Former Crown Prince favors the Villainess


Two weeks have passed since I returned from the ceremony. 

The past 2 weeks were extremely mundane and excruciating. All-day long, I had to meet and greet the VIPs that arrived from all over the continent. One after another, it doesn’t matter if the person is important or not, I had to greet each and every one of them. 

After all, they are here to pay respects to my mother...there’s no way I can treat any of them with disrespect.

And the nights were not easy too, they were the most painful part...because following the painfully long day, the night arrives which hits me with loneliness.

And the lack of mana, which I completely drained for the ceremony made me even more drowsy at the end of the day.

I and Father meet each other once a day...and that’s it. After all, he must be busier than I am. He has to look out for the nasty nobles who might use this as an opportunity to introduce their daughters, in hope of raising her to be the Empress. 

He did say me to not worry about that. 

“Arthur...mother texted me, she wanted to know whether you are willing to visit Prorin for a while. She says it is good to get a change of air. And she is right, you are working relentlessly every need to get rest.”

 Ethel stayed back with Uncle Alden. Aunt Grace went back to take care of the dukedom.

She is one of the reasons I am feeling relatively alright now...just the presence of a person helped me stay sane and not go miserable.

“Hmmm...Prorin, huh...Well, tell her I will definitely come by after finishing all of the work.”

“But Arthur, you really have to rest…”

“Yeah, I know too. It’s, even worse that my mana is practically empty….but if I leave now, father might be overwhelmed with work.”

“Hmmm...fine, what you say is true too...but just what is he doing? I mean the rush of the VIPs is almost coming to an end...and there’s not a single message from him…”

“Don’t worry, he might be too busy…”, I said while looking at my phone which had 0 notifications.

“Your Highness, Lady Ethel…”

“Sebastian?”, I said while turning back from the couch.

“His majesty is calling for you, your highness.”

“See? His work is probably done by now...come on, let’s go”, I said while getting up from the couch.

As Ethel too got up with a smile, a sudden voice boomed through the whole room.

“Ethel, stay here.”, Uncle Alden ordered.

“Dad? Is something wro-”

“No, nothing is wrong. Just...Haah...Arthur.”


“Get dressed, we are going to the conference room.”, he said with a heavy voice. Ethel too was worried about his tone.

“Didn’t father call me? Why the conference room though? Oh, is father still there after a meeting ended?”

“No, the meeting is still going on…”

“Eh...well, yeah sure I will go...Sebastian, tell the maids to get the dress ready.”

Sebastian nodded and carried my order. The maids came in carrying the dress.

Were they already prepared?

“And why can’t Ethel come along with me?”, I asked while I picked the dress.

“It’s not an appropriate place for Ethel...get ready, we will be going together.”


With everyone out, I quickly got dressed and made our way to the conference room...I say a room, but in reality, it is a fancy building that is mainly used for Noble gatherings.

Uncle sent Ethel back to my palace, saying that it is better for her to stay there. We were originally in the main palace, which is much safer than my palace.

Just what caused Uncle to get so worked up?

Sebastian too followed me, with heavy steps and a concerned face.


“Arthur, just no matter what happens in the hall...make sure not to make any mistakes, and carry yourselves with pride.”

“Yea...Yeah, Of course, Uncle.”

Is it to ensure that mother’s image does not get soiled in front of the nobles?

“Ah, no...don’t misunderstand, I know how perfect you are. These past two weeks, you were especially brilliant. But the level of chaos going in that building is beyond any imagination.”

“ there any noble arguing with father? Then, we have to just order the knights to put him insi-”

“The problem is that the knights just can’t touch the person...his authority is superior to all of them.”

“Eh? Well, then I’ll take care of them myself.”, I said while looking at Uncle.

“No...just nod to whatever His Majesty say...don’t stress yourselves...with your mana depleted, it is dangerous to face frustration and stress. Just stay calm. Now the hall is here, no more questions...take deep breaths...and head in there with confidence.”


Just what kind of situation has unfolded in the hall?

