Former Crown Prince favors the Villainess


“Hey, Mom!! Hey!!...Snapback to reality!! You there! Bring me some water!!”

“Yes, Your Highness!!”

The one I am shouting at right now is the Empress of Zemira, Helena Zemira. My Mom. 

The only Empress of an empire home to over 1.2 Billion people. A Grand Empire in the continent of Desia, with a history dating back to multiple generations.

As I sprinkled the water in her face, the black-haired lady had her crimson red eyes back to focus. 

“Ah...Ar...Arthur? I...I’m sorry…but I can’t seem to focus...on anythin-”

“It’s okay, mom!! Hang in there!! Someone, call the doctor!!”

“He is already on his way, Prince Arthur”, answered the butler with a worried expression.

“Sor...Sorry that our dinner...had to stop in the middle. Bu...But I would like to go to the roo-”

“Yes, we will get you to the room now…”

“Knights!! Come and take her to her room!!”

No matter how tall I am, it is better to have their support. As the knights hastily arrived and lifted mom with utmost care...turning towards the butler and the head maid,

“I want the doctor here in the next 10 minutes! Let the Emperor know of this situation.”

““ We will, Your highness””

After giving out the commands, I rushed to mom only to find her paler in color.

“Haha...don’t worry, Arthur. Th...this is probably because of over-working.”

I too hope overworking is the reason for her collapse, but…

“Of course, Mom. And this is why I always told you to tone it down a little.”

“Hahaha...I should have listened my brilliant son.”

“Now Now...Don’t talk too much.”

The knights carefully carried her all to the nearest room. With utmost care, as if their whole future depended on the next few steps.

As we carefully placed her weak body over the soft mattress, mom’s eyes again lacked focus.

“Mom! Stay with me, alright? Nothing is gonna are just over-worked. Cool? The doctor will be here in a few moments.”

Turning my head towards the butler, he held up two fingers indicating

Two minutes…

I felt my muscles react a little, only to harden again. Mom’s hands were excessively hot, and her eyes were no longer normal. I can tell that she is struggling to maintain consciousness.

“He...Hey! Mom! Umm...Can you hear me? Hey?!”

She nodded her head a little...taking it as a sign, I pressed more.

“Umm...ahh...c’mon, tell me what we had today morning?”

Damn it! What am I asking her?! But my desperation was real, I didn’t want her to lose focus...I just want to keep her awake!

“ this...the best...the crown prince can do?”

Seeing how she still had the energy to make jokes, I thought that the worst wasn’t here. It relaxed me enough to let out laughter...

“Haha...come one, mom...seriously…”

“I’m here!! Please, everyone, get out of the room now! Let Her Majesty breath!”


“Ah...Your Highness!! You can stay in the room…”

Without any noise, his team cleared the room of people. Leaving only me and butler as the extras. 

“Hmmm...Your Majesty, let’s see...your pulse is normal...blood pressure is a bit high...same goes with your temperature….hmmm…”

“Is there a problem?”, I asked the doctor who seemed weird.

“Pr...Problem? No! Of course, not! Your Majesty, you are perfectly alright! Just exhaustion...nothing if you take this tablet, you will feel in moments!”

As his sentence ended, a younger-looking one brought the tabler, and with much effort, mom managed to swallow it.

“I think it would be better to leave her alone for a few minutes...don’t you think, your highness?”

“...”, I helplessly looked at her.

Go on.

She said, with a smile on her face.

“Come on, then.” 

We made our way out without any noise. He had the head maid head inside for some reason.

“Your Highness-”

“Doctor, just tell it to me.”

I said with a bit of pressure.

“....You already know about it.”

No way…

“Hey...your joking, right?”

No...this is not supposed to happen…

“Your highness…”

“No...No...NO! You said it would take another two years!! Stop joking with me!!"


I screamed while slamming his body into the wall.

No...No way...She is my mom...there is no way he is saying the truth!

“Your Highness, I am….not lying. You know about it…”

“What do I know?! You are a doctor, right! You have been chosen to serve the royal family after many tests and trials!! You can do something, right? You have to do something!!”

My desperation oozed out of my body. I don’t care how others see me as. If it can save her, my pride as the prince can go to hell!!

“You are known for your exceptional memory...please think again, your highness”


“This is the third time this has happened…”


“The whole world knows….that third is the…”




Of course, I know!

“Please...your the only one who can support her at this moment. She needs you...Let her pass on peacefully...knowing that you can keep going on.”

