Former Crown Prince favors the Villainess

Chapter – 9


The capital of Zemira. It is a city with a booming population, next-gen technology, and young people coming in every day with hopes of rising up the financial and social status.

As of now, Ena is nowhere comparable to Plona.

And as far as I’m considered, it never can reach the level of Plona. 


Both cities run on different principles and purposes. There is also the matter of budget. Every year, the Empire sets aside a massive budget for the maintenance and development of the city.

Though, the problem matter the budget that the Empire allocates to this city, it still remains the same. 

The problem with a too developed city is that it takes major changes to actually have an effect. 

It remains the same as it did 6 years ago. 

Well, it’s not like this city is under my control. Or rather, it can never be under my control.

There are three reasons for my travel to Plona this time. One, placing a title on the Longe family.

Two, to meet the head of Luxica.

Three, to receive my title.

Out of all, the third reason is the most important. 

Initially, I had the idea of laying low. I thought I’d be satisfied with having my revenge on those nobles and on the Emperor silently in the background.

But as the years passed, I wasn’t able to ignore the rumors. At first, it was quite amusing. Me being branded as spineless, what a joke. 

But, at some point, it became my identity. And I even heard the rumors that stained my mother’s name. The public imagined that my mom couldn’t focus on my upbringing because of her illness.

But no...that’s not the truth. Even till her last breath, she had the mindset of educating me.

It’s not something that should be taken lightly off.


I am gonna break it. I’m gonna completely shatter the mindset people have on me. In the grandest way possible.

And Luxica, well I have no words for this company. 

Even with my network, I wasn’t able to put a finger on this head’s identity.

I have arranged a meeting with them. Though it will only take place after me getting the Duchy.

Buuut...before all of that. I’ve got to head home.

No, not the pala-...yeah the palace, but to Cogni.

It’s been quite a while since I saw those guys. 

You see, my mom...being as doting as she is, left a little gift at my disposal. A powerful one at that.

“My lord, we’re here.”, said Sebastian from the front seat.

With 5 of the most secure and heavy cars at the front and the back, I’m in the middle with Sebastian and the driver.

The palace gate was soon visible in the window. After a quick verification with the guards, we were allowed inside the palace.

And soon we reached the Cogni. The only place where no one can out rule me. 

Ena still falls under the jurisdiction of the Emperor. But this little mansion only has me as its sole ruler. 

The same goes for the abandoned building at the corner of the palace grounds.

The exterior of the building apart from the repaint has seen almost no changes. It still is as grand as it ever was. 

The interior too remained the same. Anyone entering the building wouldn’t notice any difference.

But the same cannot be said to the basement.

It has seen major changes over 6 years. And that is all because of the group that I took in.

No, that is not right...this group which I have still not come up with a name for...was created for me without my knowledge.

As soon as I enter the basement. I was able to see 15 people on their own desks going through various documents either on paper or on their laptops.

“My Lord!!”, exclaimed a 35-year-old man on my entry.

“I’m back, G1”

“Ohhh, he’s here...everyone gather around!”, said a younger G2

“Come on, let’s go.”, I said while moving into another where we have more space to talk freely.

The room we are in right now has several sofas and is in general a place where these guys hang out in their free time.

Now, I haven’t really talked about who these guys are, have I?

I found them loitering around my house in the corner about 5 and a half years ago. 

Honestly, it was a pleasant surprise. 

I couldn’t imagine what mom had prepared for me.

These people named G1 to G15 are professionals in gathering information. All of them were handpicked by my mother for me.

It is all most like the A division, but here, I have complete control over them.

And within two weeks, they will be moving from the basement to my Duchy.

“My lord, the Longe family along with the young master will be here in two hours.”, said G1.

“As for Duke Riol of Bohum Dukedom, he just began his journey. We are expecting for him to reach the palace by tomorrow afternoon.”, said G3, a girl with long grey hair.

“Tennison Grey, the headmaster of Magic Tower is already in the palace.”, said the young G2

I know that...his magic/mana pool is just that big.