As we reached the doors of the fancy building, the knights that accompanied us positioned themselves outside. And a knight stationed near the doot announced our arrival.

“The Crown Prince, Arthur Zemira, and Duke Alden Prorin have arrived!”

As the doors opened, I was able to notice that the chaos had suddenly stopped and all the eyes in the room were focused on us.

Most of the nobles had troubled looks, some of them even had pitying faces, and some even seemed like they were enjoying the chaos.


It’s not the attention that is weird, it is the looks and expression they wore that was concerning. They were all people I met in the past 2 weeks, they did not look like this during those times, why now?

What is going on?

I couldn’t see well, because the view was completely blocked. I couldn’t see father, but I was able to see that they all formed a circle around him.

Recognizing our intent to move, a pathway was quickly made...leading right to father and…

“As I said, stay calm.”, Uncle whispered.

Calm? How can I?! I’d be insane to remain calm in this situation!!!

At the end of the make-shift pathway, were four which three of them had bright golden hair.

A trait special to the Imperial family of Zemira Empire...something which I did not have.

A lady of similar age to my father had long purple hair that complemented her dark purple eyes. A boy of similar age to me and a younger-looking girl, both of them had golden hair...while the boy had golden eyes similar to my father, the girl took after her mother with purple eyes.

“Arthur, my dear son. Come here.”


I slowly made my way to the four. 

Each step was filled with thoughts and confusion. My brain was in full throttle, trying to believe the unbelievable situation in front of me.

It took all I had to control my emotions, to not let my emotions leek. But my mind was in utter chaos. I was desperate...desperate not to believe the conclusion my brain ended on.

Please, father! Say that all of this is a joke. And that the two kids are having a wig...and that this is all nothing but a playful prank. Just one word and I’ll believe you.


I know that you love possibly couldn’t cheat. Just one word, one confirmation...that you don’t know the lady sitting beside you.

I reached the destination and kneeled, my knees hitting the ground hard. Bowing my head down, as calmly as I could.

“Did you call for me, father?”

Noooo!! This is not what I want to ask...Am I...Am I scared?! Am I scared of the answer he might give…?!

“Yes, I did, son. I apologize for this situation. This is definitely not how I imagined all of you meet. But, given the situation…”, he paused while looking at the nobles.

“The situation called for drastic measures. This Lady here is, Camilla a princess of the fallen kingdom, Argon. These two are your half-siblings, William and Diana.”



I rose and looked at the three who all seemed very nervous. 

The lady quickly got up from her chair and greeted me,

“I...I apologize for meeting you like, Your highness. I am Camilla of Argon. I and His Majesty met each other about 9 years ago…”

“9 years ago?! Just how in the world?!”

A flustered noble-woman shouted from the crowd. Soon, the room broke out in chaos again. The Emperor looked tired, while the three looked troubled.


I raised my hand, which became a cue for everyone to shut up.

“Dear Nobles of Zemira, it would be immensely helpful if everyone manages to stay silent for a few minutes. If not, think again...about whom you are going against.”

I am tired...all my energy drained up...I don’t want to stand here….I want to go back to my palace and cry aloud...I want to see mother and calm myself down.

Placing my hand on the chain mother gave me for a moment, I looked at the three to continue.

The boy stood as calm as he could and greeted himself, “Greetings to the Crown Prince, my name is William, your step-brother.”

The little girl too tried her best, ‘I...I am Diana, of age 5. I greet...his highness, Arthur Zemira!! It’s a pleasure to meet you!!!”

“No, the pleasure is all mine.”


The four in front of me had wide eyes as if they were surprised by how short my greeting was.

But I couldn’t give two shit about it. I’m at my limit. The doctor warned me not to stress myself for 4 months. Mana depletion is a serious problem, it is not dangerous for my health...but it’s almost like I am in a daze forever.

And now, not only stress...but with anger and rage clouding my enter head. My judgment and wordings will be absolutely wrong, I can’t...I can never sully the name my mother maintained.