“Do you want me to give up?! I...I can’t !! How in the world can a doctor talk like thi-”

“Your highness, Her majesty is calling you.”, spoke the Head Maid.

“I’ll be there…”

“Your highness, I have given her a drug. It can help her be full of energy for a few hours...but…”


“YOUR HIGHNESS! HER MAJESTY IS CALLING FOR YOU!”, the head maid shouted at me with a desperate expression.

“I’m going in…”

Inside the room, that is faintly lit with the candles...I saw my mother with a better color on her face. Her eyes had the glittered like they usually do...but for how long will this last...I don’t know.

“Arthur, come...have a seat.”

A voice that is filled with both power and she does it, I have no idea.

“Mom...How are you feeling? The doctor will be fine after a few hours of res-”, I tried my best….my best to help her feel better.

“Arthur...who am I?”

“The Empress of Zemira.”


“Eldest daughter of Prorin Dukedom.”


“The Living Saint of Ze...Zemira.”

I was able to feel my eyes get moist...with every word, my voice grew weak and silent.


“The flower of high society.”

My heartbeat some point, without my own acknowledgment, my breathing became rugged.

No…this is not it... I have to keep a happy face...I have to let her know everything is fine...that all is...under control…


Looking into her eye...which has locked itself onto me the moment I entered the room. I realized...that she knew everything...yet she smiles...why?

It is for reassuring me.

“Tell me, Arthur! Who am I?”

“My Mother! You are my mother!”

I lost it...I couldn’t hold it in. All the emotion and the short-lived peace we had for a few years...the anxiety for the past few years, not knowing which day would be the broke the dam I built with extreme care...I burst into a mess of tears…

“Yes...I am your mother.”

She said while hugging me...her body was must hurt. Yet she goes on strong because I am here. 

I hugged her back. 

She might seem strong and full of determination, but I could tell….both of us were scared. Scared of letting the other person go because if we did, we might never get the chance to enjoy this embrace again.

“I am your mother, how dare you try to make me feel better?”

She said with a teasing tone.

“I...I don’t want you to leave mother! I don’t want you to leave me all alone!! Please!!”

“I don’t want to too...I too want to stay with you. Watch you grow old...fighting back at me during your puberty falling in love with a girl and awkwardly trying to introduce her to me and your father...You rising to the throne with a bright smile on your face...I really don’t want to miss your marriage...and of course, I want to hold your child in my hands…”

“Yes!! You have a...lot to do, mom! So, don’t try to...leave this early!”

“Haha...foolish child, you know it is not desire to live is strong, but so is the disease residing in me…you know about it right?”

“I...I am sorry, mother...I am really sorry…”

I said while sobbing harder.

All of a sudden, my mother stopped hugging and looked at me.

“Why are you sorry?”, she said with a questioning face.

“Bec...because I couldn’t find the cure. I tried the best I can...for the past few years, I went through all the books in the palace, trying my best to find a cure...doing all I can to save you...and…”


“There was no...way. Ethereal Measles can’t be cured. I even contacted the Holy Kingdom...but their response was the same. I am sor-”


She flicked my head, and I looked at her with eyes which are filled with tears.

“Just what has my 10-year-old son been doing?! So this is the reason why you were always tired! Despite that, you also took on some of my work, didn’t you?!”

“Haha…*sniff*...I just tried to utilize my uselessly good memory to help you. No matter how good my brain is...I just couldn’t find any method to cure it.”

“It’s okay...If there was a method, do you really think I wouldn’t know? I am the mother of a genius, even if not as great as you...I still am pretty good.”

“Geez, mom…”

It’s always like this...she somehow always manages to lift my spirits up. 


Father came rushing in...he has the same amount of tears like me.

“Ah...Dear”, Mom held a wry smile to him.

“Don’t worry. I will somehow save you...even if it means turning the empire upside dow-"


“Doctor!! Bring him in!! It doesn’t matter how much it takes...or what ingredients you want!! Save her now-”


With father’s attention, she went through the same process as she did with me. Soon enough we both were in her arms, weeping tears.

“ father, like son. Come on now, both of your heavy, give me some space, please?”

We both fixed ourselves in each corner of the bed. Somehow, managing to get our tears under control.

“ about the drug...I along with the doctor developed allows me to talk...but only for a few hours...after that…”, she stopped with a difficult expression.

