From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 3 17

Volume 3 Chapter 17: Carrier makes even bigger strides

Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: ”Ryunakama”

「Oh, oooh…… So this is a completely unharmed fruit……!」

After entering the magic science guild, we immediately ended up in a lounge-type lobby.

And those were the first words from Moka who was awaiting us, after she received the metal box… Or rather, the fruit in perfect condition.

「……What a rich fragrance. You can’t sense it unless you pluck them…… This is proof that they have plenty of usable components left. If we manage to skillfully extract them, then probably……」

With a slight flush on her face, she seemed the most excited I’ve ever seen her.

And not only her. Researchers gathered around the reception desk also kept murmuring non-stop.

『Someone managed to cut through those bugs and deliver the fruit……!』

『How many were sent to the hospital by those bugs, yet they don’t have a single scratch……! That carrier is something else.』

Putting the murmur that I’ve heard together, it seems those bugs produced a lot of casualties

I guess that makes those fruits just that valuable, and while I was wondering about that, Moka, that until now was mumbling something under her breath, exclaimed in a loud voice.

「ーRight! If we have those, we can resume several of our halted experiments! Combined with what we’ve already extracted from the God Tree we can try a serious experiment with the poison or…… Ehm, aah, there are so many options, this is just the best. Anyhow, thank you! Axel-san! With this, we might achieve a breakthrough!!!」

「Oh, okay, glad to hear that.」

Moka says while tightly grasping both of my hands. Her eyes were shaking a bit, making her appear like a dangerous person, but she was merely excited, so there is no problem in leaving her like this.

「Sidonius! I have to put my thoughts together, so our meeting will have to wait for a bit! Axel-san, it would be nice if you rest over there for a bit! Or rather, let me give you your payment first!」

And still in the same excited state she pulled a paper from a table and began writing something on it.

「How should I put it… The top of our guild gets like this when she becomes keen about something. Sorry about this.」

「Why, I think it’s nice.」

Some of the researchers that I met at the capital during the war were also like this. Or actually, this type is quite numerous.

「Anyway, I’d like to give you my gratitude later, would it be fine to borrow some of your time at a later date?」

「Yes, of course.」

「Thanks goodness. Then, I will leave to prepare for the conference.」

Sidonius said and disappeared somewhere deeper in the lobby.

……Well, I guess I’ll take my pay and return below.

And when I thought soー

「My friend, I heard the story! So, you brought fruit of the God Tree in perfect condition!」

Daisy emerged from the laboratory and jumped on me.

「Daisy? So you were on the upper floors as well?」

Though in the morning she secluded herself in her laboratory, saying that she has things to do.

「Yes, I’m currently waiting for the results of my experiment, so I came to report my findings so far. Even I can climb up here given enough time. ーAh, let’s put that aside, it doesn’t matter anyway. What you did, my friend, is amazing! You instantly solved the ingredient problem that was giving the guild so much headache.」

「Hm? Do you mean the God Tree’s fruit? They were that big of a problem?」

「Of course they were! The ingredients used in medicine creation are important. An ingredient that would deteriorate from a mere scratch is incredibly troublesome to begin with, and we were in a state when we actually needed it. So you helped us a great deal.」

So that’s how it is. I took this request only to see what I can do here, I didn’t think that deep into it.

「……Hm. Well, since it helped many, I guess it’s fine.」

「This part of you hasn’t changed one bit…… Well, that’s what makes it good…… Ah, my friend.」

In the middle of the conversation Daisy suddenly lowered her voice and whispered in my ear.

What might this be about?

「Something is shining again? In your pocket.」

「Ah…… Really.」

The blue light, that I saw just the other day, leaked from my pocket.

Moving to the corner of the lobby, which didn’t have that many people around, I pulled out the source of that light, the skill sheet. Then, the blue light turned into letters, statingー

【Fixed amount of important articles transported, Condition fulfilled ーー 《Carrier》Level up!】

【Skill acquired. Transportation bag grade EX 2 augmentability 200 UP】

Was written there.

「My friend, you are really quick to level up……!」

「Well, the level seems to grow really fast when you do new tasks at new places. ……Ah, there is something more.」

This time the light continued to engrave new letters for a bit longer. And while I observed that, wondering if there is something moreーー

【Capacity expansion exceed fixed volume, past transportation limit increased to three skills】

Came an additional explanation.

「Ooh, I see. Marion mentioned that increase in capacity will lead to an increase in the number of transportable skills, so this is what she meant……」

It seems that skill was upgraded according to this description. And while I appreciated that change

「Past transportation…… Is that your skill? So it became more powerful?」

Daisy asked such a thing.

「Yeah, it’s a pretty useful skill. Since I can now use three skills the number of things I can do multiplied.」

「Oh, really……?! That’s amazing, my friend……!」

Daisy looked so delighted as if it was she who received a power-up.

…How should I put it, it’s really nice to have people that would be happy about the growth of your abilities.

And while thinking so, I patted Daisy, basking in a sense of accomplishment and wondering in excitement about what can I do with past transportation, now that I can use three skills at once.

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