“No...Not a problem, I am sure you will have plenty of opportunities to get closer from now on. Now come on, you can sit next to me.”

Saying so, he pointed out the chair near him. It looked really fancy, a chair befitting for the crown prince of an Empire.

Wait a second…

I turned my head opposite to the direction in which he pointed. The direction where the purple-haired lady was. She stiffened the moment my vision turned to her side.

No way...that chair…

I couldn’t see properly because of her hair obstructing the view. I tilted my head a little to get a better angle and…

No could possibly not be...not a chance would never do it, right father?

She was sitting on a chair personally designed by my mother. 

The chair of the Empress.

All emotion drained from my face, I could almost feel my eyes getting moist. I clearly remember how excited my mom was when the chair arrived. 

And now you’re telling me that a random lady is sitting on it?! And you are happily letting her do as she wishes?!

I was able to feel my hatred for my father rising rapidly. 

No, don’t let it show in your face. 

“Art...Arthur? Come on, sit here…”, after he noticed my pause, father urged me to sit other words, he told me to ignore the chair.

It’s’s just a chair...nothing but an inanimate object...which has no her...but immensely valuable for my mother…

It’s no mind is just not cooperating.

“Yes, your majesty.

The eyes of both the Emperor and the lady grew wide at my answer. The nobles let out several gasps too.

The Imperial family is known for how close they usually are, and it may have come out as a surprise when I didn’t address him as father.

“ with everyone introduced, I presume all of you have no more problems. If there are any more questions, you may go on?”, he said to the nobles.

They were all equally troubled, all their plans and desires were crushed by the appearance of the family. 

Seeing as no voice rose, father continued.

“Good. You may all leave now.”

As the nobles slowly disappeared through the door, the hall became empty with compromising only of the emperor, the three, and Uncle Alden.


Everyone was troubled, nobody really knew what to say. Uncle especially looked like he wanted to murder someone. 

As for me, I have no idea what’s going on anymore. My mind’s in a haze, words are refusing to come out...but weirdly, tears are refusing to come out. 

I am just dry-eyed. 

“Arthur, are you alright? You kind of look pale...should I call the doc-”

I quickly sprung up from my chair, which not only caused him to stop the sentence but also resulted in others rising.

“Don’t bother.”, I said while rushing towards the door. 

I was able to sense Uncle following me.

“Arthur?! I know...I know you are angry!! Just hear me out!! I promise-”

“And?”, I said as I stopped.

“I’ll explain everything to you!!”

“There is nothing to explain!”, I shouted. The words echoed throughout the room and repeatedly reached my ear. 

“There is nothing to explain…”, I said in a much lower tone, still looking at the floor.

“Arthur, please…”

“Your highness, please try to listen to him first.”

I was able to hear the two rushing towards me.

No! Getaway!! Leave me alone! I don’t want anyone near me!!

I started rushing towards the door again. 

“Arthur! Please, just listen to me once...I know I’m in the wrong, I know I can never make it up to you or Helena-”

“Stop calling her name!!”

“Arthur?”, he responded with a concerned tone.

“You don’t have the right to call her by the name!!”

I reached the door which seemed to be locked outside.



With just one word, he blew up the door with just his palms. He is as angry as I am right now.

“Alden! Please you too, just hear me out. At least stop Arthur!”

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I have promised Helena, Arthur’s wish is my topmost priority.”, he replied bluntly.

All of us at this point was outside the building. I was rushing to my palace. 

The only place which is safe for me now.

“Yout highness, please!!”

The Lady shouted at the top of her voice. 

I slowed down to a halt and turned back to them.


Seeing this as an opportunity, he tried to reduce the distance between us.


I raised my hand, which stopped him in his tracks.

“Arthur, please!”

“Listen to me, your majesty. I need some time alone…let me at least collect my thoughts. In the state I am right now, I might hurt the kids. Not mentally.

I said pressuring my wish to be left alone. As harsh as it may sound, I don’t think I’m in the wrong here.

