From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 3 30.1 - Epilogue

Volume 3: Epilogue

Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: ”Ryunakama”

A few days have passed after defeating the rakshasa.

「So you really are leaving already, Axel-dono. 」

Sidonius and Moka were giving me their farewell under the God Tree, which now was covered in vibrantly green leaves.

「Yes. I’ve got plenty of rest and had my share of fun here. What about you, Sidonius, Moka, are you fine already?」

「Yes. The influence of the rakshasa’s poison completely disappeared.」

「The God Tree and everyone are completely fine. Well, if you just recall the recent merrymaking you’d notice that yourself. 」

To the line Moka spoke with a laugh I replied with a smile of my own.

Yes, upon restoration of the God Tree the city was thriving with unprecedented jubilancy.

First came the explanation of the incident from the order, and upon learning the details, the citizens threw a grand celebration for the guild members, Daisy and us.

And thus the guild, the order, and denizens of the city all joined together in a several days long celebration. By that time, no one had any effects of the poison remaining with everyone getting their share of fun.

「I’m glad that the God Tree and everyone else was healed.」

「Truly so. This includes you, Axel-san, as well. Berzelia and Saki were in a great panic when you came back with your arm flapping around.」

The two, that were clinging to me all this time, replied while nodding.

「I knew that Master won’t stop at anything when he gets like that, but……」

「Yes. It’s still bad for my nerves. Well, at least I was sure that he will come back. But at times he really pushes himself over the limit.」

While saying that they kept holding me even tighter. And not only themー

「Right. Though my friend was all covered in wounds, he returned, casually walking, as if nothing happened. I’m glad that I could make it in time with the creation of the remedy.」

「Yeah, you three really saved me back there.」

Since each of them took their own role in administering multiple doses of medicine at once I was able to make a complete recovery on the spot.

As a result, there are no problems with either arms or legs.

After giving me a serious look, Sidonius then bowed.

「It is because you, Axel-dono, put your life on the line that the City of the God Tree could be protected. I said it many times until now, but this time formally, thank you.」

「No, well, it was indeed I who took him down in the end, but as that majin said himself, it was due to your efforts that the tree was preserved. It’s not like I was the only one who took risks.」

The conclusion we managed to attain this time was possible due to the efforts of the denizens of this city. Sidonius wryly smiled after being told this.

「Hearing this from Axel-dono makes me feel a bit less pathetic about this whole thing. 」

「Sure. ……However, a new majin appeared……」

「I heard from the kids and Axel-san that you found another one in Sylvestre, but you never met one as strong as this?」

「Yeah, the previous guy was closer to an ordinary human.」

I provided all of the relevant information relating to that during one of our previous dinners. Aside from that, there is nothing that we know.

「It seems that that majin really was targeting the tree. I wonder what he wanted to accomplish.」

「Well, this confirms their antagonism towards the gods. I wonder if that was his attempt of an attack on those that received blessings from the gods.」

Hmmm, Moka and Sidonius, tilting their heads.

In the end, we do know that they hate the gods, but have no idea what they are trying to do.

In the first place, during the war, they didn’t even bother to form a faction. For the most part, each of them acted independently.

However, looking at the repeated attacks on the various cities, it’s clear that there is some kind of organization behind their movement.

「……We have to be on alert since there is no telling what they might do next.」

「Yes, indeed. Since the season when gods descend to our world is nearing we will be extra careful.」

Sidonius’ words reminded me of something.

……Speaking of gods, there was another strange skill on my skill sheet.

Some difficult to understand skill, named holy land transportation. The description is also 『Will be able to withstand for a while stepping into the world of gods』is quite hard to grasp the meaning.

……Well, I certainly remember how back in my days as a dragon knight I almost died from merely going there, but……

That time we had to break a number of relics just to get to the world of gods for a short while.

One takes damage merely stepping into the domain of gods, every breath signaled power escaping the body.

If it wasn’t for the relics, it would’ve been impossible to bear.

……In other words, I can now withstand it even without relics?

Though I had no idea if there would be another opportunity to go to the gods’ world in the first place.

However, for now, I decided to just accept it as another strange ability, thenーー

「Ah, which reminds me, Axel-san, where are you going now?」

Moka asked.