How painful it must be, talking about one’s own death...just imagining it, bring me back to tears again…

“Ah come on...Arthur, it’s okay...I am glad...I really am...I would have hated it, you know….if I passed away, without talking to you both...nothing is scarier than that….I am really glad”


“No buts! Now, come one...your not gonna have me leave with a sad face right??”

““Of course not…””

We bot replied in unison. I still don’t want her to go, but I felt more at ease. My heart felt more relaxed.

Her magic’s at work…

“Haha...I’ll stop it, Arthur. Don’t look at me like that~”


“Hey, let’s talk...okay?”


Looking sideways, I was able to see that my father had a miserable face. His might as the Emperor was nowhere to be soon. This big man was nothing more than a sad husband.

“Hmmm...let’s see...Hey Arthur, do you remember the day you were born?”

“Of course, not as good as the past few years...but I do remember my father crying. Ah...that crying face is still pretty awesome. Whenever I feel sad...I look at that face, and somehow I start laughing again!”


“And of course, I also remember the face you were making, mom….it was full of relief and happiness.”



“You were supposed to answer with…’Of course, I don’t remember’ ...I sometimes forget about the exceptional memory you have… ruined a perfect moment I wanted to share”

“ that so? I am sorry…”

“Hahaha!! That’s my son for you!!”, my father shouted as if recovering from the teasing I did.




We forgot for a moment...that she was at death’s door. And that we can do nothing…

She lied down...and started talking again.

“Haha...don’t make those faces.”


“Hey….I want to meet my brother, too…”

A drop of tear rolled sideways from her face.

“I have already informed them….they will be here soon”

Father tried to reassure mother.

“Hey, Arthur...I don’t know why...but you are not really close with them, right?”


Thinking back...Yeah, I wouldn’t say I am particularly close with anyone other than my parents.


“Don’t be like know, relationships are the best thing you could have. Money and grand as they death’s door, they don’t really matter. Rather than having blocks of gold surrounding is much better to have a room full of people crying...crying now wanting to let you go.”


“So, promise me...that you will get closer to them. Your father does not have any siblings. So in our generation, Uncle’s all you got. All of your grandparents are alive. So get close to them. You will be surprised to see how welcoming they are.”

“I will try my best…”


“Honey?”, father wiped his tears off and focused again.

“I know…”


“I know it all…”, mother smiled, indicating something she knew off...something that my father didn’t want her to know.

“Fo...Forgive me, Honey!!”

“You know I can’t, right?”


“I may not hold grudges...but it’s still hard you know?”, mother too had tears in her eyes.

Hey! Is there something I know not off?

“I am really...really sorry!! I don’t what got into me….I am really sorry!!”

Father pleaded with all his might. The sight of the emperor pleading shook my mother a bit. 

“’s fine...I have already talked with them. They all seem lovely...but dear…”, with mom’s signal, he leaned in.

*Whisper* “ I can’t forgive you for the future you have bestowed upon our son.” *Whisper*

“Honey...I’ll take care of Arthur will all my might!! No matter the disaster, Arthur will raise unhurt.”, he said while throwing his hands around my soldier.

What did she say?

“Is that so?... Then, I can rest assured.”, she said while closing her eyes.


“I am not dead yet...I just wanted to try this famous scene all the novels have.”


Both I and my father sighed together.

This is what we love about her, this playfulness...her bravery...this what makes the Empress of Zemira, Helena Zemira so great.

“I still haven’t bid goodbye to my brother and parents, you know? There is no way I am gonna leave with regrets…”


With perfect timing, all five of them came in. 

“Ah! Everyone...Forgive me for letting you see me like this...there’s not much I can do at this point. “

“Helenaa!!”, Grandma Ava shouted, as the mother of the Empress, she previously held the position of the Duchess of Prorin.

“Mom...haha...I don’t even know what to say…”

“You don’t have to say anything, Helena.”, said her father, Rio Prorin, the previous Duke of Prorin.

“Sis...just what…”, standing there with almost no words is the current Duke of Prorin, Alden Prorin.

“You guys...thank all have no idea how terrified I was...I was thankful to have Arthur by my side...but if I left without saying anything to you all…”

She said nothing else...but the tears running along her face gave it all away.

It was the cue for all four of them to hug together.

“Stop spewing bullshit, Sis. You are not leaving anywhere!! You got it!!”


“He is saying the….truth, Helena. You can’t leave. Not before us, to the least”

“Mom...I guess I’ve committed the greatest sin...letting the parents see their own daughter’s...I am sorry…”

In front of her parents…Mom lost all her cool...I was really able to see her true colors...something she didn’t want me to see.