“Then...then, can we talk tomorrow morning?”

“No, Your majesty. A day is possibly not enough to get over the fact of your cheating. I will see you in five days.”, I said while acting as calm as I could.

“Fi...fine. At least call me like you usually do...please!”, he begged.

“No...I am afraid I can’t do that. The number of relatives I have reduced by two in this month. It seems you are one of them.”

I said while walking away from them. I no longer any sound from them, neither did I want to. As I reached my building, I ordered the knights stationed outside,

“Don’t leave anyone inside without my permission.”

I am not in the mood to express hospitality...Nah...I wanna go hunting.

Without pausing, or stopping anywhere, I reached my bedroom, only to find Ehtel in there...looking at the photos of me and my mother hanging on the wall.

“Arthur?! Wha...What happened?? Why are you crying?!”

Crying? I am crying? The tears that refused to come out in the hall were all coming out now. 

Why am I crying? Was it because he cheated on mom? Or was it because of my rude attitude towards him?

I don’t know…

“, at least have some water.”, Ethel said while handing the glass to me.

As I started drinking, she asked me a question.

“Where is father? And just what exactly happened?”

“Hey, Ethel…”

“Hmm? Yea?”, she replied while wiping my tears away.

“I did well these past two weeks, right?”

“Of course!! If I were, I would have just run away, at least to get some fresh air.”

“Yeah, but I did a good job on taking care of all the guests right?”

“Yeah...I mean, you even took care of extra points of cultural differences. You ensured that none of the guests felt offended. Is something wrong? Just what happened in the hall?”, she said while guiding me towards the couch.

“No, I mean….while I was here working, day and night...trying to do the things my mother once did, with almost no help from you know what my father did?”

“No...what did he do?”, she looked back still holding my hand, with a questioning face.

“He was working day and night, to bring his other family inside the palace!!”, I screamed while pushing her hand away.

“Other family?! No way…”, Ethel replied in surprise, “No way...that is not possible! I mean, Aunt and Uncle were in love with each other, right?! Then why?! I still remember her telling me her love stories!! WHY?!”, Ethel screamed in desperation.

“I don’t know!! I reach the hall...he introduced me to them in front of all the other nobles. I couldn’t even react the way I wanted to!! By the time I came out of the hall, I wasn’t even sure what I have to do! I couldn’t rage nor shout...I couldn’t even cry!”, I realized that all I was doing just now was pouring my emotions out. 

Not just the emotions occurring due to the hall incident, but ones that slowly accumulated over the past two weeks. 

Looking back, I was depressed. I was worried about him not contacting me properly. I mean, if a family loses one of its members, isn’t it common to heal ourselves by staying together. But he wasn’t there! I desperately tried to find reasons to cover up his actions...but he brushed it all of by introducing me to them. 

Does he even care about my feelings?



“I think I might just take the offer, Ethel.”

“You will be coming to Prorin?!”

“Yeah, this is the first time I felt this much disgust towards this palace. I feel like I’m suffocating…”

“Great, I will tell my mother about this immediately. When are we leaving? Tomorrow?”

“ 3-4 hours.”

“That quick? But it’s the way just where is father? I bet he is as worked up as you ar-”

“Shhh.”, I said while putting up a finger up my lips.

“Hmmm?”, She titled her sideways in confusion.

“Listen carefully…”

As silence spread through the room, I was able to hear better. The sound of a Lady shouting? No more like desperate…

“At least, let me met him once!! I have some-”

This Lady dared to wander into my palace!!

I rushed towards the closed door and opened it with a bam. That silenced the whole hallway.

“Your Highness!! Please, I have-”

“Lady Camilla, do you realize what you are doing now?”

Will I ever be able to get rid of her?!

The purple-haired lady was down the hallway, with Sebastian and Uncle Alden trying to stop her from moving forward. There were several flustered and troubled knights in the back too.

Just who does she think she is?! Just because she is the Emperor’s mistress doesn’t mean she can get into any place she likes.

