From Player To Npc

Chapter 215: Training in the dungeon room

Shingi wanted to improve his Spirit Element as much as he could. With the restriction of the room having none of it and even affecting his skill of controlling mana, the benefits of training here should be better. More challenging, but still better.

He had decided to do the eye surgery in three days, as they promised him that everything needed there would be ready. He couldn't delay it as some of the materials would be freshly harvested and had to be used as soon as possible.

No operation like that had ever happened, but he was certain that it would make it possible with the help of Spirit Elements and its improved healing abilities compared to Light Element.

He had to tell Garry about the operation, but they had talked about it, and he was fine with it. Still, there was always a possibility of Garry changing his mind, but he seemed to be ready to help in whatever way he could.

Either way, improving his control over Spirit Element was crucial. He could feel that to connect with the Tower, and the Spirit Element should play an important factor. Hopefully, White Biscuit would find something, but Shingi didn't count on it much. He also planned to investigate later with his MANA SENSE once more, now that he wasn't in a critical situation, hopefully finding something if White Biscuit didn't.

For now, he focused on using his Spirit Element with the hand that was boosted by the design of his clothes.

He normally would have the Spirit at both hands, if not at the back, but it seemed that he could have it at only one of the hand designs just for the Spirit Element. He could enable the back design with Spirit Element, either.

Still, the improvement from just one of the hand designs was more than enough to reach the control of this Element under this situation to the next level.

He tried to manipulate the Spirit Element to move around him but not contact him. Because he used as much as he could without going to a dangerous level, it actually had a visible effect.

It was like ghostly spheres were moving around him, leaving a trail behind it, which lasted for just a few seconds before dissipating. He had split his mana into ten spheres and had them all move at the same time, without touching each other and not leaving the space of a sphere he had visualized.

At least, that was the plan.

Splitting them up was the simple part. Keeping them as spheres while moving them all at the same time was more challenging.

He had used a similar kind of training with his other Elements in the past and had found it to be quite beneficial. It was actually one made by an Archmage designed to push the control to the Element at a great degree.

Archmage wasn't a class but a title given to people working on special Academies of Arcane Art, similar to the one in Delta City. However, they were pretty powerful, as to even start in becoming one, you had to learn at least 5 at least medium Master Grade Spells.

There were other requirements, but that one was the most challenging.

White Biscuit had noticed this weird occurrence, but he didn't act as Shingi had told him that he would do some type of training. It seemed that he hadn't studied the Arcane Arts as much to recognize that what Shingi did was unusual.

Shingi, seeing that he couldn't move all ten at the same time, started with two and got the hang of it, then started moving another one.

He still had to complete this training with the rest of his Elements, as he had mastered the Earth Element, but that one only. With the Light Element, he could perfectly control up to 6 spheres, as they were too light and moved too fast and collided after that number. With Fire Element, he had reached actually up to 8 spheres, as it was an easier element than Light, and with Air, he was at five. With Air, he had a similar problem as with the Light Element of the spheres moving too fast, but he hadn't trained as much with that element.

Even having perfect control over all ten spheres didn't mean that you had reached the limit of the mana control for that Element. So after that, he needed to add more spheres while making them also smaller.

It was said that if one reached perfect control, over a hundred spheres would have reached the limit of the Master Rank. Shingi had his MANA MANIPULATION at Master Rank for a long time, but it still was far from reaching the possible limit that one could reach in that Rank.

Stories said that Soren could actually manipulate ten thousand at the same time, and each one would be smaller than a grain of rice.

But reaching perfect control of ten spheres was his goal for now, for all his Elements. Then he would start training with more. He wanted to keep his ability to use them as close to each other as possible. Could help for his class Evolution.

He had done little to earn exps to level up to he still needed two levels to reach level 60. Even accidentally killing the Oozes during training gave him next to nothing, as they were too low level.

As he started the training with two spheres, he had quite good control and had added the third one right away. After a few more seconds of testing his control, he was comfortable with adding the fourth one. This time the challenge started showing up, as some of the spheres were getting close to colliding with each other.

It took him half an hour before being comfortable enough to add the fifth one. Once more, the difficulty increase seemed to trouble Shingi, as he was also losing control of keeping the shape of them.

He, of course, didn't use his Blessing for this as he needed to learn how to do it by himself, since if he temporally boosted his INT, that didn't mean that he would actually have a permanent increase at his Element Control ability by completing the exercise.

There were no shortcuts this time, and actually, Shingi preferred it this way. When he first woke up in this body and decided to follow that way of Arcane Arts, he knew it wouldn't be an easy way. Until now, he had some lucky encounters or was using his past knowledge. But this time, it was just him against the unknown, and Shingi welcomed this challenge with open arms.

It took him one hour to keep moving all the spheres simultaneously without colliding with each other, and one more to keep them as perfect spheres throughout the entire time.

Shingi wanted to add the sixth one, but he felt that he was actually close to the danger zone of overusing Spirit Element. So he stopped.

He had to use no more Spirit Element, but he could use his others with no problem.

So he started doing the same training with the Air Element.

He had to actually start with four spheres instead of five, as he could barely control five with the Air Element, and his control of all Elements in this room was weaker. But he quickly got used to it and added the fifth one.

He had added the sixth one in less than half an hour, making an actual improvement, but his progress became slower.

As he was almost ready to add the seventh one, after another two hours, as he detected White Biscuit's aura getting closer to him.

It seemed like he found something.

"Sorry for interrupting you, but I think you should see this. It may be what you told me to look for." [White Biscuit]

Shingi nodded as he stood up and motioned to him to lead the way.

The room was small, so that didn't actually need to go too far.

"I was looking over the walls for any secret switches or anything like that and then felt that this piece of wall here to feel a little rougher than the rest. But can't push it or anything, so maybe you can do something about it." [White Biscuit]

Shingi scanned with his MANA SENSE where White Biscuit pointed but noticed nothing out of the ordinary.

He started feeling the surface, and really it felt a bit different, but the difference was barely noticeable.

"Did you check if there are other points in the room feeling the same?" [Shingi]

"Yes. This seems to be the only one. No other point of the room seems to have this subtle change in the way it feels." [White Biscuit]

Shingi thought about it and decided to test something.

Shingi started pouring some Air Mana on that surface but noticed no change. He actually felt the piece of the wall there rejecting the mana in a greater force than it should. He also tried with Fire and Light, which were the other two Elements he had currently enabled, and acted the same.

Finally, he decided to use Spirit Element to spare a bit without putting himself in danger.

For a split second, he felt the Element to be as normal in the room and then disappearing once more.

He also felt some connection, which brought an image of a location to his mind. It was the Tower's maze entrance.

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