The atmosphere in the room was heavy...the previous Emperor and Empress...that is my father’s parents are standing in a corner...silently waiting for their turn.

“Hey, Alden...where is your darling?”

“Ah...she...she is back at the fief...we have already informed her...she will be here by tomorrow morning…”

“ I can’t see her, huh…”


Nobody really knew what to say…

“He- Hey! Come on! I have a lot I want to say!”

As her color started going pale again...we all got into a relatively happy conversation. 

All were trying their best to not let their true emotion hope of not letting mom get anymore sad.

It was tough...perhaps the most difficult hours I’ve ever spent in my entire life.

It was at this moment...I thanked this useless memory again. Letting me store anything I see in my brain...I could never be more thankful. 

The joy and relief of having the ability to see her smile until the end of’s all I could ever ask for. 

After a person passes away...what would happen if you can’t remember their smile...or even worse...what would happen if you can’t even remember their face?

It terrifies me to even think of such a possibility.


Mom shouted...forcing my attention...looking up, I was the center of attention.

“Come here”, she said.

Moving from the chair and onto the...she put me under her arms. As we both leaned back, she spoke…

“This may be the last time I could ever do this, you know…”




“Promise me.”


“Promise me, that along with mom and will protect Arthur from any possible danger. Promise me that you will educate him to identify right from wrong. Promise me...that Arthur will never be used as a political tool…”

“ something wrong?! Of course, I promise...I will take of Arthur just as I take care of my daughter...but is-”

“You will know very soon...the reason for my anxiety…”, she said while looking at father.

“Mom...what did father do?”

“Ah...nothing...he did nothing wrong...just-”

Father was already sweating buckets...what did he do?

“Helena…”, the former Emperor, Frederick Zemira spoke.

“We might not know what he did...but know this...even if the whole of the Empire is against Arthur...we as his grandparents, will never waver...we will be his pole that he can lean back, or even use as freely as he wants. Even if it means going against my son.”, father’s mother, Gloria Zemria declared.

“ guys...really….thank you...this is more than I could ever ask for...I prepared everything...but there isn’t much a person in a coffin could do…”, she said while bowing her head, expressing her gratefulness.

“Hey...Mom. I don’t know what scares you...but know this...your son is not weak...I won’t get hurt...alright?”

This is the most that I as her son, could do.

“’t go saying this outside with your sweet’s just difficult to take it seriously…”

She joked, causing everyone to break into light laughter.

“Now, everyone...I would like to spend my last moments with my son. So, please…”

She said with a sad though she doesn’t really want to let go of them…

Taking a look at all of their faces...all of them were sad...tired...willing to do anything for time to stop…

*Pat* *Pat*

“It’s okay, Helena...It’s okay...I love you, my dear will never change…”

“Mo...Mom...I am really sorry you know...I’ve always lov-”

“It’s okay...I know...I know how much my daughter loves me.”

She said while hugging as tightly as she could.

“It was not easy parenting you...but I enjoyed every bit of a a father...thank you, Helena...thank you for everything you’ve done for us…”

Grandpa said while kissing her forehead with a kind smile.

“Haah...I am sorry for being a naughty brat...and thank you for putting up with every nonsense I did my entire really love you...just know that...I would really love to sit on your shoulders again...but both of us really aren’t in our best conditions...are we now?” 

She said while emitting a bright sile. Grandpa kissed her again and went back to stand beside the bed.

“Honey...I am really sorry...I...I don’t know why I did it...but just know, I will make sure our son lives his life to the fullest. I really love you the most...from the moment we met at the negotiating with the neighboring expecting to our son...and...and”

“’s alright...I love me...and I love you too...I am really expecting you to support Arthur, alright?”

“Of course...I will do it to the best of my abilities.”

“ matter how many years pass still seem like the snotty brat...and I really enjoyed beating you to a pulp...I just...I just want to do it again…”

“Leaving aside the losing part….I really enjoyed my life...all thanks to you, honey...I really love you.”, he said while kissing her cheeks.

“Helena...we do not know what my son did to worry you to this extent...but don’t worry... Arthur is in safe hands…”, Grandpa said.

“We will teach everything he needs to know...his life will be rose-colored with no grey parts.”, Grandma too promised.

“Thank you...this is the best gift I could ask for...really...I am glad you two chose me as the Empress…”

“And we have not made the wrong decision…”



“You will not cry, right?? I still remember I was the only one capable enough to stop your cries. Don’t trouble everyone around you, alright?”

