From Bookish To Goddess

Ch5 Dinner for the Divine

We went back to our chairs without deviating, but part of me wanted another look at that statue that looked like me again. I wanted to do a side-by-side comparison with a mirror but that could wait until later as dinner was near.

After we had sat down, the king spoke up, “The food is ready.” He gave a nod to a guard who knocked on a wall.

Several maids in violet blue uniforms strolled out from a small door that was barely visible till it opened. Their hands and arms filled with mirror polished silver platters covered by domed lids. The sense of mystery inside was alluring. Smells of roasted meats and steamed vegetables filled the room. They placed the platters in front of us, then uncovered the lids. Aromatic steam rushed into my face. I closed my eyes for a moment, and upon opening them a colorful platter filled with meat and vegetables filled my eyes. I wasn’t sure where to start first, then it hit me that I should check for poisons.

There were none, fortunately, but the royal mannerisms book told me you never know who’s out to play a game of thrones and take yours. Luckily, the dinnerware seemed to be the same as in the library, though much higher quality.

I grabbed my fork and dug into the meat. I didn't even need to use a knife, the meat fell apart. As I went to eat it, the aromas climbed into my nose with scents of springtime, I put the meat into my mouth and the juices exploded. Every time I chewed down, more juice and tender meat would go down my throat as I swallowed, warming my throat, then stomach. I had forgotten how good food could really taste when not just enchanted to be a certain way. Every item on the plate was enjoyable down the last bite. I didn’t even notice the drink in front of me, till I felt thirsty and needed something to wash down all the delicious savory flavors.

I saw the glass full of something red and sparkling. Putting the drink to my mouth, I sipped and the strawberry flavored drink hit my mouth with little bubbles exploding inside. The juice was so sweet and tasty that I chugged down the entire class. I set the glass down on the table and let out a loud sigh of enjoyment.

“You must’ve been famished or just really love the taste,” I heard Donna say with a grin.

I looked around the room and everyone had barely taken a few bites of their food. They were all just looking at me in amazement. I could feel the blood rushing to my face as I timidly spoke, “Yes, I had anything like that before. Thank you.” I wished I could’ve just melted away. Part of me wanted to run back to the library and never leave.

“Well then, I can’t wait until you try dessert,” the king said, obviously holding in a chuckle. The usually rigid face cracked a grin.

Don’t do it again. The food isn’t that good. The stares I got made my insides turn a little.

My drink was replaced, and they swapped the plate out with a bowl that had a thick chocolate substance inside of it. A spoon stuck out of the desert. I dug in and lifted some of putting it into my mouth. It was thick and moist with a rich sugary taste that filled every quarter of my mouth and throat as I swallowed. As if I was performing an encore, I dove into the bowl before me and devoured it.

I let out a sigh again and spoke. “Yes, that really hit the spot. You should share that recipe book.” Secretly, that didn’t really matter though. I could now replicate either of these dishes as many times as I wanted. I just wanted to see what else they had.

Yum, that food was just too good. They continued eating their food as I looked at them. I felt a little embarrassed, but now they would know what it felt like.

The same guard that had left the dining hall earlier had returned, holding a large frame, which I thought was a painting. A puzzled look came across the king's face as he took the painting from the guard’s hands. The guard returned to his post, leaving the king to look at the painting, then to look at me repeatedly.

This was the same behavior displayed by Donna and the professors and was getting annoying. I just wanted to get to bed so that I could get my mana under control. The dinner was excellent, but I wasn’t some sort of revered object. I mean, they hadn’t even pressed me about the spells I used.

The king kept up with this face, growing more pensive and scrunched as he grew deeper in thought. It reminded me of when I found a superb book. The king turned the frame around slowly, revealing a painting of me! My eyes widened as I realized it was a painting of me in a blue gown I had worn long ago. What, what is this? How could-… I could feel my anxiety surging.

The king remained silent as he showed Donna and the professors. They nodded their heads as if confirming some sort of preconceived idea they had. It was probably what they had been discussing earlier in the yard. They hid this from me. They wanted to be mean to me. I stopped being so anxious and felt my insides tremble with anger.

“You look just like her, don’t you? You are so lucky; you’ll have it easy wherever you go. No wonder why you made it out here. No one would stop you with her face,” Donna said, sounding a little jealous and proud at the same time. 

