Former Crown Prince favors the Villainess


6 years have passed since the fall of Zemira’s Flower.

In one of the most famous news channels of the Empire.

[Good evening, ladies, gentlemen, and kids of the Empire!! Today at Voicy News TV, we will be discussing some of the deepest mysteries of the Empire.]

[It’s just as Ms.V said, so make sure to have your popcorn and drinks by your side...cause, believe me, it is going to be quite a looong one~!]

[Now Mr.T, there are so many topics that I have no idea on what to start about.]

[Haha~ I feel your pain, Ms.V. So to keep it simple, let’s date back and start from the beginning.]

[Hmmm~ Then let’s see, with the arrival of the New Empress...we had three new Imperial family members. Her Majesty Camilla Zemira, His Highness William Zemira, and finally the Empire’s favorite, Diana Zemira.]

[That’s right...this is a story that all most all residents of the world know about. Whether it is the human realm or the Demon Realm. Everyone knows about it. But, viewers might already know about the mysteriousness of this situation.]

[Are you talking about the disappearance of His Highness Arthur, Mr.T?]

[Obviously, the Prince refused to show his face to the media ever since the incident 6 years ago. That in itself is alright, but...what is the deal with him giving up his rights for the throne?]

[Exactly~! With the prince giving up his title, naturally, His Highness William became the Crown Prince. What is even more mysterious is how no nobles, including the heads of the dukedoms, did nothing but stand still.]

[Exactly, Ms.V. We have no idea what happened in the palace. The new Crown Prince and The Empress came in with a variety of ideas to pull the public to their sides.]

[Ah, you mean the hospitals with the state of the art technology? I too had many occasions to visit the hospitals, and let me tell you, it is just as the rumors say. The fee is cheap and the hospital itself is clean.]

[And they came in again by building one of the largest parks in the empire, right here in the capital~! It’s so dense with trees and nature, that I end up spending few hours of my weekends there]

[Now, Mr.T~ It’s wrong to classify these acts as them trying to win the public’s favor, but what is true is how the people forgot about the existence of Prince Arthur over the years. He even doesn’t attend the Academy, it seems.]

[Hmmm~ I agree, Ms.V. But what I can tell you is how rich the man itself is, his territory has seen massive changes from being barren to being one of the productive lands in the whole of the Empire.]

[Yes Yes~ But talking about territories, don’t you think we have a much more mysterious topic?]

[Ms.V, are you talking about the development in Her Majesty Helena’s land?]

[Of course~! The land itself is still in her name, the projects that are occurring in the said place are also under her name. The contractors who worked there refused to give the leader’s name.]

[Hmm~ That’s right. We should not forget how the academy, Ena. Managed to throw Mr.Smith’s academy for a spin. With one of the best campuses and faculties, in just a few years...the Ena Academy managed to become one of the massive talks of the Empie.]

[And what’s worse is, it’s all happening at Her Majesty’s land. Her Majesty Camilla said that she has no role in the development of the said territory.]

[Exactly, Mr.T. The mysteriousness of the land just can’t be uncovered. And not to mention how advanced the city is, even rivaling the capital, Plona. And coming back to the academy, isn’t the majority of the seats allocated to the homeless and the families with low annual income?]

[Precisely, that’s one of the reasons which makes it more mysterious. Why would one spend millions of gold to build an academy like this, and not expect high fees? There’s also another mysterious situation like this, Luxica.]

[Uh-Uh, Mr.T. No matter how much we try to dig into this little company...nothing except lies come out.]

[Yep...but that doesn’t mean they’re a shady group. Nah, they sell premium products at a marginal profit. I don’t know how good the person behind the company is, but they really know how to run a business.]

[Ha-ha, but coming back to the Academy, the person who runs everything is someone you might never expect. I really want to break the person’s identity, but doing so would guarantee my head flying off to the-]

Switching off the television, the black-haired turned towards the documents that lay on his table.

“How is the construction going on?”, he asked the middle-aged man with streaks of white hair running along with his head.

“It’s going just as you wanted it to. Main block-7 and Boy’s hostel-9 are nearing their completion. Girl’s hostel-6 is ready to take students in.”

“Wonderful. The ID cards for the new year?”

“We have yet to receive the last batch. And the maintenance check for all the sensors in the academy was completed yesterday night.”

“Is that so...good job. I will talk to the manufacturer regarding the final batch. You don’t have to worry about that, Principal.”

“Thank you, Your Highness Arthur.”

