Former Crown Prince favors the Villainess

Chapter – 12 – Founding Day Celebration(2)

The whole Empire was in a state of unrest.

All the news channels were broadcasting only a single building.

And no, it is not the garden where the party takes place. 

They are all focusing on the entrance of The Cogni.

Several knights belonging to the First Prince showed up all of a sudden and pushed the swarm of press and media away, creating a path.

The eyes of all the Zemirans were glued to the screen.

A relatively old man first came out of the building. A man who is famous for his previous post.

Sebastian, the former Empress’s butler.

Sebastian himself was also quite excited by the current situation. He felt that justice will finally start leaning towards his former master.

While feeling happy, he turned towards the massive door of the Cogni, and slowly opened it.

From inside…


As the sound of steps echoed from the building, the whole surrounding grew quiet.

Two people came out. One girl and one boy.

The girl was someone known by both the Human Realm and the Demon Realm.

But the boy…

With dark black hair and bright crimson red eyes, he stood tall with confidence and pride.


In a span of few seconds, thousands of photographs were taken.

And all the Zemirans had a unison thought,

Empress Helena Zemira!!!

The face everyone forgot for the past 6 years, suddenly resurfaced in their memory.

With a strikingly similar face, everyone was forced to remember the former Rose of the Empire.

The First Prince, Arthur Zemira finally made his appearance to the outside world.

Each step they take towards the car was quick but slow enough to give the press enough content.

Despite the hundreds of cameras around them, both of them did not stop to address the hundreds of cameras around them.

But it was fine, they all understood.

The difference in status between the press and these two young adults is immense.

Despite being in the same compounds, despite being in the same garden, despite breathing in the same air…

Prince Arthur and Lady Ethel were at a different status, that even many nobles envy.

As the two were about to enter the car leading to the garden, all the reporters all of a sudden started asking questions to Prince Arthur.

They were all trying their best to break through the wall made by knights but failed to do so.

“Prince Arthur, where were you for the past half-decade?!”

“Was your position stripped by Crown Prince William?!”

“Are you on friendly terms with the Empress??!”

All of them poured the questions every Zemiran wanted to know.

But Arthur ignored all of that and was about to head inside the massive limousine.

“Are you as spineless as everyone says you to be?! Did the Former Empress never carry the education for you to become the next Emperor?!!”

This single question silenced the whole crowd. That question also stopped Arthur from getting into the car.

The tall black-haired boy, slowly turned around to meet the owner of the question.

It was a relatively young-looking light green-haired lady,

Despite the hundreds of pairs of eyes on her, she stood tall with confidence.

Prince Arthur slowly walked towards the lady, the knights singled the lady out by moving all the other press out of the way.

With the lady in front of him, and with the mike between them, Arthur spoke.

“Could you repeat what you said, Mam?”, he said while being as polite as he could.

He was not angry...No, he wasn’t the least bit angry.

“Are you as spineless as everyone says you to be? Did the Former Empress never carry the education for you to become the next Emperor?”

“Hmm...So, that’s what the Empire thinks of me, huh. What might your name be, mam?”, Arthur said to the mike.

“Hestia.”, the green-haired lady answered back.

“Alright, Ms.Hestia. Would you like to accompany me to the garden?”, Arthur said while smiling.

“...”, Hestia was surprised, more like she is wary of him.

“Please, don’t worry. We can have the camera rolling on our way there too.”, Arthur continued.

“...Fine. If it’s not much of a bother to you.”, Hestia answered back after a quick thought.

The whole Empire was thrilled with how the situation folded out to be.

“Great!!”, Arthur said while moving towards the car.

The car soon left for the garden with Arthur, Ethel, Hestia, and the cameraman in tow.

“I really admire your braveness.”, Ethel said while looking directly at Hestia. The camera was still rolling.

“My job demands me to not cut any corners in my questions.”, Hestia said immediately.

“Well, I can assure you that the Empire loves you right now.”, Arthur said while smiling at the camera.

The cameraman immediately stiffened at Arthur’s smile.

And so did the millions of people watching this from their homes.

Again...he looks just like Empress Helena.

Hestia, who was restless for a moment, took a deep breath in and began speaking.

“Your Highness, do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?”

“’s not like I can say not to you.”, he answered.

“Great, what is your relationship with Lady Ethel? Are you two close?”, Hestia asked while looking at both of them.

“We both are cousins...though, she is a bit too loud for me...we are close enough to be called as siblings.”, Arthur said while looking at Ethel.

“I am not loud...I’m just more expressive in nature!”, Ethel said loudly.


Arthur said without talking while looking at the camera.

