I just realized I have no idea what kind of cosmetics you all have, would you mind lending me some?” 

“Of course! We can do a whole makeover, you’ll look amazing.” Ellya looked over at Brian. “Would you like one as well? Entirely up to you.” 

His eyes grew wide as he tried to get the words out for a response. He was saved by Nightshade sliding next to him and grabbing his arm. The eidolon winked at us as he spoke. “I’ll attend to our friend here, you ladies have fun.” 

Brian forced a grin on his face as he was led away to one of the other cars. Ellya and I shared a quick look before making our way to one of the private cabins. I felt a little shy as Ellya started to change in front of me before reminding myself that she saw me as a fellow woman, not as a crossdressing man. The experience was not entirely new, but it was one I was still unused to. While some of my forays into presenting as myself had been at queer meetups, most had been at conventions where I could wave off any questions about my outfits as just crossplay. A part of me felt like it should be a bigger deal that Ellya was accepting me so easily, but what I really felt was relief. This was right, fitting. A sharp contrast from the world I’d left behind.

  As I slipped into the ocean dress, I caught a glimpse of Ellya putting on a silver dress, one more ornate than her everyday wear. It was beautiful; where her previous dress had been black with silver accents, this one was pure silver. The hem stopped just short of where her dark carapace melded with her pale skin and it was slit on one side to show off her thigh. She paused as she picked up a black sash and looked over to catch me staring. 

I blushed, looking away. “Sorry, didn’t mean to be rude.”

“It’s quite alright,” she struck a pose and gestured up and down with her spider limbs. “Do you like the dress? Thalassa got it for me on our first anniversary and I wanted to remind em of old times.”

“It’s gorgeous! Your friend has good taste.” My cheeks were warm as I couldn’t avoid thinking about how, between Nightshade and Ellya, I was surrounded by beauty. It made me feel a little plain…though maybe that was the dysphoria talking. I tried to shove that thought into the back of my mind as Ellya gestured to a seat in front of a mirror. 

“Now, time to highlight how cute you are! You have wonderful features, we just need to figure out how to accentuate them.” Ellya pulled out a smooth, glossy black orb and held it up in front of my face. “Close your eyes and remove your glasses, this will scan your face and let me build a design.”

Doing as she asked, I relaxed the tension in my shoulders and let my mind wander while she worked. There was a soft radiance for a few moments, visible even through my closed eyelids, and then quiet humming as she went to work. I couldn’t help but think about Nightshade. After Brian’s unfortunate interruption, I felt a little awkward about picking up where we’d left off. But he’d understood. We’d ended up sitting quietly together for a while and it was nice to just enjoy his company. 

I still felt a little unsure why he was into me, even as just a casual thing. But…it was nice. Having him join us for the party tonight made me happy, as I wanted more time to get to know him. However, I was worried that Brian might get upset again and I wasn’t sure what I was going to do about that. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I wasn’t going to pass up a chance to enjoy myself because of his hangups. Maybe I could talk to him first, figure out just what set him off. 

“Alright, I think I’ve got it. Now, what will happen is that the sphere is going to take my design and paint it on to your face. It won’t take more than a moment, but you’ll want to sit absolutely still while it works. You ready?” said Ellya.

“Ready.”The soft glow returned and this time I could feel a slight warmth around my eyes, lips, and cheeks. There was a slight itching that passed quickly and I waited for Ellya’s signal that it was okay to move. “Alright, there we go! Take a look!” she gestured as I opened my eyes and gasped. 

The woman in the mirror staring back at me was familiar, but so different. My jaw looked softer, skin smoother than I’d ever seen it while matching my natural tone perfectly, and around my eyes was sea breeze eyeshadow. Under the corner of my eyes, deep blue abstract waves framed my face as they flowed towards my temples, interwoven with tiny diamond shapes of burnished copper. My lips were painted with a subtle, dark copper that glistened with a glossy sheen.  

“It’s…it’s so beautiful. Is that really me?” I reached up a trembling hand that stopped short of my face, watching the same hand in the mirror confirm what I was seeing. 