“Haha...and who was the reason I cried...always stealing my favorite part of the food… coloring my dress weirdly...and you almost shaved my head clean...thank god, father came in...or I might have gone to school with a shaved and shiny head. But you always somehow manage to stop my cries. And know wife also managed to lift my spirits up…”

“Eh...that makes me really jealous...”

“But no one can replace you...your the existence that I will remember till the end of my time.”

“Really...did you prepare this speech?...haaah...I really love you, brother...I can’t imagine my life being the same without you...take care of your wife...send my love to your daughter too...she is just like her pay extra attention to her, alright?”

“Of course...though she learned most of her pranks and wild practices from you...she will be crying for the entire next week...I have no idea how to appease her...sis...goodbye...I really love you...and I also hate you…”


“For leaving this early...I will always remember our time together...and of course...I will take care of your son too...leave all your worries to me…”

“ really is reassuring to hear it from your mouth…”

As everyone stood together, mom declared.

“As the Empress of Zemira, Helena Zemira...I thank you all...for making my life colorful...for putting up with my stunts and rants...and I am really sorry...sorry that I will be leaving this early...sorry for being the hole you probably could never fill. But I am glad that such great people are crying for me. I might leave early...but know that I will be waiting at the end of the line. If there is a thing called afterlife, I pray to god to let us meet the same way as we are now.”

All of them bowed in unison and made their out of the room with heavy steps. The last one to leave was my father, he closed the door with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. 

“Goodbye, honey.”

“Goodbye, Dear…”



As silence enveloped the room again, mother tightened the grip around me.

“You can stop, you know?”


“Your has been at full throttle all this time...others might not have noticed...but I sure did.”

“Ehhhh~~ Should I be happy or sad, to have a genius son like this? But...they too have’s just that they all decided not to show it out.”

“Is that so?”

Her magic is really a wire one, calming people down and making them accept a situation that is clearly unaccaptable. 

“Of, Arthur...tell me what you will do with your life?”

“My life?”

“Yep! It’s something I as a mother should know.”

“Let’s see...I will probably be shoved with many classes for being the Emperor-”

“Let’s leave the Emperor part out…”

“I am sorry?”

“Let’s leave it out…”

“Eh? We...Well, I would probably skip the academy...not much of a use other than connections...but I can make those at parties...and I guess meet lady Fiona?...I really don’t know what to say if I have to exclude the part being the crown prince out.”

“Ohh~ Lady Fiona? The Crown Princess candidate you prefer...right? Well, she really is a beauty-”

“I’m not into her for her beauty-”

“Of course, she was the first one with whom you managed to hold a conversation without letting it get weird. She really is equally as intelligent as you.”

“Yep...though I am more concerned about what father did.”

“Hmm...He did something that’s gonna flip your future upside down…”


Tightening her hug, she continued.

“But when the time can do anything you one will be able to stop you...cause your my son, the first prince of Zemira. Have pride in that’s something no one in the whole world could have.”


“Hey Arthur, you don’t really have any interest in the throne...right?”

“Pretty much...I don’t know why though.”

“Hmm...when the time comes, remember something we always talk about, okay?”

“Wait, about what?”

“You will know...and you will do what I think you will do…”

“Pride as a mother?”

“Of course~!”

“Hey, mom….I really love you…”

“I know...I know you love me and I love you too…”


“Do you remember the day you first started learning swordsmanship?”

“Of...of course, it was with uncle’s daughter, Ethel…”

For some reason, I feel sleepy…

“ absolutely surprised the tutor with your skills and strength...that was the first time…”

“First...time...for what?”

Damn...I am feeling even more sleepy.

“It was the time when I decided to hide you from the majority of the nobles out there...You are young, this strength and the memory of yours are something everyone might try to use...the world is pretty scary and a lot of nobles are nasty...I wanted to shield you from that…”

“Mom...stop...stop! Stop using your magic!!”

“I don’t know if I’ve done the right thing or not...but I am glad...though it was selfish of me, I got to monopolize you completely…”

“It’s okay...everything is okay...just stop using your magic!”

What is this?! I can’t strong is her magic?! I can’t even counter it!! I’m feeling sleepy even more now!!

“I got to see your smile every day from the exclusive seat...all my life...and I thank you and also sorry…”

“Sorry for what?! Just stop this at once! Dad!! Come in!!”