“Haha...are you on good terms with the Emperor and his family?”

“Of course~ Do you really think the Empire would have been this peaceful if I wasn’t okay with them?”, Arthur said as though it was a fact.

“But, wasn’t what the Emperor did was borderline cheating?”, Hestia asked without breaking a sweat.

The cameraman was completely drenched in sweat.

“ really like to swim in dangerous waters, don’t you? You do realize that the Emperor might not like what you just said, right?”, Arthur said while directly looking at her eye.

“As I’ve already said, I’m just doing justice to my job.”, Hestia retorted back.

“Sigh...then I have no answers for you.”, Arthur said while sighing.

Ethel was also impressed by the young Hestia who was not afraid of the most important man of the Empire.


“Unfortunately, you’re out of time.”, Arthur said while looking at the garden.

“Ah…”, Hestia was a little disappointed that she was not able to get the information she wants.

“Don’t wait for the special event that will happen at the end of the party.”, Arthur said while smiling at the camera.

All the nobles were looking at the car that just arrived at the entrance. 

From it, 4 people came out. Both Hestia and the cameraman rushed to the area where the press is generally stationed. 

Arthur and Ehtel on the other hand walked to the garden together. 

“The only son of the Former Empress Helena Zemira, the First Prince of the Zemira Empire, Arthur Zemira has arrived!!”

“The sole princess of the Prorin Dukedom, Ethel Prorin has arrived!!!”

The whole place froze, all the nobles were looking at the two from the corner of their eye.

The party hasn’t started yet. 

For the party to begin, it required the presence of all the current Imperial members. For the past half a decade, the party started without my presence.

Well, it’s not like I care about how the party starts.

Hmmm...let’s see. Ohhhh...Uncle Alden and Aunt Gloria are right there.

We both walked towards them while waving our hands.

“You look fabulous, Arthur!”, Aunt Grace said.

“Whatever you say, Aunt Grace.”

“Arthur, how have you been for the past few months? It’s been really difficult for us to catch up.”, Uncle Alden asked.

“Haha~ Of course, I have been doing well. And you’re right, we haven’t been able to meet as often as we did.”

Uncle too got busy with managing the Prorin Duchy, which is easily one of the biggest pieces of land of the Empire.

“Duke Alden?”, some of the nobles whom the two were talking spoke.

Looks like they want to introduce themselves.

“It’s great to see you do well, Your Highness! Do you remember me the last time we met?”, the man asked.

“Of course, I do~ We met 6 years, on the day when my mother passed away. You two were one of the first to arrive at the palace, despite being far away from the capital. I also remember that your daughter was too ill to attend that day. But, she still sent a letter a week later.”, I said in a long sentence without stopping.

“My My~ You’re memory is as exceptional as ever.”, the lady joked.

“Well, that is the only redeeming feature I have now.”, I joked back.

“Oh please...with just a single smile, the amount of girls you could slay down is immeasurable.”

“I wish that was the case.”

That is the case, though.

It’s not like I care about my looks...but me leaning towards my mother’s appearance is definitely an advantage.

Looking around, I was able to see several of the nobles eyeing us.

It’s not like they have anything to gain by talking with me.

A part of my attention was directed to the group of boys. This high class, born with platinum spoon noble kids, were all around a single girl.


That girl was not the most powerful noble girl either.

It was not Lady Fiona…

It was just a frail-looking pink-haired girl. Looking almost like a fairy, she was keeping up with the conversation of several boys around her.


No not at the girl, but at the boys around her. It’s fine if they were considering her as a close friend. 

But their eyes were not saying the same. 

A lot of the boys were already engaged…

In fact, I can feel immense bloodlust from the girl’s side. 


This could very well cause political instability.

“That’s Lily Dormer.”, Ethel said while looking at them.


“Lily Dormer...the most loved and hated girl in the Empire.”

Is she now?

Why was I never intimated of this interesting development?

Maybe because I allotted most of the G-Team to gather news in the Duchy.

“How could a person be hated and loved at the same time?”, I asked.

“Loved by the boys and the general public...but in turn hated by their engaged partners.”

“...then, number of boys she has captured?”

“No clue...never bothered...But William too is in her group.”

“Pardon me...but are there two William’s in this Empire?”

“I wish the same...but no. It is the William we both are thinking about.”


I let him run the Empire...and he is en route to ruin it?

“Wait...what about Lady Fiona?”, I asked while looking at Ethel.

“Well, congratulations...the girl you were about to be engaged to be is now known as the worst Villainess.”



“You guessed it...Fiona couldn’t take the injustice that was happening to her. She bit back...and now she goes by the title, the Villainess.”


