From The Strongest Job of Dragon Knight, To The Beginner Job Carrier, Somehow, The Heroes are Depending on Me

Chapter Volume 4 18.3

Volume 4 Chapter 18: Discussion part 3

Before even dozens of seconds passed after we departed from the archeological guild we already reached the clouds.

Even up close they appeared as ominous purple-colored clouds. Howeverー

「We are going in, Master.」


Without any fear, she accelerated even further.

A feeling of going through a thin membrane made of water.

But that is all. Absolutely no problem at all.

We could even afford to talk to each other.

「Hm…… the clouds are a bit thick……!」

「Yeah, but you can make it, right? Berzelia?」

「Of course! I won’t let you down!」

And just like that, we passed through the clouds. And what we saw beyond themー

「Whooa, blue sky is so beautiful.」

「Yeah, a nostalgic sight.」

A mix of light blue and white covered our entire view.

We made it.

「Please keep flying in the same way for a while. So we can catch the sunlight.」


Asking Berzelia, I reach for the yang scale in my pocket.

I tried to get sunlight on it, butー


The white ingot covered in scale pattern withered that very instant and flattened.

「This is…… What the snake god was talking about, we are out of the range of her divine protection. 」

As she said, drift away from the desert, and it would wither and become unusable.

The vault had some ruined yang scales, so I saw what they look like, and this one is just like those.

Looks like the sky is out of range of the local god’s protection.

「Well, the skies have their own local gods after all. So I kind of expected it to turn out like this.」

I muttered while putting the yang scale back into the inner pocket. Then I felt Berzelia shaking.

「Aaah, so just going with the idea was no good…… Sorry for wasting your time, Master.」

She said apologetically.

「Don’t mind it. In the first place, we only tried it because it would’ve been a huge plus for us if it went well.」

I said, stroking Berzelia. Then, continuedー

「Also, it wasn’t a waste of time. There are results.」

「Eh? What do you mean?」

「Did you notice it, Berzelia? I’m riding you for nearly 3 minutes already…… And I’m still completely fine.」

Hearing that Berzelia exclaimed.

「Which means that now, you can ride me longer? At the beginning, we could fly for only a minute. It’s amazing! It’s more than double that time, master!」

「Yeah, though I’m using past transportation at the moment, but now I’m able to ride you for much longer.」

That, I got to experience it with my own body.

That alone makes our current flight meaningful.

Though it would depend on the contents of the transportation bag, but now, travel should be even easier than before.

Though my current load is only past skills, this still shows my growth.

「Yaay! Yaay! I’m so happy to have more time to fly alone with Master! Now we can even have a date in the sky!」

Berzelia seems to be in an extremely good mood. Looks like she regained her energy. Seeing her this happy is pleasant for me as well.

「Well, I still feel like riding for longer than 5 minutes would be tough…… But for now, using this chance to get used to this, let’s slowly go down.」

「Yup! We also have a survey of the desert ahead. I will get to fly with Master again……!」

And so, enjoying my first flight with Berzelia in a while, we slowly returned to the surface.

Edgar moved along the designated route and finally reached the destination.

Before his eyes is a curtain of a purple storm.

The storms that came to the city couldn’t even be compared in intensity and pressure to this one.

Entering there would mean either instant dehydration and loss of magic power or being blown back if one is unable to bear this wind.

Such a giant storm was surrounding the place before them.

「Captain Edgar. Is this the area with the strongest purple storms, where they are said to never stop?」

「Yes. But to be more precise, it’s not like they never stop. ……It’s about time.」

Edgar said, checking his pocket watch.

It pointed to 4pm. Then,


The storm of ominous color gradually began dissipating.

「Captain Edgar. The purple storm is……」

「Yeah, finally. The time for it to stop.」

When the time came it quickly faded away.

The purple barrier disappeared just like that.

After the storm dissipated they saw a sand basin.

A shallow depression in the form of a reverse dome.

…We came back.

「Exploration team. Begin survey preparations. To your positions.」


And along with the exploration team that accompanied him, Edgar took a step inside the area.

That instantー


First, a tornado emerged.

A purple wind rising from the ground appeared at several spots in the basin.

「This is the defense mechanism, that you mentioned, captain?」

「Yeah, this wind is going to grow even stronger. ……But do not falter. All will be decided in the next 30 minutes.」

There is no positive proof that this place is actually the source of purple storms.

However, there is also no evidence that would suggest that it isn’t as well.

……Anyway, it is worth checking this place.

At the very least, we can confirm which it is.

That alone makes it worthwhile.

「Brace yourself and continue cautiously.」


In order to avoid the repetition of what happened the other day.

And yet, approaching this with courage.

Edgar slowly advanced.

Ammit, concealed by the wind, observed the approaching humans.

…A perfect opportunity arrived…

The people from the guild, those humans groveling before the gods, arrived, including the one that was repelled the other day.

Just as Kokaku said.

To think they’d come here on their own.

……Aah, this is my chance to butcher them in the name of my master……

The opponents are frail humans.

There is no need to be overly cautious.

Quite the contrary, choosing to wait here, would allow them to get away, which would mean shame.

……This is my home ground after all.

The terrain advantage is on my side.

……Not being fully accustomed to the rank and power granted by Kokaku-sama was one of the worrying factors…… But not anymore.

I completely mastered it through training.

I have power, I have terrain, I have the opportunity, there is no way I can fall behind humans in such a situation.

「Not only did Kokaku-sama, bestow power upon the insignificant me, but also gave me time for training.」

I cannot afford to show no results.

I have to distinguish myself in battle.

I have to repay for the power given to me.

It would be a shame not to challenge them after being given this power.

……And there is also no sight of heroes.

There is no one worthy of caution around.

And even if they were, no matter what kind of colossal power the heroes possess, they cannot see me.

If they can’t target me, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

……Thus, I should be able to do this……

First, I will annihilate the guildsmen that thoughtlessly stepped into this area.

With those thoughts, Ammit took action.

「Now, humans, so readily licking the gods’ feet. It’s time for you to wither……!」

With a smile showing his teeth Ammit moved.

To show his benefactor the results of mastering the power granted to him.

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