From Dumb Loli Goat to Demon Lord

Chapter 20: The Elf and The Fool

Poor Joanne and I were in the middle of cleaning the dishes used during the breakfast feast, as Baal stormed through Leah’s demi-human camp, with the red-headed Jasper running right behind him.

“Rematch!” Baal shouted.

And either because of his size, or due to a S-Tier skill, Baal’s shout made the ground tremble. The earthquake plunged Leah’s camp into total chaos, as dozens of feral cat demi-humans were violently awoken from their midday naps. They ran out of their tents, scarcely dressed and foaming in rage. For felines held their naps as something holy and sacred.

Leah, who was the most violent of them all, came out of her tent with an Axe in hand. Barefoot and half-naked, she marched through the bare soil, full of murder intent.

“I demand a rematch!” Baal yelled. Not caring in the slightest about the tempest brewing around him.

Joanne looked at me confused and I stared back at her.

“Hey, I don’t know what is going on,” I said. “Let’s just ignore him.”

Joanne nodded and kept cleaning the dishes, submerging the plate she was cleaning into the water container that stood between the two of us.

However, Baal did not stop. He made his way to us, and as he did so, demi-humans attacked him. But Baal being as strong and bulky as he was, shoved the cat-girls aside like trash, with no effort at all. As a result, they scattered.

But not before Leah rushed in, hissing, with her face visually turning a violent red. She lounged at Baal with her huge Axe, caring little about spilling blood and breaking the city’s taboo. But Baal kicked her on the stomach as she was mid-air, sending her flying straight to a nearby tent. However, Leah’s Axe was nowhere to be seen.

“What in the bloody hell do you want?” I asked. Pretending to not be impressed as Baal invaded by personal space.

Jasper, who was absolutely embarrassed by Baal’s behavior, just smiled at me awkwardly, hoping that we would ignore her existence and excuse her for everything that had just happened.

Seconds later, Leah’s Axe fell a few meters in front of Joanne and me, scattering the soil nearby. Jasper this time just covered her face.

“I want a rematch! I’ll accept any challenge!” Baal said, seemingly clueless of how crazy he looked.

The bulky minotaur seemed to be more worried that yesterday’s drinking contest had ended in a draw. I did not really blame him, for it must be humiliating that he was unable to beat me, despite being twice my height and perhaps five times my weight.

“And why exactly should I consent to that?” I asked. I had nothing to gain. But ideally, that could change.

“If you beat me…. well…”

It seems Baal hadn’t thought about it that far.

Despite his calmness and unmovable stoic facade, I could perceive he was embarrassed. He had lost face a second time.

Just then, Jasper withdrew from the safety of her hiding spot, and whispered something clever to Baal - For a new fire emerged on the minotaur’s red eyes.

“If you accept my challenge, I will grant you and your friends freedom,” Baal said.

“This is not the first time that someone promises me such a thing,” I said. Belfar had for sure said the same thing right when I met him.

“You have my vow. That….I, Baal, third prince of the Stone Minotaur Tribe. Will grant and guarantee your freedom.”

“I barely met you, your word has no worth to me. So you will have to pay me in advance!”
I said. Pretending not to care, and going back to cleaning the dirty dishes.

“How cocky of you to think you shall win again!” Baal said, waging his fist.

I ignored him. Embarrassing him further.

“Joanne, did I tell you how much Baal threw up last night?” I said, rinsing the dish I was cleaning. However, I kept peeking at the minotaur to see he would react.

“I-“ Baal said.

I had brought Baal great shame once again.

“Fine! I shall free you from your slavery at once. But If I win, you shall become one of my wives.” Baal said, boasting his big chest.

“Your what?!” I said, immediately dropping the plate I was cleaning into the water container below, soaking Joanne and myself with drops of murky water.

“His wife,” Jasper said. “Do not misunderstand, He is not a womanizer you see, It is totally normal in his tribe to take more than one wife.”
Jasper’s eyes were completely soulless. Even she seemed to be upset about it, but had long resigned to being part of a harem.

“What the hell. Why would you want me to be your wife, I do not even know how to cook, or clean, and I prefer sleeping all day.” I said. While looking at Baal with utter contempt. For I was still a man, if not in body, at least in mind, and I spoke truthfully.

“Well, that won’t be a problem. For Baal just wants to breed you like a farm animal and secure the existence of his tribe,” Jasper said. Her eyes were even more soulless now than before.


“Is not like that!” Baal said.

“Well you specifically used the word ‘breeding’ when we first met. Or do you not remember the details of our contract,” Jasper said. Her eyes, totally void of hope.

“That was before I knew your human language well!” Baal said. Attempting to explain himself, throwing all pretense of stoicism out the window. He seemed embarrassed, but I could not sense any guilt or shamelessness. Almost as if, he only cared because Jasper cared.

“Joanne!?” I asked. She had her eyes covered and was looking to the side. Lost in her own little world, repeating prayers to her god.