“Ethel...what about the other ladies?”

“Some of them side with Fiona...that includes me.”, Ethel said while pointing towards herself.

“Has your fiancee seen her?”, I asked while smiling.

“He has...and he assured me that he has allocated all of his love to me…”

“Ohhhhh~~~~ Someone is blushing.”

“Someone is going to bleed…”

“Sorry...anyway, this situation is quite interesting isn’t it?”, trying to change the topic

“Interesting? Well, in a sense it is...but the Emperor is quite fed up with this matter…”

Well, isn’t William just like the Emperor?

Like people say, like father like son.

“...Well, this isn’t important now.”, Ethel said while looking at a certain part of the garden

“Agreed”, I said while smiling.

Because...the main event is about to start.

The part of the garden where the Emperor, Empress, William, and Diana were at. William was ready to start the party as the Crown Prince. 

And first on the agenda...was me obtaining the Duchy.

As we (Prorins and Arthur) started moving towards the Imperial family, the nobles quickly moved away to make a path for us. 

At the front, you can easily spot some of the most influential figures of the continent.

All the Dukes and Counts, along with their heirs were standing tall with pride and confidence.

I was able to notice a platinum blonde-haired girl, whom I saw about 7 years. She too was looking at me.

After a brief eye contact, and a quick acknowledging smile, both of us turned towards the main stage.

Upon the stage, which was not too tall, William started speaking.

“To all the nobles and Zemiras, I extend my warm greetings. Every year, we all ensure to spend a day remembering the great feats achieved by our ancestors. The hard work and blood they shed lay the foundation of what we are today. To the Ancestors!”, he said while holding his glass up.

And so did everyone, including me.

“Thank you. 6 years ago, we all lost the flower of the Empire. The shockwave of that day is still being felt all over the Empire. The deeds she did throughout her life are too long to count. And we are all glad to finally see her son, my step-brother, Arthur Zemira!”, he finished in a high tone.


As soon as he finished, thunderous applaud rose from the whole garden.

That bastard...was this on the script?


I really wanna tear the smirk right off his face.

“For the past 6 years, it was I who inaugurated the starting of the party. But this year, I will be handing over the responsibility to my elder brother, so everyone...put your hands together for the First Prince of Zemira, Arthur Zemira!”


As Arthur started walking towards the stage, he was able to feel his heartbeat rise.

Not knowing whether it was because of the excitement from the surroundings or the excitement of finally starting his revenge, he walked forward.

Each step was strongly filled with emotion he bottled down for the past 6 years.

The immense bloodlust he had towards the Emperor and the Dukes, was on the verge of leaking out.


“Don’t lose sight of what’s important to you, Arthur.”

As Arthur made his way up the stairs, the words resonated in his mind.

“I have seen people filled with potential waste their entire life all due to a short dose of unwanted thoughts.”

As William hugged Arthur, both of them were filled with strong disgust. But they still had to do it to carry on their image.

“Finally out of your little hole, huh.”, William whispered snarkily.

“You better hide, insect. Look at how I’m going to topple the balance you two maintained for the past 6 years.”, Arthur said while looking at the Emperor.

“I’m waiting.”

“You better not.”

As William and Arthur separated, both of them shared a quick evil smile. William then sat on the chair next to the Emperor.

There was a total of five chairs on the stage. 4 of them were meant for the Imperial family and the final one was meant for Arthur.

After a quick bow towards the Imperial family, Arthur moved on to the mic.


“Dear Nobles who took time from their busy schedule to gather here. Zemirans who are enjoying the day from the comfort of their home, I extend my greetings.”

With the nobles’ smile as a cue, Arthur further went on with his speech.

“I’m well aware of the various questions everyone is in possession of right now. I’m not going to lie about not knowing the several rumors of me.”

All of the nobles had a wry smile towards what Arthur just said.

“My mother, from a young age...knew all about the inevitable death she had to confront. It’s a sad reality, where despite knowing the situation she was in, she couldn’t do anything about it.

She didn’t want me to witness her death. But there was nothing she could do about it either. So she chose...she chose to educate me.

The reason why I was not well known throughout my childhood, was because I was busy absorbing the various experiences she shared with me.

And no, it was not the kind of education you think I had. I did not undergo the Emperor’s education.” 

With that single line, all the nobles started murmuring towards themselves. The garden soon became loud.

“She never wanted me to become the Emperor.”, with this the garden grew silent.

“She never wanted me to walk the path of her husband. An Emperor’s position is extremely powerful. Having the lives of 1.3 Billion people in his hand, the Emperor is eternally busy with attending to the never-ending affairs of the Empire.