“And finally Lady Cosima from the Arden Dukedom will be here by tonight.”, said G1 again.

These four...hehe, the major dogs of the empire all in one place. It’s going to be fun.

“My lord.”, Sebastian called me.


“Lady Ethel and all four of your grandparents are waiting at the other building.But,”


“Duke Landon has requested a meeting with you at ***** Hotel”

So my arrival got to his ears huh.

“That’s reaaaaally far~~”


“Tell him I’m far too tired to meet him. I also have to meet Ethel, it’s been a long time since we met each other.”

"I'll do as you say."

I’m kidding, lol. We have a video atleast once a week. Apart from Sebastian and the other people in Ena, Ethel is the one I’m communicating the most with. And also...

It’s just that I don’t have any business to talk with Duke Landon. And isn’t his daughter engaged with William? Why would he want to talk with me?

Whatever, coming back to my beloved preys.

All of the four families excel at different things.

As we already know, the Longe Family survives due to the Academy and the lack of the title. Fairly easy to topple their balance.

Duke Riol from the Bohum Dukedom on the other hand is quite difficult. He is a major manufacturer of both technology and weapons. His main buyer is the Empire. So, there exists a strong understanding between Bohum and the Empire. 

Tennison Grey. What can I do with him? Being the headmaster of Magic Tower, I will need his help in procuring magicians for the development of my Duchy. But I really don’t want his help. I guess I have no choice but to talk to him, though it is equally annoying with him.

As for Cosima Arden from the Arden Dukedom…

“Sigh...Sebastian, I’m heading to meet Ethel.”

“Do you need anyone to accompany you, My lord?”, asked Sebastian. 

“No, I want you to prioritize all the men on packing all of them.”

I said pointing towards the whole basement, which is easily bigger than the whole of the Cogni Mansion.

Going to my other building is quite easy though a long one.

I could take a vehicle. But nah...walking through these trees is what makes the whole experience much more relaxing.

As I walked through the woods, 

“Arthur, you do realize that the people I collected for should have only contacted them after 2-3 years. You know, to let you have some time on your own.”

I remember her scratching her head out of confusion and disappointment. This is a video that I received from G1 after I found about them,

“Sigh whatever...anyways, can only know these people as G1, G2, G3 and so on. I warning you to never pry into their personal lives. They are already placed at major risk of having their normal lives being snatched away after meeting you. Never call them by their personal names.”

She said in an extremely serious tone.

“All of them are experts at collecting information from all over the Empire. And even beyond if you wanted to take the risk. It might cost you a lot though.”

I remember the part of the video where she started sipping coffee midway through.

“Originally, they were supposed to be a part of the Cubicle. But if my predictions are right, you have no access to the Cubicle by now. Quite sad...but that’s fine. These guys, though not the same level as Cubicle...they do cut it pretty close.”

She said while smiling.

“But if you do want to beat the could bring in a girl named Jane...I have never been able to pinpoint her position...she could be a game-changing asset in your arsenal...but if you do bring her have to be ready...cause she is-”

“Wait, what the hell?”, I said looking at the vast garden spread in front of me.

It was well lit. 

I saw about three dozen people moving everywhere, preparing the whole garden.

Wait a sec…

Don’t tell me...that the Founding Day of the Empire will be celebrated right here?!

No way!! Come on!! 

They literally had the whole empire as the canvas, yet divided to put the dot on my area?!

A knight soon identified my presence and quickly signaled others. All of them, from the knights to the maids bowed in unison, shouting

“We greet the first prince of Zemira!”



Though I was still in dismay of the garden, I didn’t want to leave these people with a crouched back.

“Rest easy. I’ll be on my way to the house. Don’t mind me.”, I said while walking through the garden.

The garden itself is quite beautiful. 

I’m pretty happy it’s on my path...but still, knowing that this is not something I planned, does sting a bit.

Two of the knights chose to accompany me on their own accord. Normally, I would have told them to buzz off, but I really want to be filled in with the details.

And I can’t believe that the G-team and Sebastian didn’t inform me about this.

“So, the celebration in two days will take place here?”

