From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 4 17

Volume 4 Chapter 17: First challenge in a while Part 1

Translator: “Pink Tea” Editor: ”Ryunakama”

Early in the morning of the next day after we finished the rescue mission, we received a message from Michaela that Edgar managed to make a recovery. Andー

「We now can provide our assistance in the repair of the spear. Could you visit the archeology guild when you have time?」

We were told this.

The time being early morning, Saki and Berzelia were still half-asleep, but today’s business was about repairing the spear.

「It would be okay even with just my friend and I.」

「Really? Then, let’s leave them to rest. They can come later.」

Thus, agreeing that Saki and Berzelia would go to sleep and come to the archeology guild afterward, Daisy and I departed for it right away.

And immediately after entering the guild we were welcomed by a certain man.

「We are grateful for your visit today, Carrier Axel-dono. And the hero of training Daisy-dono. Let me formally introduce myself, the head of the exploration department, Edgar Myers.」

Edgar that we saved the other day.

As we heard he was pretty exhausted from dehydration and magic drain, butー

「Edgar. Are you okay already?」

When asked, he scratched his still slightly scrawny cheek and nodded.

「Thanks to you. In such a state I can even participate in combat. Despite how things might appear, I have a high-tier job of《Treasure Master》, so I managed to recover somehow. All because your rescue came so fast. ……I’m grateful to you from the bottom of my heart, Carrier Axel-dono.」

「You already thanked me a number of times. It’s fine already.」

As I say that to the silently bowing Edgar, he raised his head and then shook it.

「You saved my life. I can’t stress enough just how thankful I am and I will make sure to do what I can to help. This time is also so, hearing about your situation from Michaela, I came here.」

「Our situation, huh, do you mean the repairs of the spear?」

When asked, Michaela responded with the confirmation.

「Yes. In regards to the repairs, Edgar will guide you to『Treasure Vault』, that was previously inaccessible.」

「Yeah, and about the place with the ancient forge. Can we get in there as well?」

「Yes. ……But before that, the ring on which I placed our seal yesterday, during the feast, you have it with you?」

Michaela’s gaze went towards my fingers.

There, the ring with seals of approval from other guilds.

……Yesterday, the archeology guild’s seal also was placed on it.

During the celebration, Michaela said that she wants to put the seal on it.

It being a welcome thing, I agreed and received the seal it on the spot, butー

「Yeah. It will be used for something?」

「Yes. The place where you will be guided right now can only be accessed by those in possession of similar items, showing the trust of the guild. That’s why I put it beforehand.」

After saying that, Michaela turned to Edgar.

「That being the case, I already provided a guarantee of Axel-san’s trustworthiness. So I leave the rest to you, Edgar.」

「Sure, no problem. Michaela-dono, please read through reports from yesterday and arrange plans for further investigation. 」

「Yes. I understand. Then, I will leave you for a while. Axel-san, Daisy-san, see you later.」

「Yeah, later.」

Michaela disappeared in the interior behind the reception counter.

Swapping places with her, Edgar stepped in front of us.

「Carrier Axel-dono and the hero of training Daisy-dono. Please, this way. From here I will guide you in Michaela’s stead. Sorry for dragging your all over the place, but please bear with us just a little more.」

「Yeah, no problem. We will be in your care.」

「Then, follow me.」

Nodding to my words, Edgar then began to walk.

Heading to the deeper part of the guild we for a while climbed down the stairs there, then, walked a bit more. Eventually, we arrived atー

「Doors, huh. This is…」

Something over a dozen meters in height they reached up to the very ceiling.

「Yeah. The vault is behind them. If you hold up the ring with the seal, it should open. Please, go ahead.」

Following Edgar’s explanation, I put my ring to it.

Then, the giant door shone slightly.


And with a creak, proceed to open by itself.

And, behind the opened doorー

Matching that high ceiling, a vast underground space.