“I thought you might like that. I had a friend who looked a bit like you that really enjoyed this sort of design. Don’t tell her I said this, but I think you wear it even better.” Ellya smiled at me before looking at my hair and holding up a few strands with her arachnid limbs. “Would you like me to braid your hair a bit? 

I nodded, unable to look away from the mirror as she worked. As she composed a pair of braids on either side of my face, I realized that I could see, even just in this moment, why someone would be interested in me. It was a good feeling.   




Once our preparations were complete, Ellya and I stepped outside of the train while we waited for Brian and Nightshade to finish. The train had pulled into a large open air station similar to the one near Silkspire, but on a grander scale. I looked up through the crystalline canopies overhead to stare at the towering buildings all around. The town I’d grown up in was small, the tallest building downtown was a mere six stories and it stood alone amid its smaller cousins. Once, back in high school, Brian and I had taken a weekend trip to one of the nearby cities. At the time, I’d wondered how such a place could exist. Valoris put that city to shame. Every skyscraper was a work of art, smooth white edifices gleaming in the soft moonlight, covered in beautiful murals and hanging gardens. I moved in a slow spiral, mouth open wide as I realized just how vast this city was. The gentle sea breeze flowed through the station and made the hem of my dress flutter. I breathed deep, smelling the salt of the sea mixed with something incredibly appetizing. The sound of my stomach growing in response made me realize just how hungry I was; the meal on the train was an hours old memory now.Ellya chuckled. “Hopefully the others are ready soon, I’m feeling the same way.” 

Not a moment after she spoke, the door slid open. Nightshade appeared first, dressed in a rich indigo dress and wearing elaborate golden bracelets along his arms and a golden belt around his waist, accentuating his hips. My mouth was dry as I drank in the sight of him, marveling at how stunning he was. Brian shuffled in behind, wearing an unfamiliar hoodie and some black leggings. Brian…wearing leggings? The hoodie was a little oversized, but it somehow made the leggings really work, giving him an almost cute vibe. His hair was neatly combed and it looked like Nightshade had even trimmed up the bangs so they covered his forehead without obscuring his eyes. He’d even shaved away all his scruff. 

All in all, it was a good look for him, but also a puzzling one. Without the messy hair and beard shadow, his appearance was more androgynous than masculine, veering a bit towards feminine. Wait a minute, was he wearing eyeliner?

Before I could comment on it, Brian looked away from Ellya and directly at me, his eyes growing wide and lips parted slightly. He stared at me with a reverent expression, gaze fixed firmly on my face. He blinked rapidly before speaking. “Gwen–” his voice was a whisper. “You look incredible!”

I blushed and adjusted my glasses nervously. “Ellya did most of this, it’s all her work.” 

He shook his head. “It’s not that, though the makeup is really pretty. It’s more…” he hesitated, rubbing his arm as he looked down before gazing at me again, with more intensity. “It wouldn’t look as good on someone else. It’s beautiful because you’re beautiful and it’s like…it’s like I’ve stumbled into the wrong party and the prettiest lady in the room is asking me how I got here,” his eyes grew even wider as he realized what he’d said. “Ah! Sorry, I hope that isn’t awkward, I’m not trying to hit on you or anything–” 

It was hard not to blush as I realized that Brian was attracted to me. I’d seen what he was like around girls he was crushing on, but this time I was the girl he was crushing on. It was affirming, but that couldn’t entirely explain the butterflies fluttering through me. Memories of the feelings I’d had for him when we were younger stirred to life. Maybe here on Tellara, things could be different. Moving forward and taking his hand, I interrupted him with a whisper. “It’s okay. I like that the person who knows me the best thinks I look pretty. And hey, you look pretty good yourself.” I gestured with my other hand up and down. “I mean, look at you! I almost didn’t recognize you!”

“H-h-hey! That’s my line!” he stammered as he looked away. “It’s not like this was my idea, this is all Nightshade’s doing. He bullied me into letting him dress me up a bit, that’s all.” 