My mind started racing, wondering why someone had a painting of me I didn’t even know about. That statue also must have been of me. I searched through my memories and remembered my little fan club that loved calling me The Spirit of the Library. Were they trading paintings of me and those paintings survived? Even if they did, why did these people have them?

Almost at a whisper, I spoke, “Whose face?”

“The face of the goddess of knowledge, the creator of inspiration. The retainer of all knowledge. You could go far with a face like yours. We could help you. Worshippers would come from miles. Even the corporations would send gifts, hoping you would say you like them,” Donna said, sounding excited as her imagination went wild.

“Where is that painting from? How do you know it’s the goddess of knowledge?”

“This painting here is a copy of an ancient painting of hers. The original survived the apocalypse. There are many, many paintings, sculptures and other artifacts depicting her. She has been mentioned as far back as most of our history goes. Mostly always as the goddess of knowledge, ruler of the knowledge dimension that takes the form of a library.”

“Mostly?” I asked, wondering what other variations there were of what I was growing to believe was me.

“Well, there’s even a dark cult that worships her, but her church considers them heretical.”

Great, even a dark cult! My hands were quivering. This was quickly becoming too much to handle. “How do you commune with her?”

“If you want to hear her, all you have to do is read enough books. For she provides us with all knowledge and this is how she whispers to you,” Donna replied her father nodding in agreement

I sat there stunned with what felt like a hundred thunderbolts impaling my being, their energy coursing through my body. A strange sort of fear welled up in me and I lashed out, “That’s not true, none of that is true. There is no goddess of the library. I am not the goddess of knowledge.”

“Hey, be careful talking like that. You may look like her, but the church and even the corporations may hunt you down as a heretic!” the king said sternly to me.

I sat there and began shaking with anger. The mana was spreading out from my body. I couldn’t keep it in.

“Listen, I worship her too, but if we play our cards right, you might get to be a savior or a mascot. Tread lightly claiming to be her and saying lies like she doesn’t exist,” the king retorted, looking at his daughter and the professors.

It all came out at once. I had to use my magic, or I was going to burst. They knew nothing about me or the library. If they wanted to call me a liar, then they would see I wasn’t.

I snapped and cut loose, throwing my hands up into the air as I enshrouded my end of the table in darkness. Not a sound or sight or smell that I didn’t want would be perceived in the surrounding area. To the outside, it would seem like nothing had moved, but within, a torrent of colors were flashing about, snapping and crackling in the air.

Donna and Don’s eyes were wide in shock and awe. The mouths agape, their bodies frozen to their chairs.

I snapped my fingers and pulled the blue dress out of my pocket dimension. I spoke clearly, “Are you talking about this dress, MY dress? See that is a painting of me, I am not a goddess there is no goddess”

I snapped my fingers again and a giant set of double doors framed by an archway landed in front of us. The top of the archways read, “Welcome to the Bilbilo Eternium”. The door swung open, exposing a pristine front desk and long rows behind it. There were bear guards standing watch at the front desk.

The mana in the room started whipping around faster. My anger couldn’t be quenched, so I yelled, “I’ve dealt with a lot of unknowns today. There were new things that I couldn’t have known about. I visited my home and was attacked upon arrival. Apparently other visitors to the library made me into a deity, but I didn't know it. I will not be called a liar! None of you even asked my name or tried to talk to me. You just schemed to use me for your own gain. So here is my name and title. I am Astrid Dearbhail, Head Administrator of the Bilbilo Eternium! My name means the daughter of destiny. It was given to me by my mother and father. Forever may they rest in peace. You will not speak down to me again!”

The father and daughter were still petrified into silence, a look of primal fear in their eyes.

My rage slowly subsided. I had never been this angry before. It must have been mana overload. Coming back to my senses and seeing the looks on their faces caused me to feel guilty. I waved away the library entrance and dress. As the darkness receded, everyone else was just looking at the table.

The guards stood there, none the wiser. I waved my hand again, using an incantation to wipe all the professors’ minds from the last few minutes. “Goregets Shock and Awe Infiltration Tactics” had really come in handy. I crafted a cone of silence so that only the three of us could speak.

“Sorry. I don’t know what just came over me.” My heart was beating fast still. I felt embarrassed and guilty for my display a moment ago..

Don and Donna just looked at each other, mouth agape, opening up and down like a fish out of water.

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