Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch40- Uchiha

Hey there, folks! Breaking news! I couldn't resist spilling the beans early today. Brace yourselves for not one, not two, but three mind-blowing novels coming your way! Introducing: "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and the cherry on top, "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Trust me, these gems are nothing short of amazing. And guess what? I happen to know the brilliant author personally! Now, here's the deal: I need your support. Add these bad boys to your reading lists or libraries, pronto! You can either search for them by name or find them in my profile. Get ready for a wild ride!

Jugo looked up at Kai, his eyes filled with gratitude and disbelief. He had expected that someone who had saved him would demand something in return, but this stranger had given him a new life without asking for anything. He didn't know how to react, how to express his gratitude. "Thank you," he managed to whisper, bowing his head low.

Kai nodded in acknowledgment, turning his attention to the ashes that were once Kimimaro. He knew that Kimimaro's demise had been a necessary act of mercy, but the sadness in Jugo's eyes still weighed on him. He had hoped to save Kimimaro, just as he had saved Tayuya, Jugo, and Karin, but not every story could have a happy ending.

Kai left Jugo to his own devices, allowing him the space and time to process everything that had happened. He knew that Jugo needed time to grieve and heal, and that it was better for him to be on his own for now. With a solemn nod, Kai departed from the hidden base, his thoughts already focused on his next destination – the Land of Earth.

He knew that he had to discuss the threat of the Akatsuki with the Tsuchikage, Oonoki. Although the elderly leader was wary of Kai, he couldn't deny the strength and skill that the free shinobi possessed. In fact, Oonoki, like many other village leaders, had tried numerous times to recruit Kai, offering him everything from riches and power to beautiful companions. But Kai had always refused, choosing instead to maintain his independence and work for his own path.

As Kai sped through the forests and mountains, he contemplated the recent events and the growing threat that the Akatsuki posed. The world was becoming increasingly dangerous and unstable, and he knew that he had to act quickly if he wanted to prevent further bloodshed.

Despite his stoic exterior, Kai was beginning to feel a change within himself. Since forming connections with Tsunade, Samui, Tayuya, Karin, and now Jugo, he found himself becoming more open to the idea of forming bonds with others. While it was still a strange and somewhat uncomfortable concept for him, he couldn't deny that these newfound relationships were beginning to affect him.

Upon arriving at the Land of Earth, Kai wasted no time in seeking out Oonoki. The Tsuchikage was in his office, poring over scrolls and maps as he tried to stay ahead of the ever-changing political landscape.

Kai entered the room without knocking, causing Oonoki to look up in surprise. "What brings you here, Kai?" the Tsuchikage asked, his voice gruff but not unfriendly.

"I've come to discuss the Akatsuki and the threat they pose to our world," Kai replied bluntly. "I believe it's time for us to take a stand against them."

Oonoki stared at Kai for a moment, his eyes narrowing as he weighed the pros and cons of what the free shinobi was proposing. "I understand the threat the Akatsuki pose, but I also have to consider the well-being of my village," he said cautiously. "If I put all my eggs in one basket and join forces with the other villages, the Hidden Stone might be compromised. Our strength is dwindling, and I worry that we wouldn't have a strong position at the table."

Kai remained impassive, unfazed by Oonoki's hesitation. "The Akatsuki's power is growing, and they will not stop until they have what they want. We must act now if we are to have any chance of stopping them."

Oonoki sighed, rubbing his temples. "You're right, Kai, but I need time. I have to consider the future of my village and our people. If we are to join forces, I need to be sure that we're doing so from a position of strength."

Kai considered Oonoki's words, understanding the Tsuchikage's concerns but also recognizing the urgency of the situation. "I will give you some time to think it over, but I cannot wait long. The Akatsuki are growing more dangerous by the day."

The Tsuchikage nodded, grateful for Kai's understanding. "I know, and I do appreciate your patience. I promise to give this matter the attention it deserves."

With a curt nod, Kai took his leave, disappearing from the room in a blur of speed. Oonoki was left alone with his thoughts, his mind racing as he tried to find a solution that would benefit both his village and the world at large.

As Kai traveled through the Land of Earth, his keen senses picked up on something strange near a mountain. Thanks to the Divine Purple Card, he was able to see chakra, and the wall of the mountain appeared ethereal. The phenomenon was unlike any genjutsu he had ever encountered, as his eyes could normally see through such illusions. Intrigued and cautious, Kai approached the mountain, his eyes narrowing as he tried to discern the truth behind the mysterious wall.

Upon closer examination, Kai confirmed his theory that the mountain wall was both real and fake, as if someone had altered reality but not entirely. Touching the surface with his finger, he could feel the solid mountain wall despite its illusory appearance. He was perplexed by this dual nature, unsure of what he would find beyond the façade.

Kai steeled himself and stepped through the illusionary wall, finding that his entrance could not be obscured. Inside, he discovered a boy and a woman, who looked at him with a mixture of alertness and caution. The boy's eyes were filled with aimless hatred, a seething rage that seemed to emanate from his very being. He appeared to be about twelve years old, with dark hair and an intense gaze that spoke of a troubled past. The woman, standing protectively beside the boy, had long black hair and a regal countenance, her eyes filled with wariness but also a maternal instinct that would not be easily quelled.

The duo seemed certain that they had been safe behind the illusory wall, and the sudden appearance of an outsider had thrown them off balance. Kai, ever the stoic, maintained his composure despite the tension in the air.

"Who are you?" the woman demanded, her voice firm yet laced with caution. "How did you manage to find us?"

Kai replied calmly, "My name is Kai, and I possess a unique ability that allows me to see through illusions. I mean you no harm."

The boy glared at Kai, his anger bubbling to the surface. "Why should we trust you?" he spat, his voice seething with distrust.

Kai remained unfazed by the boy's hostility. "You have no reason to trust me, but know that I have no reason to harm you either. I am merely a traveler who stumbled upon this place by chance."

The woman studied Kai for a moment, her eyes narrowing as she weighed his words. "Why did you come here?" she asked, her voice tinged with suspicion.

Kai looked at the mother and son, and something about their appearances struck a chord within him. He saw the resemblance to his only friend, Itachi, whom he had met years ago in a forest. Looking at the duo before him, he couldn't help but ask, "Are you Sasuke and Mikoto Uchiha?"


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