The culprit chose that moment to slide next to Brian and throw a comforting arm around his shoulder. “It’s true, I’m a fiend! A despicable scoundrel! ‘Twas I who ignored every one of his protests, thunderous in their silence, and did my wicked will upon him.” Nightshade shot me a smug grin as Brian studied the ground very intently. “But he looks good, doesn’t he? As soon as he showed me his new pullover, I knew what had to be done.”

“Aria made it for me, it was a gift.” Brian muttered. “Old one was a little beaten up…that’s all.”

I thought about asking more questions about the eyeliner, but my stomach chose to growl yet again. Nightshade and Ellya chuckled as I hid my face in my hands. “Brian you look great I really like that look on you–” my words all in a rush as I fought my embarrassment. “Now can we go get some food?”

“Yes, let’s go! The night is young and there is much to see!” Ellya gestured grandly ahead before leaning close to Brian. “Gwen is right, that is a good look on you.” She grinned as Brian blushed deeply and pulled behind Nightshade to cover his flustering. 

Nightshade crossed his arms and took on a mock serious expression. “Now, now, Ellya, don’t tease the boy too hard. He’s a little shy and clearly unused to such compliments. We have to ease him into them as we make our way along.” 

Copying his expression, Ellya pounded her fist into her palm with a sharp nod. “Yes, you’re right. Plenty of time for that, and a good thing too: you know how Thalassa is with compliments. I daresay both of our new friends need a bit of practice before facing ey’s enthusiastic affirmation.”

Brian and I shared a nervous look, wondering just what we’d gotten ourselves into as Ellya and Nightshade set out, waving for us to follow along. 

A small archway at the end of a descending staircase marked the exit onto the city streets and we made our way carefully down. As I reached the archway, the air in front of me shimmered and a person appeared. 

“Greetings and welcome to Valoris, especially on this, our Shatternight! Ellya, it’s so good to see you, it has been too long!” The new arrival was composed of a sparkling mass of crystal-clear water in human shape with glowing eyes and a stocky figure. 

“Hello, Whisper. It has been a while, hasn’t it? I’m sorry I haven’t been back to visit more frequently, you know how it goes: peaceful days just meld into each other, one after another, until it’s been a few years and you realize how long it was since you last took a trip.”

Whisper nodded. “It’s quite alright, I’m just glad to see you. And you, Nightshade! Leaving your train for once, eh?” 

Nightshade frowned theatrically. “I’ll have you know I have a vibrant social life! I’m even going to a party!” He chuckled. “Besides, someone has to show our new arrivals all the best things to do in the city. You know Ellya will get lost in a library and forget to give them the grand tour.” 

“You…aren’t entirely wrong, I’m afraid.” Ellya sighed, shoulders slumping, before smiling as she gestured us closer. “But I’m forgetting my manners! Allow me to introduce my new friends!” she pointed at me first and then Brian. “This lovely woman is Gwen and the person trying to hide behind her is Brian. He’s a little anxious, be nice.” Ellya turned to Brian and I and gestured at the newcomer. “Friends, I’d like you to meet Whisper. She’s one of the eidolons that manages the city and is a dear friend.”

Whisper moved closer towards us both, flowing like water over the ground rather than walking. She bowed her head briefly and then gestured widely before announcing in an official tone: “As High Gardener of the city of Valoris, hallowed sanctuary of Bellius, I welcome you: travelers from Earth. Set aside your burdens and your cares, for here in this city a place will be made for you so that you may rest easy. We shall provide, in remembrance of the gifts given to us.” Her speech finished, she smiled broadly and continued in a more casual tone. “It’s good to meet you, Gwen and Brian. I’d love to give you a tour of the city and talk more, but it is Shatternight and I expect you all have places to be.” She gestured and I watched as an image of a waist-high pillar formed in the air front of us, embossed with a symbol like the letter T with a curved half circle instead of a straight line at the top. “If you need anything, find one of these. I’ll provide assistance at any time. Remember, I’m always just a whisper away!” 

Nightshade and Ellya both groaned in unison as Whisper’s watery form whirled and vanished in a puff of mist. I couldn’t help but giggle a bit. 

“That was a pun, in English! How did she…?” I asked.

Nightshade stared heavensward as he sighed. “Whisper is an eidolon with entirely too much time on her hands and a head for language. She specifically learned as many of your languages as she could just so she could do that. It’s the absolute worst.” 