「Greetings. It’s been one day since we last met, Axel Grantz.」

There was a giant white snake…… The snake god, lying on the ground.

「Eh, why is Snake God here? I heard that you are living somewhere in the desert.」

That’s what Michaela told me.

The one to answer my question was the Snake God herself.

「Though I was born there and there lies my lairーー Most of the time I still spend here. At this shrine.」

「The shrine?」

「Yeah. A few years before the great war with the demon long escalated, this treasure vault came to be used as a shrine of the snake god. For safety sake.」

Daisy nodded upon hearing those words.

「Figures. Previously it was just mere storage.」

「And since it’s not the case anymore, the security was greatly strengthened. Since the local god, the Snake God is residing here, only the most trusted are allowed to pass. The same goes for the guild staff, it’s either those that served the guild for a long time or those that made a great contribution to the guild.」

Looking more attentively, some guild employees were in the vault as well, but all of them were pretty aged.

Just as Edgar said, those that spend many years with the guild.

「And I’m taking advantage of their kindness. Though I do feel bad for occupying the area, so I also take care of the equipment procured in the ancient ruins.

「No, no, calling it taking advantage. Having Snake God at our side, with your extensive knowledge, truly puts us at ease.」

The Snake God showed a faint smile to those words.

「I’m happy to hear that from humans. ……Now then, let me fulfill my duty as the supervisor of this place. Axel-san, and the hero of training Daisy-san. What you needed was the ancient forge, correct?」

「Yeah. It’s here, right?」

「Yes, the article over there is called『Ancient Forge』.」

A pedestal stood in the direction where the snake god pointed with her gaze.

A beautiful pedestal that glittered with red akin to a jewel.

At first glance, it might look like nothing but a lovely table. Howeverーー

「Somehow, there is magic coiling around it.」

The air above the platform appeared somewhat distorted.

A blur, similar to that of a mirage.

「My, how nostalgic. Crafting on top of that infuses weapons with magic power.」

Daisy seems to be excited.

She looks like she found what she was looking forーー

「And then, we also heard that you need yang scales. Is that true as well?」

The Snake God asked.

「Yes. According to Daisy it is necessary. Is it here?」

「Yes. I will produce it right now.」

「Produce……? What do you mean……」

And before I could finish speaking, the Snake God wriggled her body.

Then, a faint light appeared at the snake god’s throat.

That light inhibited one of the scales on her throat and gradually peeled it off.

But it didn’t just peel it off.

As it separated from the snake god’s body, it also changed in appearance.

A few seconds later, it turned into something resembling an ingot, and then completely separating from the snake god, floated in the air.

The floating white ingot slowly flew to a table, that stood near us, and thenーー


Slowly moving, landed, producing a dry clang. After that was overーー

「Phew…… That is the 『Yang Scale』that you sought. Please, accept it.」

The Snake God said, trying to catch her breath.

「……So『Yang Scale』is something produced by Snake God?」

Edgar nodded to my thought.

「However, it is a precious material the creation of which consumes both magical power and stamina of the Snake God. To reduce the burden upon the Snake God we keep the existence of the material from the public.」

「……It’s my first time hearing about that as well. During the war with the demon king I just occasionally used it……」

It looks like it was Daisy’s first time seeing that scene.

With eyes wide open from surprise we looked at the snake god.

「Can we really use it, Snake God?」

「Yes, of course. That’s what I made it for. ……Well, that is if you can handle it……」

The snake god looked a bit hesitant to talk further.

Is it because this material is hard to work on?

「Can you do it? Daisy?」

So I ask the very person who will have to work with itー

「Hmm, judging by the quantity of magic power, it doesn’t seem like I can’t. For that, you don’t have to worry.」

She said, lightly touching the yang scale lying on the table.

Well, it looks like she would be able to make it.

「Then, will you try?」

「Sure! After all, it’s been a while since I was able to use such interesting equipment and materials. I will go all out on the repairs!」

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