“Yes, Your Highness. This project is taken care of by His Highness William, as this will be his debut as an adult into the world.”, one of the knights spoke.

Oh, did I forget to mention?

Both William and I are at the same age of 17. How did it happen? I still can’t believe it.

“And where is he?”, I asked.

“He is currently resting after a long day of work.”

“Hmm~ fine then, you two can leave. I know this place like the back of my hand.”, I said while walking faster.

““We hope you have a wonderful evening.”, they both said while bowing.


I’m pretty sure, William too knows. This year is also my debut into the adult world...not that it really matters.

But this year will also be the year, where the youngest Duke emerges out of nowhere.

Though I say youngest, there are quite a few Noble kids with a title already at the young age of 19 and 20.

This happens if their parents meet an unfortunate accident.

Anyways, I was able to see several cars parked in front of my little house.

There were two types of cars, one from the Prorin Dukedom and the other having the Empire’s symbol.

Guess all four grandparents and Ethel are here. 


Just as I was about to enter the house, I got a message from Ethel. 

“Don’t enter the house!!! Stay there, I’m coming down!!”


Why though?! Isn’t this my house?!


“Move”, I heard a small whisper-like voice originating above me.


I have no clue as to what’s happening right now, but as a reflex, I immediately jumped backward.

“Not bad, your reflexes are as sharp as ever.”, said the black-haired girl.

“I don’t want to be said that by a monkey who thinks it’s fine to jump from the first floor.”

“Ha! Says the overpowered bear!”, she retorted back.

“Whatever monkey~ Tell me why you don’t me inside my house.”

I said while walking away from the building.

Ethel also followed me.

“Simple, you know how those four actually are.”, she said while matching my pace.

“ that so.”

For the past 6 years, things have been rather difficult between the Prorins and the Empire.

Grandparents Rio and Ava from my mother’s side absolutely detest the former Emperor and Empress, Fred and Gloria.

It’s funny how they stay in the same house, but still, have bad blood between them. (All four grandparents are staying together as Arthur told them to)

Grandpa Fred and Grandma Gloria did as I said. They completely retired from political works and started to enjoy thier life with us.

Though I still haven’t forgiven them, I still keep up my promise. I will act as the grandkid they want me to be.

Ena has also received major donations from those two. 

The same goes for Grandpa Rio and Grandma Ava. I still pity them, they couldn’t do anything even when my mother cried and complained to them about what was happening.

In this world, Polygamy is not a concept. Having more than one wife or husband is seen as immoral and inhuman. 

This especially applies to the Nobility who care for their image a lot. 

“Anyways, how is your city doing?”, Ethel asked. 

“Not bad, the train station is complete. The academy is still growing with more building added each year.”

“But it is consuming a lot of money, right?”, she said while looking at me.

Now that I think about it, Ethel despite being a little meathead is one of the most promising individuals of this generation.

Apparently, she has her own fanbase...and it mostly contains girls? I don’t what’s up with that.

I guess her being tall and a little cool scores a lot of points.

And the red eyes of hers are also unique, I guess.

Coming back to her question.

“It does, if not for the donation...I would be in the red by now.”

“But, you have never touched the income you get from your land...why?”, she asked while looking a little confused.

“Simple, I’m keeping most of my income and the allowances from the Empire for the development of the Duchy. That will require a lot of money. Tons more than what I need for Ena.”

“Hmmm~ Alright whatever, here have this.”, she said while handing me a card. 

“And what might this be?”, I asked.

“A gift for your birthday.”


“It contains money we stored up. Use it for the development of your company and the Duchy.”, she said while pointing upwards.

“You mean, you and your fiance?!”, I asked with surprise.

“Yep!”, she said while smiling.


Looking at the card...this is from Prorin.

“Wait! What are you doing-”

Just as she screamed,


I broke the card into two pieces.


“I can’t accept it!”, I screamed back.

“Oh come on!!!”, she screamed too.

Ethel is engaged with someone who does not reside in Zemira. 

He is someone who does not reside in the whole continent of Desia.

