From Arrogant Guy to Sexy Maid

Chapter 3

Time really has no meaning in the void, but the lost soul is impatient, annoyance creeping into his voice like mold under a wall.

“So? I’ve been waiting an eternity here! Can you do what I deserve or not? Or do I have to go ask another goddess?”

Titania, back to this place, clicks her tongue.

“Well you see, technically I couldn’t do anything like this, but if you really wish to, I can refer you to a fellow Reincarnation Attendant. She has much more experience than I do and is regarded as one of the best among us.” All true so far.

“Good! Let's see this goddess, and let’s hope she’s not as useless as you.”

Titania holds back a frown, guiding the lost soul to Siosi’s realm.

Once there, Siosi has already dressed to the nines for the occasion, ethereal veils of gold and blue covering her voluptuous figure. Still, she can feel he’s wasting no time in checking her out, lecherously appreciating Siosi’s long legs, her wide hips and round, more-than-generous breasts.

“Hey, I like her already!”

“Welcome, weary traveler,” her Teacher says, holding out her arms as if to take him into an embrace. “My fellow goddess told me you deserve something more than the basic tools given to a reincarnating Soul. After all, you are here to enjoy your stay and make a mark on the world, aren’t you?”

“Hell yeah! Now you’re speaking my language!”

“I’m glad we understand one another,” Siosi bows. “Now, please forgive this humble servant of the Cycle if I cannot give you what you ask for right away. Pointlessly gifting a better station in life to souls in our care is against the rules. We cannot do it, lest the world you were to enter be destroyed by the righteous rage of ever-watchful Nor-Moirai.”

“ least you have good manners, I’ll give you that. Where does that leave me? I don’t want to wait for something good to come my way. I just died, I mean. I want my reward.”

“That, lost soul, is the reason why my fellow Attendant, Titania, has referred you to myself. Behold, this is my realm. Dream Valley and the holy city of Mezekesh.”

As he looks down into the sphere, the picture zooms in to city streets and then to a large building, situated on a low hill. It’s a convent, full of gracious, beautiful girls dressed in white, almost see-through veils. 

“Those look lovely,” he comments and Titania can feel him leaning forward to take a better look. 

“All the maidens you see belong to the Sacred Order of Broken Horn, and they are looking for a new member in their ranks. Someone who could guide them, lead them... and of course they are one of the most-respected and most-famous orders in my entire Realm.”

“Lovely ladies. And you say they are looking for someone to guide them? I’d be perfect for the job.”

“Of course. And from there, leveraging your power and prestige would surely open you a lot of doors, my dear reincarnating soul. So, do you accept my offer?”

“It’s not going to get any better than this, right?”

“It’s not on us, regrettably. It’s how the rules have been written.”

“Shame. Better than starting from scratch I guess... I’ll take it. Oh, and you say this order of yours only has female members?”

“Men are forbidden from entering the Order, my sweet soul.”

“Great! Very well, how do we start?”

Siosi smiles, takes him by the hand and guides him into the bubble world. He turns into a shooting star trained for the monastery – it's going to impact at any moment, and his new life is going to begin...

But surely not play out the way he thought.

“That was amazing. You played him like a fiddle. “

Siosi winks at her protégé.

“You know, you do this for a couple thousand years, you pick up a trick or two.”

“I’m almost sorry for the guy. Knowing what this... uh, order of yours entails.”

“Don’t be,” and there’s a flash in her silver eyes that reminds Titania of the reasons why this translucent goddess reached the top echelons of their kind. “There’s a good lesson to be learned in all this, and I’m sure he’ll... take it all in.” Her smile turns into a grin as the sparkling comet hits the ground. 

Take it all in... hmm wonder what our friend Siosi means? I'm sure it will be nothing too traumatic.

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