“Your Highness, please listen to me once.”

“Get out.”

All the men had no choice but to tell her through words, after all...with her being related to the Emperor, no one can touch her freely.

“Arthur, let me take care of this.”, Ethel said while passing me. 

She might have already figured who Lady Camilla is. But with how pissed Ethel sounds, she is not going to be going easy on her.

 I don’t want to put any trouble on her…


I placed my hands on Ethel’s shoulder pulling her backward.

“Stay put, don’t move”, I ordered while moving forward.


With each step, the Lady’s expression brightened...she is probably thinking I am going to hear her out.

Do you think I am in the mood to hear your love stories?


While still in motion, I picked the sword used in a decorative knight’s amour.

Her facial expression darkened in the next instant. She realized that the land she is adventuring on is nothing but the homeland of a Predator.

This is my Palace. You can’t just enter thinking you can get away scratch-free.

“Your highness? Please don’t.”

She couldn’t even go back because of the knights blocking the way. I stopped when I reached the point where she was in the radius of the sword’s swing.

“I told you to get out when you had the chance.”

 I said while swinging my sword.  Her eyes widened, she was trembling with fear.


The sword which should have cleanly sliced through her was stopped midway by another sword.

A person covered from top to bottom with black clothing appeared out of thin air.


Everyone’s eyes widened at the appearance of the mysterious man. Ethel too came near, holding a sword.

Uncle Alden stepped back in surprise.

“Your Highness, please stop this…”, spoke the man.

“A11, long time no see!!”, I exclaimed snarkily while impaling the ground with the sword.

“Your Highness…”

The Lady was not able to speak due to the overwhelming fear of almost dying.

“Oh, don’t worry...I just wanted to know if the Emperor had placed anyone on her. And it seems like he even used the experts from the A-Division.”

“...”, A11 looked troubled by my words.

“Seriously, don’t worry...there’s no way I was gonna kill the lady. And Ethel too, you can lower your sword.”

“Hmmm...Okay.”, assuming there were no threats, she lowered her sword.

“Boys, you too”, I said to the knights in the back, they were ready to drive dozens of swords into A1.

“A11~ A11~ A11~...what do you want me to do~? The Emperor placed a top-of-the-line knight with her mistress...why? Because he was scared that his own son might kill her! And that too a son with almost no mana and strength!! No really...look”, I said while raising my trembling hands.

“Your Highness, I apolo-”

“ you remember the day when mother brought you into the palace? She went against all the other A-Division knights...because of your scrawny and skinny appearance back then, no one believed your strength. But she personally vouched for your strength, you are here in this position because of her! And how does it feel, raising your sword against her own son?”

I proclaimed while raising my arms together.

“It hurts…”, he said.

No one else spoke, everyone was keenly listening to his words.

“It hurts to the point where I want to kill myself with the sword the late Empress bestowed me with.”, he sounded serious to the point where everyone thought he might really drive the sword into his own body.


I couldn’t say anything, A11 is someone my mother really cherished. I can’t take my anger out on him, he is innocent.


“Your highness…”, he said while kneeling towards me.

“Get all of the A-division members and get the hell out of here, along with the one you are protecting.”

“Yes, Your highness.”

“And while you are at it...explain to the lady of Argon, I don’t know how it is back in her home...tell her what happens when she trespasses in this palace.”

“As you command...Lady Camilla, this palace...The a palace specifically made for His Highness. Meaning, the only one who has command over this palace is His Highness Arthur. Even the Emperor can’t just enter without gaining permission. If no permission is asked, the knights of the palace, have the right to detain the person for trespassing.”

“Thank you...Sebastian, Guide the lady out.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

As Sebastian and A11 guided the trembling, speechless lady outside...I turned back to Ethel, who was still having the sword in her hand.

“Ethel, Uncle...we will be leaving for Prorin in a few hours.”

“We are going? Well, I would rather be in hell than stay in this palace any longer…”, he said while clenching his hands.