“Fine! I accept the challenge. But I have no idea how you plan in setting us free,” I said.

“Oh, that you shall see!” Baal said, with a smile.

He made his way to a disoriented, vomiting Leah, who was barely recovering from the mighty blow that she had just sustained. Baal stood like a tower right in front of her, causing Leah to hiss and spit at him. In response, Baal let out a deafening ground-shattering shout.
Leah began crying and ran away.

“It has been done,” Baal said. “Let’s go.”

“Wait. There is someone left,” Joanne said.

“Huh?” Baal seemed confused.

So was I, for I did not recall considering Belfar a friend.

“Our friend Allisa,” Joanne said.

“The sociopath elf girl…” I whispered to myself. For whatever reason, Leah despised her greatly.

Joanna took us to the back of the half-ruined demi-human encampment, there an open tent exposed to the elements stood around a single iron pole placed firm on the center.

Allisa sat, with her back to the iron pole. Her neck was covered with a leather collar that tied her trough chains to the pole, as if she was a dog.

We waved at her, but she seemed unresponsive. Her eyes, were fixated on her mud-covered toes. Her limbs were laid without purpose across the soil, making her look like an abandoned doll.

The smell, it almost made me throw up. It was hard to recognize the elegant, witch-like blue garments that Allisa was wearing when we met.

Jasper began crying.

“Her fingers….” She said. “They broke her fingers…. Those bastards broke her fingers so she couldn’t cast magic!”

Baal did not wait for a response. He immediately tore apart the leather that held Allisa chained. Allisa, weak as she was, only then noticed him.

“Why?” She asked.

“Because we are your friends!” Joanna said.

Allisa looked at Joanna, then lowered her gaze and began crying.

“Friends,” Allisa murmured. She smiled for less than a second before she was overwhelmed by a melancholic grief.

Baal picked her up, and carried her like a delicate flower whose beautiful petals could easily be torn apart by the lightest breeze. However, as everyone cried. Baal did not. In his gaze - I sensed an intense murderous rage. My body trembled way before I knew I was afraid. Only I noticed. For it took a man, to know another man, for Baal hid his emotions very well.

He escorted us out of Leah’s demi-human battle-torn encampment.

Almost as if they knew they were in deadly danger. In our way out, not a single demi-human could be found. Even Leah was in hiding.

However. On our last step out. At the very gates of the camp. Either because he had very little regards for his life, or because he was a madman - Belfar there stood.

“I see my beloved friends are leaving,” Belfar said with a smile in his face.

“Your friends?” Baal asked. His voice sent shivers down my spine.

“You’ll let this happen to a friend!?” Baal said.

“Belfar, please don’t be stupid,” Jasper said.

“Ah, but you see. Allise and I go way back. Our magnificent friendship, is a rather special one,” Belfar said. “Sure, it is through a combination of great misfortune and some of my inaction that she ended in her current state, but all heroic tales start with trials and tribulations. However, do not forget that it was not my magic spell that threw us into the bad lands.”

Joanne lowered her head.

Allisa did not respond. For she had fallen asleep. For Joanna had healed her fingers, setting her free of constant pain.

“Stop…. Talking,” Baal said.

Belfar smiled sincerely. For he either had a death-wish, or did not see the evil in his words.

“Belfar… Please, do not say things like that!” Joanna said. Hoping that perhaps, she could save Belfar from himself.

I was merely watching in silence up to this moment, perhaps in my own twisted way. However, It was difficult to resist the temptation. Thus I did not.

“Belfar, you are a funny guy. But I hope that misfortune falls upon you,” I said.

Belfar laughed.

“I see, Berry is truly cultured,” He said, as he bowed.

His performance, had came to and end. Figuratively, and literally. For as soon as he stood back up, Baal punched him straight on the face with the most fierce of punches. The magnificent blow lifted the scheming Belfar off the ground and sent him flying like a projectile towards the first tent that stood on the way.

No other words were spoken.

But as soon as we reached Baal’s encampment and Allisa was put to proper rest. He came up to me and spoke briefly.

“I shall train you, so you can defend yourself,” He said. “We will start tomorrow morning. Be prepared.”

I had no idea what that meant. But I ate like a pig all night. For Jasper, unlike everyone else, knew how to cook well.

Alright guys, I must admit. I am sorry for not updating on Wednesday. I was a bit too optimistic about my posting schedule. Ahem, I work 12 hours on Tuesday and another 12 on Wednesdays. 

However, I am free on Thursdays and Fridays. So the new posting schedule will be:

Thursday, Friday and every other Saturday. So at least two chapters a week from now on. I am also making the chapters longer. So they aren't 900 word scribbles anymore. Ideally I want to write 2k word chapters.

Also I would like to thank you all for helping me reach 700 readers. 

I know that for the past 20 chapters, the MC has been a bit too passive and weak for my liking. However, you guys will truly enjoy tomorrow's chapter. As things will start picking up. Plus I promise more tables!

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