Ellya waved us along and continued the conversation as we walked. “I was hoping we might run into her wife, Chorus, instead. Whisper is a delight best enjoyed in very small doses.” 

“What was all that stuff about High Gardener and sanctuary?” I asked. 

Nightshade chimed in. “Whisper and Chorus are some of the oldest eidolons we know of. They built this city shortly after the cataclysm, naming it Valoris out of gratitude for being saved by the hero Valora and her wife, Nymera. Valoris became a haven for the survivors of the devastation and the city residents pride themselves on being a sanctuary for anyone in need. As for the High Gardener part, that is an honorary title given to those who care for a city. Usually that’s an eidolon, but some humans are known to enjoy the work as well. It’s a well respected role in our society.”

Brian listened intently, his love of history piqued. “I’d like to hear more about Valora and Nymera. They sound interesting.”

“If you recall that shrine from the procession, the statue within is of Valora and Nymera. They fought during the cataclysm to save as many as they could as priestesses of the goddess, Teara. There are many tales of their heroism, even before the disaster, for they fought for many years against the Iron Imperium. Nobody knows what became of them after the cataclysm, but their valiant deeds have not been forgotten.” Ellya said. 

I nodded along thoughtfully. “I read a bit about Teara, back at Silkspire, but nothing about this.”

Nightshade continued. “You’ll learn plenty in the days ahead, I guarantee you. Everyone loves stories of Valora and Nymera in this city. As for Whisper, she’s a bit of a pain, but I owe her a lot. She was the one who encouraged me to take up conducting as part of my healing. When she says she’ll help you, any time, she means it. So, remember that.” 

“I will! There’s so much to learn, I hadn’t realized just how much until now.” Brian tapped his chin thoughtfully. “I’m not sure why you two are making such a big deal about her pun, though. I thought it was funny.”

Ellya and Nightshade shared a look before Ellya said. “Give it time, you’ll join the club sooner or later.” 

After that we walked in silence for a little while, making our way closer to where the city meets the sea. The streets were alive with milling crowds, street vendors preparing delicious food, and performers wearing flowing silks moving in elegant dances. Various people we passed waved or made the circular gesture that Ashforth was fond of while shouting greetings and welcome. As Ellya had warned us before, our status as otherworlders apparently stuck out because it seemed like nearly everyone we passed commented about it. 

Brian rubbed his eyes a bit and grumbled quietly. “I keep catching little glimpses of auras and it’s so overwhelming. How is everyone looking at us and not hurting their eyes?” 

“You can see those?” I asked.

He shrugged. “I…uh, it’s a little embarrassing, but apparently my mana keeps leaking out of me and causing things to happen. Usually when I’m feeling a strong emotion, which given all the excitement around us…and all the people staring at me…well it’s hard to keep it in.” his voice sunk to a whisper as he jerked his head towards Ellya in front of us. “She’s been helping me learn to contain it.” 

Brian was learning magic already? And he didn’t tell me? “When did that start?”

“Back at Ellya’s house. I wasn’t doing well with processing you being…you and I may have accidentally broken a mirror. Thankfully, it was easy to fix, and she taught me how to pull the magic back into myself when it starts leaking.” he sighed. “I didn’t want to tell you, it’s a little embarrassing.”

“Bri, you’re already wielding magic and it’s embarrassing? That’s so cool!” I punched him lightly on the arm. “And you didn’t tell me!”

“It’s not wielding magic! Wielding magic would transform me, remember?” He hissed. “It’s just mana leaking out of me and it’s something that happens to children. The way Ellya told it, you’d think I was doing the magical equivalent of wetting the bed. So yes, I didn’t tell you!”

“Hey, don’t sweat it, Bri. I don’t think you have anything to be ashamed of. At least you’ve got mana to leak. I haven’t felt anything like that and it’s kind of disappointing.” I made a mental note to ask Ellya some questions later. If there was something to be learned about magic, I wanted to know. “Maybe she can also help you with the auras giving you a headache?”