「Aah… For now, I’m thinking of visiting the City of Raging Sands. …I’ve got this spear a bit tattered.」

I said, pulling out a spear from my bag.

I’ve been using it since the time I was a dragon knight and now it was completely missing the spearhead.

And not only that, the handle itself had visible cracks in it.

「The one you said was broken in the battle with the rakshasa.」

It became like this unable to withstand the power of the skill I used to take down the rakshasa.

Normally, before using that skill, I’d use other skills to enhance and protect the spear, in order to diminish the impact on it.

However, since I could bring only three skills with the past transportation skill I couldn’t buff the spear.

「I grew attached to it, so I don’t want to just throw it away. I also don’t want to leave it in this broken state…… But there aren’t that many people capable of fixing it.」

「Yeah, I heard that the smiths of this town all gave up on trying.」

I showed the spear to the smiths around the town, but all of them said they cannot fix it.

First of all, the material used was too hard for them, on a level of rendering them completely unable to do anything with it.

「And while I was wondering what I should do. Daisy said that she can fix it.」

「Yup. I surely can fix it, so don’t worry about that, my friend!」

「Ah. So Daisy-san will be going as well after all.」

「That’s right. I’m done with my work in the city of the god tree.」

Daisy said that she wants to go as well.

Since she herself wants to go there is no reason for us to stop her.

In fact, there are loads of things with which Daisy can help us.

One of them would be weapon repairs.

「There are materials and tools in The City of Raging Sands that I left there during the war. So I suggested going there.」

「That’s how it is. There are materials that can be used in the repair, so we are going to pick them up. Those tools belong to my friend after all. Of course, having the materials I will surely fix it.」

「Thank you, Daisy.」

When I gently rubbed Daisy, who sat on my shoulder, she happily laughed.

With a new party member, we will be able to wander through cities even more merrily, so I’m glad about this. I thought whenー

「Ah, which reminds me. Axel-san, I forgot to thank you.」

Moka said.

「Eh? Thank me? But we’ve got plenty of stuff, including money, food and some other stuff……」

「No, that’s the reward from the city, the reward from the magic science guild 『Capricorn』is yet to be given. I want to affix the seal of recognition by our guild to your ring. It’s a sign of our trust.」

Moka said while pulling a metal rod with a magic stone out of her breast pocket.

「Aah, I see. I appreciate that.」

I myself forgot about it until now, but guilds had what might be called seals of recognition.

Being thankful for that I put out the ring, to which Moka pressed the rod, leaving a new crest there.

「Yup. All good now, Axel-san.」

「Thank you, Moka-san.」

And while we had such an exchange, Sidonius who was standing beside Moka took a step forward.

「Axel-dono. It’s not like I’m following Moka-dono’s example, but I’d like you to accept this as a gratitude from the order of the god tree as well.」

He held out a card.

The card had a metal emblem of an arbor, which resembled the god tree, pressed onto it

「This is……?」

「Such cards are given by the order to those they recognized as VIP. The order of the god tree has several branches across the continent, even in other countries. Therefore, it can be used even outside of the country, for example, to prove your credibility, when passing the border. You will be able to enter most of the countries with this, and you also will be able to find more allies by presenting this if you run into trouble.」

「Eeehm……, that’s pretty amazing, are you sure about this?」

「Of course. On the contrary, if you won’t take it then there is no telling why we have them in the first place.」

He said with a troubled smile.

「I… See. Then, I will gladly accept it.」

Since it can be used even abroad we might be able to increase our area of operations.

「Just use it when suits you.」

「Sure. ……Then, we will be going, Sidonius. Moka-san.」

Receiving what I guess should be called parting gifts, I put them into the transportation bag and put it back on my shoulder.

And shake hands with the two.

「Yes. I pray that your journey will be a good one. Be careful on your way.」

「Granz-san, I’m looking forward to the day we meet again.」

With such voices and the verdant god tree behind me—

「Master. They said the City of Raging Sand is that way!」

「Shall we go, Axel? It seems to be fairly far away from here. I think stopping at one of the small towns along the way might be a good idea.」

「My, isn’t it lively, my friend!」

And voices of my comrades coming from ahead—

I make my way to a new city.

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