Seems like he too can’t accept what father did.


“Arthur, I will inform mother now...father, can we leave in an hour?”

“Hmm, it wouldn’t be a problem. If we leave now, we will be at our house by tomorrow morning. Then, let’s go pack our things…”

One hour passed, and by then...we were already ready to leave the palace.

About a dozen cars stood in from of my palace. With the main limousine parked in line with the pathway. All the cars were proudly decorated with the Emblem of the Prorin Dukedom, a shield as the background of a top-down view of a peony.

“Shall we leave?”, said Uncle Alden.

The servants have already loaded our luggage. All that’s left is to make our way to Prorin, which is about 10 hours from where we are now. That is with the high-speed cars we are having now.

Ethel was wearing a white three-fourth coupled with a loose white t-shirt and black hoodie. The dress really compliments her black hair which we all shared.

“Ah...we might have to make a stop in the capital.”, I said while looking at Uncle.


“I am going to need a new phone.”

“Oh, is your old one broken?”, Ethel said while putting on her earbuds.

“No, it’s perfect...until-”



I said while crushing the flagship phone in my hand.

“’s one of a kind, you’re the only one has it in this whole world!”, she panicky screamed.

“’s something the Empire designed especially for me. Something that the Emperor approved...something that can track me always for safety. Something that the Emperor can use to keep tabs on me. All in all, it’s something I don’t want.”

“Then the data-”

“I’ve already made a backup. Not a problem.”

“, tell me in advance if you’re gonna do something like this. It really gave me the jump.”

“Haha...sorry, sorry. Then, shall we go?”

“Yeah, let’s.”

We three got in the same car. Sebastian chose to stay to keep everything in check. 

He is someone who worked with my mother for dozens of years...the current situation might have truly pissed him off.

The fleet of cars started heading towards the main gate. Looking from the outside, it might truly be a scary sight...dozens of cars speeding on the highway in uniform.

But before that, we have to get through the gate. If I were to be in the Emperor’s situation, I would…

“I deeply apologize, Duke Alden. The Emperor does not wish for His Highness to leave the palace. It’s fine for you and Lady Ethel to leave.”

Bingo. With the introduction of a Mistress, who is well suited for the position of the Empress...if the current Crown Prince leaves the palace, it would be a hot topic for the media.

It would make it seem the Lady as a tyrant who sent the Crown Prince in a mere day after being introduced to each other...of course, it could also be seen as me leaving on my own accord. But between the former and the latter, which seems more interesting?

“Haaah...Mr.Knight-”, Uncle Alden said while glaring at him.

“Please do understand my position, Duke Alden. I know that a mere knight like me should never dare to oppose a person like you, but His Majesty’s order is our top priority.”, the knight pleaded with all his might.

Ethel was obviously pitying the knight. She might be thinking,

Poor soul...stuck between two powerful people is really difficult…

“Do I look like I care about what your top priorities are?”, Uncle was clearly pissed, but clearly not at the the Emperor who became the sole reason for this situation.

“You probably should, if you don’t want to be branded as a traitor for going against His Majesty’s orders and smuggling the Prince out of the palace.”, said a voice coming from the other window.

“Eeek!”, Ethel was clearly surprised by the appearance of the voice.

“Smith…”, Uncle responded to the voice in a cold tone.

“Yo! And also greetings, Your Highness. Sorry for scaring you, little Ethel.”

This carefree and lighthearted voice belonged to Smith Longe. He is the current Captain of Imperial Knights. And also the current head of the Longe family. Their family is special, they don’t really hold any title, but considered to be as powerful as other Dukedoms.

Their land doesn’t have any farming capabilities or any other industrial applications. The majority of their land is compromised of the Academy, to which almost all Noble children attend. Since the land itself is really small, it is mainly run by the huge donations the Academy gets and also by the funds allocated by the Imperial family.