“Because of blind will be facing the consequence...but I have prepared some things that can be of use to you...I really do love you...You are the best thing that could have ever happened to me.”

“Mo...Mom! Ju...Just stop…”

“I don’t really believe in god...but if one really exists...I pray to let us be mother and son in the next life too...and I hope we will be spending more time together…”


I can’t! I can’t sleep now...NO!!!

“I love you, Arthur...Goodnight and goodbye.”

She said while kissing me on the forehead. It was the last thing I felt. Her warmth filling up every inch of my body...felt really comfortable.


“I’m sorry, son...really...I’m the worst mother you could have.”

Helena spoke while patting her son’s head...all while crying out tears. 

“I really…really want to be with you...but this just won’t stop...I’m really sorry...I didn’t want you to witness my last breath...I just didn’t want to place that trauma on you…haaah...I’m so pathetic…”

After a few minutes of patting his head and hugging him, she raised her hand...from which a lump of darkness formed. 

It didn’t really have a form….as if it was struggling to even maintain its current form…

“I would really love to talk with you….but given my current is highly unlikely...after all, you’re the reason I can talk so freely now.”

*Nod* *Nod*

The lump of darkness nodded sideways, as to deny her statement.

“I have spent the majority of my life with are equally as important as Arthur to me...I won’t force don’t have to form a bond with Arthur...It’s something both of you might not want...but if the situation rises...a situation where his life is in him...will you, please?” 

Helena started crying as she spoke.

“I know I am both pathetic and miserable...forcing you to do such a thing...I know I’m selfish...but both of you are really important to I don’t want either of you to be…”

The lump of darkness nodded vigorously, declaring its acceptance.

“Thank You….really….thank you...if not for you, I would have missed Arthur’s growth a long time ago...thank you for holding my life together...but now it’s can let go...I know you are tired take rest...and enjoy your life…”

It nodded again...but much slower than before. Helena laid back again, with Arthur in her arms. Her eyes were filled with tears...but her face had a gentle smile...a smile indicating that she had no regrets left.

“It’s fine, Raven. You can go where you belong. Take rest. And don’t forget me, okay?”

It stayed stilled and looked straight at Helena.

“In a count of can leave. Okay?”


“Mom!! Look, Alden is so cute!! Dad, look at his hair!! He should have been a girl!!”

“Sis...I am going to kill you now!!”


“Is this the crown prince? So weak...have you never fought anyone stronger than you?! Pathetic!!”

“You….Next time!! I will defeat you next time!!”

“This is already the eighth though...will you ever be able to win?”

“Shut up!!”


“Helena have been chosen as the Crown Princess!!”

“Eh? Me, the crown princess? Your Majesty, stop looking so helpless!! Is this a plot of your son?! Where is that-”

“With this, I’ve won...haven’t I? I’ve won the 100th match!! Helena, Marry me!! I’m willing to lose forever if it means to be with you!!

“Yo...You!! This is unfair!!”


“Honey…!! Look, it’s a boy!! He looks exactly like you!! How cute!”

“Haha...I’m glad...dear...what shall we name him?”

“Arthur...Arthur Zemira...He will be the face of Zemira that everyone looks up to!! The First Prince, Arthur Zemira!!”


“Mom!! Look, I can use magic already!!”

“Ohh~ As expected of my son!!”

“Your Majesty, his highness has skipped his lunch because of bitter gourd again!”


“Ah...No...No!! Not that bitter thing...Father save me!!”

“Running to the Emperor won’t save you from the Empress!! Dear, don’t encourage him!! You both will have double the amount of bitter gourd from tomorrow!!”

““Eh~!! NO!!! Anything but that!!””

“Goodbye everyone...thank you for everything…”


As silence enveloped the room once, again...Helena Zemira, the Empress drew her last breath. Her face was filled with exhaustion but also relief...relief that she had no regrets. 

Her grip around Arthur remained as tight as ever. Her only son...though she wanted to support him in his journey...she was glad that she had control over her last moments.

A few moments later, the black lump of mass rose from Helena. It stayed still for a long while, with its sights locked onto the two of them. It slowly patted her head, and finally kissed her forehead.

It also sent a tiny part of its body into the sleeping boy. It then flew over to the door, unlocked it which it locked before...and then before the others could enter, flew away into the endless dark sky after taking a final glance at Helena.

If the quote, “Calm before the storm” had a physical would exactly be the current state of the Empire.


Hey, Artique here!!!

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