“Couldn’t hurt to ask, I guess,” he shrugged and pulled ahead a bit to tap Ellya’s shoulder. She leaned in as he whispered something and she replied. He looked relieved as he fell back next to me. “Well, she said the aura thing should stop after I adjust to being around this many people. Chalk it up to yet another reason to hate crowds.” 

I put a comforting arm around him. “Hey, at least we know how to deal with that, right? Just focus on me while we get to where we are going. Just like old times, yeah?” 

He smiled wryly. “Pfft, yeah just like old times, aside from being on an alien world and you looking like a supermodel, it’s exactly the same.” 

Supermodel? He can’t just say things like that so casually, it’s unfair! 

As I was dealing with processing yet another compliment, we reached the edge of the sea. The gentle waves lapped against the thoroughfare as it continued along, becoming a tunnel that led beneath the waters. It was strange to see no divide between the city on land and the city beneath the sea. Skyways stretched between the spires on the land to meet the towers peeking through the waves. I wondered how they handled storms and flooding. As we made our way into the tunnel, I marveled at the ever-shifting shadows cast by the moonlight filtering through the sea. There were fewer people here, and they quickly passed through a sort of airlock ahead. Ellya and Nightshade stopped abruptly and I nearly bumped right into them. 

Ellya glanced around until she spotted something and waved us over. It was a little kiosk marked with a sign showing a pair of symbols carved into the surface. One was an inverted triangle containing a circle bisected by a wavy line, the other was a triangle with a horizontal curved line crossing through it and another wavy line going vertically from the center of the curved line. The translation magic filled my mind with the understanding that these were symbols for water and air, respectively. 

Within the kiosk was a miniature vending machine. Ellya tapped one of the symbols on its face and out popped a pair of chokers. She held them up to Brian and I. “Thalassa lives in the Abyssan District, which is open to the sea. Nightshade doesn’t need any assistance to breathe underwater and I can provide for myself with my magic. You two, on the other hand, need a little help. Put these on and they’ll let you breathe and talk without any trouble. They’ll resize themselves, so don’t worry about it being uncomfortable.” 

She handed me one and I held it in my hands, rubbing my fingers along the soft, silken surface of it. I undid the clasp holding it together and put it around my neck. It was initially much larger than my neck, making it easy to close, but it shrank to the perfect fit after I put it on. Ellya was right: it was probably the most comfortable choker I’d ever worn and I’ve worn a few. Brian was more hesitant in taking his and I wasn’t sure why until he finally put it on. 

Previously, I thought the little makeover that Nightshade had given him had put him in a more androgynous camp. Now with the choker? Brian wasn’t handsome, he was cute. And I think he knew it, because his face was bright red. 

“Is…is a choker really the only option here?” he asked. 

Nightshade tilted his head as he looked at Brian. “I’m sure if we looked, we could find an alternative, but it might be a little tricky tonight. What’s wrong? Does it not fit right?”

He shook his head. “No, no, it fits just fine. It’s just…chokers are kind of a girl thing back home.”

Nightshade frowned and tapped his cheek in thought. He looked up and down at Brian before his expression softened with concern. “Oh I see, it’s the leggings problem again. Don’t worry, nobody is going to make fun of you or think twice about it. It looks really good on you, I promise.” Nightshade said in a comforting tone. 

“I feel like you’re just trying to trick me into wearing things that will embarrass me.” Brian turned away and looked at me, pleading. “Gwen, be honest with me: how do I look?”

I placed my hands on his shoulders as I answered. “Brian, he’s right. It looks great on you. Your outfit was already pretty good, hell I didn’t think you could make a hoodie work as something suitable for a party, but now with the choker? You’ve got a kind of goth vibe going on and it works for you, promise.” 

He blushed and had a cute little smile on his face as he nodded. “Okay, I trust you both. I’m doing my best to try new things. If you two say it’s going to be alright, then it’s going to be alright.” 

With such a joyful look on his face and presenting the way he was, it reminded me of happier days when we were kids. He was still nervous, I could tell, but his smile was genuine. It was the smile of someone who secretly liked how they looked, but just needed someone else to say it, to give permission. I hadn’t realized that I’d been staring at him wistfully as he walked ahead to talk to Ellya until Nightshade nudged me. 