“Oh and, I want you to renew the deal for the mess and cafeteria.”

“I will have it ready by tomorrow evening, Your Highness.”

“Good. You may leave now.”

As the Principal made his way out of the room which only allows him and a select few others to enter, he had the same train of thought.

Arthur Zemira.

My name is Lewis. 6 years ago, you would find me in an old building teaching about 40-50 students with extremely low fees. Why? cliche, as it may seem, I believe that education is something that should be equally available to everyone. It is not something only the rich can grab hold of, and it is definitely not something that the poor can only dream off.

But...about a year after I took those kids in, I understood the naivety in my thoughts. 

It was difficult...extremely difficult to maintain my family and the education of kids at the same time.
I still remember my wife screaming at me...well, in her defense, I did seem like a maniac. Having a son about the same age as the kids I was teaching, I couldn’t really spend much time with him.

“It’s okay...I can take care of myself.”

He’d say when my wife is in the middle of strangling me.

I have to say….my son is a rare genius. Yes, it is true that he is helpless when it comes to chemistry, biology, and any language. 

But when it comes to maths and physics...I can proudly declare, there is no match for him. I am itching to send him to the academy managed by the Longe family. 

But the exorbitant fees, make it impossible for me to even imagine my son wearing their uniform. 

They do have scholarships...only for students who excel in all of the subjects. A sad fate, really.

Then he came in. No literally...he came to my made-up school where I teach the students the basics they need to get a job.

I have only seen his face on the TV.
A true celebrity that went silent. 

A man who willingly gave up his rights to the throne, and sat back in the palace. 

Arthur Zemira.

That look in his eyes, when I met him first in front of my house...I swear that most of the adults would not have such attitude and class in their behavior.

He clearly does not look down on me...but I was able to feel it, the difference between the two of us.

“Mr.Lewis?”, he asked looking straight into my eye.

“Yes. That’s me. May I know for what reason you’ve come here, Your Highness?”, it’s good that I can atleast maintain my composure.

“You caught the eyes of my boys.”

“I’m sorry?”

I caught the attention of the prince himself.

“Le...Lewis, at least invite him inside.”, my wife said in a worrying tone.

“Ah...of course, please come inside, Your Highness.”

“Thank you, you can all stay outside.”, he said to the 20 or say bodyguards behind him.

Arriving with 6 of the most expensive, highly secure cars...I can see that he does not have any intention of cutting costs for security.

“It might not be up to your standard, but please-”

“It’s more than enough. This house that hosts the education of more than 50 students is better than those skyscrapers that extend to the skies.”

He knows.

“I am sorry, but Mrs. Lewis, could you please…”

“Ah...of course, I will be making a short visit to the supermarket outside. “

“Since it is too cold outside, you can take my car...please take your time at the supermarket. Enough to fill the trunk of the car.”

Don’t come back for a long time.


My wife, Ava, was clearly perplexed by the situation. But she did what he told without any refusal.

“Sorry, I had to do that.”

“It’s alright...I suppose the reason you’re here is top secret.”, I asked.

“Of course.”, he said while getting up and heading towards my desk.

“It is quite messy…”

“No, I am quite happy that it is messy...let’s see, calculus, algebra, geometry, mechanics, modern physics, magical physics, organic chemistry, and even guides regarding the best way to efficiently use skills. You’re the real deal.”

“No, I am still far off. I have to be better if I want  to help more kids.”

“Well, you are not wrong.”

He turned back to me while leaning on the desk.

“I’ll be blunt, Mr.Lewis. What you are doing now has close to no effect on the current situation for the kids.”

“I’m sorry?”

It was not that I didn’t hear him properly, I clearly did...down to every single word. But that is what annoys me.

Does he dare to tell me that what I am currently doing has no effect on the kids?! 

“I mean it. Teaching them differentiation of x3 does not change the fact that they’re still poor.”


That was a valid point.

“The genius girl in your class, who loves everything related to the studies of history, can't visit the ancient ruins because of her family’s conditions. The boy who loves mechanical physics in your class has never gotten into a car. What use is it for them to study what you teach?”

“’re telling me that those kids can never dream of those high salaries!!  I don’t know about you, Your Highness. But I believe that education is equal. The number of digits in their parent’s account should not limit their growth! I will nurture them to stay at the top!”

“At the top? Ha...I swear, they won’t be able to. Want to know why? Because they still won’t have any degree or any form of certificate, they don’t have a way to prove themselves even if they know the whole syllabus.”