The Emperor has to ensure political stability within the Empire. Constantly stepping back a step to ensure everything is perfect, and moving two steps forward to perfectness. 

For an Emperor, each day...whether it be a weekday or a weekend, it is the same. He has to go through several documents, all for the sake of the well-being of his subjects.

It really is a noble job.”

All the nobles nodded their heads to the fact Arthur said. The Emperor himself was quite touched by the speech his son was giving.

“But...that does not justify the mistakes they do either.”

With this, the garden grew to pin-drop silence. 

“That does not justify the fact that the previous generation chose to abandon millions of people.

For the past two decades, the people of Switon have been living the same way they are. The same monotonous life where there is close to no change. 

Hence, my mother...the former Empress of Zemira, handed me a small project. A project to completely change the state of Switon.”

The whole Empire was listening closely to what the Prince had to say.

“I still vividly remember the regret my mother had as she passed away. She was horrified... disappointed in herself for not being able to do anything for the people of Switon.

I too would like to ask a question, why should the future generation pay for the mistakes committed by the previous generation?”, Arthur said while looking at the Emperor and the Empress.

“Hence, in accordance to the wish of my mother, I will be claiming the title...Duke of Ellen, the new Switon.”

After a brief silence...after all of the nobles managed to put their head together to the enormous information…


The whole, the whole Empire was thrilled with the news.

The people of Ellen(Switon) were especially looking forward to the future they could have.

Several people already started dreaming about the changes thier land would have in the next few years.

“I have spent the past 6 years...going through thousands of books, past articles, diaries and many more...all for the only goal to improve the life of people in Switon.

I may be inexperienced, but I hope everyone will put up with my mistakes and guide Ellen to a better future.”, Arthur said while bowing down a little.


The whole human Realm was thrilled by the short speech Arthur just gave.

From a ridiculed prince to the youngest Duke, it is an achievement to take note of.

All the nobles were clapping merrily...except a few.

All the top dogs of the Empire were feeling concerned.

They realized the eternal hell they are going to have to face in the future.

They realized how Arthur changed the whole mindset of the people in just a few words.

The whole of Zemira considered Switon as an unfortunate accident...something that they could never change or rectify.

But Arthur...with just one speech brainwashed everyone.

He changed Switon from an unfortunate accident to a neglected accident.

By putting the blame on the Emperor and the past generation, he was lifting up the hopes of the people about the current generation. 

At the same time, he was also ensuring that his mother’s image didn’t get shattered. 

The people of the Empire now see Helena as a mother who didn’t want her son to become an Emperor, but rather as someone who genuinely wants to help the people.

They believe that she was both an Empress and a Mother, until the very end.

Which is true.

Arthur also made it seem like that he never had any interest in the title of Crown Prince, undermining the image of William a little bit.

He truly is a scary man.

The press was allowed to ask Arthur questions for about 10 minutes.

The first one to raise a question was Hestia.

“Your Highness, congratulations on becoming the youngest Duke of the Empire.”

“Thank you, Mam Hestia. I’m pretty sure you have questions that the whole Empire wants to know.”, Arthur said while smiling from the stage.

“Fortunately, I do. I apologize if I come out as rude, how do we know that you’re capable of running a Duchy? Real-life experience is much different than words you either read or heard from the Former Empress.” Hestia said from below.

“Hahaha...I knew you would ask this. Well, I think it is about time I reveal it.”

“I’m sorry?”, Hestia and the rest of the Empire were confused by the words Arthur just said.

“In truth, this is not the first piece of land I rule over.”, Arthur said to the camera.

“Are you perhaps referring to your land?”

“Partially, in fact...I’ve ruled over two pieces of land until now. One, land. But there’s another territory I’ve looked after. I learned a lot while building this territory, and I believe I now have more than enough experience to look after a Duchy.”

“I...I apologize, but I don’t think I can follow you, Your Highness.”, Hestia said while confusing.

“Hahaha...that’s fine...but everyone does know this right?”

Saying that Arthur raised his right hand till his shoulder level. 

After a millisecond, a quick magic circle of red and black color was formed...from which a mask that the whole Empire knew by now came out. 

It was not just a simple mask...but rather an identity. An identity of power and wisdom to the Empire. 

“M...Mr.ENA?!”, Hestia suddenly rose her voice.

“Yep, that’s me.”

All the nobles were also equally surprised. Some of the nobles with who Arthur made contracts were also surprised. 

“Why?! Why would you hide your identity?!”