“Cute, isn’t he?” he asked.

I chuckled. “It suits him, but he isn’t my type.”

Nightshade gave me an insufferably smug look. “That wasn’t what I was asking, but it is interesting you thought that.”

I coughed lightly and tried to shift the subject. “Why did you dress him up like that? You saw how he panicked over your previous clothing suggestion. I don’t know what the rules are for fashion here but–” I lowered my voice to a sharp whisper. “That’s the sort of look I rocked when I first tried presenting as a woman.”

He looked at me thoughtfully. “Oh, I know. That was the point. It was his idea.”


“He still feels bad about struggling to understand you and he figured that if he put himself in your place a little, it might help.” 

My eyes were wide as I looked back at Bri happily chatting away with Ellya. “Are you serious? That was his reasoning?”

Nightshade shrugged. “He didn’t feel comfortable pushing it too far, but yes. Deep down, Brian is a thoughtful and gentle person, I think. However, he reminds me far too much of myself when I was younger. Someone hurt him, hurt him in ways he doesn’t understand. Because he doesn’t understand, he can’t heal. But…he’s trying, in his own way. I’m just happy to help as best I can.”

My eyes welled up a bit as I looked at Nightshade. “Thank you. For helping him. I’ve been a little too caught up with all of this–” I gestured around. “Everything and it’s made it harder to see how it all affects him.”

Nightshade placed his hand on my shoulder and stared at me intensely. “Gwen, it’s okay to focus on dealing with your own situation first. He’s not the only one who came here with pain. Let me help him and give you the space you need, okay?”

“I – I don’t know what you are talking about!” I rubbed my shoulders and bit my lip nervously. “I’m doing great, why would I need space?”

He gave me a stern look. “Gwen, your shoulders have been tense ever since you stepped off the train and you keep looking around as if you expect something to jump out at you.” His gaze softened. “Tell me what’s on your mind. Bri isn’t the only one who needs a friend.” 

“It’s nothing, I’m fine, really.” I bit the inside of my cheek as I realized he was right. Why was I so tense? It’s silly, I’m finally getting what I wanted and I apparently can’t even relax enough to enjoy it. Stupid girl. You’re among people who’ve been nothing but kind, you look amazing, and you’ve got your best friend with you. You should be happy! 

“Gwen?” said Brian.

He and Ellya were looking back at me as I’d frozen up in the middle of the street, lost in my thoughts. I plastered a reassuring smile on my face. “Sorry, it’s been a while since I’ve gone to a party. Nerves are getting to me.” 

Brian held out his hand slowly, stopping for a moment in hesitation before extending it towards me. We hadn’t held hands since we were children. He looked at me with gentle pleading eyes, offering his support. 

I reached and took his hand. I was struck by how rough it was compared to what I remembered. More calluses, some scars around the knuckles. Yet, underneath it all, it was still the warm hand of my closest friend. The tension drained out of me and I nodded to Nightshade and Ellya as they waited patiently. 

We continued up to the airlock which was large enough to contain a crowd of people. The doors slid open smoothly to admit us and closed slowly behind as we spread out into the chamber. I took a moment to look outside and gasped as I saw the extent of the city as it sprawled beneath the waves. The shrine we’d seen during the procession was a single small structure surrounded by massive spherical buildings floating above it, tethered to the seafloor by graceful, white cables. Sea life was all around us, flowing through the city without a care. Brian gripped my hand tighter and pointed as an alien whale passed below us, its dark hide studded with glowing crystals and luminescent lichen. The haunting melody of its cry passed through the walls and made my teeth vibrate.

“It’s so beautiful,” Brian said with reverence in his voice.

I nodded my head in agreement as a low thrumming sound shook the walls and the chamber began to fill with water. I gasped as the chill waters touched the bare skin of my legs. With a gulp, I looked over at Ellya. “You’re sure these chokers will keep us from drowning?” 

She took my other hand in hers and squeezed it gently. “You’ll be fine, I promise.”