“I know what your goal is. That is why I will help you.”

“ me?

I couldn’t cope up with this boy’s speed. At one moment, he is criticizing my teachings, on the next moment, he is willing to help me.

“I will build you an academy. An academy large enough to house all the kids you could ever want. Everything, from the bricks for the building to the payment of teachers will be sponsored by me.”

“ it some kind of joke Your Highness likes to make?”

“A joke?”, I was able to see his devious smile and the way his eyes move...those pair of red eyes look like jewels when remaining stationary, but when they is full of emotions.

Even now, those eyes clearly state how sure he is off himself.

“Don’t underestimate the bank balance of a Former Crown Prince.”


“I have enough to build an academy that can take in 30,000 students for an academic session.”


I couldn’t even imagine what 30,000 students would look like.

“And this is just a single branch...imagine what would happen if we expand.”

I am sorry...this peasant brain can’t imagine the numbers he is talking about.

“I will also be applying for a yearly donation/budget from the Empire. Which of course, will easily pass through.”

With the whole support of the Empire, it is possible.

And I don’t think Prince Arthur is someone who likes to joke with a stranger’s house this early in the morning. 

“What do you want me to do?”

“The role of a principal, of course.”, he said quickly.


“You hear it right.”

Me?! the principal of over 30,000 students!! But why?! Surely, a man who has such kind of money can easily hire a more competent person.

“You don’t have to overthink it. It is quite simple, you are someone who graduated from Longe’s academy. And not to mention, you enrolled purely through scholarship. Such people are quite rare.”


I don’t think it is enough….a certificate from that academy is definitely not enough.

“Lewis, you are a rare genius. One that can efficiently save money while managing over 50 students. You are someone I need right now. So, will you be willing to move on to the next phase of your life? A phase where people need you more than ever?”


“And of course, your wife...she too is someone who graduated front the same academy. But since she is someone who can’t take many surprises, I decided that it would be better if we finished the talk between us. We can inform her later on. She too has the capability to play the role of a principal for a branch.”


“Imagine the future you can provide for your son and the several students out there who have the potential to shine.”


“Under your guidance and management, you will be saving the lives of several thousand students every year.”

Devil. A creature who isn’t known for its fighting capability, but who is infamous for the sweet whispering it uses to capture its victims.

Right now, the devil is Arthur and the victim is Lewis.

“...fine, I’ll do it. I am not sure if I am as capable as you imagine me to be. But I’ll do my very best. I wholeheartedly thank Your Highness for bestowing this kind of opportunity on me”

Lewis said while kneeling in front of Arthur. With his head pointing downwards, showing complete obedience.

“Good. I know you can do it.”, said Arthur while telling him to get up.

“I never imagined that the Prince would be gracious enough to care about the lives of the children. I thank you again for helping them”

It vanished. Arthur’s smile vanished by the end of Lewis’s sentence. 

Did I say something wrong?

Lewis was clearly worried about the expression of Arthur. Arthur realizing the awkward situation smiled again.

But it was different, his current smile is...dark. His eyes were full of emotion when he entered the house, but shows nothing. All it had was dense, deep, and resentful hatred. It was something that Lewis couldn’t understand.

“Lewis, would you like to know what my goal is?”, Arthur said while staring straight into the eyes of Lewis.

“Go...Goal? Was it….was it not the improvement of the well-being of the kids?”

Lewis was clearly scared...or rather he was tense.

“No...well, partially you are right. It is one of the side goals that someone wants me to accomplish. But do you want to know what the united goal of me and that someone is?”


“It is the fall of the Longe Family.”

“The Longe Family?!”

“Exactly, my goal is to mess up that family to the extent where they wouldn’t dare to speak up to me.”

“Is it...Did they force you to give up your position?”

“Haha~! Of course not, no one can force me to do matter what, I am the First Prince of Zemira.”


He was able to feel it, Lewis felt the majesty and pride behind the title Arthur just said.

“So, Lewis…”


“If you are not able to help me in the fall of their academy, know that I can just kick you yet and appoint another principal.”

“ want me to help with your revenge?”

“No, rest easy. I will not let any danger fall upon your family. You just have to do what you do best at….managing the your only job.”

“, at the end of the day, I will be helping you to bring down the academy from which I graduated.”

“Precisely.”, He said while smiling.

“May I know who that someone is?”


Shit! Did I ask something I shouldn’t have?!

