From Bookish To Goddess

Ch18 Meeting The People

Firth followed behind me into the emergency contact room. He shut the door behind him, looking to me for answers about what had just occurred. “Lady Astrid, what did you want to discuss?”

He definitely knew more than you living on, so I asked him what he thought happened. “What do you think about what just happened right now?”

“Your response and the timing seemed out of place. I didn’t want to call you out in front of everyone.”

“Really? Why?” I replied. He was really on the ball with that catch. I guess I could have done a better memory wipe, but I didn’t think I needed it.

He moved side to side slightly, looking uncomfortable. “Oh, I just didn’t want you to be portrayed as someone to be feared. It could lead to problems with your church.”

“It really isn’t my church. Well, not yet. I just came back here, so I know very little about it. I haven’t been on this plane in many, many years. There is a lot that has changed and I’m trying to keep up, so keep that in mind. People know that not even the gods are omniscient, right?” I felt myself getting a little stressed. The gravity of the responsibilities I was piling on top of myself was growing, with no end in sight. Even just thinking about it would cause me frustration. I really needed people I could rely on to help me handle the list.

Though I also really wanted a friend. It was rare meeting someone my age in the library, but I would always cherish those times I could relax and read with someone similar in age to me. Maybe not the stuck up royalty though.

“Yes, Lady Astrid, I will try to keep in mind. I just didn’t know what happened as soon as you talk to him was paralyzed. I know it seemed like a heart attack and that makes sense, but I can’t help but feeling there was more. Was there something we missed? “

He was very perceptive, so I filled him in just a bit. “Yes, there was more he said before he passed, but that shouldn’t really be discussed. As your leader, I will handle it.”

“Thank you, Lady Astrid. Is there any way we can help?” He asked, brows furrowed, obviously wanting to know more.

“No, this is something I have to do. You can work on those plans to expand the refuge.”

“We shall get right on that. May I suggest you build a space of your own? It would make the people more comfortable knowing that you could live here with them. You also wouldn’t be stuck in this small room for meetings.”

That was true. I needed my own space here, especially if I wanted to read here. I should also consider having the Highthorn’s move in here. Not everyone can stay in a library forever. “That’s a good idea. Please send my guard down here. I will begin construction of my room.”

Firth nodded and went on his way while I thought about what layout I would like for my room. I wasn’t into anything ostentatious, but rather I like to keep things simple and comfy. So I put together a plan to have a large room with a big rectangular wooden table in the center with cushioned chairs surrounding it. I also wanted a comfy loft bed where I could read. I could line the walls with bookshelves with the new books that get written here.

I went searching through the books and my memobrary and found the book “Steennal’s Home Decor”. It turned out to be extremely useful because it also was accompanied by spells on how to conjure up an illusion of design ideas so you can see how they look. This is definitely the best way to write a book on design.

After triggering the illusion, it was simple. I just made a large stone archway with iron doors next to the emergency contact room. I then bore out the required area for the room. First, I made a red wooden floor with cushioned tables and chairs to sit upon and discuss business. Then I lined the walls with empty bookshelves as a place to put copies of the books that I felt the people here could use. I then built a magical ladder that went up to my loft that only I could activate. I made a fluffy mattress surrounded by loads of pillows and a dim glow stone above the bed for reading. This is the perfect place to lie down and read! If I ever get a chance to use it...

The room looked a little barren, but then again, I didn’t have any insignia. Oh, wait, that’s a thought! I pondered the idea of what my emblem would be and decided upon an open book. After some more thought, I wanted it to be golden lined with a minimalist feel. I conjured up some tapestries with the insignia on it. The design was simple but very me. I also made a patch for Highthorn so that he could distinguish himself. I had a feeling that he would love the gift.

“So this is your room, Lady Astrid?” Highthorn said, making me jump a little. I hadn’t realized he would come to me so fast. Even though I was very important, I wanted him to take his time and make his own decisions. I would have to discuss this with him later.

“Yes, and this insignia patch is for you.” I handed him the badge.

With a look of awe, he took the patch in his hands and held it close to his heart. A wide smile grew on his face as he spoke, “Thank you very much. I will put it on tonight.”

“I’m glad you like it. You should go take a break with your family. I want to go meet the citizens and get to know them on a more personal level. It will be harder for them to see me as normal with the guard hanging around,” I said waving my hand, causing a doorway to the library to open.

He nodded his head and went into the library, still holding onto the patch. The door closed behind him and popped out of existence.

I left my room and started touring the tunnels, trying to wave to people. They were slightly tense around me but it seems they had gotten the message and did not fall on their knees around me. The updated tunnels were pleasant to walk in. I could see doing a lot of fun things in them like; better lighting, plants, art, or even themed tunnels.

There was smoke coming from the direction of the mushroom farm, which worried me for a moment before I smelled the scent of spices. Someone was cooking and I couldn’t wait to try it. I hurriedly made way back down the stairs, my little legs swinging as fast as they could. I was pretty sure my stomach had taken over.

The mushroom farm seemed very active with people chatting with one another. Someone had even set up a little barbecue to cook the mushrooms right where they were picking them off. The problem was that the smoke was building up in the room and making its way through the tunnels, which could cause some fear.

When I arrived, I went straight up to the cook. “Hello there, I would like to make this more of a permanent situation. How do you feel about that?”

“I ugh, yes Godd — Lady Astrid.” He stammered out before stepping away from the grill. 