“Simple...I didn’t want to be known by my previous title...I didn’t want to be known as the Empress’s son. I didn’t want to be known as the First Prince of the Empire. It was something I was born with...not something I earned for myself. But now, things are quite different, aren’t they? Though the destination is the same, the way we reach the destination is much more important.”

“...that’s wonderful...I apologize for any disrespect I’ve shown to you.”, Hestia said while bowing.

“Haha~ Please stop. You were just doing justice for your job.”, Arthur said while showing his brightest smile to the Empire.

“Your Highness!”, a relatively young aged woman rose her hand for the next question.


“Don’t you have any interest in getting engaged?”, she asked while smiling.

“...Pfft...hahaha~~”, Arthur failing to control his laughter burst out. The reported were also laughing.

But the nobles were interested in the question. If they can make a connection with the youngest Duke of the Empire, it would be worth it.

“I am not sure if there are any ladies who would like to have me. I’m kinda heavy maintenance, you know~?”, Arthur joked.

“Oh please~ I’m pretty sure you are aware of your status. No one would mind a little maintenance.”, the reporter said.

“Hahaha...fine. Jokes aside...No. Until I finish what my mother has told me to, I have no intention of getting engaged.”

“But won’t that take decades?”

“You will be surprised how the Empire will change in the next few months.”, Arthur said with confidence and a deep voice.

“That’s a bold statement.”

“Maybe...but isn’t that what everyone wants?”, Arthur said while looking at the Dukes on the side.

I’m coming for you.

Arthur thought in his head.

“How is your relationship with the current Imperial family?”, a middle-aged man asked while looking serious.

Now, this...this is the kinda question I want.

“Well, how do you think it is?”, Arthur answered back with a question.

The reported was a bit startled, he shouldn’t say anything that might put him in danger. 

“Neutral, I’d guess.”

“And you’re not wrong. I have nothing against the current Imperial Family. In fact, I do adore my little sister, Diana.”, Arthur said while looking back at her.

The princess in question was holding up a peace sign. While the Empress was sighing at the young lady’s lack of manners.

She is the only one I feel good about though.

“You don’t feel anything towards your younger brother? I mean, he does have your title.”, the reporter asked back.

This man...he is walking on a really thin line.

“As I said, I never had the intention of becoming an Emperor. Oh but...if William does mess something up, I’ll beat him up into correction. So rest assured, we both have nothing against each other.”, Arthur said.

William’s golden eyes were glowing.

Do you really think you could beat me?

I’ll transform you into a smashed potato...stay out of the way. It is not my fault that you did not go through the questions the reporters had.

Tch...I’ll take care of you later.

Don’t you have a better imposing line? Go through the dictionary once.

This was roughly the conversation the two Princes had within a second of eye contact.

For the next ten minutes, the media was asking questions about the life Arthur had had for the past 6 years.

Every now and then, Arthur would mix lies within the truth to make it seem a bit more dramatic.

After the ten-minute mark, the knights soon cleared the area of the press. The only ones present in the garden were the Nobles and the Imperial family. 

All four of the grandparents of Arthur were sitting in a corner enjoying their meal.

Though they all were against each other, every one of them was feeling proud of their grandson.

The previous Emperor and Empress were also fine with the blame being shifted to Augustus.

It is not our problem anymore.

Was what they thought.

When the whole Empire thought Arthur was done with his speech, he once again started speaking in the mic.

“You might be all wondering, why would I be at the stage again?”

All Zemirans were wondering about it too.

“My mother you see...really cherished her friends.”, he said while looking at the Dukes.

Despite the temperature-controlled environment, they were all sweating profoundly.

“She wanted me to hand over a gift to one of her close friends. It is to the friend and his family, who taught her everything she needed to know from a young age.”, having let that sink in, Arthur continued again.

“She was always wondering...her teacher had everything except what he wanted. No one knows the reason...but she wanted me to hand her teacher the best gift he could have. Unfortunately, her teacher is a bit old to get the gift. But his son, one of my mother’s best friend is a perfect replacement for receiving the gift.”

All the nobles were wondering who it could be. But the person in question already knew...knew that he was in heavy trouble.

“In accordance with the former Empress’s wish...I, Arthur Ellen Zemira, Duke of Ellen, First Prince of Zemira...bestow the title, Duke of Longe to Smith Longe!!

How was it?? You might have already realized...but I changed the way how the Empire views Arthur. In the old novel, he was still seen as a spineless prince. But he is no longer seen that way here. It adds a bit more realism, I think...comment your thoughts down below. I am not gonna lie...but comments do give me an insight on how I should take the novel to success. So feel free to share your thoughts.

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