I panicked as the water rose to my neck, memories of being pushed underwater by jeering voices overwhelming me. Brian shot me a determined look and then pushed his head below the water. 

“She’s right, Gwen! I can breathe just fine!” His voice was slightly muffled, but still clear. 

I followed his example, blinking as the saltwater stung my eyes for a moment before a cool sensation flowed over me and I found I could see through the water as if it was air. I took a deep breath, feeling my lungs expand with chill air like that of a brisk winter morning. “Incredible, simply incredible.” 

“Ah, the wonders of modern technology. Nifty stuff, if you go in for all that breathing nonsense.” Nightshade’s voice was unaffected by the now submerged chamber, leaving only his hair drifting around his head to give any indication that he was underwater. “Not too much farther to go now that we’ve reached the Abyssian district.” 

The airlock doors opened out onto a wide platform decorated with swaying fronds of pink kelp and small mounds of coral along the sides. The platform looked out over a grand city district sprawling along the seafloor. Crowds of people floated on shimmering currents that snaked through the forests of kelp and pristine white towers. Across from us were a series of large glowing bubbles, one of which opened up for the people ahead of us to board before it pulled away and zoomed to a distant part of the city. 

“Wait, do we get to ride on those?” Brian asked excitedly.

Ellya chuckled. “Yes, of course! Thalassa lives on the far end of the district, near the Magisterium. It would take us all night to try to swim there, even with the currents. A Traversphere is a much more fun way to travel.” 

As Ellya waved us along, I turned my head this way and that, trying to take in all the sights, only to trip and stumble over one of the coral mounds. Brian caught me before I could fall, his face flushed as I thanked him. We continued onwards to one of the bubbles, the Traversphere as Ellya called it. The opaque, pearlescent surface of the bubble opened before us to reveal a chamber. Within, there was a small table seemingly growing out of the bubble and it was surrounded by plush, cushioned couches carved into the walls. I chose a spot near the entrance and sat down, running my hands along the smooth and soft covering of the seats. Beneath the surface, something shifted and moved to conform to my body, for a more comfortable experience. It wasn’t unlike sitting on a water bed. As we got settled, Whisper’s voice rang through the sphere. 


Ellya sighed. “Whisper, you know damn well where we are going.” 

“I’m sorry, I do not recognize Damn Well as a valid destination.” 

Nightshade leaned over and whispered. “You see what we mean? She thinks she is so much funnier than she is.” 

“This Whisper Iteration would like to inform you that she heard that and it is an established fact that I am very funny and lovable.” Whisper’s voice was even, modulated, with only a hint of mischief leaking through.

“Thalassa’s quarters, please, Whisper. We don’t have all night.” Ellya rubbed at her temples as she closed all of her eyes in annoyance.

“See? Was that so hard?” Whisper chuckled as the sphere began to move and the walls shimmered into transparency. “I hope you all don’t mind if I make it so you can enjoy the view.”

Brian started asking Whisper questions that I paid no heed to because all of my attention was fixated on the scenery around us. The seafloor was filled with vast gardens where people danced and partied under magical lights bobbing gently in the currents. Other Traverspheres slipped past us, most heading towards the various complexes floating above and around us. I jumped in my seat at a soft thud behind me. Twisting around, I saw someone with dark green hair smiling at me with a sharktooth grin. They had the dreamy gaze of someone who is very much enjoying the party and they waved with one hand while gripping the sphere with the other. I smiled nervously and waved back. 

They let go and let the currents carry them away, giving me a glimpse of the many tentacles that made up their lower body. 

“Who was that?” I asked.

Nightshade shrugged. “Nobody I know; must be a reveler who wanted to catch a glimpse of some otherworlders. It isn’t every day someone like you two shows up.”

“How did they know we were in here?”

“Ah, well, you see…there isn’t a delicate way to say this, but the two of you are adapting quite well to the mana here and it’s making your auras rather…noticeable. Tellarans tend to keep their auras hidden when not introducing themselves to others.” Nightshade tapped his chin thoughtfully. “Learning how to do that isn’t hard, but it would take some time and I assumed you two would prefer to enjoy the festivities tonight.” 