Damn...he is someone who does not reside in this realm.

And no...he is not dead.

He is a Demon Prince all the way in the Demon Realm.

The Demon Realm. 

Kids, in their early years, imagine the Demon Realm as a nasty place with poisonous gas as air.’s far from reality.

There is visually no difference between the two realms.

Centuries ago, you could say that the difference will be the inhabitants of the two realms.

The Human Realm had humans, and the Demon Realm had...well, Demons.

And as usual, these two species...never got along. 

High friction was always present between the two realms.

But everything came to a halt a few centuries ago. You could also say it was around the time when the Empire was founded.

Both the Demons and Humans came to a conclusion with the help of spirits. 

After centuries of fighting, the two of the largest species stopped fighting and began living together. 

I don’t know how they did it, but at present...both the species consider each other as friends. 

We are so close that cross-species marriage is not a big deal anymore. 

And hence, Ethel will be heading to the Demon Realm after marriage.

“He was also excited to give this to you!”, she screamed while taking the pieces of card from my hand.

“You do realize that I’m much more wealthy than you, right?”


“And as for him, tell him my thanks...but, I have no intention to borrow money from my future relative. So, is he coming for the celebration?”

“Geez~ He is going to be angry at you. And no, their country too has their founding celebration this week. So, he is quite busy.”

Well, he is the crown prince. 

As I’ve already said, I’m sure that I’m much more wealthy than Ethel. But of course, I still can’t be compared with the whole of Prorin Dukedom.

And as for her fiance, that brat is richer than me.

Being the only heir to his father, he is way richer than me.

“Anyways, is your suit ready?”, Ethel asked while looking at me.

“I think? I’ve left that job to Sebastian. Yours?”

“Yep~! I’ve stashed it away in your house.”

My house is not a cupboard for you. 

Though, I can’t really say it outside.

“Has Diana been contacting you?”, Ethel asked.

“Well, you could say that she is the only Imperial member I’m in contact with right now. You?”

“Well-”, she had an awkward smile on her face.

I understand her though, 

Diana is a huge fan of Ethel.

I think it is probably because of how Ethel was immune to Diana’s skill.

I was kinda surprised too.

I’ve already known about the demerits of Diana’s skill. It doesn’t work on everyone. 

If the experience level between Diana and the opponent is too large, Diana becomes helpless.

But the situation rarely occurs though...most people can’t do anything against her skill.

And Sebastian intentionally allowed her skill to pass through him.

What a kind guy.

“She has been regularly calling me. I used to not pick her phone...but I just can’t do that anymore.”

Ohhhh I pity you.

Well, Diana is the least of my problems.

“Hey Ethel, when was the graduating ceremony again?”

“In about three months. Classes are pretty much over though.”

Right, so it is similar to Ena academy.

By the way, Ethel is studying at the Longe Academy.

You ask why?

To maintain secrecy, it would become too easy for people to figure my identity out if Ethel attends the Ena Academy.

Though I remember her begging me for admission.

“Dude, is everything ready? You do realize how much I’ve been waiting for this day, right?”, she said in a strong tone.

“You can’t imagine how annoying it was for me to attend the Longe Academy. With all of those assholes, especially William next to me. I really wanted to beat him to a pulp. I’ve been holding for this long, don’t mess anything up.”, she said while stopping in her tracks.

Her Crimson Red eyes were glowing with bloodlust. Her hands were trembling with rage. As if she was heading to a hunt any moment now.

I don’t how I look, but I think I mostly have the same expression as her.

With a smile on my face, I said

“Don’t worry, Ethel. We will make them pay the whole loan with interest.”


Hmmmm....I feel like I have to work a bit more on how conversation works. It seems like we are skipping from one topic to other. And that doesn't really happen in real life. Anyway, I'll be posting a chapter every sunday.  Currently, I'm filling up Notion with details of this novel. With the number of new characters, family, and other random stuff, I've to organize everything to make the flow better. 

And as for the G-team...Yeah, I named them like that because it might get too troublesome for you and me to remember thier names. Lol. See ya in the next chapter.


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