Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch61- Danzo

Check out my new novels! "Reincarnated as A's Heir!" (Naruto-Haku), "Reincarnated As Shiba Clan's Heir!" (Bleach-Gin), and "Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City" (Meruem-HxH). Come on people! I need your help! Add them to your library!

The next day, a faint light filtered into the motel room, casting a dim glow on Kai's face as he prepared for their departure. He didn't need much preparation. He was always ready, perpetually on guard. He was like a coiled spring, perpetually ready to leap into action.

With a simple nod, he signaled to Mikoto that it was time to leave. Mikoto was silent, her mind still whirling from the events of the last night. The unfamiliar scent from Kai, the unexpected wave of emotions, everything felt surreal and disjointed.

But as always, she swallowed her discomfort, pulling her focus back on the task at hand. They were headed to the Whirlpool, the ancestral lands of Uzumaki, a mission that was far too important to be clouded by her personal dilemmas.

They materialized in the entrance of the cave system, a strange chill clinging to the air around them. No sooner had they appeared, Kai's posture stiffened, his chakra flaring around him in a protective shield. His instincts were screaming at him that something was wrong. Very wrong.

In an instant, his arm snaked around Mikoto's waist, pulling her close to him. Mikoto’s heart pounded in her chest at the abrupt closeness, the unexpectedness of his action. But instinct took over, and she found herself hugging his neck, holding onto him as though he was her only lifeline.

In the next breath, they were no longer in the cave but outside, the early morning sunlight beating down on them. And then, the world around them erupted. The cave exploded with a deafening roar, debris flying everywhere as the cave collapsed on itself. The impact was violent, a wave of dust and rocks shooting up into the air, obscuring the scene in a cloud of debris.

As the dust settled, Kai and Mikoto stood unscathed, the aftermath of the explosion leaving them untouched. Kai's chakra had protected them, his instincts had saved them from what could have been a deadly situation.

For a moment, they stood in silence, the only sound was the settling rubble and their labored breathing. Despite the adrenaline rush, neither of them showed any signs of fear or panic. They were shinobi, trained for situations far worse than this.

Mikoto was the first to break the silence. "That... was close." She said, her voice shaky, but her expression stoic.

Kai remained silent, his gaze firmly locked on a particular spot, his facial muscles taut with tension. His voice rang out in the early morning air, sharp and commanding, cutting through the eerie quiet that had followed the explosion.

"Come out, Danzo. Your petty tricks are futile against me. I thought I taught you that."

From the very spot Kai was looking at, a figure emerged. The man was stoic, his face partially obscured by bandages, his lone visible eye staring coldly at Kai. It was Danzo Shimura, the head of the covert operations group, Root, known for his underhanded tactics and ruthless pursuit of power.

Flanking Danzo were dozens of Root agents, each clad in the same uniform black attire, their expressions equally unreadable. Among them were two individuals who stood out, their presence immediately recognized by Kai - Torune Aburame and Fū Yamanaka. The former, a member of the Aburame clan known for their symbiotic relationship with insects, and the latter, a Yamanaka, capable of mind-related techniques.

Danzo, with his typical smugness, stared at Kai, his eye barely revealing a flicker of interest. "Kai," he said in his gravelly voice, each syllable laced with condescension, "your arrogance is astounding, as always."

Kai stood unwavering, his icy gaze locked on Danzo. His tone was icy, the familiar indifference permeating each word. "Danzo, your futile attempts at manipulation are tiresome. Do you really think such insignificant tricks will have an impact on me?"

Danzo's lip curled in a semblance of a smirk. "We'll see, Kai."

Despite the threat in Danzo's words, Kai's expression remained unbothered. He glanced at Mikoto beside him. "Stay back," he ordered, his voice firm yet devoid of any trace of emotion.

The sun was just peeking over the horizon, casting long shadows across the clearing where Mikoto, Kai, and the Root agents now stood. Mikoto's eyes widened in shock and anger as Danzo Shimura stepped into the morning light, his lone eye boring into them with a chilling calmness.

Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing the names of her fallen clan members, their screams still ringing in her ears even after all these years. The man who orchestrated the massacre of her clan, the man responsible for the death of her beloved son Itachi, stood in front of her, seemingly unaffected by his heinous acts.

Looking at him, Mikoto felt a surge of fury so potent it made her vision blur. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, her nails digging into her palms hard enough to draw blood. It was a painful reminder of the reality she lived in, a reality where people like Danzo could roam free, unpunished for their sins.

She felt an intense desire to lash out, to make him pay for the pain and loss he had inflicted upon her family. Her hand instinctively reached for her kunai, but before she could act, a firm hand held her back.


He stood in front of her, his tall, imposing figure shielding her from Danzo. His voice, calm and composed as always, was laced with a rare intensity that sent shivers down her spine. "Stay back," he ordered.

Mikoto's breath hitched as she took in the sight before her. Kai, with his unwavering gaze and unyielding posture, was the picture of determination and strength. It was a sight she had grown familiar with over the course of their journey, yet each time, it struck a chord within her, making her heart beat faster.

She couldn't tear her gaze away from his broad back, his confident posture emanating a sense of security and safety. Despite the tension in the air and the imminent danger they were in, Mikoto felt a strange sense of calmness wash over her.


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