He was right to think so. The idea that everyone could spot us a mile away was unnerving, but everyone we’d met so far had been so friendly that I wasn’t too worried about it. “That makes sense. Wait, you said both of us are adapting?”

He nodded.

“Then why is Bri seeing auras and I’m not?” I asked with a frown.

Nightshade slid a little closer and whispered. “His magic is constantly leaking out of him, aside from the times I’ve seen him actively trying to contain it. The mana flows out of him and provides a conduit between him and the world, letting him see the auras. You–” he leans back and looks at me, a thoughtful expression on his face. “You’re keeping it all contained without even having to think about it. Which isn’t unusual, everyone is different. You seem disappointed?” 

I shrugged, biting my lip as I stared out at the ocean passing us by. “There has been so much to take in, to learn about this world, but from the moment I found out magic is real, that people can actually wield it, I’ve wanted to feel that for myself. The idea that it’s all coming so easily to Bri and not me…I can’t help but be a little envious.” 

“Ah, I see. Well, I can provide you a little comfort, I think. Whether it’s old magic or alchemy, the power that flows through this world is best wielded by a mind that is sharp and confident. We’ve not known each other long, Gwen, but I have no doubts that you’ll go far. Depths below, I wouldn’t be surprised to see your name among the ranks of the Divers.”

“The Divers?”

Nightshade looked away and smiled. “Heroes. Beyond the peaceful shores of our islands, the ocean is full of the ruins of what was and the currents of wild magic. Divers are the brave souls who risk their lives to explore the seas and save Eidolons like myself,” his gaze was distant for a moment as his voice trailed off before he turned back to me and continued. “Mages and alchemists both often travel with Diver expeditions to hone their skills and the most promising often join the Divers.”

Images of daring heroes plunging into the sea and wielding powerful spells danced in my mind. Nightshade thought I had the potential to stand among them? The idea of it called to me and I realized that I’d been hoping such a thing existed, an organization to give shape to my unspoken desires. I had to know more. “You think I’m capable of being one of them, of being a Diver?” I asked with barely constrained excitement. 

He laughed. “Oh yes, of course! In fact, Thalassa is an ex-Diver. Ey can probably tell you anything you want to know. But, as to your earlier concern: being able to contain your magic is a good sign. Brian is having to struggle with his magic and that can be dangerous. It’s hard to learn how to use it when you are having to constantly fight just to keep it in one spot, much less shape it or channel it. Thalassa or Ellya could probably tell you more…Eidolons have a very different relationship with magic. Speaking of which, Thalassa’s home is just up ahead, you should be able to see it now.” He pointed outside the sphere.

My eyes followed and I let out a soft gasp. We passed through a circular formation of glowing crystal and rock to emerge into a sheltered basin on the seafloor. Towering stone hills formed the walls of the basin, their peaks like the jagged teeth of a great beast. Forests of iridescent purple kelp stretched forth from the base and fluttered in the gentle currents. Ahead of us, nestled against the walls of the basin, was a towering structure similar to Ellya’s lighthouse. Whereas her’s had been a flowering spire, Thalassa’s home was patterned after a spiral shell. Brightly colored coral grew from its sleek, white surface and clusters of crystals glowed in the penumbral gloom of the ocean floor. I’d never seen a place that looked more beautiful in my entire life.

Any further observation was cut short as the entire basin shuddered and the waters above the center of the basin swirled as a great, glowing portal opened, its edges frayed and shifting. Thunderous vibrations pulsed from the portal, rocking the sphere, as Ellya and Nightshade looked at each other in fear. Brian was thrown from his seat, sliding across the table to land next to me and I grabbed the edge of his hoodie to hold him in place. 

A vast, serpentine head emerged from the portal, scales of silver and blue marred by patches of bright red, amorphous tentacles flailing chaotically. Six glowing crimson eyes dotted its face and its gaping maw was full of massive teeth. Great scaled claws reached through the portal and grasped the edges, pulling the creature’s gargantuan body through as it thrashed and roared. 

Ellya stared in horror and muttered a single word as it surged towards us. 



Apologies for the delay on posting this, I've been in the process of moving around the world and it's taken me a bit to get settled!

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