Why does the Empire support a family to this extent? There are two reasons…

One of those reasons is that the Imperial Captian of each generation is always taken by the respective generation heir of the Longe Family, the other reason is that all the Knights under the Imperial family are personally trained by the Longe family, which not only makes the Knights exclusive but also extremely capable.

“And since when did the Imperial Captain was placed on gate duty? Seems, like your friend chose hoes before bros.”, I joked about his current situation.

“Woah! Where has the sweetheart of Helena gone to?! All I see as a kid yearning to see blood!”, he replied in the same tone as I did.

“Have a father as crazy as I do, you will find yourselves in my position in no time.”

“Hahaha~ I humbly refuse with all my might. But jokes aside, I don’t think I can send you out. Don’t take it personally, even I don’t want to do this.”, halfway through the sentence, his tone got heavy...truly expressing his displeasure.

“Eh~ that won’t do. You have to let me out of the gate and at the same time, not inform His Majesty.”, I got out of the car.

“Your’s just not-”

“It is. It absolutely is when I use my Imperial Wish.”

All the eyes around me widened at the statement I made.

“Are you sure?”, Mr.Smith asked in a serious tone.

“Arthur, think might need it later on.”

“No, Uncle Alden...It is now or never.”

“You really hate the palace now,’s funny to think how you three used to be one of the happiest family, running inside the palace walls.”, Mr.Smith said in a low tone.

“No, I still love this palace. Don’t get me wrong, it’s just I don’t want to be here right now. So, let us leave now...and of course, no one should be following us and I don’t want anyone to inform the Emperor at least until the morning.”

“Haaah….fine. You have me, not like I can do anything against the Law. I will let you leave.”

“Now isn’t it better, come on Uncle Alden...we’re leaving.”

As we were about to leave, Mr.Smith asked another question.

“When will you return?”

“I will be back by five days.”

“Five whole days. Well, whatever...and it seems like your phone is broken?”, he said.

“See? What I did was the right choice.”, I said while looking at Ethel.

“Fine Fine...but it still was one of a kind”

“Hey Hey...don’t tell me you broke it ?”

“Of course not, it just slipped out of my hand.”

“And it completely broke, because of that? A specially made phone for you broke from dropping?”, he clearly knows what happened, and yet he asks such questions.

“Well, it slipped from my hand, somehow slid along the road, and ended at the tire of this limousine.”

“What a least try to make it more interesting. Whatever...everyone, happy journey.”

And we started our 10-hour long journey to Prorin.


“Captain, what did His highness talk about? Something about a wish?”

The knight asked Smith.

“Imperial Wish. A law that allows an Imperial family member to overrule any order the Emperor says once a year.”

“Such law existed?”

“Of course, it’s just that it has been a long time since it was used.”

“Why though?”

“Because...when the law is used, usually it means that the Imperial Members have completely lost trust in each other.”

“Ohhhh…”, the knight suddenly got silent, because he clearly understands what’s going on.

Smith on the other was hand was clearly angry at the current situation of the palace.

With the death of Helena, not only has the Empire been thrown into a state of also caused arguments between the son and the father. Well, Arthur certainly isn’t at wrong here...the problem is Augustus.

Thinking back at how they all used to play together, caused a smile to grow on Smith’s face.

What a happy time we used to have as children. And look at how dark the sky is for the kids here.

And it seems that the new Prince is angry at Arthur for treating his mother harshly.

“And just why did Arthur swing at the new Lady with a damn sword?”

Of course, it would cause anger if their mother is treated that poorly. How annoyingly troublesome.

“I just hope that the new Prince is the course of events, he decides to go against Arthur. Just a strong background and the support of the father, would alone not be enough to go against the sweetheart of Helena.”

Smith said while looking at the dark sky above. 

You might have noticed, that there are modern aspects such as mobiles and cars in this version. And yea, I did it on purpose...not only does it give me extra versatility and freedom to write the story how I want but it also allows me to compare the story to real-life much better. Giving the story a much better depth and allowing all of us to understand the situation better!! Hence, the modern aspects!! Don't forget to comment on how you thought the chapter was!!

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