“...she is someone possessing a heart sweeter than any dessert. Someone who loves to dote on me...someone who assigned me annoying but fruitful projects...and someone who was betrayed by everyone she trusted.


Deep...the amount of bloodlust that accompanied his last sentence that day was deep.

“ he really a 17-year-old kid?”, I sighed while looking back at the room.



“Ouch! What did you hit me for?!”

“In here, I am your principal. Treat me with respect.”, I said to my son whose rebellious side increases day by day.

“Tch...fine, does that mean I can call you whatever I want back home?”



“I’m your father, treat me with respect”

“What the hell is wrong with you?! I will be filing a case against you for domestic violence!!”

“Haah...what are you here for?”

“Well, he called for me,'' he said, pointing towards the room.


“Ow!! What is wrong with your head!!”

“Don’t point your hands...for us, he is Mr.Ena. *sigh* Get your manners right, son.”

“Yeah Yeah...whatever.”, he said while passing me.


“Come in.”


Things have been going rather smoothly for the past few years.

Ena...A city I named after my late mother. 

I bet she is scolding due to the embarrassment of having a city named after her.


“Come in.”

“Good morning, Arthur.”

“Morning, Ray.

And here is Ray, the mathematical genius of Ena.

Give him any two numbers, and he will probably give you a hundred answers with them.

Additionally, he is the son of Lewis.

Everyone might think that Lewis got his position because of his competence. Well, that is partially true.

The other reason why I wanted him was so that I could get my hands on Ray. This guy will be of immense help when I take over the Duchy.

And over the years, he has grown more fearless...even calling me without any titles.

Hehe...oh boy, you are gonna regret meeting me.

“Wh...What?! Why are you smiling like that?!”

“No, nothing.”

But it is rather nice to have someone talk to me without any respect.

“Are you not gonna participate in the election this year?”, I asked.

“Nah...I spent over 5 years as the president, I’d rather spend the last year happily.”

Happily? Hehe…

“Why are you smiling again?”


“Sigh...anyway, what are you doing now?”

“Well, I was going to go for a short drive around the city.”

“Ohhh~ Then I will bestow upon you the honor of having me as your companion.”

“Your father will kill you.”

“I am getting killed every day.”

“Sigh...Go get ready. I’ll be in the car in 10 minutes.”


He comes in like a storm and leaves like one too.


Out in front of the gate of the enormous Ena academy, stood a boy of medium height.

Anyone passing through could easily find the similarities between him and Principal Lewis.


“Ohh~ Ladies, we all had a meeting planned today didn’t we?”

“Mmm...yeah! Wanna come with us? We could crash in on a nearby cafe, we really need your help with physics. Got a unit test tomorrow.”

All of the nearby boys were pissed off at the current situation. 

Right after Arthur, nicknamed as Mr.Ena...Ray is the most popular boy in Ena Academy. Being the son of both the principals warrants him a lot of attention.

Additionally, there are also rumors of his skills in maths and physics reaching the Longe academy.

And Arthur’s attention towards him also causes immense jealousy between the other boys.

“Oh god! Please make him slip straight into a pool of mud”

“Ray!! I curse you!! Tonight, both the sides of your pillow will be warm!!”

“You will feel the need to drink water and head to the bathroom right when you jump into the bed!!!”

Unfortunately, this was the best they could do. After all, even they have to rely on him for help in maths and physics.

“Hmm...Unfortunately, I have been booked by Mr.Ena for the evening.”

“Eh!!! Then how will we pass?! And just why are you that close with Mr.Ena?! We have never seen his face!!”, screamed one of the girls.

“Tell us, Ray. Just what is the personality of Mr.Ena?”

After hearing the question, Ray looked to the sky and slowly spoke

“A Sadist.”


“A sadist who likes to overwork people. Recently, I feel like my grave will have the words: Dead due to overwork.”

“Haha...surely, you must be joking”, joked the girl


“That was a joke, right?”


“Anyways, don’t tell him what I just said. He will show me what hell is right here on Ena.”


Hearing the sound of a car emerging from the gate, all the boys had a unison thought.

This sucker is gonna die today!

I am back!! For those of you who did not read the message on my profile. I'll update you on the current achievements of my life.

For one, I joined one of the best private colleges in India. So that's that. I did do well in my JEE mains...but it was not enough to get CSE Branch in top government-funded colleges. I'm absolutely sure I could do it if I drop, but I just can't see myself having enough motivation to carry on for another year.

And with that, the series shall begin!! Lol... first few chapters will be a little slow placed. But get the point.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.