I could see that the smoke was filling up the top of the room, so I built a little alcove on the wall's side. I built a replica of his barbecue towards the back of the alcove and made a ventilation shaft that led to the outside of the refuge. Then I protected it from the rain and put a grate in it to stop intruders or pests. I figured out that all I really had to do was a small door flap that could lock, and I built one. I also built a countertop for him to put finished goods on top of.

“So how does it look?”

A big smile grew across his face. “This is perfect, Lady Astrid. Are you sure it’s for me?”

“You and whoever wants to use it as long as they keep it clean and keep cooking for the people. Also, I am going to need to try some.”

“Yes, Lady Astrid, I shall take care of this. You can count on me,” He said, snapping around immediately, grilling me up with some mushrooms.

“What’s your name?” I asked so that I could inquire about him later. I wanted to find out if he was a professional cook. If that was so, I would be spending a lot of time with him to steal recipes.

“It’s Jord.”

“Thank you, Jord,” I said as I took the food from his hands and popped the cooked mushrooms into my mouth. They were delicious, and I made sounds of enjoyment. Jord immediately sighed with relief and smiled.

After the easy interaction with Jord, I regained my confidence and started talking to people. At first they seemed worried, but they eased into talking to me. They really loved talking about the new sanitation fixtures I had put in. Before everyone would get one bath a month depending on rainfall. Now that they mentioned it, I realized that the smell had gotten better. 

It was possible for me to sanitize the whole refuge all at once, but I felt like that would be rude. I was glad that they took care of that on their own. I enjoyed seeing my work go to use. Talking to people was good for me, since it had been so long, so I left the mushroom farm and went down more hallways.

I could hear laughter in the hallways. They seemed vivacious. I definitely want to spend more time here, but I have so many things to do.  

There was a push against me, like someone had run into me but had merely bounced off my barrier. Turning around, I saw a pretty snow fox eared girl holding some papers on the ground.

“Sorry for bumping into —” her aquamarine colored eyes widened in fear as she looked me up and down. “Lady Astrid, I’m so sorry. Please, I didn’t mean to.”

I stared at her intently, trying to figure out just what could be on those papers.

“I didn’t mean to —” tears started welling up in her eyes.

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it. What do you have there?” I questioned, pointing at the papers because I could see writing on them.

Her tears went away as her face quickly grew red. “Well, it’s a story I was hoping to write for you. They asked anybody that could write to come up with story ideas and write them down for you.”

“That’s great here. What’s it about? I really want to know.”

“Well, it’s about an otherkin girl being swept off her feet by a human prince.”

I squealed a little. Naturally, people stared at me. “Romance is the best! A forbidden love. I’m sure they’re going to have lots of trials. Like gaining acceptance. Oh, I’m so excited to read this. Once you get it done, tell Firth to use the emergency contact so I can read it and we can discuss it.”

“You really want to read it that much?” she asked, finishing up picking her papers.

“Of course I do. All books should be read and cherished. They may not all be accepted into my library, but they will definitely be put in my memobrary.”

“What’s a memobrary?”

“It’s a place in my mind were store a copy of all the books I have read.”

“You really can keep a copy of the book. In your head?”

“Yep, it’s the best place to keep them, so I can reread them whenever I want!”

She bit her bottom lip, looking super cute as she contemplated something. She stretched her hand out. “My name is Fienna. I’m really excited to discuss my book with you.”

MY FIRST BOOKWORM FRIEND HERE AND SHE IS SIMILAR AGED TO ME!! Wait, calm down, breathe, relax. I took her hand and pulled her up. “My name is Lady Astrid, but I’m sure you knew that.”

She laughed slightly before showing me how many pages she had written. “That’s all I have so far but I’m deftly motivated to get more done.”

“That’s great to hear. When you get it done, I will show you the Biblio Eternium.”

“Really? That’s so exciting. Thank you, Lady Astrid. Can I go to my parents and tell them the news?”

“Yes, of course.”

She cheerily ran off down the hallway, looking for her parents.

My heart warmed up realizing I probably had just made a friend. I was so excited for someone my age I could discuss things with, and she wasn’t a genius or royalty. Maybe I could get some outfit ideas from her. Hrmm, they probably had little cloth, but I could get them supplies. OOO, this was so exciting! I really needed to resolve this issue with the royals, and fast. 

It was getting late, so I looked for further and found him discussing stuff with the Council. “Hello Firth, is my will being followed?” I asked to make sure it was known that he was my chosen spokesperson.

“Yes, Lady Astrid. Is there something you need?”

“I will leave tomorrow morning. Very impressed with your leadership so far. The people seem to be warming up to me. Please keep up the good work till I return.”

“Yes, Lady Astrid” he replied with all the council members nodding in agreement. I noticed that the lady that had called him out previously had disappeared, which was worrisome.

“Where is that counselor that challenged you the other day? I hope you didn’t treat her harshly.”

“No, the traitor was her partner. She withdrew from the Council out of shame.”

Well, isn’t that ironic? “Please see to it that she is talked to. It is not her fault unless it is. I made that room that you talked about. It is open right now. Please put any books that people have written inside of the shelves in the room. Also, I gave a girl named Fienna permission to have you contact me when her book is done. Now I must be off,” I said, breaking off the conversation abruptly. I was drained from all the social interaction of the day. I had achieved my mission of normalizing my existence a bit more.

With that, I flicked my wrist and opened the doors to the library heading in. I closed them behind me and quickly made my way to bed. I felt that my anxiety that had been building up get under control. It definitely helped that I wasn’t being stared at as much. I couldn’t wait to get back to the world and read some new books.

I saw that there was an influx of new readers last Sunday. If one of you read this let me know where you came from.

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